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File: 132 KB, 396x724, meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
856219 No.856219 [Reply] [Original]

Why does everyone fall for this meme?

>> No.856222

those fucbois are qt

>> No.856228
File: 42 KB, 386x269, 1438715612108.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Because happiness is capped at about 75-80k $ (several studies corroborate this). I'll give you a simple example: my father is a construction worker. He works a very tiresome job for 8 hours a day, 6 days a week. When he's back home, he likes to collect stamps and old coins. He takes real pleasure in buying and selling these collectibles. If he could afford to buy all the coins at once, it would lose all value to him.

Of course you can't be happy if you can't even afford your food. But value is gained from the journey itself, not in the end of the journey.

>> No.856231


>happiness is capped

No it isn't!

Say I want to fly to Dubai, Japan and Switzerland while staying at top class hotels while drinking champagne with escorts, oh and I want to live off investments and not work a wage job. Additionally I want to fly to the US space station.

That requires more than 75/80k.

>I'm sorry but you dont have enough money to afford that


>> No.856243


You'll be a bit happier the first time you went to Dubai, but over a lifetime you wouldn't. Several studies show that money does NOT provide a continuous happier life if you reach a certain monetary level.


>> No.856244

You're a fucking retard. Reading
Should educate you, but not cure your knee jerk retardisms which will probably stick until you die

>> No.856957

The logic in OP's pic is really bad.

Money doesn't guarantee happiness.

Lack of money guarantees unhappiness.


>> No.856959

Money buys comfort, not happiness.

>> No.856961

ye. I wanna put my penis in their little mouths

>> No.856962

africans are happier than westerners though, in every measurable way anyway

>> No.856965

You're a spastic. Seriously.
Who the fuck does these "studies"?
I make $90k and I do it because I have to. If I don't I'll retire at 80 still working until I'm dead.

However, if I had enough money that I didn't have to work but could follow whatever passion I chose without any financial consequences, then that would be happiness.
Guess what fucker, it costs money to not have to work.

>> No.856966

Obviously if I retire I won't still be working.
Give me a break I'm drinking to forget my shitty wageslave life.

>> No.856972

You are fucking stupid m8.

>> No.856995

>old time rich dudes : tell the poorfags that money can't buy happiness
>plebs eat it up
>today's rich dudes : hmm, that doesn't work anymore, lets tell them they only need a small amount of money to be happy instead
>plebs eat it all up

>> No.858017

Money makes it so you don't have to worry about basic survival, so you can figure out what happiness means to you and pursue it.

>> No.858028

Money is necessary, but not sufficient, for happiness

>> No.858157

yeh but eastern thought has known for like 600 years about a little thing called "the law of impermanence of all forms"

millions of dollars would allow you endless sensory pleasure but as we know the fleeting nature of these leaves you wanting. wanting is the source of suffering

even the most coked up rockstar model fucking lifestyle leaves you empty inside

im a utilitarian, I just want enough to yeh, vacation as I please but mostly just not "have" to "do" anything if I dont want to

you however are thinking like a 6th grader

>> No.858191
File: 614 KB, 1500x1159, Maslows-Hierarchy-of-Needs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related and link provided pretty much explain everything someone needs to know about money and happiness.

For most people, you need to fulfill the bottom two levels of the pyramid to really be able to experience happiness and genuine satisfaction. Past that though, you can have all the money in the world and still be fucking miserable. Once you reach a certain point you're happiness is all on you and the environment that you find yourself in.

Money can't buy true happiness, but having it helps allow you to experience happiness. And there's a lot of people who argue that that's the same thing. The fact that there are people who still manage to be fucking miserable when they make above and beyond six digits goes a long way to disprove that notion though.


>> No.858196

Your life sounds like shit and I won't be surprised if you're cutting yourself.

>> No.858224

get that fucking garbage pseudoscience out of here

>> No.858646

In addition to money, you'll need to avoid being a nigger as well

>> No.858655

Right, no money => no happiness
does not imply the converse:
money => happiness

People often forget their basic logic.
(A => B) => (not B => not A)
(A => B) => (not A => not B). This is the converse. After all, "if it's raining, the sidewalk will be wet" does not imply that "if it is not raining, the sidewalk will not be wet". If you don't believe me, then I'll pee on the sidewalk outside your house.

>> No.858661

i really pity the people who are never happy, no matter how much money they have.

>> No.858664

>Additionally I want to fly to the US space station.
My tea is running from my mouth. Its International Space Station, burger please.

>> No.858666

Y u mad tho?

>> No.858667

Can you disprove any of Maslow's claims though? No? Thought so.

>> No.858670

>Money buys comfort, not happiness.
This. And security, piece of mind, and a sense of well-being. In other words, a stress-free life.

So I suppose in a sense its true that being very wealthy doesn't buy additional happiness. But it sure makes most, if not all, of the unhappiness of life disappear.

>> No.858683

I guess to sum this thread up:

Money doesn't buy happiness. Money provides security and comfort.

If all you seek is extreme pleasures that can only be provided via large amounts of money (a la Wolf of Wall Street) then you are in for a treat, because once you satisfy that, you want something bigger. Sorta like a heroin addiction.

>> No.858751

>implying any of you have the technology to shoot anything into space

We just call it the International Space Station so you don't get your feelings hurt.

Don't worry. You'll be American too soon enough. Liberation is upon you. Prepare for freedom.

>> No.858955

NASA just shelled out 490 mils for a few rides on a Soyuz rocket from the 60s.

>> No.858978


>> No.859008

Yeah, I am pretty much homeless and I have a loving girlfriend and self-esteem through my art

>> No.859035

Money gives you freedom. We shape our whole lifes around money...what if we didn't have to do that ? Would you be happier? I know I would

>> No.859058

Soyuz rockets are cheaper than the US models. Simple budget decision.

>> No.859360
File: 29 KB, 400x386, 1410937951388.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is the perfect example of how 4chan pisses me off by being so wrong

>> No.859365

I've been poor and I've been living comfortably.

All I have to say is that it sucks to calculate prices when shopping, be afraid that your econobox breaks down or you need to go to a dentist...
Money is freedom and means a less stressful life

>> No.859367

>look how rich we are drinking bottles of henkel out of plastic cups lads!

>> No.859404
File: 94 KB, 722x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, theres always a bigger house, car, boat, business.These things will make you happy for the short term but it wont last. Happiness is nothing without any meaning or sense of belonging in life. You are lying to yourself if you say nothing other than money makes you happy.

>> No.859409


Money buys you freedom to spend your time doing what you want to do.
If you have no idea what you want to do (passions, goals, etc) then you'll end up unhappy even if you end up rich.
Women, drugs, and a flashy lifestyle get old quick, and anyone who can't see that is a dumbass.

Most people only work to make money to support their lifestyle.
As you earn more money you start to adjust your lifestyle accordingly UNLESS you are one disciplined mofo

>> No.859412 [DELETED] 

money is just one factor among many

if you could get painful terminal cancer and have 2 days left to live in exchange for a trillion dollars most people would say no

>> No.859413

money is just one factor among many in happiness

>> No.859745

Well said

OC? If not, sauce?