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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 68 KB, 640x448, jay-z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8582582 No.8582582 [Reply] [Original]

This kid is now worth $900,000,000 and counting.

His current wife if worth another $350,000,000 and counting.

How does this make you feel?

>> No.8582590
File: 176 KB, 658x545, 6y78o8ek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

makes me feel nothing, next

>> No.8582594

He always be ugly tho

>> No.8582603

still an ugly nigglet

>> No.8582621

He sold out his soul to (((them))) for all that. I he steps out of line even once he'll be "found dead from a drug overdose" or have a dozen women accusing him of rape. He can live that life if he wants to, but he'll be miserable until the day he dies.

>> No.8582629


>> No.8582671

makes me feel that i didn't sell my ass for a couple of bucks.

>> No.8582681

Nah he simply gotta play the profile the business, that made him rich, provides him. Behave like the marketing book tells him and hes fine and can still enjoy his money.

>> No.8582694

Well first of all: after a certain amount, money doesn't really make life any better. Secondly, I'm not a nigger and that's worth far more than 0.9 billion dollars.

>> No.8582697

>I might be a broke virginal brainlet, b-but at least i have my SOUL™ and DIGNITY™

>> No.8582825

>Goat rapper
>Milf wife with millions of adoring fans
>Sets an example to stay busy and stay working
>Edgy metal fans listen to songs about Merlin and dragons get mad

>> No.8582858

I’m jealous of his money but I wouldn’t take the devil’s bargain of being born a nigger

>> No.8582903

>Goat rapper
Tupac is the GOAT rapper
Jay-Z is the camel rapper

>> No.8582921
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And probably sucked the samed amount of old illuminati dicklets to get into a position to be worth this much

>> No.8582951
File: 46 KB, 364x400, a890892eff57600f19252552b87ccc6dee7191a177a80e39d9ff14c564f12c4d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well he found a lot of people with incredibly bad musical taste and he sold them a lot of merchandise and shitty music.

that's how capitalism works....

more power to him m8.

>> No.8583081

>Tupac is the GOAT rapper
Holy fuck shut up. Don't ever come to /mu/ with this shit opinion.

>> No.8583099

Jealous because I've yet to figure out how to get the allowance of middle class white kids and welfare money of blacks

>> No.8583102

Good for him.

>> No.8583112

dont listen to his music but generally im happy for him. he made some very smart moves in his life, he deserves everything he has.

>> No.8583151


>> No.8583162

He's the most bland, boring "entertainer" of all time. I don't know how he became aone sort of meme where it is cool for dorks to be fans of his, but he doesn't really even do anything and apparently makes a shit ton of money. What does he do? Stand there and talk into a mic there minutes at a time?

>> No.8583201

I don't care and don't feel jealous just like I don't care and don't feel guilty when I see poor niggers.
Life is too short to waste your time with such pitty feelings,

>> No.8583205


>> No.8583210

You mean envious.

>> No.8583213


>> No.8583219

Envious. Not jealous.

>> No.8583277

his streaming thing mooned, multiple other businesses and he does get paid a lot of his shows because they sell a lot of tickets

>> No.8583285

he is living on borrowed time.It's a matter of time before he files for bankruptcy..


>> No.8583288

He must have sex with a lot of white women with that much money!

>> No.8583312

he is a closet gay like virtually everyone in the entertainment industry ... so more likely with white sissy boys.

>> No.8583321
File: 204 KB, 1628x1678, 9e4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know who that is, some generic nigger headed for prison.

>> No.8583331

Envious is in the definition of jealous.

>> No.8583333


good on them

>> No.8583561
File: 185 KB, 658x768, 0B533E70-8043-439F-8631-7BFD3BB3D1CA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are the odds the Jews have him on camera fucking little kids /biz/? It would be cool to be that famous and rich but I’d rather not be some fat kikes house boy shucking and moving at (((their))) command knowing in the back of my mind I’m contributing to the decline of society and the degradation of my people (if I was a nigger). I mean the guy has to realize he’s played a pivotal role in destroying the black community right? I can just see some hook nosed record exec telling him “here’s your symbols monkey dance, page 3 of your contract we own you BOY”.

>> No.8583577

jay-z is part of the paedophile elite
his net worth is no surprise
(((they))) make you a billionaire if you are prepared to rape a baby on camera in one of their eyes wide shut parties

>> No.8583598

He's the owner of a record label, a streaming service and a speculative asset (his wife)

>> No.8583745

Needs to be more like harry belafonte and give back to the black community. Sells crack, clothes, vodka and records to kids in the hood, never helps hoods. huge platform could change things if he wanted to

>> No.8583774

Don’t care about burgerland, whatever...

>> No.8583855

Imagine being so envious that you insinuate that a rich person sold their souls to the devil to cope with being broke.

>> No.8583875

High iq post

>> No.8583892

You're all for capitalism until you're not.

>> No.8583961

he's a smart guy

>> No.8584290

I’m not implying it literally happened, dumbass.

>feeling or showing envy of someone or their achievements and advantages.
>"he grew jealous of her success"
>synonyms: envious

>> No.8584355


>worth anything

>> No.8584473

Imagine being so far up your own ass that you call out someone else's use of a word without checking to see if you're right. Fucking braindead Amerisharts.

>> No.8584598


Didn't Notch outbid Beyonce/Jay-Z on his McMansion?

>some NEET from /v/ is worth more than these two

Kino timeline

>> No.8584774

Most people don't envy celebrities because of how far removed from society they are. They are more likely to envy a slightly more successful friend, since they see the tangible benefits.

