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8573093 No.8573093 [Reply] [Original]

>the massive wedge getting tighter and tighter

>> No.8573100
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>lots of big companies doing extensive research into cryptoassets, in particular smart contracts and their derivatives
>some projects getting close to actually releasing mainnets and beginning to achieve mainstream adoption

>> No.8573118
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>extremely bullish signals from governments all over the world

>> No.8573169
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>my green ID
>these dubs
i hope you fags realize that cryptocurrencies probably have a lot of growth left in them, and the smart contract bubble hasn't even begun.
You guys know which projects to invest in; I'm done spoonfeeding for now.

>> No.8573754
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Daily reminder that the largest the market cap of the entire cryptocurrency sphere has ever been is less than the current market cap of Apple alone and only 0.8% of the dot com bubble

>> No.8573775
File: 44 KB, 1447x605, truth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nope sorry anon

>> No.8573796

it will go parabolic again, but not until like 2020+

>> No.8573802

Nope the sentiment during 2014 was awful because of the goxening. Today the opposite is true

>> No.8573823

muh smurt cuntracs

>> No.8573839

the june 2011 rally looked exactly the same and took 3 years before the next one (2014 depicted in my other post)

>> No.8573872
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>we still haven't reached media attention

>> No.8573916

>a massive market-wide hack on a tiny speculative currency that caused many to assume that Bitcoin was dead is comparable to a correction after a bullrun in a time when the cryptoasset market is growing exponentially, with many large companies investigating it as a potentially groundbreaking tech with widespread use cases
permabears keep trying to force this 2014 meme and it's completely illogical. Crypto isnt going to hit a new ATH tomorrow or this month but you're an idiot if you think this correction will last for 2 or 3 years

>> No.8573929

2011 was solely bitcoin. What did bitcoin have to offer that was new between 2011 and 2014? nothing
Lots of blockchain projects are coming to fruition during Q2 and Q3 of 2018. ICOs are an entirely new business model that are revolutionary and will give power 'back to the people'. The whole world economy is about to change because of this new technology.
To quote Jim Breyer (multi billion dollar venture capitalist) - 'It's unstoppable. We saw it with the early days of the internet'.
This is not just Bitcoin anymore, the decentralisation revolution is coming and it is coming fast.

>> No.8574946

Back then, altcoins where the 'new paradigm' as smart contracts and ICOs are today. Sure smart contracts are more significant - that's why the whole bubble is scaled up 10x, but accounting for that scale, the market will play out the same way.

I'm not a permabear - I just have the ability to recognize that the next ATH will not be what you call a "correction", it will be the peak of the next bubble. We were in a bubble. Bubbles are great for all of us - I'm not some kind of pessimist - but it's important to realize that you've been in one, and how much time passes between bubbles.

>Both of you
I'm not FUDing, just being realistic - Crypto ain't dead, BTC will reach 100K, all of us will have lambos on the moon, yada yada. But let's manage our expectations so we know how to accurately and smartly make investments for the next bubble.

>> No.8574972

It'll go sideways for another month then dump

>> No.8575010

Smart anon. The ICO bubble may already be behind us, but the smart contract bubble has not even germinated.

>> No.8575330

how long do you reckon we have until the smart contract bubble takes off, and will it be in sync with a BTC bubble?
I could see smart contract stuff really taking off soon, but if it everything stays coupled to BTC it could be a lot further off

>> No.8575513
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If BTC stays in power, see pic related - Mid to late 2019 until the start of the uptrend, and the next peak of 50-100K in like two years.
If ETH takes over because smart contracts gain mainstream attention and revolutionize everything (unlikely but I hope so) possibly just whenever that happens, which could be sooner, or could be later, delayed by the confusion caused by the flippening between BTC and ETH (or some other better smart contract tech).
Also it's noteworthy to point out that smart contracts are already slightly mainstream - it's just that they're only used for ICOs and fringe dApps these days, so whatever bubble follows from here will either be due to a revolutionary application of smart contracts beyond what we see today, or some new blockchain paradigm entirely will replace smart contracts that will escalate into another bubble.

>> No.8575594

as I said before, I don't think it's valid to compare the 2014 Mt. Gox crash to today. if you look at a log chart, there are a number of bullruns with large corrections that lasted only a few months.
The majority of investors don't think that bitcoin is dead like they did in 2014. Look at our own conversation; we're already talking about BTC going to 100k. And as we all know, the crypto markets move much faster than other markets. I think we will see new ATHs in 2018.

>> No.8575604

Oh, another of those
>It could go up or it could go down

>> No.8575639

1.5year bear market on crypto after all the hype

lol kys dude

>> No.8575740
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>he only looked at one picture from one post before spouting off his brainlet opinion
consider reading the rest of my post

>> No.8575765

i hear the nips have basically lost all faith in BTC and they speak much doom in their moonrune tongue

very 2014 i m o

>> No.8576009

do you have some sources for that, or is that just anecdotal hearsay? The volume on leading asian exchanges hasn't decreased substantially, China holds a fuckload of blockchain patents, and korea has been releasing bullish crypto news lately

>> No.8576037


Go daily, it extends till July

>> No.8576073



>> No.8576087

It's hype every time anon, it's just not as fresh in your head so you discount it.
Literally this is what the meme charts are about - The same cycle repeats over and over, and people forget every time. "This time is different."
Yes, the particular reasons and the size of the hype are bigger, but that's what the bubble being bigger each time is a symptom of. When put in the same frame of reference, though, the same thing plays out each time.

>> No.8576108

Like I said, every bubble it's the same story. Different reasons, different scale, but same story.

>> No.8576182

Many eastern countries have resentment towards btc due to mt gox still but they don't hate crypto as a whole

>> No.8576186


>> No.8576200
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Yeah another one of those. Except for the lower 90% of the thread, that is. The topic is fundamentals, not whatever your kind get up to (pic related).