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8552640 No.8552640 [Reply] [Original]

So I was reviewing old Ambrosus documents to see if I had missed anything.

If you look at one of the old versions of their whitepaper, https://ambrosus.com/assets/Ambrosus-Vision-Paper-V.2.3.2-EN.pdf
You will see that “Ambrosus is going through the acceleration in the Food Vertical, which is managed by the leading Swiss and European Food Manufacturers and Chemical Companies”.

From this, I tried to figure out what Mass Challenge was. Turns out, it is a startup accelerator, that helps put startups in touch with a lot of big companies. Some of the notable swiss names that I found in my research were Nestle, Buehler, Migros, and Givaudan (https://www.foodnavigator.com/Article/2016/02/09/Next-generation-innovation-Start-up-incubator-launches-in-Switzerland).).

Now based off of this thread https://www.reddit.com/r/ambrosus/comments/7zmuh5/ambrosus_partnership_updated_list/, we know that Ambrosus has partnerships with or is in talks with both migros and nestle. It seems like a lot of their connections came from the startup accelerator. This left me wondering- could there be more? A little deeper dive reveals this -https://www.foodnavigator.com/Article/2017/10/10/Ambrosus-is-bringing-farm-to-fork-Blockchain-technology-to-industry-pioneers

“Through Swiss incubator scheme Mass Challenge, it (Ambrosus) has also been working on public partnerships with Nestle, Buehler, Givaudan, and Migros Sweets. So if we look back to the partnership thread, we see that there is “Cosmetics and Fragrances Company (4 billion CHF+) - NDA”. After some more research, what do I find? Givaduan is a cosmetics and fragrance company that has a revenue of 4.7 billion CHF (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Givaudan).). Then we also see “Food Processing Company (2 billion CHF+)- NDA” in the partnership thread. Buehler group is a food processing company that has a revenue of 2.13 Billion CHF (https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmXoypizjW3WknFiJnKLwHCnL72vedxjQkDDP1mXWo6uco/wiki/Buhler_Group.html))

>> No.8552645

Thus, my conclusion is that two of these NDA partners with a perfect fit in both revenue, industry, and connection (mass challenge accelerator), are Giavaudan and Buehler. What’s interesting is that Mass Challenge is now mentioned as an “afterthought” in V8.1 of the Ambrosus white paper now. What this leads me to believe is that these are actual PARTNERSHIPS formed after meeting at mass challenge. Because of NDA’s, Ambrosus had to alter certain things to not reveal the actual workings. However, this is good as well- two very solid companies that seem to actually be testing products with Ambrosus.

>> No.8552668
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Look on this image, source:

>> No.8552732

Moon when

>> No.8552756

thank you based whole clown

>> No.8552821

Holy shit. Well done. I thought that all the original content moved on from biz. This post is exactly why I come here.

>> No.8552868

Thankyou based autistic anon

>> No.8552897


You literally copy-pasted Zhang Ye's research from the Ambrosus telegram.

>> No.8552909 [DELETED] 
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YUGE if real
oh and nice research btw

>> No.8552910
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Mfw someone copies the chink

>> No.8552994

I fucking knew the coordinated FUD the past month was from accumulators.

>> No.8553004


Beautiful work Anon. Here's some of my DD as well based on what Angel mentioned on Reddit about NDAs in the past.

Large British pharmaceutical company - There are basically only two big British pharma companies that would be worth mentioning. One is GlaxoSmithKline, one of the top-10 pharma companies in the world. The other is AstraZeneca. As far as I know, nobody has broken into the pharmaceutical markets yet, and the use cases are myriad.

Large Swiss Food Retailer - It's possible that this could very well be Nestle if you look at all of their talent that has come from Nestle R&D the past few years. I tend to think it's more likely to be something like Migros, which is not only Switzerland's largest food retailer, but also their largest retail company period.

Large German QA Firm - I'll let you guys figure this one out. It's esoteric, kinda like VEN's NVG DL partnership. It's not a household name, but if you're looking into investing in AMB you're going to be excited about it.

>> No.8553032

next week is gonna be hot for AMB, according to rumours

>> No.8553053

I cannot say more ,
but good job with the second paragraph ;)

>> No.8553090


What do you know, based anon?

>> No.8553093
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To be honest, some of the smarter autists from the swissbro TG splintered off another research group because of all the trolling in the swissbro TG, like that autistic turd mrbearwolffaggot and the daily /pol/ circlejerk.

Our autism has uncovered a lot more aces up Ambrosus's sleeve, one of which was the above copy pasta by Zhang Ye about Buehler and Givaudan. That fucking moron Albert JUST had to post a chunk of the research into the main AMB Tg before everyone was done accumulating.

