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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8604932 No.8604932 [Reply] [Original]

Matrix marines report in. Who else comfy here?

>> No.8604986

right here

>> No.8605010

Buy this token that even google could not make.
Would you trust google translate for a contract you would be legally bound to? i hope not. how is this tiny team going to pull of what google can't?

Will this token go up in value, yes, yes it will, ppl are to dumb to see that it is vapourware. this project is destined to fail

>> No.8605046
File: 203 KB, 1124x598, bacon grease.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh google

>> No.8605125

sry your to dumb to see the truth or even offer an argument to why i am wrong. I did nearly buy this coin back in Jan but i had a think and its like i said, this project will never see reality, we just are not there yet.

>> No.8605171
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where are my Child Porn Chain marines at?

>> No.8605235

got in at 2000 sats

>> No.8605257

Smart contracts have limited set off functions and simple logic. Natural speech doesn't. Weak fud.

>> No.8605447

i signed up for the airdrop, don't think i have them as of yet. Oh, they were also asking ppl to write reviews of the token on sites even though we have nothing to review.... they were gioing to give 10 tokens for a review...If it was as easy as you say then programers would just write in english and C++ would come out.