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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8598635 No.8598635 [Reply] [Original]

Soon 3.5K ETH in the contract.

Yesterday we just hit 3K

>> No.8598636

That is a lot of retards! Well done

>> No.8598657

Are people seriously still putting ETH in this piece of shit? I remember thinking about putting a few ETH in when this came out, what the fuck

>> No.8598670
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Free money, join us

>> No.8598712
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>> No.8598725
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Thx 4 holding my IQ

>> No.8599023

grab some pokes http://cryptopokemon.net:8001/#/

>> No.8599096
File: 423 KB, 645x645, 1498104696960.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its not too late,

>relatively low market cap
>dividends on volume (Literally the ONLY way to make money in this bear market)
>token itself is increasing in value daily

comfy hold IMO

>> No.8599201

I'm gonna be so fucking rich when I pull the plug and use the hidden backdoor to take all of this eth out of the contract like last time

>> No.8599742
File: 764 KB, 1410x1145, cash out denied.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we tried to tell you at 250 ETH
>we tried to tell you at 500 ETH
>we tried to tell you at 750 ETH
>we tried to tell you at 1000 ETH
>we tried to tell you at 1500 ETH
>we tried to tell you at 2000 ETH
>we tried to tell you at 2500 ETH
>we tried to tell you at 3000 ETH
>we tried to tell you at 3500 ETH

lmao, keep posting your stinky linky memes, while the rest of us get comfy with our divs

>> No.8599831
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we're literally minutes away from 3,500 ETH

/biz/, do you want to make it or not? We are actually on the ground floor for once

>> No.8599878

Not good 4 /biz/ buy high sell low thinking. Only can buy low and sell high

>> No.8599931


get in or stay poor.

>> No.8599954

every day people are putting around 400 ether and it is increasing every day with no sign of stopping. I personally bought in earlier today because i was tired of watching it constantly go up.

>> No.8599979

Seems too good to be true.

Anon what was your original investment? Your ROI?

>> No.8600341

0.1 eth a week ago, turned into 1 eth today

>> No.8600346

Every ponzi in existence crashed
I'm sure this one will be different

>> No.8600348


>> No.8600356

This time it won't crash, because the owners will exit scam.

>> No.8600367

How will/can it crash?

>> No.8600379

wtf is is this ponzi? its this where are the pajeets went? gtfo with your excesive shilling

>> No.8600387

You literally type like a pajeet

>> No.8600397

Put in 1ETH soon have 2.5

>> No.8600402

And my dividends doubled just like that

>> No.8600947

Just bought some for lulz.

>> No.8601154

>get in
>taxed 10%
>everyone already got out and there are no transactions
>get out
>taxed 10%

>> No.8601251

why the fuck is this much more succesful than EthPhoenix??????? Why? Just why? I swear to god this shit is manipulated. This is 10times bigger than ethpyr and how old is it? 2 weeks? fuck this

>> No.8601336

Can you cash out?

>> No.8601699

because of fucking referral link

>> No.8601712

when this shit crashes boys, its gonna crash hard

>> No.8601746

lmao get rekt chose the wrong ponzi

>> No.8601860

Because its a real project with /biz/ on board, not some shitty copypaste of shadowpowh with PhD in reddit science Norse"i would suck my own dick but i'm too fat for that so I my huff farts instead"fire as the only dev left in that trash.

>> No.8601868

no shit sherlock

>> No.8601869

>if it crashes, everyone pays 10% to get out and it goes to everyone
>everyone that stayed in gets all of it
ok and how would that be bad for anyone?

>> No.8601875

Yes you can.

>> No.8601953

Shoo pajeets
You guys aren't trying to help biz. I can feel the desperation from here. Exit scam will be happening within the week. Other wise ppl will get bored, see a new coin they like. Pull out eth and leave u fucking morons with bags. Muh divies:P
Enjoy. 01 eth every week , as eth rapidly declines. Rekt

>> No.8601983

>the amount of normalfag in this post
>arguments based around preconceived ideas
I really don't care if you get in, I just find it funny people haven't because the amount of money people have already made

>> No.8602005

>Exit scam will be happening within the week
Wow so you saying devs are in control of vitalik and will fork whole thing to exit? Real strong argument you got there bro.
>Other wise ppl will get bored, see a new coin they like. Pull out eth and leave u fucking morons with bags. Muh divies:P
This is what we're expecting you literal autist, and i do love those bags that will never ever go below my initial investement now.
> Enjoy. 01 eth every week , as eth rapidly declines.
this is pathetic

>> No.8602075

What you idiots think is that everyone leaving means more money for you.thats where you're wrong.
Sure, you do get dividends. Whoopdie fucking doo. 0.01 eth.
What you lose is the coin value. P3D will be worth 0.0003 eth and your bags will be worthless

>> No.8602104

>he has this basic of a concept of POWH3D
stop talking about things you don't know about

>> No.8602125

Nice arguement faggot
That is a fact. Get rekt with your bags soyboi

>> No.8602137

Read the smart contract before you start making up false statistics

>> No.8602155

So tell me how much u put in. And how much u make in divs with proof. Or fuck off, every one of these projects has turned out to shit and the hype always dies. People get so turned on about idea of passive income.

You remind me of home miners that got in at the peak of this crypto bubble and spent 800 I'm each gpu.
Muh passive $1.50 a day duhhhhhhrrr

>> No.8602187

He isn't wrong.

I understand that in your position you need new people to join to keep the ponzi running so you have to shill it 24/7.

But you cant expect anyone here with at least a IQ of 80 to join you.

>> No.8602191

You guys are fucking retarded. Please tell me whats wrong with my statement without just saying i didnt know shit about the contract. Stop being deluded.
Everyone leaving loses you a lot of money. Prove me wrong

>> No.8602192
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threw in a little bit every couple days last week

>> No.8602211

Why should they prove you wrong?
They know that already and the only way to keep this shit running is trying to shill it hard to new idiots.

There is nothing to prove here, its a God dam ponzi lol.

>> No.8602220
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pic related

>> No.8602233

>the price started leveling off at 2k
>1.5k would have to be dropped for my profit to even start going down that much
>I get divs from 1.5k ETH

>> No.8602238

These Ponzi faggots are going to get BTFO when a "vulnerability has been found" and it dubiously gets emptied like last time. Enjoy losing it all.

>> No.8602568

what are you viewing this on?

>> No.8602662

Why don't you find the vuln and drain it then?