In short, yeah. A 2.5bil and 5 bil market cap company are two of AMB's SMALLEST partnerships. They also have some ICX grade partnerships with the swiss education system, including ETH Zurich. That's without going into the ties to the Swiss government.




>> No.8553135
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Ah fuck. I thought he was a champ when in reality he was just a nigger.

>> No.8553156

kimchi talking about token update next week. is that the source for the pump? What is going on?

>> No.8553165

Damn, was about 75% of the way done with accumulation. Guess now I have to pick out which house I want to buy.

BearWolf was an obvious FUDster trying to accumulate. Hell, he may have helped put an extra 10k AMB in my pocket. Thanks BearWolf.

>> No.8553286

so what ? shouldn't it be priced in right now ? I mean if we already knew companies marketcap and what they do.

>> No.8553362

oy vey. when chink like mc?

>> No.8553366

lol good news for amb. at least give some credit to the guy who dug it up - zhang ye posted that in the AMB telegram...

>> No.8553382

was never publicly confirmed. I think AMB have a lot more going on than they say, unlike most coins that say a lot more than they do

>> No.8553431
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The price action looks like a P&D right now, but the people dumping are gonna regret it by EOM. Here's what's driving it:

1. A lot of the fud on /biz/ was fake news, probably by bearwolf going through VPNs. The team has been addressing it one at a time to clear it up.

2. Angel posted on reddit that he was going to be making some big announcements AS EARLY AS THIS WEEK.

3. Al Jones posted the research the OP copied from a swissbro chink (Zhang Ye) into the AMB telegram channel, and pointed out that Zhang Ye is LITERALLY an expert on supply chain management and professional consultant. He's not the only one in the group though, which has gotten fairly big in only a few months. It's mostly a combination of pharma&food /biz/ lurkers and swissbro TG autists invited directly by the guys who formed the other TG.

Lemme spell it out for you /biz/lets that are too stupid to DYOR:

There are professionals from Jarrow Formulas, Sysco, Siemens, Keith Foods, GSK, and Ben E. accumulating AMB right and running teams to build dapps on the alpha net. These professionals include PharmaPhag, who isn't a lurker. They aren't just shilling and accumulating, they're fucking ADOPTING IT through tech teams that work under them.

We were supporting AMB's price by accumulating in spite of the retards selling from all the fake news fud, but the floor just kept moving lower. Cat's out of the bag now thanks to that fucktard Albert though.

>> No.8553485
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Almost crumbled with all the fud lately but decided to hold. amb will take us to the promise land

>> No.8553512
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Protip: Pharmaphag isn't a larper. And yes, a lot of the video contest submissions were from our group by people who ARE CURRENTLY building those world-changing dapps.

>mfw /biz/ is going to feel as retarded as they did when they missed ETH, VEN, and XRB in 2 weeks.

>> No.8553537

Good luck autistic ambros. I won't be joining your moon mission but I hope you make it.

>> No.8553587

>Al Jones posted the research the OP copied from a swissbro chink (Zhang Ye) into the AMB telegram channel, and pointed out that Zhang Ye is LITERALLY an expert on supply chain management and professional consultant. He's not the only one in the group though, which has gotten fairly big in only a few months. It's mostly a combination of pharma&food /biz/ lurkers and swissbro TG autists invited directly by the guys who formed the other TG.
I'm swissbro tg autist I want to do autistic things. How can I get into the other tg group?

>> No.8553596

We all know the AMB moon is coming. It's just a matter of when.

>> No.8553608


>> No.8553611

didn't the ceo admit he likes scamming why would anybody buy this

>> No.8553614

Absolute minimum AMB to become a chad?

>> No.8553638 [DELETED] 


Youll be happy tomorrow unless you were stupid enough to sell the low last week.

>> No.8553679

5k would be my best guess for lowest possible to be a sizeable sum

>> No.8553683
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Bye brainlet. This was your last chance to get in and you blew it.

>> No.8553689


Way to fail at reading comprehension (to be fair Versetti worded it the most absolutely retarded way possible).

He was saying that AMB WAS NOT A VICTIM OF DAVID DRAKE. As it turned out, David Drake was selling his image to ICOs for a couple million, so a lot of projects that used his image didn't actually have his backing when listing them as an adviser.

Ambrosus on the other hand, has David Drake's full backing, network, and resources.

>> No.8553785

yay. holding 12k.

>> No.8553790

full backing of a known scammer lol

why would anyone want to intentionally give their money to known scammers, you're basically scamming yourself at that point

>> No.8553828

Why anon, what are you holding instead? We're still low as fuck mc.

>> No.8553900

Someone just market sold a lot of fucking AMB....so I was able to buy back in lower than I sold 2 days...so thanks, I guess.

