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8595172 No.8595172 [Reply] [Original]


>"They came of age in a time of fairly effortless prosperity ... They really just assume that things are going to work out, no matter what. That’s unhelpful conditioning.”
>"We can see sociopathy-associated traits like improvidence ― there is no greater improvidence than failing to save for your retirement. We can postulate the checklist that way. We have an enormous amount of data about the boomer mainstream, and it matches up surprisingly well with the description of antisocial personality disorder. "

Any opinions on this?

>> No.8595192


>> No.8595201

>WTF we agree with Huffington Post now?

>> No.8595206


>> No.8595214

>next generation blaming the previous for their own problems

A tale as old as time.

>> No.8595247

Can confirm, none of the boomer gen or the gen just after them decided to save at all for their retirements. They just expect money to fall from the sky forever as long as they put in their 9-5 until they hit 60 and retire.

>> No.8595248

>soyboy millennials blaming boomers for their own failures.
what a surprise.

>> No.8595279
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This. I am currently doing manual labor at work here now and I’m fucking 20, screw millenials.

>> No.8595284

So you are telling me Boomers weren't born into a properous time and didn't proceed to outsource literally everything, create a massive debt bubble and force their children to pay for their retirement while at the same time increasing immigration so that they could have cheaper labor and have to pay less for everything?

They did none of those things you say?

>> No.8595295
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>Always see boomers blaming the victim like a bunch of Jews
>deny being sociopaths

>> No.8595303

You can always analyze what is going on and blame it on shortcomings in older generations. That doesn't mean it's wrong, it's just useless because saying 'it's the boomers fault' doesn't change anything. It IS the boomers fault, but saying it won't help anyone.

>> No.8595328

I'm a millennial and I did manual labor for 5 years in a liquor warehouse fag. Go pickup some beer kegs and some crates.

>> No.8595336
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>> No.8595345


Aren't 20 year olds millenials too?


I agree there's too many fucking soyboys in our generation, although it started with Gen X to be fair, see all the Silicon Valley soyboys who are mostly Gen X.

>> No.8595360


> I'm low IQ and work a shit job so you all need to as well

>> No.8595383

Millenial fuck wads can stream themselves playing video games and earn 500k a month
Boomers slaved away in shitty manual labor jobs for 60 hours a week, 52 weeks a year, for 10 years to buy a shitty shack to live in.

>> No.8595384

Generation Z has no excuse. They've been exposed to technology their whole lives way more than Millennials. They have no excuse for not having adequate programming skills.

>> No.8595389

Everyone was so prosperous after the second world war ended.
jesus christ, what the fuck am I reading?

>> No.8595393
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Millennials are worse than the Boomers, but the the Millennials are the fucked up Frankenstein generation that the boomers created. It's like each generation echoes throughout the successive generations. It all started with the fucking boomers and that's why they're technically the worst human beings in modern history.

>Few took up the personal initiative to save up for retirement so will just suck up more social security than they ever paid into
>Run up government debt which will only be a burden once they're fucking dead
>Ship jobs overseas for cheap labor
>Teach marxism in schools / colleges
>Brains blown out on dope from the 60's, 70's and 80's
>Open the flood gates for 3rd worlders to run rape train on our societies
>"My house is my retirement"
>Leave nothing in terms of inheritance for their children
>Squandered the inheritance their parents gave them
>Pretend that they aren't responsible for the pathetic and sorry state of the younger generations

>> No.8595426

>What is the Golden Age of Capitalism
How retarded are you?

>> No.8595430


Actually a lot of millenials work in warehouses (or even factories), mostly from Amazon as they are beating out places like Walmart for retail hiring right now. The ones who play games for a living are a very small minority, and probably 0.00001% become a Pewdiepie.

>> No.8595446

this is bait

>> No.8595491
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You’re an exception, also I work at home depot

>> No.8595510

I work excavation/pools/sales while I put myself through school i have almost as many jobs as a Jamaican I work my ass off there's nothing wrong with hard work.
On another note any "mentors" I have that own successful businesses and property all agree that the same opportunity they had to start young and build to what they have now doesn't exist due to regulations and general property value. Some that cost 40k in 1985 cost 1.5million where I live ( a borough of NYC ). It is what it is bitching and blaming old people won't change anything do what you have to do and seek greener pastures /biz/

>> No.8595513


He's definitely not, working class millenials work in many warehouses. Typically Amazon, though. A lot of them have degrees so they usually get promoted to a manager after a year or two while their boomer coworkers are stuck doing manual labor since they never bothered to get a degree.

