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8604250 No.8604250[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Wtf is wrong with this thing

>> No.8604278
File: 318 KB, 1280x471, 88b62c79127619512cfc92535fc39416cbd2f9e2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you ready to get drafted for Israel?

>> No.8604299

You're not a true American if you're not willing to die for Israel.

>> No.8604339


>> No.8604452

Really glad that we paid millions of dollars for walls in the middle East but are forbidden from defending our own borders.

>> No.8604469


>> No.8604507

so guys, you feel threatened by people living 9999999999999999999999 miles away from you?

>> No.8604509

Nothing. Time to buy Raytheon stock.

>> No.8604630
File: 131 KB, 1300x1300, I2rNhSEC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The boys are back in town baby!

The Boys are back! the boys are back!

>> No.8604665
File: 410 KB, 1440x818, 1522159970379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I said!

The boys are back in towwwwwwwwn! the boys are back in town!

>> No.8604694
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Look at Iran, getting all up in our bases' face! Asking for it

>> No.8604762

>Iran hasn't attacked US once.
>Saudi attacks and kills thousands of US civilians
>Iraq gets blamed and invaded
>Region is destabilized, resulting in the formation of ISIS
>Europe gets flooded with millions of migrants
>Europe is on the brick of death
>Now Iran is the biggest threat of the US
>The cycle continues
La Creatura logic at play, once again.

>> No.8604785

Normally I'd care, but it's just another muslamic shithole. Nuke it for all I care.

>> No.8604882

He is a lapdog, not necessarily a neocon. He doesn't believe in nation-building... and was against the Syria and Libya intervention. I imagine that much like Mike Pence, Bolton will play by the rules that Trump lays.

>> No.8604918

>9/11 was (((saudi attacks)))


>> No.8604954

Did you realize that Iran is not an arab country? Nor is it a shithole

>> No.8604994

The Persians were mixed heavily with Arabs when the sword of Islam cleaved into their nation.

>> No.8605033

Iran is on the verge of revolution year in and out, how are they a threat to us?

Starting a war would only consolidate their nationalism

>> No.8605332
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he's a russian spy, baiting amerifats to attack Iran and get dumped upon from Caspian sea

>> No.8605390
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>> No.8605416

Jews want to make Greater Israel, Iraq, Lebanon, Syria and Iran stand in the way of that. Which is why (((USA))) goes to war with said countries through resource supply lines, mercebary recruitment and covert operatives. Then eventually full-blown occupation once the narrative has been fully established.

>> No.8605645

No evidence whatsoever.

>> No.8605698

Without Persians helping the jews from Babylon, all jews would have gone extinct. The Persians fucking FUNDED the construction of the Jewish temples. The Jews even have permanent parliamentary representation in Iran today.

Why Jews hate Persians today is a big mystery to me.

>> No.8605752
File: 243 KB, 1142x532, bolton.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you ready to go to war for your favourite ally, amerimutts?

>> No.8605760
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REAL Americans die for Israel and their territorial security. Are you anti-Semitic?

>> No.8605790
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>I will drain the swamp, America will no longer fall to the false song of globalism
>proceeds to fill cabinet with wall street execs and israel's greatest allies

>> No.8606166

You guys should have backed Rand Paul.

>> No.8606187

this isnt pol you nigger

>> No.8606189
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He has Netanyahu's fist so far up his ass that it's working his mouth for him

>> No.8606230

The Military–industrial complex doesnt run on its own.

>> No.8606352
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are ya still winnin' son

>> No.8606623

(((The Military Complex)))

>> No.8606691

>looks like we fucked something up, quick, distract the plebs so they don't notice.
>iran is a big threat

>> No.8606713
File: 236 KB, 363x957, Declinism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

North Korea isn't cool anymore, so USA gotta find a new "GREAT THREAT" to unite the blood thirsty people, and Russia/China is too scary to dance with.
It's what hardcore faith in exceptionalism mixed with severe declinism does to you. They've been like this ever since the 1930s.

>> No.8606741


>> No.8606820

Half of what humans know today about science and math comes from Persia (Iran) if not more than half. Not defending an Islamic country but stating facts, (((Bolton))) will not rest til Iran is bombed. Hope the orange clown in the WH stops these maniacs.

>> No.8606836

Its CIA made revolutions. They've been trying for a long time and they'll eventually succeed just like they did in Valenzuela.

>> No.8606848

well, that was until mathematics and science became haram.

