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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 84 KB, 1238x618, 3.24_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8565848 No.8565848 [Reply] [Original]

project hit's $100,000
>nice pajeet scam
project hits $300,000
>here we go again with the pajeet pyramid
project hits $1,000,000
>haha samefagging pajeets
project is now at almost 1.3 million
>maybe I should stop being a neet in my moms basement and throw some money at it

Stop sharing all these fucking shitcoins with fake partnerships and promises. Join the real crypto community you fucking 30 year old wizards.

I want to apologize to you faggots on this site that are being constantly bombarded by pajeet shilling. I will tell you how it really is.

The Crypto market is full of lies and false promises. This team has created the first community driven smart contract in the Cryptocurrency world.

We can't believe how successful http://powh3d.exchange/ has become. Reaching $1,000,000 in funding from only the people of the Crypto community. There is almost 2000ETH in the exchange.
No Pre-sale
Just pure honesty.
Do some research on it and give us feedback.

You can find a full Review here:

>> No.8565861

forgot to edit this great copy/paste. There is 2600 ETH in the project now

>> No.8565908

is it too late to buy in? How large is it growing? Sounds sketchy...

>> No.8565929
File: 170 KB, 1022x705, DYOR_Plebs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Red is me buying

Green is me If I sold today

>mouth breather

>> No.8565958

If you reinvested every time you gained a P3D token you will have more money in the long run, just an FYI

>> No.8565959

literally profiting from volatility. It's like trading for dummies

>> No.8565968
File: 3.47 MB, 960x540, dmoon.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trailer of the upcoming cryptogame based on the P3D protocol. Dmoon will Soon be available for the most performant crypto gamers on https://dmoon.io

>> No.8566002
File: 7 KB, 211x152, 1521645512941.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What part of mouth breather did u not understand

>> No.8566028
File: 69 KB, 1016x541, nice_try_pajeet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're literally retarded if you fall for this

>> No.8566032

Just trying to bump this thread with needless information

Don't mind me

>> No.8566035

This comment right

U cant be this stupid

>> No.8566046

no shit the site would be reported as a scam, it's a self-sustaining pyramid you fucking neet

>> No.8566089

aren't you using wrong link? the good one is powh io

>> No.8566114

it's the link from the subreddit

>> No.8566140

if its powh io then everything should be goo, it's working fine on me. The old one (powhcoin com) is wrong link

>> No.8566232

One link was flagged as a phishing site, then they realized the project is real

>> No.8566401
File: 620 KB, 1244x572, Captura de pantalla_2018-03-26_17-57-31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>snek diagram

Do you really expect us to put any money in a site that is riddled with dumb memes? It's very unprofessional!

How can we know the site is actually trustworthy? Please do not evade this question.

>> No.8566440

The development team has no interest in making this a professional looking product. It is just a game for them that makes them a lot of money at the moment

That is what the community is told anyway

>> No.8566488

get the fuck out with this pajeet pyramid

>> No.8566508

>hurr buy the top of the piramid so I can return 1% of my 0.01ETH I put in durr

>> No.8566542
File: 1.97 MB, 298x288, gif2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they had hackathons and audits on the contract. so far so good. and for all the retarded niggers that say it's a scam, learn to read. it's a fucken pyramid, gambling that more people will buy in above you. shill it and you win.

>> No.8566578

legit double your eth here


>> No.8566598
File: 18 KB, 721x389, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hur dur
if you bought in when we first told you too, you would of made a lot of money neet

Even if you bought in yesterday you dumb fuck

The contract has gone up

>> No.8567134


>> No.8567700


sorry if you are offended

>> No.8568434

Just tripled my ETH. Feels good man. 5.4 from 1.8.