>> No.8595538
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The only certainties in the life of a boomer are death and comps.

>> No.8595550
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How fucking rich... social media-obsessed millennials calling Baby Boomers selfish and egotistical! A projection so completely retarded that the only possible origin is the fat feminists that comprise the entirety of HuffPo employees.

>> No.8595574


You do realize boomers are some of the most Facebook obsessed people out there, right?

>> No.8595621
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Yeah those gender studies degrees really help with getting promotions huh?

>> No.8595636

I know upper middle class kids with college degrees that are selling their bodies for money on the side because they don't make enough or because they can't find work. That's when you know things are fucked.

>> No.8595639

Gloves are for soy boys get leather hands like a real man

>> No.8595651
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>failing to save for your retirement.
the jews want me to leave my money in bank account so they play with it, meanwhile i wageslave for them.

>> No.8595675


Technically yes, they do. Amazon is a soyboy company after all (see all the people who work at HR there). Yet despite that, they are successful. People said those degrees were useless yet I see them getting promoted just for having those gender studies bullshit degrees simply because it's a degree of some kind. That's all that matters to getting promoted at a place like Amazon.

>> No.8595700

Look into this a little deeper than your high school textbooks, it's not a rosy as you may think.

>> No.8595724
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Is that why most of these people are at over 40,000 in debt?
I already fucked up my hands enough from lifting weights for three years without using gloves, no thank you.

>> No.8595730
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KYS, sociopathic boomer faggot.

>> No.8595749

>This. I am currently doing manual labor at work here now and I’m fucking 20, screw millenials.

Millennial here. Started working physical labor at 16yo you fucking light weight.

>> No.8595754

>ITT: boomer apologist cucks who think theyre hot shit for working in warehouses doing nigger work

top kek boys

>> No.8595769
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chang knows how to deal with (((boomers)))

>> No.8595790


Some of them are in debt, but the Amazon salaries are decent enough that it's not really an issue (as long as you aren't a wagie there). But the smart thing to do is take free handouts like GI Bills and go to college for free, then work in a place like Amazon which prioritizes hiring veterans. The GM at the warehouse I'm at got high up in the company that way, and makes about 100k a year.

>> No.8595816

fun fact. a lot of boomers go missing every year in places like the phillipines.

>> No.8595828


lmao wtf i'm watching

>> No.8595845

thats in Canada lmao, the guy on left wearing a goose jacket

>> No.8595847

>saying it won't help anyone
If it was never said, how many would actually recognize it as true and learn from it?

>> No.8595857

>not knowing gooks come out of the womb wearing canada goose

>> No.8595867

What is this? lol

>> No.8595870


>> No.8595888

>"My house is my retirement"
>Leave nothing in terms of inheritance for their children
>Squandered the inheritance their parents gave them
>Pretend that they aren't responsible for the pathetic and sorry state of the younger generations
This describes my mother and in-laws to a fucking T.

>> No.8595902

lol at the bald guy acting hard and failing miserably.
what a fucking windbag.

>> No.8595910

Fucking love the way he flees

>> No.8595919

You got called out for knowing nothing about the Post-WW2 economy and your only counter was "THINGS WEREN'T THAT AMAZING".

The fucking state of boomers.

>> No.8595929

he didn't need to, baldy is too busy picking his nose to chase him.

>> No.8595999


Don't forget they allowed feminism to become the cancer it is today

>> No.8596065
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>> No.8596103
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>there's nothing wrong with hard work.

Manual labor can wreck your joints/tendons/body over time. "Hard work" in most cases is also unlikely to make you rich quickly, if at all. My guiding principle in life has always been to take it easy, and to find ways to get paid while doing as little as possible.

>> No.8596141

Not really, you're just pretty ignorant on the subject and have a very American-centric view of it all.

>> No.8596205

You are trying to deflect because you have nothing. Please give me sources about how bad it was after WW2 and how the world economy was terrible.

You can't because the world economy post WW2 was one of the most prosperous in human history you mongoloid. You can just admit you were talking out of your ass. It's okay.

>> No.8596280

most people just work, pay taxes raise a family they dont make laws to screw younger people growing up

>> No.8596328


it doesn't matter anymore the damage is done
only when the boomers are long gone shits going to hit the fan

>> No.8596340

Truth. They sabotaged the economy and then wag their fingers a the younger generations.

>> No.8596357


>> No.8596523

>$2921 a year = 44% of food dollars
>Implying that most millennials can afford to spend $550 a month on food
More bogues studies.

