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8577661 No.8577661 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw fell for the hodl meme
>knew we were headed for a bear market in january but still competed for olympic gold in mental gymnastics to convince myself to hodl
Anyone in the same boat as me?

>> No.8577675


Nope, I sold my shit a while ago. I'm a no-coiner and feeling pretty comfy with USD.

>> No.8577689

Yeah. I knew we were headed down, but I thought it would be short and painless, so I hodled.

>> No.8577709


Yep, rode LINK from 0.25 up to 1.40 and then right back down. Still in the green, for now, but obviously got greedy and could have been up more. The memes were funny, I admit.

>> No.8577710
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I actually had close to 200k and now im down to under 50k. life is great

>> No.8577718

>he didnt sell at 9pm gst
oh well anon, next monday

>> No.8577743


Honestly I don't blame you. HODL is a cancerous meme.

Now you know what NOT to do next time there's a bull run (it might not be for a couple years). Don't follow the pack. Don't listen to the group think. Don't get greedy. TAKE PROFITS. KNOW WHEN TO CUT YOUR LOSSES.

Good luck anon. Business opportunities are like buses, there's always another one coming.

>> No.8577803

one reason (mental gymnastics) i didnt sell was i didnt want to pay taxes

>> No.8577806

I stole 200 ETH from my best friend in January and thought I was gonna be rich. Now I have 1/3 of what I had in USD and no friends. Feeling real dum right now.

>> No.8577809

Thanks for keeping the price steady while i slowly cashed out my 30 btc in alts :)

Wouldnt have been able to do it without idiots like you around.

>> No.8577832


Wow, you're a piece of shit.

>> No.8577834

"It could just keep going up" Is what I told myself in November

>> No.8577873

I stole 50 BTC from my disabled mother and then I raped her

>> No.8577887

same. got in at 15 cents. still holding. count have had 3/4 of btc if i would have sold the top

>> No.8577886

Yeah I know, I should have sold right when I stole it

>> No.8577964

>implying waiting three months counts as hodling
Dude, hold it on a 5 year timespan. Waiting only 3 months is basically day trading.

>> No.8577982
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im not as stupid as u think i am. but i still have the majority in btc/eth. feelsbad

>> No.8578004

Should we head to burned and margin short like you?

>> No.8578041

those of us with more than 5 bitcoins cant actually cash it all out though even it we wanted so we are forced to hodl

>> No.8578049

why not? whats ur limit on coinbase? mines like 250k kek

>> No.8578075

also post proof

>> No.8578106

what they say is the limit is very different from what it is actually anyway 250k is still too low that would take like 50 years to cash out

>> No.8578126

no, jesus man no i'm not a retard and never believed in magic internets monies

>> No.8578177

I figured out like a week ago that I could' ve made way more money by attempting to day trade. Already made 30% more from day trades, but I shouldve realised this a few months ago.

>> No.8578197
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Same here, didn't think it would be this bad, kept thinking it was over and we would start recovering. I didn't account for the rapid fire succession of events in the last 94 days or so, what an absolute cluster fuck. Just when it looked like things were getting better, the media would launch some half cocked FUD, something would get hacked, and apparently some faggot in Japan was dumping the whole time (which we only found out after the fact).
Plus I would be at work, and it would dump because of bullshit. I would go to sleep and it would dump for no reason. I once stayed up 36 hours watching the charts, thinking that this would be the time I catch the dump, only to have it finally dump a half hour after I basically passed out from exhaustion.
Also this is around the time that Tether started to seem really shady, so I didn't want to be holding those bags when it went the way of Bitconnect.
I'm now down to half my initial investment, I guess I'll just keep holding this shit.
>inb4 Decemberfag
I started putting my money in in November, and I'm soooooo soooorry that I happened to pick a less than optimal time to have enough extra money to begin investing. Same thing could have happened to any one of you 2016 elitists.

>> No.8578218

see >>8577982. mad?

>> No.8578258

Still hodling, don't want to pay taxes so gotta hold for at least a year to not get assraped by ty-r-s

>> No.8578681

>quick dip everybody HODL
>wait this is taking forever
>sell before it dips more
>tether up

you get the point

>> No.8578915
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That's how I lost 20% of my tokens in less than two weeks after holding them for months. Should have just kept holding, that was an expensive lesson.

>> No.8578961

Are you me

>> No.8579000
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I'm the real you.

>> No.8579047

No coiner here, why are yallcso dull and gloomy? can i have a 4-1-1?

>> No.8579110
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Because we used to think we were going to be happy.

