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File: 365 KB, 1242x204, BE513C4E-EEE9-4330-8E7D-C3FD1A693B1D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8583229 No.8583229 [Reply] [Original]

It’s going to be big. Nestle and Monsanto according to the tg research group. Buy now! I need your money into this biz, or else I can’t buy a lambo. Don’t worry we may be scammers and thieves but there is honor amongst thieves. We won’t dump on you all at once

>> No.8583329
File: 493 KB, 598x596, 1455386054399.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd short this piece of shit if there'd be an instrument for it


>> No.8583402

Announcements do fuck all in this shitty market. Besides cheap accumulation phase is over and you know whats next. Hope you whale faggots feel it having to resort to cannibalizing, what a lively market you have here you totally deserve it.

>> No.8583693
File: 36 KB, 194x229, 9666EF95-6EC5-411C-9125-13A2772D0CA3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Screw you!! I need suckers to dump my bags on

>> No.8583768

yep, whales are in this already and ready to dump on us, like they did from ATH

>> No.8583790

lol, swissminions on reverse shilling mission
little do they know that the swissfaggot will dump on them for the 14th time
this time along with the amb team
vesting cliff is due
you little cocksuckers are insane

>> No.8583797


stay poor nigger

>> No.8583802


Suck A Dick Salty Walty AMB $100 EOY

>> No.8583810
File: 8 KB, 265x53, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

poor like swissminions?

>> No.8583824


Yep 83k Amb whale here I’ll give you the honor of making me rich by pumping the price

>> No.8583837

Hmmm, I wonder if people will sell the news.....no.....this time, it's different

>> No.8583853


lol this guy

>> No.8583908

Sir pls buy AMB good coin sir no dump news sir very future very rich sir

>> No.8584221
File: 582 KB, 1206x1164, FD263E1D-E8D3-4705-8CCD-789988163D8B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep laughing. I’m the smartest guy in Ambrosus brah

>> No.8584324


Mommy i did it, i used the words like the men on tv

>> No.8584406

Pump n dump you say?

>> No.8584490

In kingdom of blind one eyed man is King. Guess thats better than being a cheerful idiot. So wheres the source for this announcement of announcement?

>> No.8584575
File: 162 KB, 1242x444, 930B9376-9030-4FA0-BFB9-B77CEE401636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My research group are geniuses and already figured it out. Satisfied faggot?

>> No.8584608



>> No.8584754

Lol you poor faggots call yourself a «research group» these threads won’t pump your shit
Post some proofs or gtfo children

>> No.8584810
File: 995 KB, 1242x1246, 39A0D76E-79F0-46C3-A241-A70B2AD2D48B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WTf did u say you cuck? Don’t make me bring my donkey to slap some sense in you

>> No.8584880

Buy amb now so I can dump my 50k stack I’m holding since 8k sats on you faggot

>> No.8584945

the "research group" are the swissminions who bought in at 8k sats and all the way down because the swissfaggot shilled it over and over and they are now sitting at a 60-80 % portfolio loss
they are to "intelligent" to realize they fell for a p'n'd larper and now desperately shilling this shit to break at least even

amb will make a bigger announcement because the team vesting cliff is near and they want to dump
selling pressure from the team and the bagholders
decide for yourself

>> No.8585011

How do you know these things ?
What do you expect ?

>> No.8585039

everyone who lurks this shithole here for some time knows this
are you new?

what i expect?
do you even read?

>> No.8585042
File: 17 KB, 300x300, 5759222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch?FIGHT ME IRL

>> No.8585068

i was also in the amb tg for some time
they even got free amb from one of the p'n'd whales to make the memes and the shilling here
talk about stockholm syndrom

>> No.8585137

considering this got pnd to 80k sats, leaving a lot of people bagholding, i wouldn't feel safe putting any money into this until there's a big selloff

>> No.8585182

moon it boys

>> No.8585515

can someone sum this hold up for me? all i know is it's comparable to vechain but possibly with bigger players and has a ceo who's a bit of a hothead.

>> No.8585531

Screenshot or btfo