>> No.8596567

>muh millenials eating out
I keep hearing this but it conflicts the other
>muh millenials spend all the time indoors on their phone

Seems like older generations all had a local watering hold bar or restaurant, but I'm basing this off TV shows so I don't know if that's accurate.
Maybe that was just propaganda that caused the current generation to constantly eat out for social reasons.
I don't understand it, it's not like you're chatting up the table next to you, so why not eat at home with your friends. You get better food and don't have to awkwardly time finishing your drink so you can get a refill at a few set points throughout the evening... I digress.

>> No.8596581

>and that's a good thing

>> No.8596608

Ever wonder why porkie has such a tiny nose?

>> No.8596632
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Both pretty much spot on, shit is fucked.

>> No.8596661

nigger I shop at Whole Foods every week for myself and I don't even spend that much a month on food

>> No.8596668

looks like a downie

>> No.8596723

All I see on boomerbook is them posting about their parties, vacations and fishing excursions every day. Millenials post about how poor they are and engage in pessimistic humor.

>> No.8596756

t. Poorfag that chose a shit tier major and doesn't want to put any effort into it.

$170k at 22 here, nothing stopped you from making the same.

>> No.8596780

please elaborate

>> No.8596894
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someone tel lme this isn't art
accidental rennaissance

>> No.8597140

this is why this generation will remain in the gutter, the fuck everyone else attitude will ruin everything

>> No.8597158

>They really just assume that things are going to work out, no matter what.
my dad gets worked up over Trump all the time, I just try to ignore it

>> No.8597214

I was truly shocked when my parents (both in their 60s) told me they don't actually have any retirement savings and are just waiting on my grandma to die so they can retire off her life insurance. What if she lives to be 110?

>> No.8597235

there is literally nothing wrong with sex work, it shouldn't be stigmatized but rather regulated

>> No.8597241
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If a machine is not producing desirable results, it needs to be redesigned. You can't just swap the part out for a newer version.
>It's not the part's fault, it's the engineers'

>> No.8597279

I got hired at a company that pays me $160k a year.

>> No.8598098

Funny how the Greatest Generation (those who were born between the World Wars) -- who literally fought & won WWII -- gave birth to the world-fucking Baby Boomers.

>> No.8598340

You're missing the point asshole.

>> No.8598366

It's ironic because you would think that a generation of people that knew how hard it was to maintain the status quo wouldn't instill the same values in their kids. Nope. I relate to my 96 year old grandmother way more than my retarded boomer parents. She bitches about how irresponsible my mother was and I have to agree with her. She thinks that people today chase fairy tales rather than reality.

>> No.8598401

>I hate my parents: the article

>> No.8598421

baby boomers btfo

>> No.8598424

a truth as old as time

>> No.8598470

The problem with Boomers is that even today they still wont work towards a solution of the problems they created. A normal sane human being would adept to a new situation.

>> No.8598597

Why is it millennials fault that you work for minimum wage?

>> No.8598615

>It IS the boomers fault, but saying it won't help anyone.
It's true. If boomers didn't make Tide Pods look so delicious millennials would stop eating them.

>> No.8598645

Mass media pushing a divide between millenials and boomers should tell you its all bullshit. Noth are complete slaves to jews anyways you retarded goys. Millennials don't even believe in gender or race and want to make pedophilia legal so take that as you will.

>> No.8598648
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>> No.8598753

nah boomers are faggots

>> No.8598810


Why do people get Gen Z and Millenials mixed up so much? Millenials are hitting 30s soon.

>> No.8598879

>I already fucked up my hands enough from lifting weights for three years without using gloves


I deadlift 350-400 regularly, I've never used gloves, and my hands are perfectly fine. I wagecuck at a keyboard 85% of my day.

>> No.8599158

>Millenials are hitting 30s soon.
Half this board doesn’t realize that they’re millenials.

>> No.8599177

>bragging about making minimum wage
lol when i was your age i was making hundreds of thousands and buying bitcoin

t. 91 millennial

>> No.8599204

just wait till the boomers die off. then the entire luxury economy will collapse cuz millenials can't buy jack shit

>> No.8599488

I swear i had this guy as a groupmate for a cs project in university in canada.

>> No.8599883

No, millennials are just a generation of retards.

>> No.8599958

This generation is just as shitty, just consider for a moment how fucked up the future will be just because today we're so arrogant to believe we can end world hunger or fight against progress in exchange for a more than dubious growth in sustainability.

We're compromising the future by trying to make sure nobody is left behind, pretty much like you compromise the potential of some kids in school if you focus on making sure the retards don't lag behind, Marxism is a disease.