>> No.8579134

>Only half

>> No.8579136

Coin cùcks btfooooo

>> No.8579151

This is the only reason I didn’t sell. I expected a 30-40% retracement, ffs I was prepared for a 50% pullback so cashing out and handing 30% to the gubmint wasn’t on my radar. But this, this market blew its fucking brains out and that I was not prepared for.

>> No.8579191
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I'm 80% down from ATH, 50% down from initial investment. Half of my initial investment was on a credit card too, so if I sold and paid that off, I would be down 100% of my initial investment. I am at 0% really, the only reason I haven't an hero'd is the fact that I still have 12 months of 0% apr on the credit card, I'm just praying things turn around this year.

>> No.8579234
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Dreaming of the condo we would by, the girl we would entrance with pleasant vacations by the beach, the careers we would pursue with limitless resources.

Back to the 9-5 slaving away for a job you convinced yourself you loved before all this shit began. Which of those was the true illusion.

>> No.8579295
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Right there with ya bud. Minus the credit card. Feels good to buy into a destroyed market with manipulation so obvious the whales are basically swinging their dicks in your face.

but hey, new paradigm. right? hahaaa.

>> No.8579388

SO what do you guys plan to do? Hold til 0? Or hold til bear market is over? If ever? I'm still up 10x my initial investment but my peak was about 20k more than its worth today. Waiting for one final pump to cash out and never look back. Maybe pay off my car.

>> No.8579432

Yep. Used to have about 320K. Now have about 65K. Wish I cashed out and used that money to travel, buy a new car, etc. I don't think crypto will recover. Got greedy man. Kept thinking it will recover. All I had to do was look at the 1D BTC chart to realize it is following the infamous meme graph perfectly. Sigh.

>> No.8579446
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That is poetry. Fucking sad poetry.
Link is literally my only hope in this shitshow of a market, it's the only thing with the potential to transcend these useless pump and dump scams.

And that image sums the situation up perfectly.

>> No.8579475

This is the saddest part. We all know that there won't be another bullrun, because whales will not let that happen. Every time crypto tries to recover they just sell off a little bit and we go down again.

So now we have absolutely no buying pressure, whales deciding where the market goes 100%, thousands upon thousands waiting to sell off to get back their initial investment and an overall negativity. And all of this after ridiculous media attention. It's fucking over, there's no way around it. We peaked so obviously that I have no idea how anyone can still think the market will see a bullrun ever again.

>> No.8579650

>whales don't desire a recovery
>whales cannot coordinate
There is hope lads

>> No.8579699
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Yeah, I feel like all alts are held down by whales and their sell walls so they can accumulate, then they let one thing moon at a time so they can maximize their profit without letting anyone else (except those who pay exprbitantly to be in on their secret clubs) profit. Then when something goes moon, you can expect a single, giant, red candle at the top, and at LEAST a 50% retrace, so you better be watching 24/7 or there will be no profits to take. They are scaring off the normies, and institutional money thinks we are insane.
Greed is unfortunately going to kill crypto, and I don't think that can be fixed. At this point we need a miracle.

>> No.8579747

let's all just sell and get it over with. stop the suffering.

>> No.8579820

Ok, on the count of three.
1.... 2....

>> No.8579900

damn I never thought about the free market aspect of all of this. With no regulation, crypto may prove that a truly free market cannot exist without imploding

fuck that hurts

>> No.8579978
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If only we knew that it had gotten this bad before we went balls deep. I just hope that the whale cartels come up with something more mutually beneficial than a race to the exit.

>> No.8580009

Im with ya buddy 4k initial up 70k early december now 7k meh fuck it. I didnt bet more than i can lose.

>> No.8580278

I'm guessing you are going to leave the tax man out of this? Remember: 2017 trades can still be considered like kind so you are pretty much off the hook since you didn't cash out. If there wasn't like kind I would just pretend that never happened if I was you, but I'm no CPA and you should never take my advise.

>> No.8580928

I'm going to hold for years if I have to. I have nothing in my life left to look forward to.

>> No.8580952

there was no like kind, ever

>> No.8580989

You know why the price goes down? Because people sell. You know why the price goes up? Because people hodl or buy more.

>> No.8580991

Fuck. You're an athlete!!?? You competed at the winter olympics recently?
Wow. The chan is filled with such incredible people!

>> No.8581102

Somewhat. I'm only in two coins but they're both only going down. If they pumped even a bit I would sell then buy the correction, but this hasn't happened a single time in the last two months. They just keep bleeding 2%, then rising 1% or vice-versa in term of sat value, while of course losing fiat value. I've put a few sell orders 2-3% over the level the coins were at, thinking it would surely hit them at some point, but no, just going down, and down again. If I was smart I would sell at whatever market value they are and buy back lower some time after, but I'm convinced that the second I sell is the second they'll start rising again and I'll only lose more. So despite myself, I'm holding.