>> No.8554049


P&Der dropping their bags probably. Time for liftoff!

>> No.8554055

It should tell you something that people have been trying to dump thousands of AMB into this pump and the price hasn't capitulated.

>> No.8554100

So basically what you're trying to say is that LINK will = $1000 eoy?

>> No.8554372


right now? lol

>> No.8554655
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amb will make a wealthy man

>> No.8555331



>> No.8555350
File: 73 KB, 500x500, 12598239829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Delete this

>> No.8555354

tfw my order was the very bottom of that dump. Only 58% filled.

>> No.8555360

You autists are fucking impressive

>> No.8555461
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>> No.8555525

Ha you fucking faggot I KNEW IT

>> No.8555588
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Sure you did. The smart autists shut up and let me do my thang. The sperg autists gave me free (You)s.

>> No.8555617


Reverse FUDsters need an audience to play off of them my friend - you're clever, but not THAT clever :)

>> No.8555656

Ok. Best troll in /biz/ history here. 10/10

>> No.8555674

You got me you fucker. You should have kept the troll going until we get some more attention

>> No.8555691

Noooo that NDA cost $3 million to reveal. You didn't PAY.

>> No.8555705

Shut the fuck up and just admit the man got us all to play his game. The fud was weak but we all took the bait

>> No.8555710

>>8555674Fucking commited. Always bet on the FUD.

20k AMB will I make it Mr. Bear?

>> No.8555711



So what was your end goal?

>> No.8555726

Like any good snow storm...accumulation

>> No.8555735


Who pays attention to FUD if there are no fanbois voraciously defending it?

>> No.8555832
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I'm making sure my friends and family are in before biz anons. No hard feelings, though.
As a STEMfag, pharma is no LARP.
Had a gook friend read through kimchi's threads, he is no LARP either.
Even Brule is in it.
I honestly don't know why they are all sharing AMB on /biz/ though, especially swiss fund manager.
Easy money.

>> No.8555852

too bad noone gave a fuck about your threads

>> No.8555970


>> No.8556026

>I'm making sure my friends and family are in before biz anons.
Even though I know this is always how things work it still makes me feel a little bad to see it because it reminds me of how I'm often being left out of good things since I wasn't fortunate to be born into good people connections and everything is an uphill battle.

>> No.8556038

wow this was an emotional rollercoaster.
the rides name is "rollercoaster of pure faggotry"

>> No.8556102

You were a shitty LARPer. I mean who gives a shit about MOD? Have you seen their CEO? He's the biggest unattractive soy boy that's ever existed.
You must be a huge faggot to actually believe your FUD worked. The name of the game is to buy low caps with stellar teams and then wait until moon which includes bleeding. I was in REQ at 6 cents and I heard the exact same stupid FUD.

>> No.8556109

Never too late to start building them anon

>> No.8556234

You are the connection now. People will be glad they know you.

>> No.8556237
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second this

>> No.8556246

Price action and community behavior dictates that it worked. So did the research bombs Al Jones and Zhang ye dropped on everyone

>> No.8556265
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It's too late to begin buying isn't it?

>> No.8556281
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>> No.8556332

Nope, this is probably an easy 2x still.

>> No.8556492
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You tell me.

>> No.8556520

It's at near ICO price. This is exactly the time to buy.

>> No.8556545

That's not because of his neckbeard faggot ass. It's because AMB doesn't really have a lot buzz right. This game is all about buzz and press because it's a pure speculative market.
The way to increase price is to at least make it look like it will ever reach adoption.

>> No.8556575
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Hey pajeetfaggot, I never endorsed Amb.

I'm Dr Steve Brule, of For Your Wealth, 'biz's Discord server. Google me to join, ya dringus. We got free paid signals and shit for /biz. Non-Autists need not apply.

I only endorse WAN, but who cares BTC's gonna correct to the $6ks in a week or tow making 2nd/3rd tier shitcoins tank more. Screen cap this, nigger.

>> No.8556577
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>> No.8556649

I smell a big quality assurance company coming out as AMB partner soon. Yummy!
(am i the real kimchi tho? I am. My existence is recorded on the blockchain)

>> No.8556738
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i like to larp too

>> No.8556791
File: 20 KB, 249x211, 1521151682607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You fucker

>> No.8556825

I think you may have missed that this amb is just a crack of shit. Used car salesman with contacts gets lucky beyond his wildest dreams no matter how you dress it or big it up it remains a crock of shit.

>> No.8556973

big things are coming for AMB, token announcements this week watch this space

>> No.8557091


>> No.8557280


Something something soothsayer

>> No.8557619

The C(had)EO litterally just announced this why the fuck are you posting it here

>> No.8557735

Too much larp in one thread