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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 58 KB, 576x835, thegame.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8591267 No.8591267 [Reply] [Original]

The girl who posted this on my FB has armpit hair.

>> No.8591326

If restaurants don't want to pay wait staff, why don't they allow you to go get your food near the kitchen whenever it's ready? Yeah, I get it's the fast food concept, but it wouldn't be the end of the world to adapt it to fancier places if there is some way to be notified when your food is ready. Wait staff are just parasites who insert themselves between the people who cook and you.

>> No.8591349

Tipping is so retarded.
>buy a $3 drink, have to tip $1 to bartender
>buy a $10 meal, they expect $2 tip

Spending time in countrys that dont allow tipping, service is generally better, prices are cheaper, and the staff dont throw hissy fits over tipping or not tipping.

>> No.8591353

Tiping only exist in US because you guys are retarded

>> No.8591361

Don't forget picking up a to-go order. They have to bag it up for you. Tough stuff.

>> No.8591367


>> No.8591377

this. tipping is for cucks

>> No.8591394

she's right. if you don't tip bare minimum 10%, fuck you.

>> No.8591396

>be american
>don't tip
>get shot

>> No.8591399

>you're a piece of shit if you refuse to pay the kike owner's wages for him

>> No.8591405

This is an American board, faggot. Go back to your commie shithole forums if you don't like it.

>> No.8591429

>employers are required to make up the difference if they don't make enough from tips
>this literally never happens to anyone in the restaurant industry

things that make you go hmmmmmmmmm

>> No.8591431

if you have a problem with it, don't go out to eat, faggot

>> No.8591436



>> No.8591487

Why isn't table service optional then? If it was, it would be fine for charge whatever percentage for those who want it, but when you don't have a choice, it's not right. You're not the one who hired them or are asking them to do any of this. It's like squeegees who try to wash your windshield with pee bottles when you're stopped at red lights.

>> No.8591497

>Restaurant owners pitting customers against employees

Typical Hebrew strategy.

>> No.8591542

id give her a "tip" if you know what i mean. i love hairy girls

>> No.8591571

you have a choice. it's called being the cheap fuck you are and staying home to eat tuna fish sandwiches.

>> No.8591606

cheap cucks will be cheap cucks

>> No.8591629

You got 2 choices.

1. You pay higher wages and everything goes up in price anyways.

2. You tip and at least have some type of control over quality of service.

In addition, you're a restaurant owner...you're not sure how busy it will be...do you bring in staff at a higher wage to possibly stand around? Or would you rather have staff at a lower wage just in case?

It gives flexibility to the owner. The staff makes money only if it's busy. It's flexibility.

>> No.8591639

I was under the impression this was an Indian board

>> No.8591641

Why aren't you tipping the people who actually cook then? I'd be fine with that part, but if I like the food, it's because of the cooks, not because of the chad or stacey who brought it to me.

>> No.8591651

BTW waiters have a sixth sense for detecting cheapskates cucks
they will put powdered pubes in your meal
this is your last warning, cheapanon

>> No.8591660

I'm still convinced /pol/ could meme tipping out of American culture if it wanted to. They've done far, far crazier things.

>> No.8591673

But what is their value? They literally carry your plates for 30 meters or so. That's all they do.

>> No.8591684

t. powdered pubes afficionado

>> No.8591685

This is true actually. Why don't places do this it would cut costs dramatically.

>> No.8591712
File: 64 KB, 618x597, pepe4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But what is their value?

>> No.8591716

This is how buffets make money despite me constantly overeating at them.

>> No.8591738


I have no strong opinions about tipping but that analogy is retarded.

You voluntarily chose to walk into a restaurant and sit down knowing full well what the tipping culture is (regardless of what you think of it) it's nothing like a squeegee hobo pouring urine on your windshield.

Doesn't matter if you hired them, when you sit down at the restaurant you're accepting their service. You're free to go to the grocery store and make food at home, eating out is not a right.

>> No.8591740

you idiots are clearly too young and dumb to be going to nice places with waiters anyway, so what do you care

>> No.8591743

I tip or don't go out because I think it's hard to comprehend, but wait staff are really, really overpaid for what they do.

>> No.8591753
File: 39 KB, 323x323, 31C9CE91-1EB1-4D5E-B4E7-4CFB74DEC65C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never tip and I avoid places that expect tipping.
Like why would I give some useless whore wagecuck money if I already paid for what I wanted?
What kind of retarded concept is this?

