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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8582113 No.8582113 [Reply] [Original]

I’ve genuinely lost hope for this shit. Nobody is trading other than some rare noobs on bitmex. There is no real volume anymore. Order books are thin and whales are just washing out stragglers on the way down.

The whales cant even hide it anymore because volume is so thin. We are getting repeat bart simpsonion hill formations daily. Wtf.

Crypto is well and truly over. Dont evrn find myself angey anymore. My delusions are gone.

Anyone who still believes in this shit is just naive.

>> No.8582119


>> No.8582136

Alts were beaten to death. Only retards are selling at these prices

>> No.8582140


D E L U D E D faggots believed that people will still buy BTC when it hits 6k/4k/2k/1k
There is no intrinsic value in BTC or this blatantly obvious ponzi of a 'market'.
Face it, the Smart ones knew this and unloaded all their bags back in Jan and will NEVER buy back in.

>> No.8582211

>bart simpsonion hill formations
>eat my shorts pleb

I don't know what fucking timeline i'm in but it's getting weird as fuck

>> No.8582227

Deluded faggots like you think btc will ever hit below 7k again pmsl

>> No.8582247

If you think it's all a scam then go short with all your capital you big fucking sissy.

>> No.8582259

What is whale manipulation
That's what Bart Simpson is
Pump up jagged trading then dump right back down
So even if the crypto market is fucking over for years to come you can't just go short
Or you'll get bartd. We have been rused, and we are now stuck in the market for a loss.

>> No.8582268


Kek, its kinda surreal.

>> No.8582280
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*rubs hands*

just learn some TA and go bitmex

>> No.8582294


Wait till you get it wrong 5times in a row then an abrupt sell off happens. You are fucked

>> No.8582307
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TA never lies

>> No.8582346
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this guy told you every day,

you didn't listen

>> No.8582356

>bart simpsonian hill formations
you're alright anon.

>> No.8582373

nice position anon.
I sold up at about 7.9k, tried longing but then got stop lossed at 7825 (only did 5x leverage, so minimal loss).
Currently waiting for 8.2-8.3k and some Bart simpson hair to jump back in for a 8.5x short.

>> No.8582403
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i'm gonna try long at ~7700

>> No.8582415
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Im beyond trading. What are you gaining? Stress, time investment and for what? Scraps. Increase leverage in this market and you will be fucked that much faster.

Crypto for a lot of us was about an alternative to traditional markets. Or it was about making it and going big. Fuck longing and shorting for scraps. The gains aren’t worth the stress

>> No.8582481
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>Some faggot on /biz/ said a multi trillion dollar industry is dead

>> No.8582489

When others are fearful, be greedy
When other are greedy, be fearful

>> No.8582497

Depression stage

>> No.8582502

>don't pick up pennies in front of a steamroller
among other cliches

>> No.8582516


Who are you kidding but yourself lol. “Industry”... okay.

Ponzi industry? You still don’t understand how this is speculation alone and its going towards its inevitable end like all speculation. Except this one is highly manipulated and controlled.
Look at the wider landscape, there is just a few puddles left in a desert of what was once an oasis. They wont remain long and they cant feed everyone.

Stay around and compete for some drops of water. Just so long as you arent trying to “make it” with crypto. No lambo every, not even a honda civic.

We might complete the inverse bart simpsonion hill but if i see that shit again it only confirms it. I would feel like a retard taking part in a market with cahets like thats. Its something i used to expect from 100btc daily volume shitcoins.

>> No.8582532

Nobody is fearful, people are just bored/done with this shit.

>> No.8582547

yes i too like to buy high

>> No.8582549

So if not bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies what the hell should we invest in to get rich quick? A normal job will never be sufficient even if you save up all your money.

>> No.8582558

Exactly fear was the run down to 6k, and maybe the crash from 12k double top.

Now nobody gives a shit. I see 3 year bear market or stagnation for sure.

