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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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852113 No.852113 [Reply] [Original]





>> No.852116

Somebody wants a price jump

>> No.852117

> Flash crash down to $39
> Headed to $41-40 tomorrow
> Storms about to hit China
> Record inventory for both crude and distillates
> Historical support at $32, downtrend lines at $36

Naw son

>> No.852118

I don't want it, but why not ride along if the oil companies decide they want more money

>> No.852120


Naw son.

>> No.852124



yeah fuck you, no

>> No.852168

>if the oil companies decide they want more money
If this is your understanding of the price of oil, stay far, far away from oil stocks.
But seriously, if DBO hits $10, I'd tell anyone to buy until they've got no money left.

>> No.852230

Why dbo

>> No.852233

Their insiders are already investing in themselves, buying up their own stock. They have some of the best rigs on the market, and oil is going to bounce back in the long anyway. I agree though, buy no higher than $15

>> No.852239

Oops I was talking about DO

>> No.852279

Who cares when you've made 4 million.
Earn more than you burn son.

>> No.852350


the city of you.

>> No.852365

not touching oil until the rate hike happens.

oil should then start rising after the initial shock wears off and more shale companies start shutting down.

>> No.852421

Real estate investor here.

When do I invest in DPO?

I like money

>> No.852742
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bought to early nigga, fuck ya raindance

>> No.852805

stop tripping

>> No.852922

>he doesn't drive a tesla

lol dumb nigger

Even a CNG vehicle and pay ~$2/gallon average.

>> No.852950
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>> No.852964

Apparently the saudis can go 5 bucks a barrel from the ground all the way through past refinement.

Enough reserves to hold them until 2020 as well

>> No.852982

Didn't they just issue out $26 billion in new debt?

>> No.852989

>put 1000 into CHK a month ago

What was I thinking

>> No.852991

Dumbass. Although Archie bought a shitload sometime back and he's supposed to be a stud in that industry.

>> No.852994


Yes, but that's because they don't want to cut their services yet.

Because they have millions of crazy sandniggers ready to kill them and suicide bomb that rock in Mecca.

They can still do oil very fucking cheap and profit.

>> No.853005

The Saudis are hurting as well. They're racking up debt faster than they can pay off. Russia is fucked because of the downtrend in the oil market and Putin being an idiot for invading Ukraine too early. The US got fucked over by the Saudis glut of oil. A lot of people have distrusted the Saudis, because they cornered the oil market and sent the world into an economic shithole. At this rate they'll force the US to release the names of those who financed 9/11. Saudi Arabia is playing a game they cannot win, and they do not know this. Its one of the reason why we're shifting our interest with Iran.

>> No.853016

>and Putin being an idiot for invading Ukraine too early.

the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.853058

Your mom

>> No.853104

>not touching oil until the rate hike happens.
>oil should then start rising after the initial shock wears off and more shale companies start shutting down.

He hit that nail so hard it went through the floor. A price spike could always happen between now and september but the threat of a rising interest rate is too steep on this speculation. If rate hike goes through, dollar immediately rallies and all else being equal, oil drops. Then due to higher interest rates and lower prices, drillers go out of business in droves, they can't finance operations. Bam! Now you've got the bottom.

>> No.853136 [DELETED] 

You are fucking idiot if you think SA is going against US interest. I'm pretty sure it's plot directed by US, they are doing it to hurt Russia.


>> No.853138

You are fucking idiot if you think SA is going against US interest. I'm pretty sure it's plot directed by US, they are doing it to hurt Russia.


>> No.853183

Yeah well. Getting a small bump in the oil industry and fucking up Russias economy is much more cost efficient than getting into WW3 or new era of cold war.

I wonder what happens to Russia if the country keeps on declining financially. Will it just start acting like a wild animal in the corner or will it break down or what?

>> No.853500

What do you guys think of CVEO?

>> No.853626
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>I wonder what happens to Russia if the country keeps on declining financially. Will it just start acting like a wild animal in the corner or will it break down or what?

They'll go full USA-tier, I tell you that.

