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8573538 No.8573538 [Reply] [Original]

Why are burgers so poor?

>> No.8573597

because most of us are idiots with no skills who still fall for dropshipping.

Seriously, americans are the easiest people to manipulate.

>> No.8573596

Poor education.

>> No.8573704

They have to go into a 20 year long debt to get a higher education

>> No.8573746


i get paid double that and i barely even do anything

half the day i just small talk to co-workers

>> No.8573769

i make hardly 4$ in my shithole

>> No.8573782

You can buy a house on $18/hr. It all depends where you live.

>> No.8573799

Is this going to be a daily fucking thread

>> No.8573879

yes because it upsets the burgers.

>> No.8573881

What occupation?

>> No.8573918

Blacks and other minorities drag us down

>> No.8573942


>> No.8573947

Why is half your country "minorities?"

>> No.8573962

I do this as an engineer

>> No.8573966


low mutt iq

>> No.8573973

why isn't yours yet?
>add him to the list, herschel

>> No.8573977

not joking, years of artificially creating minimal wage jobs to look good. Looking at Obama...

>> No.8573979

1967 immigration policy crammed thru by Jews

>> No.8573986

What countries are better than the US...?

>> No.8574033

I heard Venezuela and Brazil are really nice

>> No.8574103

The question can only be answered sarcastically. Every other country is either just a blatant shithole or a vacation destination for Americans where we keep your country fed with our tourism contributions. You’re welcome.

>> No.8574125


>> No.8574151
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True statement.

>> No.8574217

Australia’s good...but clearly not better than the US. I’d say Australia is probably #2 though...will give you that.

>> No.8574301

capitalism thrives off of ignorance and laziness .
everything in this country is pushed to make you stupider, fatter, and slower so that you can just be a retard zombie that feed the machine. ex, social media, cocacola, mcdonaldos, smoking, drinking, vidya,
truly the most matrix timeline

>> No.8574656

This is how an unsuccessful beta views USA.

>> No.8574728

The real answer is people are too dumb to understand the power of collective bargaining. They've been tricked into thinking life should be a race, even if it means a race to the bottom of the wage scale.

I'm a union laborer that never graduated high school and I do quite well because I'm a member of a strong union.

>> No.8574753

Boomers haven't died off yet to allow more progressive wages

>> No.8574793

Daily reminder the whole world is envious of Freedomland

>> No.8574833
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yes until they visit usa outside of manhattan which mostly resembles any 3rd world country

>> No.8574850

Manhattan is shit hole pajeet

>> No.8574861



>> No.8574874

im just saying that money controls everything here. if it dosent turn a profit then it isnt worth shit. thats why walmart pays 8 dollars an hour and manages to be the biggest. im not complaining just saying that money is valued more than morales and respect, those thing get thrown out the window in buisness

>> No.8574908

Manhattan isn’t America it’s a globalist banker infested shithole that should be nuked

>> No.8574915

she fucks niggers and has been seen in photos with a jew. wtf

>> No.8574920

True, but thats capitalism for you. If you're not making money in the system, what are you good for?

Join some clubs which don't depend on money for respect and support (religions, most sports, intellectual endeavors)

>> No.8574956

maybe that is why it seems like the only civilized place with decent standard of living out there. some large cities like chicago and detroit are like some sort of war zones. california and san francisco barely 10% o people are white and everything is falling apart

>> No.8574990

i agree its a part of the system and all systems have their flaws. but I do think that the main reason people are stupid is because its easier to make profit off of stupid people. good thing we are all 150+ iq on the board desu

>> No.8575006
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>> No.8575012

>the only civilized place with decent standard of living out there
Um, no sweatie.

>> No.8575037

You’ve clearly never been to Chicago, which is a better city than NYC (and I live in NYC). Chicago just gets a bad name because nigs constantly chimp out in the south side...but no white people go there anyway. Gold Coast Chicago, Lincoln Park, RiNo, Roscoe VillGe, Wrigleyville, etc make up one of the most beautiful cities in the world.

>> No.8575098

Minimum wage should be increased and anyone who disagrees is a globalist boot licking scum who sees no problem with rampant inflation and wages being left behind

>What are you good for?
Supporting the system. If people aren't exploited capitalism as we know it doesn't exist

>> No.8575558

Have you actually been to these places? Like war zones, are you serious? You need perspective

>> No.8575715

you're either providing a service or you're just another one of the 99% of people who are a net liability. sorry our system can't wipe your ass and tie your shoes for you too, we thought the low murder rates and virtual elimination of starvation were enough. you'll never do anything to change this because you're a pampered faggot. if you weren't, you'd be of some use to us

jk im also a liability but honestly, fellow shitheels, this is not such a bad situation. go be homeless in California if it's really irking you. it's a free country

>> No.8575938

If you guys didn't have the shit gun control it'd be 100x better.

>> No.8575971


We already sold our industry out to the world and let immigrants flock in en masse. Why would we double down on bullshit and enact a higher minimum wage on top of that?

Can't have your cake and eat it too liberal cocksucker

Maybe once our borders are secure, immigration is merit based, and trade protections are in place and things are naturally looking balanced