>> No.8591761

Because people want feel special knowing someone is being their inferior by bringing their meal

>> No.8591776

Restaurants often times tip pool the back of house in. The problem is...those guys start becoming fuckheads and have zero incentive to provide good service(you can view what they do as customer service as well)...Basically every restaurant is this.

Customers want food/product

Cooks don't want to make food/product

Owner wants customers money.

Front of house staff are the middle men and are at perennial war with customers and back of house to satisfy their utility, all the while taking blame for any Fuck ups that happen along the way.

14 years in restaurants and bars.

>> No.8591782

If you don't tip the restaurant makes up the waiters wage up to minimum wage so they aren't going hungry.

>> No.8591788

Itt poorfags that can't afford to tip but trying to frame it into a moral argument.

yall worthless

>> No.8591795

Everywhere has tipping these days. Go into a place and order something at the register? Receipt spits out with a blank spot to add a tip for people doing their job.

>> No.8591808



>> No.8591822

Never seen this here but if I notice somebody expects a tip I avoid that business and tell everyone I know to avoid that business.

>> No.8591826

I tip because it's the standard. I tip pretty well too. I just don't think it's fair to guilt trip people over a really stupid practice.

The only time I tip exceptionally well (25%+) is when the service and food are in the top 1% of my dining experiences or if I want to fuck my waitress.

>> No.8591856

They're talking about places like outback lol

>> No.8591858

if you avoid places where tipping is expected, your are dining in shitholes exclusively and the food is most probably already tainted with rat shit

if you don't tip in nice places, people will spit and fart in your food and the whole staff will make fun of you in your back

the joke is on you, but you don't realize it

>> No.8591913

the cost of paying the employee shouldn't be passed to the fucking customer. pure kikery from restaurant industry.

>> No.8591918
File: 93 KB, 645x729, 7C06F48A-C1C9-4E9B-8A4C-85AE9336583B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just cook my food myself, why would I need to pay some faggot for something that I can do myself better?

>> No.8591947

No one thinks wait staff shouldn't be paid, it's simply that a lot of people would prefer it to be a realistic fixed price instead of an artificially low one to which you're expected to add arbitrary amount to impress the people you're with or feel "liked".

>> No.8591983
File: 10 KB, 250x250, mutt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was at McDonalds yesterday. As the employee handed me my big mac and diet coke they said "that'll be one gorillion dollars + tip" and of course I immediately handed over the money. I started clapping vigorously and so did everybody else in the restaurant, shortly after everybody started shouting "GOOD JAAAB". I grabbed my food, sharted, and left.

>> No.8592030

how's your chronic diarrhea today ?

>> No.8592054

Problem is the policy should not be in favor of the owner. It's the owner's responsibility to anticipate traffic and plan accordingly. As a white collar worker would you be ok being paid less when your corporate employer is "not sure how busy it will be" ie. how much revenue it'll generate?

>> No.8592063

poorfags pls go

>> No.8592067

Waitresses know they make more through tipping culture than they would at a fixed wage. At least the sexy ones do.

>> No.8592069

I never tip, moreover wherever I go and use some kind of service be it restaurant or IT repairs or retail I try to negotiate prices as hard as I can.

>> No.8592134

amerimuts are just the saddest bunch of idiots on this planet.

>> No.8592140

shoo shoo

>> No.8592222

fart in your food kek

>> No.8592294

literally this. I can get up and refill my own drink.

>> No.8592340

If I’m paying $13 for a fucking cheeseburger and $6 for a beer why the fuck should I pay more for the waiter? I’m already overpaying vs if i were to buy materials myself. Go get fucked

>> No.8592393

You tip when you pick up take out?
Are you supposed to do that? I always thought it was just that their receipts always had a place for tip. I always put in $0
I mean I drove there and picked it up what would I tip for

>> No.8592470


This. Im sorry that the waitress has shit wage but I'm not paying her salary. Blame the owners for being greedy and relying on customers tips.

Im from Finland anyways it's considered rude to tip so it's not like this effects me greatly but every Time im traveling I get into talks about tipping.

>> No.8592515

i am from the east, we don't tip here

>> No.8592536

pls sir stfu, very good sir.

>> No.8592561

go fuck a kangaroo.

everyone in this thread who doesn't tip in the US is are, unironically, autists

>> No.8592563

I've heard waiters bitch endlessly about not getting tipped for take out orders and I'm like....whaaaa?