>> No.8582561

Same. Even /biz/ is getting slower every day. Nothing is gonna happen and it's not fair. I started buying around August 2017 and never lost any money doing stupid trades I'm 100% sure I'm not safe. This shit is going back to sub 100b marketcap over the next year.

>> No.8582578

>it's as if markets move in waves
crypto will come back might take a few months but it's still in its infancy and just getting warmed up.

>> No.8582589

But what to invest in if not bitcoin?

>> No.8582607


Crypto was your only chance to make it easily, but that was an illusion anyway. Even most early buyers who were 7 figures in jan were duped and didn’t sell all. you were too late. You might have a chance if you find the proverbial google of crypto but good luck guessing.

>> No.8582646

What I keep asking but nobody wants to answer is how much can I make outside bitcoin now that bitcoin is more stable and not fluctuating wildly like before? With bitcoin I could make millions if I started early, thousands to hundreds of thousands if I started in the mid period and thousands if I started early--assuming I invested only a couple of thousand dollars.

How do all these kikes get rich so quickly just investing? I know there's insider trading and all but still.

>> No.8582652

>thousands if I started early

>> No.8582689

it was just about the fastest board on 4chan, that was not sustainable

it still probably is first in new threads created but i cant be bothered to check

>> No.8582706

Everyone on /biz/ is about manipulating others so they can profit, instead of discussing money making strategies. It's annoying and mods should do something to fix the board

>> No.8582733

multi trillion trips is

>> No.8582734

we dont need moderation why do you babies want to kill every good thing

this board and all its spam reminds me of a long lost age and the great content produced here is evidence that the old model worked just fine

fuck off to reddit if you want serious discussions and heavy handed mods

>> No.8582751

Statist gonna cry for authority to 'fix' what they don't like. Most eufags can't even imagine not having that system at this point.

>> No.8582774

I want the people posting porn and shilling their shitty cryptos to fuck off. Everything else can stay unmoderated

>> No.8582783

I given up the dream of making it. how do I get a job? I am fucking scared

>> No.8582784

mods are people and will never stop at just removing the thing you dont like

better to suffer the porn and pajeet than to hire a jan/mod who will eventually stamp out everything fun after their original mandate expires

>> No.8582803

you dont have to short, you can just buy the dips and sell the peaks, but, and here's the point, not even you believe what youre, cos you know the market's gonna moon in may/june, so i dont even konw what youe on about?

>> No.8582807

Last time I checked the dumbass mods do infrequently remove threads that don't violate any rules just for arbitrary reasons

>> No.8582813

You are all faggots

>> No.8582819

Same.. Worse is I live on fucking disability payments and have real issues with working..

>> No.8582835
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>kikes only method of income is investing
>they don't literally control the money supply

>> No.8582843

shhh shhhhh let the "anger" and "despair" wash over naturally. /biz/ is the most normie-filled board on 4chan right now.

>> No.8582861

Not all kikes control the money supply. I'm talking about the American kikes who don't seem very smart but somehow always has a couple of millions gained from investments.

>> No.8582884


>> No.8582905

Time to start buying cheap :).

>> No.8582914

The dot com boom was your only chance to make it easily

-Anon, 2001

>> No.8582931

that sexy as fuck 0.00000001 pennystock on OTC

>> No.8582940

We have self-policing (brap) and you can just learn to hide threads

>> No.8583117

What are the implications?
But it doesn't help when good threads get buried under piles of shit

>> No.8583224
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Lol didn’t read that, stay ass mad nigger no coiner.

>> No.8583374
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>> No.8583504

ITT: dumb anons get depressed while smart people place laddered limit buys all the way to 5k.

>> No.8583524
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well anon I have some news to you, I'm a complete fucking dumbass and that's what I did

lets hope I'm finally smart money for once

>> No.8583962

I'm happy that at least one part of 4chan is old school. What's the point of trying to make the boards 'serious' by banning all creativity and fun? There's shit loads of serious forums out there. No need to try to become yet another copy of those.

>> No.8584106

>Using a quote by a man who thinks crypto is retarded to encourage buying crypto