>> No.8606883

Russia/China too scary? Lmfao sorry chinks and sister fuckers but the US navy alone could blow the fucking shit out of Russia and China

>> No.8606884

Isn't Bolton one of the few people who still claim Iraq had WMDs and their invasion thus was entirely justified for world security™?
Haven't really kept up with Trump cabinet since they change like every weekend.

>> No.8606901

Probably, but unlike bullying Iran, trying shit with Russia or China would actually be extremely expensive. And the fact that they, you know, actually do have nukes.

>> No.8606910
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Iranian here, ask me anything

>> No.8606940

What do you think about Ahmadinejad?

>> No.8606945

If anybody ever nuked the US the wasteland that would be that country would go on as an example of why the fuck the United States will always be the greatest country in the world. Nobody fucks with daddy

>> No.8606959

Why do you feel the need to shit in the street?

>> No.8606963
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>> No.8606970

an asshole who bribed villages by promising to give them funding for infrastructure but never went through with it, ayatollah's soyboy

>> No.8606979

There wouldn't be anyone left to fuck with daddy. Not even daddy himself. But then again, Daddy's current daddy do have an itchy finger to test out those darn old nukes of his.

>> No.8606991
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that is our pooinloo cousins, whom we share common ancestry. i doubt its the parsees who are doing that anyway, its mostly the dravidians

>> No.8606998

Not Iranian but i believe he is a great man. Watch his interviews he's actually highly intelligent. Listen to him talk about the Holocaust and you'll know why he's hated. Speaks nothing but the truth.

>> No.8607003

Pretty much what i expected. He's was the Iranian Bush. Did he also do a bunch of dumb laughable shit and gaffes?

>> No.8607009

why are the Saudis so much more based that you clowns?

>> No.8607020

>Anyone talking about the holocaust
topkek. It was 80 years ago, get over it man. Get some new material.

>> No.8607093

hes just stating the obvious. remember when the UN got asspained that he called for an independent investigation into 9/11?

Lol, which country is massively funding mosques throughout Europe? Protip its not Iran

>> No.8607102

WTF you mean?
The whole world suffers today cuz of that big lie. The reason the ME is on fire because we forced the indigenous populations there to accept Jews, by force that is. Blue eyed Europeans placed in the middle of an Arab land all because the west felt bad for the Holocaust and when you dig into it you know that the narrative we see today for the Holocaust is 99% Hollywood. There are Israeli/Jewish scholars who refute the original story.

>> No.8607106

The cia being the catalyst doesn't mean the people there aren't in favor of revolution to begin with

>> No.8607142

Not even gonna deign you a proper response my friend. Find some other hole to fish in. Hear those fellas at /pol/ LOVE talking about the holocaust for the 6 billionth time.

>> No.8607152

Hahahaha very true fellow anon

>> No.8607178

True but every country in the ME wants a revolution because all their leaders are appointed by the CIA and they serve the ((US)) interests and not their own populations interests thats just a fact. Just like the Hollywood movie that was just pulled in Saudi Arabia, ((Kushner)) visits SA the first time and the next day SA declares embargo against Qatar and MBS is appointed as the next king and you wonder why they hate us.

>> No.8607211


He went in alone. That's the problem. You can't rule all the institutions alone, you need to surround yourself with a cabinet team, hundreds of people, which he didn't have.

Trump probably didn't realize he would win.

>> No.8607218
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>he refers to america as "daddy"

>> No.8607249

Yeah, that worked so well for USA, with their strong bond with Khomeini, Saddam and bin Laden.
But on the other hand, it did give USA an enemy every time they needed one for decades. Hell they've evolved so hard they don't even need proper figure heads anymore, just bomb a country and ensure the creation of a militant religious fanatic group so you can rinse and repeat again, like with ISIS.
That said, they did actually get very good results with Latin America projects so i can see why. They're like november buyers still holding shitcoins because their first buys were a great success, even if it turned to shit some time later.

>> No.8607255

Probably they hate them because they're not jews.

>> No.8607263

He is simply doing the bidding of his Jewish Masters

>> No.8607277

Man karemano doost nadaram

>> No.8607315

Chetoree? Khoubee? Chekhabar?

>> No.8607347

AHAHAHAHAHA get drafted and die for israel you subhuman amerimutts. Not only are you going to get assfucked by the taxman but you won't be able to enjoy those crypto gains due to being dead.