You see shit in Syria with ISIS, which america cannot do shit about because ISIS is supported by an NATO ally, namely Turkey. Well Turkey needs ISIS to genocide the Kurds and rape their children and woman, if ISIS stoped doing that, Kurds would and are actively working on liberating their lands and establishing Kurdistan, this however is a big problem for Turkey since a large portion of Kurdistan is occupied by Turkey or in other words large portions of Turkey are inhabited by Kurds. If the US would fight actively against ISIS, they would need to support the Kurds, if they support the Kurds, they will opt for independence and their own free state (from the human stand-point, they were genocided and raped by Turks, Iraqis and now ISIS, they deserve it). If the US supports the Kurds, Turkey is out of NATO, if Turkey is out of NATO the US have no control over that part of the world now. Their whole control was rooted in Turkey being a NATO ally. Having a loose Turkey, which is becoming a radical muslim country with their dictatorial president is checkmate for the US policy in the middle-east.

Russia has none of those problems since Russia doesn't have a foot in that region. However what Russia would have is the support of every fucking human being on the world if they ever decide to take out ISIS. Something the US is not able to do, because of the reasons listed above.

Things will be happening. I however believe the US will drop Turkey at some point and engage ISIS, because letting them run amok with their shit, wasn't tolerable a year ago, and is starting to be unbearable today.

>> No.853639

Doesn't the US paid upwards of $500 billion a year servicing its massive federal debt? That's not even touching the initial debt nigger. If you are an amerifuck, you have little credibility criticizing the finances of other countries.

>2015, still believing the USA isnt behind ISIS

>> No.853827

>US will drop Turkey at some point and engage ISIS
But the US will end 2016 with a new president, I don't see Obama starting a war a few months before becoming a PGA player.
>if Turkey is out of NATO the US have no control over that part of the world now
I don't get that part (air bases maybe).
>decide to take out ISIS.
Putin can't afford a war like this.

>Saudi Arabia is playing a game they cannot win
I think we will have a nice happening in SA.

>> No.853850
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>I don't get that part (air bases maybe).
What are the US allies in that region? Base of operations for every action US makes in the region is Turkey, airbases in Iraq are there until they decide they won't be, Iraq is a failed state as ISIS shows us more than clearly. If Turkey is not there for the backbone, the US influence in the region is not sustainable anymore, thus the airbases will have to go.

>Putin can't afford a war like this.
He may not do it alone, there are other actors which may accompany him when it is shown that America is uncapable of getting a grip on the ISIS threat because of the reasons stated above. One thing is sure, every nation that engages ISIS will have full support.

America is currently in a dire situation because on the one hand it is the only sane option, however with the great failure in the Iraq war, this engagement would show no actual benefit to the US as a nation, also it would risk their relationship with Turkey which is in extreme hostility towards the Kurds thus allied with ISIS over that matter. If ISIS is out of the picture, Kurds will demand their state and Turkey won't allow that, thus a second war is imminent. If US supports the Kurds which are now massacred, this makes them the enemy of Turkey, if they leave them, another ISIS will soon emerge, or Turkey will take the role of ISIS.

For US the only win scenario is to let ISIS pillage and rape, until there are no Kurds anymore and ISIS is etablished as an actual state. Then one could think about engaging.

For now this opens the spot for every other emerging power to take the spot as the right-doer. Russia has no obligations towards Turkey, and as seen with Syria, their soft power may be enough to settle the region, and engage ISIS through proxies like Assads regime.

>> No.854422

downside is 100%, upside is 300%

good luck

>> No.854785
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>Base of operations for every action US makes in the region is Turkey
Ok I see (this was helpful : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_military_deployments#Africa_and_Southwest_Asia))

Concerning the USA, they should focus on what Trump said :
>I would knock out the source of their wealth, the primary sources of their wealth, which is oil

Syria & ISIS :
You can't just destroy ISIS, you have to replace them. I only see Assad (or his successor) for that. Backed by Russia and Iran (Iran will have some cash) it would be extremely painful for ISIS. But they must solve the Government-Rebels problem before (I don't know if it's possible).

Also Turkey will go through a rough patch (Erdogan + Kurds + Jihadists).

>> No.854899

Nigga I wasn't trying to fap today

>> No.854910

thats some fucking sexy man, look at him.

>> No.856257

>4chan has an impact on the markets
jesus christ how horrifying

>> No.856334
File: 29 KB, 190x236, Herman Warden Lay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That picture has been debunked already.

First she was married and now she became a slave?

Come on /biz/.

>> No.856341
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yeah and it is obvious that she is 12 which is a perfectly fuckable age. even if she was married.

>> No.856851

IIDF pls.

>> No.856992


You are on something like the 100'th most visited site on the internet

Traffic bitch

>> No.856999


Except people with money don't come here. Institutional money managers don't come here. Even if they did they would use 4chan as a gauge of what dumb money is doing, like buying oil