I'm supposed to give you $5 because you processed my payment and handed me a bag of food? It's the epitome of getting payed to do nothing

>> No.8592584

then stay in Finland, don't travel or eat out when you travel if you can't afford the culture you useless shit for brains

>> No.8592605

>mutt angrily defending tipping
Can't make this shit up

>> No.8592614
File: 78 KB, 1280x720, mlady.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: people who have never worked in restaurants and look like pic related

>> No.8592644

Be italian: eat best food in the world not giving a shit about "tips" cause they don't exist here
American : eats shit food and has to tip


>> No.8592647

Tipping is a superior system because it forces the waiter to try hard. I've been to a bunch of restaurants in the EU and the service was way shittier than American restaurants on average. The main people who hate tipping are poorfags who can barely afford to eat out anyway.

>> No.8592655

>not poor

choose one

>> No.8592809

Or just go out and act all happy with the service, but refuse to tip?

>> No.8592817

Neither is getting a tip, faggot.

>> No.8592839

You should tip faggot

Minimum wage is too low, do your duty and help the poor fuckers.

>> No.8592851

Sometimes i go to fancy places, eat, and leave without paying. I know the waiters will get fucked for it, maybe have to pay the bikk themselves. After a couple of beers i really couldn't give less of a shit. Want to earn a good wage? Learn something other than carrying stuff and smiling, or at least charge the customer up front

>> No.8592854

It was a McDonalds inside a Walmart...wasnt it?
>i knew it

>> No.8592878

You say 'flexibility' but you really mean 'control', or better, 'exploitation'. No employee should be paid less just because its not busy.

>> No.8592888

you sound like a feminist. food service is a business not a privilege

>> No.8592893
File: 81 KB, 1024x1024, plush.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i'm literally a thief. i am doing well in society

>> No.8592920

Billy Butterface would call it the 'order the t-bone and you might get to bone me' effect
Some people like other, sexy people be their servants for a bit
Go figure

>> No.8592932

why would you tip someone just for doing their job, surely you're supposed to tip someone who actually deserves it, as in they excelled expectations?

>> No.8592977

And this, children, is why you never go to a place again after you misused their service.

>> No.8592994

It would, anyway. Be glad, now you have a choice to pay less

>> No.8593035


>> No.8593038

Its low key prostitution
They will smile at you, swing their asses and maybe rub ass against ellbow. Not to speak of perfume and such
It teaches girls that it pays to be a littlw bit of a whore, early on

>> No.8593074

Eurofag here

>Reluctantly goes to the Mut shithole that is known as the USA
>Goes to chink chong wong tong restaurant.
>awful food and awful service
>here comes the bill
>do the typical brit thing of "tipping" to round off the chump change
>waiter gets aggro and demands a tip
>i bert stare this fucker for roughly 5 minutes and then proceed to leave

tipping is the most autistic thing ever. I've worked as a waiter before and only got tipped by big groups and even then, it wasnt much.. just as a thank you gesture for spending a lot of time on that table. But fuck me, never do i expect to be tipped let alone DEMAND to be tipped.

this is why muts are muts

>> No.8593082

Takeout only master cheapass here. I don’t do delivery rather pickup myself so I don’t have to tip.

>> No.8593084

Do as we tell you, goy! Its muh culture!

>> No.8593105

Its so nice that tipping is optional isnt it
Like you can rant all day but cant force anyone to tip
Are you a waiter?

>> No.8593108

Tipping makes sense the lower the base wages are

>> No.8593125

Look i don't want my waiter to try hard. I want him or her to take my order and get my food and thats about.it

>> No.8593168

US culture goes
"Hello my name is stacey and ill.be you waitress for today, if you have any questions about the.very complicated five items on the menu ill be ovee there staring intently and grinning like an idiot. Stare at my tight ass while i walk off!"
Its an embarrassment

>> No.8593184

Idk i like the rush

>> No.8593187

This. I'm a burger and I hate tipping. Just increase the price 15-20% and pay your fucking employees.

>> No.8593211

most servers are female. females expect to be paid for doing do nothing jobs because they have a cunt. every job i have ever worked men have done most of the work while the women chat in the back and go on their phones. on the off chance they have to go do actual work they expect something extra out of it, like a tip.

>> No.8593220

The worst is if I give you a 20$ and my food comes to 14$, and you give me 3 tooniea back instead of a 1 and a 5.