>> No.8607352

I feel like biz is torn up by it's feelings towards Iran. On one hand southern Iranians are darker than whites and resemble lighter Indians so we get bunched in with the street poopers. On the other hand Iran is Israel's arch nemesis.

>> No.8607394

Also I should point out that the radical Islamists in Iran make up a very small minority of the population but happen to dominate the government. Most Iranian citizens are as western as Europeans but are forced to do things like drink in private. Before the shah was ousted the culture was very western, look at pictures from Iran pre-revolution to get an idea for what I mean.

>> No.8607450

To be honest i really don't care about Iran. The few iranians here i've meet have been cool dudes and cute girls, so despite what stormtards tell me, i like you guys.
Only reason i'm here shitposting is because everyone loves taking pot shots at USA (and i don't even dislike americans, just their governments ever since Bush)
If USA do find a reason to fuck up Iran though, i'll cheer you rather than them (you as in the moderate average iranian, not your extremist fews). They've done this shit so many times in such a short time it's getting pretty obvious why.

>> No.8607500

Paki cunt detected

>> No.8607545

>Iran hasn't attacked US once.
technically speaking the iran hostage crisis was an attack on the US, since diplomatic missions are considered to be territory of the nation they're representing

>> No.8607606

I think Iranians are poorly served by their dictatorial government, and running a country based on religious dogma is something that has no place in the modern world. But as an American I don't think we should be going to war with anyone, war as a means to an end is a ridiculous concept, destroying what was to be gained.

>> No.8607679

greetings, guys. I'm a poor guy from India and I really need 1$, If you are rich enough to donate me only 1$, please can you give me? It would be helpful. I'm living in poverty and I need that money please guys help me I promise I'll pray for you and never return to this board again, it's only one dollar.
Here's my bitcoin adress: 1Q3nCE7tss8nNFXXTGJxcAi6aXVhgNPg47
Ether adress: 0x3cD210B9AA642d879E3b0178EF4De67a65f6F8AC

Please help me guys. please just 1$ to my wallet will be enough.

I'm just a poor guy, please just 1$ man, you people waste too much money everyday, there's nothing wrong with giving a man only 1$

>> No.8607691

It may not be but, it is a good time to pick up millitary stocks. I don't want all my crypto efforts to go down the drain just for ((them)).

>> No.8607810

They didn't succeed in Venezuela. Maduro sabotaged himself. That and low oil prices.
Also anyone who thinks the US will invade Iran is delusional. The US are scared of Iran precisely because it cant invade it. The country is literally surrounded by mountains. It is a natural gigantic fortress

>> No.8607828

This. Jews only care about the tribe. They will play politics and backstab anyone to get what they want and they will trifle with multiple countries to get them to fight each other and do the whim of Israel for them. With Jews you lose.

>> No.8607850

are you implying the US could not win a war against Iran?

>> No.8607853

>The US are scared of Iran precisely because it cant invade it. The country is literally surrounded by mountains. It is a natural gigantic fortress
Implying that its the US that makes that decision, (((they))) will get thier wish whether Americans like it or not ..... Did you forget Iraq already anon?

>> No.8607863

Im implying the US wouldnt be able to invade, yes.

>> No.8607933

>are you implying the US could not win a war against the Viet Cong

>> No.8607934

I'm Iranian but I think this is wrong. US has the most advanced fire power on the planet and can wipe out any target from the skies in minutes. What makes you think we would be able to defend against ICBM's and drone strikes sent to strategic positions?

>> No.8607942

Implying low oil prices wasnt designed this way to suck the life out of Valenzuela and Iran. You got a lot to learn bud.

>> No.8607947

Go long on Oil if you trade commodities.

>> No.8607972

This is an interesting comparison but I'm not sure the Vietnam war would play out the same with today's technology. I could see another Iraq happening, where the government and military is wiped out quickly, with US only getting fucked after years of occupation and insurgency

>> No.8607976


Not when russia and china get involved and it turns into another decade long quagmire slowly bleeding the US treasury dry

>> No.8608008

>when you know iranians aren't arabs because you got corrected by non mutts but you are still to much of a mutt to know there is something else other than indians in the area.

>> No.8608047
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>I could see another Iraq happening, where the government and military is wiped out quickly, with US only getting fucked after years of occupation and insurgency
That's precisely what I see happening. Iran becomes an unstable shitbox, moderates in the ME are even more annoyed at us, and ISIS celebrates.

>> No.8608211

do you think the shah was better than the current regime? if radical islamists make up a very small minority of the population how come people making those laws get elected? fraudlent election or what?