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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8574720 No.8574720 [Reply] [Original]

Seriously, prove that you are crypto rich and why I should listen to you fags.

>Simply sign an address with more than $500K and I deem you rich.

>Shill me a coin along with your message and I will donate you $1K in BTC/ETH.

>Not larping.

I want a solid coin recommendation from a rich fag.

>> No.8574734


>> No.8574771

This is research you poor pajeet.

>> No.8574813
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>> No.8574832

Go back to your moms milkies faggot

>> No.8574887

Since you posted Vitalik you can check addresses that received their initial funds from the genesis block, then cross reference it with all ETH addresses posted on /biz. If there is less than two transaction jumps, good chance a /bizraeli bought the premine.

>> No.8575024

And how does this help for buy advice you brainlet?

>> No.8575059

buy chainlink you stupid mouthbreathing retard

>> No.8575074

I will gladly, but you seem to have forgotten your signed address showing you're not a bottom feeding poo water drinking pajeet?

>> No.8575089

Some rich people have signed messages in the past on here. All of the ones I seen were early bitcoin fags and werent really doing much with other coins as they got rich and were done.

>> No.8575116

I'm too lazy, buy chainlink or fuck off.

>> No.8575128

"I'm too poor" there fixed it for you bro.

>> No.8575156

why would I even bother?
what do I gain for showing proof to some bydlo and then giving him free financial help?

>> No.8575176

How entilted are you?
Go fucking neck yourself.

>> No.8575181

Can't even read my first post yet claims to be intelligent enough to hold over $500k in crypto; fuck off.

>> No.8575197

I know 3 people IRL that quit wagecucking this year from crypto, I followed a lot of their moves and was about halfway to retiring in Jan. Too bad this bear market struck though.

2 sold almost all their crypto, most of their winnings were from ETH/BTC, and they still have a small percentage of their portfolio in ETH/BTC.

The other 1 is mostly in ICX (and I'm also in ICX). He got in on ICO but bought more the day it hit binance so I did the same. He only sold half but ICX is still most of his portfolio. His other info was that NEO was looking good this year, but he expected ETH/BTC to do well when/if they get an ETF.

Can't sign an address for more than $500k since ICX crashed though, o well.

>> No.8575200

reddit is over there faggot.

>> No.8575218
File: 12 KB, 225x225, lol retard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying I give a fuck about a thousend dollars


>> No.8575223

Used up all your neurons and thats what you cam up with?
Go get a noose and hang yourself.

>> No.8575237

I'll raise it to $10K just for you pepelord.

>> No.8575248

keep it, seems like your poor ass is gonna need it in the future.

>> No.8575272

"address": "0x59e9e96a1668c2faf3c8504bcff657653a79d084",
"msg": "Unironically buy ChainLink, it's the last great moonshot out there for 100x-plus gains in this current market. Target price $50 EOY 2019, but be prepared to sell a hype bubble before then and re-buy lower when the normies find out. /biz/ 2018/3/27",
"sig": "0xc0188408691fc93bbaee1abd53d3617d01f4a34b614db5567c74b6e041c056740c07bc1943c3841124d879240e92115ac4d22e781ab94507f971427c99e86ecf1b",
"version": "3",
"signer": "ledger"

This isn't a $500k wallet but my ATH is over 600k, does that count?

>> No.8575278

I'm not crypto rich, but why would a rich person care about $1k?

>> No.8575313

200k LINK?

>> No.8575323

p.s. no ether balance on there but the tokens are, https://etherscan.io/address/0x59e9e96a1668c2faf3c8504bcff657653a79d084#tokentxns

>> No.8575344

sir, buy TRON. it very very good coin. alibaba and justin sun very good friend. tanks for time, my friend

>> No.8575385

This is set up thread with the purpose to shill LINK.
Stay safe and dont hold BAGS.

>> No.8575389

Whyd you move 15k links out?

>> No.8575398

probs to sell that fuckin shit coin

>> No.8575410

short term trading opportunity. nothing you'd want to hold though.

>> No.8575418


nice try, fbi

>> No.8575442



This poster is a faggot.

He owns a very small stack of Link and he is so scared because he knows he won't have enough to make it even though he puts every penny of his weekly allowance in Link.