>> No.8584791
File: 195 KB, 353x484, 1518019161255.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jay-z is a very intelligent entrepreneur and businessman that picked himself up from nothing through hard work, dedication and absolute grit. No one on this board has the mentality or capacity for hard work and contribution like he does so they resort to calling him a nigger as a pathetic coping attempt. Truth is, his early childhood is more horrible than anything you've ever experienced and he still came out on top. This guy should be a role-model for this board. A true businessman.

>> No.8584818

I'm not mad at all. In 60 years, I will be so much richer than this clown. Patience is key.

>> No.8584821
File: 123 KB, 438x546, 1418857009450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ugly billionaires dont exist desu

>> No.8584828

Which one of the famous black guys is this? Bill cosby or eddie murphy? The all look the same to me

>> No.8584830

You mean -$900,000,000 after Tidal has fucked him in the ass good and proper

>> No.8584839

> very intelligent

>> No.8584846

>a true businessman
a true business, man

>> No.8584865

>Rakim GOAT rapper.
>The God MC

>> No.8584893

Retard, his early work reflects this to the point he dumbed down his lyrics to reach a wider audience.
Not to mention starting a record company from the ground up with nothing but videocameras and drug money

>> No.8584903

Ya okay. By the way, Dennis Hastert became a congressman and then speaker of the house AFTER he was suspected to be a pedophile. Just saying...

>> No.8584912

No matter the color of your skin, no one becomes a billionaire being dumb. The man has shat on you in every aspect of life while you pitifully try to laugh at him on a Turkish oil-wrestling imageboard. Sad.

>> No.8584914

who gives a shit?

>> No.8584920

Your jealously is showing

>> No.8584937

My life hasn't even begun. I'm not finished with college yet. Tell me again anon, how did he win over me? Wait 50-60 years and I will blow the shit out of these people.

>> No.8585014

He followed his passion. At that time, rappers made no money compared to drug dealers.

>> No.8585015

I have a feeling Jay-z never shitposted about not having finished college yet when he was a kid. You talk like you're still in high school. If only I could bet my life savings that you'd die poor with a smart contract. I'd be filthy fucking rich.

>> No.8585029


These niggas listen to Thugga Thugga on the regular


Damn that's how I know your music taste trash

>> No.8585034

Any idiot can make lots of money. It's not about how much money you have or have made.

It's ALL about how much of it you can keep or how much of it you can make even more with.

>> No.8585047

No, of course he never shitposted. He was too busy selling crack on the streets and getting arrested.

That is much more noble, right anon?

>> No.8585089

Considering he made a 2x platinum single about almost being arrested, I'd probably say yes

>> No.8585130
File: 354 KB, 1167x1167, 1518069932975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the environment he grew up in. He transcended that street bullshit and became a billionaire. At 48 years old, I genuinely doubt he would blow his cash like a retarded lottery winner. He's been a filthy rich rap legend for decades now and has handled it much better than anyone on this board would. Meanwhile your here seething with hate and jealously. You'll never be rich with people like Jay-z living rent free in your head. You should focus more on learning from rich people instead of seething with rage at them for getting their own.

>> No.8585146

I also sincerely doubt that any idiot can make a billion dollars. Seems like the only idiot here is you.

>> No.8585170

The amount of anons coping with their complexion by telling us "virgin basement dwellers" off... Why should we matter to you, if we're such losers? It says all there is to be said on the price of being born a certain way.

>> No.8585188

Most people on this board could make 100 million, given enough time. I have given myself 40 years for that. I'm about to make my first million during the next crypto bull run.

>> No.8585203

he must pick the cotton real fast

>> No.8585212

I might be poor, but at least I wasn't born a nigger

>> No.8585217

Of course I'm learning from rich people. The problem I have is this: People confuse rich=wisdom.

I have nothing in common with jay z. I will never have. I would rather learn from people I can relate to.

>> No.8585229

I'm fairly sure his marriage is fake, and only placed there to have ugly niggers believe they can become rich and have hot ass wife if you "hustle".

>> No.8585246

most people on this board are fucking retarded and will never make 100 million

you're seriously trippin if you think that

>> No.8585281

This nigga is Hov idgaf

Hov WOULD browse this piece of shit who honestly hasn't heard of Bitcoin

Probably holds LINK

>> No.8585310

Even after 50 years? You know, you only have to make 1 million, put it all on the index and voila, after 50 years you have 100 million (10% roi) and after 70 years you have 1 billion. That's with 1 million ONLY. imagine what you could do with 3-4 million.

>> No.8585358

Delete this

>> No.8585390
File: 96 KB, 280x300, 1521894938724.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the monies in the global, still black.


>> No.8585558

You are fucking stupid.

A. There's no fucking way you make 10% indexing in this collapsing world economy.

B. And even if you did make 10% inflation which is coming in a big way is going to rip your nigger face off.

You dumbfucks need to be buying gold and silver before the deflationary collapse happens. Going to be the biggest transfer of wealth in human history for those who own real money. Couple ounces of gold for a mansion after the gold revaluation that will have to happen to purge all the kike debt from the system.

>> No.8585711

To all the pol white racist fags.


>> No.8585740

Show me your wife, probably some ugly fat oversized thot
Rakim is undoubtedly GOAT. Pac is above Jay-z though.

>> No.8585880


You defend him like you're him


Sounds way too specific for /biz/

I say this as a Jay fan

>> No.8585989

I will buy gold and silver but only 10% of my portfolio. Index has vastly outperformed gold during the last years.

>> No.8586017
File: 1.73 MB, 1456x858, Schermata 2018-03-27 alle 16.56.11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lil Pump > old school dead rappers

>> No.8586076

Nah, just a fan anon, recently read decoded.
Delete that posts though

>> No.8586091

He signed a deal with the devil. He’ll probably be dead at 60

>> No.8586901

He won because you admit that it will take you 5 decades to get where he is, where as he's been filthy rich for over 20 years and he's not even fifty yet.

You played yourself anon-kun.