Inb4 leaf

>> No.8593251


lol. because if you have any preferences, or any issues, or any questions at all, how would you like to voice them? Do you really go to restaurants and order chicken tendies? or do you ever go to places with menus that might challenge your palate a bit? If youve ever had fine dining I highly fuckin doubt you knew every facet of the menu you ordered from...thats what your server is for. Got a special request? thats what your server is for. want to have a dinner party but not at your fuckin house and you still want to seem like the good host? thats what your server is for. if you wanna just go pick up your food from a window, save your money and go to mcdonalds
You fuckin pleb

>> No.8593257

ITT angsty sheltered anons who don't understand the big picture, aka how razor-thin restaurant margins are.
Also ITT: angsty sheltered anons who believe that everyone else in the world thinks and acts like them, whilst they post on an anime imageboard

>> No.8593261

I've heard that lots of places just cheat the workers, but it's true on paper

>> No.8593269

only poorfags care about having to tip

>> No.8593271

Can someone answer me this.

So wait staff are exempt from standard minimum wage laws, but if they do not earn minimum wage through tipping then the employer has to make up the difference, in effect pay them minimum wage.

Let's say in 1 hour the waiter only serves one customer and the tip, combined with their $2 wage, adds up to the minimum wage. Does the tip in this case only benefit the restaurant owner as they no longer need to pay the difference and the waiter sees no change as they were going to get minimum wage regardless of their efforts?

>> No.8593275


lol no way that happens

>> No.8593295

this anon gets it

>> No.8593302

anyone who's made good money in crypto can attest to how necessary servers are :^)

>> No.8593313

>eurofag here
stopped reading here

>> No.8593317


In fact I love tipping, I used to be a server, when you get a nice tip from a nice person, it feels great!

now I return the favour.

>> No.8593320

With minimum age being $7.25, then the shortfall is $5.25. In a 7 hour shift, the waiter is paid $14 by the owner but the owner will pay a shortfall of up to $40.25 for the whole shift. In other words, does the first $40 of the waiter's tips only really benefit the owner as the waiter will receive that cash regardless?

>> No.8593330

I'd be happy tipping if I could claim it on taxes
I'm supporting someone's income and keeping them off welfare. Tax break pls

>> No.8593334

ppl say tipping is an american thing but half the restaurants i went to in the UK expected tips.

but even more confusing, if you went to eat as a group, they wouldn't split the bill. they'd expect you to pay an equal share of everyone's bill.

>> No.8593335

Dine and Dash makes your meal digest better - this is known.

>> No.8593355

This, it's creepy as fuck. Give me food and fuck off. You don't have to come by every 30 seconds filling up my mountain dew.

>> No.8593359


>> No.8593373

I don't believe in tips and I hated working in the food industry. So I do something very simple: I don't go to restaurants. I don't go to fast food. Okay I ate at the Costco food court today, but that is fine because those people are well paid and no tips.

>> No.8593379

tipping is fucking gay it doesnt work as intended, bad service often gets pity tips, blacks never tip, some asshole can steal your wage whether or not you deserve to have it taken, tip sharing, other employees dont get tips


>> No.8593385

Italy literally doesn't have a law for minimum wage. But we don't have forced tips. Tipping is supposed to be something you do to show appreciation , it shouldn't be a scheme to create customer payed labour.

>> No.8593384


>You don't have to come by every 30 seconds filling up my mountain dew.
>Mountain Dew

sums it up

>> No.8593389

I had some cunt run out to the parking lot screaming because i didnt tip her shitty waitress skills. She took the order. Gave us food. And never checked back once. Fuck you. Tip the cooks - makes more sense

>> No.8593401

how do restaurants all over the world besides the usa do it then you fucking imbecile

tipping is for cucks. either pay your fucking workers more to do the job or don't that's not my problem.

also for you people claiming the service will be better PRO TIP: IT'S PROVEN THAT'S A LIE

>> No.8593417


>Costco food court

I would an hero

>> No.8593420

>you have to personally get fucked over by Mr. Goldberg to understand why tipping is important

>> No.8593452
File: 1.79 MB, 4032x3024, Costco Pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a slice of this.

>> No.8593466


>> No.8593473

no, there's a lot of people who want that, which ruins it for the rest of us.

idk how these people manage to drink so much non-alcohol in a sitting

>> No.8593498

Costco pizza is so shit.

It’s only $2 but not even worth the calories for how crappy it tastes.