>> No.8575443

IOTA is the best trade right now, it will be #3 soon. They have a strong team (I would say 3rd strongest behind bitcoin and ethereum), strong fundamentals (DAG is "innovation"), lots of funding behind it to go for a while...

There's lots of FUD about it but I have been in this game since 2013.. there was lots of FUD 2014-2016 around Ethereum too. This was back when Vitalik hadn't proven himself yet. Literally all the crypto experts, the Bitcoin Core developers, everyone said Ethereum would never work, would never hold value long term, etc... The same way they are talking about IOTA now.

Not saying they're wrong, just saying that IOTA is good short-medium term hold (not more than 2-3 years)

Full disclosure: I believe all alts (including IOTA) are trash. Ethereum is trash but slightly less so. I say this as a holder of 50+ shitcoins. I don't have faith in any of them. I only diversified because I could be wrong.. but I doubt it. Bitcoin makes up 65% of my portfolio.

Send monies here

Signed with these addresses which cumulatively have more than 500k

IOTA is the best trade right now, it will be #3 soon.

IOTA is the best trade right now, it will be #3 soon.

IOTA is the best trade right now, it will be #3 soon.

>> No.8575480

Got rid of my bags at 6k sats.
Keep holding though.

>> No.8575503


>all alts are trash

>Bitcoin makes up 65% of my portfolio


>> No.8575536

>Full disclosure: I believe all alts (including IOTA) are trash. Ethereum is trash but slightly less so. I say this as a holder of 50+ shitcoins. I don't have faith in any of them. I only diversified because I could be wrong.. but I doubt it. Bitcoin makes up 65% of my portfolio.


>> No.8575572

Lol I also don't normally post here, this is my first post in /biz, serious

Now wheres my money

>> No.8575657


you faggot I put effort into that shit

>> No.8575708

You got larped by a midget retard

>> No.8575758

You say everything besides BTC and ETH is trash. Why? What about monero? How many alts do you think will still be around in 5 years?

>> No.8575796

Nice stack and thanks for the recommendation, I have debated whether buying into IOTA for a while. I will do so now.


>> No.8575797

been in crypto this long and didnt see the larp coming - wanna send me 1k and maybe i help u not make this mistake again.

>> No.8575861

Moving funds. Hodl a little longer, it's coming lol.

>> No.8575880

"You say everything besides BTC and ETH is trash. Why? What about monero? How many alts do you think will still be around in 5 years?"

Think bitcoin will eventually get monero's privacy features one way or another. It is already as private as monero for those in the know, just takes more work. But you are right. Monero is in the same league as ethereum, they're both above all the other shitcoins

Alts will never go to zero lol just fade into obscurity. Put it this way bitcoin will increase more than alts

>> No.8576035

Thanks for your input, crypto whale.
OP I kindly apologise. You are the exception of the rule. Noone delivers here.

>> No.8576137

Transaction yet to confirm. OP is in process of delivering lol.

>> No.8576178

Apologize for what he didnt deliver yet. OP is still a faggot at this point in time

>> No.8576232

who shat in your oatmeal, faggot

>> No.8576246

We wouldn't be rich and post on 4chan OP.

>> No.8576430

You still around anon?

>> No.8576474


>> No.8576477

OP delivers:


You wouldn't believe the trouble I had, fucking exchanges man. Anyway, thanks for taking the time to sign and shill me IOTA.

>> No.8576487

$500k is not "rich". That's not even enough to buy a house. "Rich" means you have enough such that you'd never have to work again if you didn't want to.

>> No.8576509

holy SHIT

Can I ask you where it came from? so I know if i have to mix it or not

>> No.8576529

From my legit Binance trading account, then to a fresh wallet, then to you. You good.

>> No.8576561

"$500k is not "rich". That's not even enough to buy a house. "Rich" means you have enough such that you'd never have to work again if you didn't want to."

Lol trust me you think never working again would be fun. After 1 year minimum it gets boring if you are not doing some kind of work (family, blogging, could be whatever)

>> No.8576584

this is a great way to get dumped on, congrats OP

>> No.8576591

Holy shit /biz/. Real life whale in here kek.

>> No.8576595

500k isn't enough to buy a house?