>> No.8581445

I lost 1/3 of my initial investment to the HODL meme ($1000 of a measly $3000, very glad I didn't invest more at the time). It may have worked earlier, but it's just a dumb strategy with the way the market is right now. I'm gradually working my way up swing trading, and it's going pretty good but I know there will be good days and bad days. Lost $100 yesterday when BNB dumped, but gained $150 in catching the BAT pump today. /biz/ has actually been pretty useful, if we keep helping each other out I think we'll al make it.

>> No.8581487

Glad someone else thinks working together in small doses could benefit all of us. I too got in on the BAT pump making some comfy change in the process. I wouldn't have even given it a second look had a few threads not popped up early enough in the day I got in on it.

>> No.8581648

Yep, I was on forums telling people THIS would happen, but I myself was too pussy to cash out. Biggest regret of my life, by far. Absolutely ruined it, actually. Health has gone to shit this year, hair falling out and daily anxiety attacks. Can't get to work, etc. Fucked.

>> No.8581906

it's a great lesson to libtards that an infinitely free market becomes a hopelessly artificial way for a few power players to manipulate its every movement.

>> No.8581934

I tried telling as many people as i could that hodl was a meme invented by whales to get you to hold their bags. But everyone laughed

>> No.8581939
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>> No.8581952


So you think that whales are depressing the price of altcoins by selling altcoins, for the purpose of buying altcoins - which must be done while they are selling the same altcoins they are trying to buy?

I'm going to go out on a limb here - you aren't particularly bright are you?

>> No.8581955

Yep, second time it's happened to me now. At least it recovered after june bull rush last year.

>> No.8581956

Luckily I sold after I had a few drinks.

The drinks helped me delete my mental gymnastics and my brain was like "JUST SELL U FUCKIN PUSSY, IT IS OBVIOUSLY OVER THE BUBBLE FOR THE MOMENT..."

>> No.8581975

>imagine holding right now
man you're so fucking stupid just sell already

>> No.8582029

>there's always another one coming.


>> No.8582108

Are you retarded? The market is regulating itself right now by imploding.

>> No.8582167

Guys listen to this...just thought of it. Yea some you or most fell for Hodl meme. Well so did many normies because of leddit.

Now that everyone has the thought process of take profits. Don't get dumped on. Set stop losses (sometimes)

This unironically can fuck the market. Every fag is quick to jump the gun and dump first. Everyone is worried that the next guy will dump first. How the fuck will a coin grow 20x 100x 1000x with non stop pump and dumps

>inb4 what is bull market

>> No.8582181

are you me?

>> No.8582190

Altho this meme is over used and not the case every fucking time. Whale dumps, or flashes big sell wall or order. Price goes down, faggots sell for a loss and join in. Normies come home and thinks it will keep going down, he sells as well. Then whale can massive buy where he wants and cause a mini pump brainlet

>> No.8582196

Practically everyone still left in /biz/ is in the same boat.

>> No.8582207

there's a lot of car crash tourists here too.

>> No.8582305

Yeah I could've had x4-x5 my current stack if I sold at the top and bought back in later. Hurts like a bitch but what are you going to do about it you know.

>> No.8582341
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So I also fell for the HODL, but thats becuse I am a complete newb, like this is my second time visiting /biz/. Now my question is, now that I have lost ca 40% of my investment (small scale stuff, just some spare cas) I might as well hold this shit and wait a few years? Is etherium a decent currency to hold in?

>> No.8583103

I was at 120k. Now I'm 38k. Happened to quick it felt like I didn't have enough time idk

>> No.8583122


dis nigga serious?

>> No.8583155

Yeah this stings. What are you going to do? I figured I'd prob just throw in 1k every month and hopefully by 2020 things have turned around.

>> No.8583327

no because I'm not retarded

>> No.8583530

Look, man, nobody could have predicted we'd drip THIS fucking far, and not shoot right back up. Also, anything you were holding could have shot up 500-800% more in a day (see : RAIBLOCKS) and you would have been pink wojacking FOREVER. So, just, make some good decisions next time, i.e. : selling half. Shoulda. Woulda. Coulda.

>> No.8583622


It's ONLY a meme "this time"
It's ONLY a meme when it fits your timelines.

Ask Raiblocks holders is HODL is a meme when they bought at 0.03 cents and held for a WHOLE YEAR, cashing out at $34.

It will happen again.

>> No.8583712

well if your holding now, like me. Might as well hold until you at least break even. Might take until december. But it will happen

>> No.8583763

Nobody cares about your $1000 investment using mommies credit card