They need to improve on the dough.

>> No.8593505

lol went to eat with my black coworker, upper middle class, kept coming up with excuses why he was leaving 1% tips

i kinda wish the system was gone though, servers really don't make much of a difference & inflate the cost.

>> No.8593506

I know, guess it's just my aspergers acting up. Neurotypicals are so weird

>> No.8593545

I get UberEats a lot and all of a sudden every driver has started telling me "where's my tip??" before they give me my order. There must be some trevon james type youtuber telling them to do this, it's so weird.

I used to just use the app but now I just hand them a $5 upfront so there's no hostility and they dont spit on my food the next time.

>> No.8593557

i would flat out stop using the service
tips should be appreciated, not expected

>> No.8593571

I tip very generously at the 3 establishments that i could be considered a regular. I get treated like a king when i walk in the door. They bring my regular drink right as i sit down. They know exactly how i like my steak. When I come in with friends they direct all their questions to me like I own the place. Worth it.

>> No.8593613

I have a friend who does UberEats and some sort of delivery through yelp. When he pays with a card he has to leave a note 'Cash Tip' or otherwise itll be slow service, food shaken about spilling into the bag, etc.

>> No.8593624

>american board
> owned by a chink
Just the way they like it, eh anon?

>> No.8593627

i tipped $50 once, (didn't care, it was company money lol)
they didn't even remember me when i came in 2 nights later

>> No.8593639

this. don't go out to eat. restaurants are staffed by entitled incompetent degenerates who are overpaid at best and shitting into food at worst (sometimes both).

>> No.8593660

I've been going to each of these places once a week for 5+ years. So, customer loyalty and all that.

>> No.8593674

I'll try that next time. Hopefully self driving cars take over soon so I dont have to deal with all these shitty drivers.

Girl I dated over the summer told me she knew a few ubereats drivers, and they constantly ate people's fries and shit and bragged about it.

>> No.8593676
File: 17 KB, 378x378, 1522085637784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People tip for to-go orders? When did this shit start ? I've literally never done this

>> No.8593695

Can anybody answer this?

>> No.8593704

no, this is retarded.

>> No.8593735

worked in restaurants and I always tip 10% (if the service is good obviously)

>> No.8593781

You dont have to tip anywhere, but they do want a tip. Ive noticed some places will make sure to mention they put in extra napkins or extra sauce or something and smile when they slide the receipt over. Some places also try to do curbside pickup where they run your stuff out to your car to try to get the tip out of you. I see a lot of people write in tips at like chinese restaurants when they pickup to-go. I dont do it but I see people doing it.

>> No.8593820

> brit
> comments about food

>> No.8593834

What does he say to justify only 1% ayy lmao

>> No.8593857

>you cannot do something because i said so
You're as dumb as the feminist hippy

>> No.8593946

Are you kidding? It's more like 30% tip now in most places.

>> No.8594029

How much do you want to bet this ad was paid for by the restaurant industry?

>> No.8594075

Nip, hiromoot isn't a commie.

>> No.8594079

Get a real job faggot

>> No.8594104

Fuck off roastie. Your life of carrying plates to the restaurant and backs isn't shit. Get a real job if it is so bad.

>> No.8594195

>waiter gets aggro and demands a tip
I can't even comprehend this I would be stunned
Completely defeats the point of the service industry

>> No.8594223

Armpit hair is sexy desu

>> No.8594249

Imagine being this much of a jew ^

>> No.8594268
File: 101 KB, 480x480, Thinking_Face_Emoji_large.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Finished eating
>receive the bill
>don't tip
>waiter picks up the bill and sees that I didn't tip
>they proceed spit and fart in my food as the whole staff makes fun of me

Something here doesn't make sense

>> No.8594276

I font tip my carwash.

>> No.8594286

I tipped some hot blonde waitress $30 at a Denny's in Atlanta and she teleported into my bedroom and sucked my cock

>> No.8594376

Chick fil a does curbside for free

>> No.8594389

I mean essentially yes the first 40 dollars would benefit the employer. Really this actually calculated at the end of the pay period vs. each shift for the worker.

But waitstaff also gets another benefit a lot of places will only calculate their tips up until that minimum wage threshold then let them pocet everything over that minimum wage amount which they normally would have to report on their taxes but most probably don't and the IRS has no way of proving you made more if it's cash. So a lot of waiters above the minimum wage amount make untaxed income as well.