>> No.8576618

fuq i might have to cop some IOTA now

>> No.8576635

Leave California once in a while and you might actually see what $500k can get you. Not to say it's enough to retire on, but managed well it's a nice start.

>> No.8576646

If you're not retarded you'd have less than 10% of your wealth in crypto so you'd have 5 mil. Which is borderline rich.

>> No.8576669

maybe in Bolivia or whatever impoverished hellhole you come from, but not in any place that's actually desirable to live in

>> No.8576680

Or you know, anywhere in America that isn't California or some big shitty city

>> No.8576697

this is fucking old, all linkies kill yourselves for FUCKS SAKE
buying more POA because you of you stupid fucking faggots

>> No.8576736

"maybe in Bolivia or whatever impoverished hellhole you come from, but not in any place that's actually desirable to live in"

When you're rich, actually plays better to have 2 houses 250k each rather than 1 house 500k

>> No.8576886


OP i am actually impressed, post your eth address so i can send you some
as a little thank you when i can

>> No.8576946


Thanks anon.


Bless your bags to good fortune ;)

>> No.8577006

I have about 100k in ETH right now and am ready to KMS

Not sure if I should cash out or hold

>> No.8577073

well they do say, a fool and his money are soon departed

>> No.8577171
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Elaborate larp, pretending to be generous donator. But OP is just sending donations to himself. They are hoping someone sees this 'good deed' and donates back to OP.


>> No.8577201

No, not all biz bros are faggots anon.

>> No.8577373

You are retarded
When you have a bigger portfolio you have to risk manage or you will lose literally everything

>> No.8577382
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>> No.8577517

lol yeah maybe 2 500k instead of 1 1mill

But cheaper than you think to get a nice high rise condo in the city and a house in the suburbs

>> No.8577539

What is "bigger" for you?
As long as I am under 1mil I will stay all in crypto.

>> No.8577577

Im not crypto rich yet, but the guy who shilled me on it easily has 2mill plus atm. He made it mostly in eth early last year and some of the better alts during the bullrun. My current portfolio basically mimics his which is Eth,Ven,Amb and a few lowcap shitcoins that are only there because on the unlikely chance they moon you would shoot yourself for missing out. And yes I hold some link because of the autists on biz, but its nothing I only hold 1000

>> No.8577599

>Australian dollar

>> No.8577621
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He used to be in my youtube network(when that was a think up until 2016) and I WILL NEVER FORGIVE MYSELF FOR PASSING ON $10 ETHER WHEN HE TOLD ME TO BUY


>> No.8577639


I have 6 figures (120k) but I used to have 450k at the ATH. Most of the crypto rich are way down right now... At the top some people even had over 1 million

>> No.8577659

Look for moria token in the next several days. Going to be an obvious 5-10x, especially while we experience this turbulence.

>> No.8577784
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bloody right

>> No.8577843

You can get a very nice house in Florida close to the beach for under 500k.

>> No.8577986

Mate, do you have a discord/email/anything?

Do you have a discord/email/etc?

>> No.8578099


Haha no but feel free to ask me some questions I am retired off crypto and although I'm not as into it as I once was I still keep tabs

sorting out my taxes right now so i'll probably be here for another hour or so

>> No.8578176

Here's one: can I work for you?

If you ever start a biz with that money and need a dev let me know.

>> No.8578209


LOL sadly I'm in between ventures right now and don't have a solid plan of what I'm going to do next. Def going to be a crypto business though, maybe something insurance related

what are your skills?

>> No.8578301

javascript, html, css, php, significant wordpress experience(which anyone could have), SEO, graphic design, digital marketing, sales, and project management.

I'm also only 19 and have all the time in the world. I run an SMMA to pay for university.

>> No.8578438


nice, you're young. not sure how i'd feel about hiring someone off a 4chan board lol. but drop your email here maybe i'll get in touch

>> No.8578521

hey hire me, i am experienced with ruby on rails, Ionic 3, angular 4, Vuejs and learning React on the sidelines. Im only 18, but my current boss is shit (he only pays 1k$ a month). Heres my email colgormatedev1326@gmail.com

>> No.8578711

temp email of course, I'll get in touch asap

>> No.8578940


>> No.8578959

OP, you need to find the next CB listing.

That's how we did it last time.