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File: 147 KB, 609x406, STUDIOjeanie_Handholding_holding_hands_holdinghands_heirloommagazine_BerniceMasonLIFE(pp_w609_h406).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8545145 No.8545145 [Reply] [Original]

Serious question, please no trolls.

Is falling in love a worthwhile investment for a girl? My last relationship I had was very intense and the ending was extremely brutal (he cheated) and set me back a couple of months. After the end, I managed to use up all my free time from being single and focused it into becoming successful. Two years later, I'm a millionaire (combo of crypto, real estate, online businesses).

It feels good to have all the money I want, but sometimes I feel very empty. I recently stalked my ex the other day and saw he had a new girlfriend. She works as a sales rep at H&M and he's a server at a Chinese restaurant. A part of me feels really bad, because they're probably happier together being poor than I am alone with all of my success. I see a lot of other girls my age around me having fun talking about the guys they are seeing and going out on the weekends and having fun, and I get jealous. I'm wondering if I spent my early twenties wrong.

tl;dr, Focused all my energy on accumulating money and success. Still not happy. Did I fuck up?

>> No.8545168


>> No.8545174

no, literally almost 100% of everybody is an idiot. you just have to try hard to find somebody who's pretty cool

>> No.8545185

More importantly, who fucking cares about your whiny bullshit?

>> No.8545187

love isn’t real

>> No.8545191

okay maybe rephrase love into supportive life partner that you can tolerate

>> No.8545249

Your father should have married you off when you were a virgin.

>> No.8545296

Well just stop focusing on money now then.. Invest it in long term assets, and start enjoying life, meeting new people, doing activity, improving yourself physically, and you will surely find a good man in the process

>> No.8545310

You're seeing things through rose-tinted glasses because right now you're missing love/a relationship.

I can guarantee that things between them aren't as smooth as you think. That's your own personal bias working.

No, you didn't spend your twenties wrong. Even if you did, that doesn't shackle you to the same routine from now on.

I know for lots of anons here travel is a meme, but if possible, go out and experience the world a little bit. I also recommend mindfulness meditation. You have to face up the frustration/anger/disappointment that's accumulated within you and accept it as something natural. Something that doesn't need to break you; something that you can use constructively once you really UNDERSTAND it.

The way you think shapes your reality isn't a meme concept. It's real.

>> No.8545324
File: 21 KB, 507x632, 04875791a3cf77b64f9d35a026f07b83--my-best-friend-best-friends.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As long as your not fat you'll find someone.

>> No.8545333

It's not about finding someone, it's about finding a non-retard who doesn't smoke weed and play video games at 26

>> No.8545350

That's easy. Stop hanging out with your retard friends. Take up something that Chad's do as a hobby. Climb some big mountains or something that lazy faggots can't physically do

>> No.8545353

Maybe if you didn't go after douchebag Chads who cheat this wouldn't happen to you, you fucking retard. Relationships are handed to you women on a silver platter, most men have to work hard to even find one, let alone find one that's good enough for us

If you can't find a good relationship then your relationship filter is broken. Fuck off roastie scumbag

>> No.8545363
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He's a waiter at a Chinese food restaurant. Does that sound like anything other than an total fucking loser?

>> No.8545377

you'll be fine. plenty of fish in the sea.
go find a guy with the same drive as you with similar interests.

>> No.8545399

Yeah you're probably right about everything. I guess its a grass is greener on the other side scenario. What sort of routine do you have?

For a long time I thought I was better than my peers because instead of going out and partying and sleeping around I was staying at home researching and developing skills. I thought once I hit one million, I would be super happy and I imagined that my life would suddenly change. Now that I'm at that point, I feel extremely empty and jealous of the people that I looked down upon. Does anyone else feel that way?

Legitimate question, but how do you do that? I'm not fat or ugly, but surprisingly even though I'm a girl, golddiggers are a real problem. I've had a bunch of guys try to leech off of me after finding out how much money I make, and it's not really something I can keep a secret for long because it takes up a large part of my time and life.

I could just date someone who is more successful than me, but I feel like guys like that would prefer not to settle down or just date really hot supermodel type girls

>> No.8545408

tits with timestamp

>> No.8545432

the fact that you are obsessive about him tells one that he is indeed a chad. Chad is a state of mind, not state of material wealth.

Not that there's anything wrong with what you feel. non-chads are disgusting and shouldn't be in relationships.

>> No.8545442
File: 132 KB, 891x1047, 22B1C693-2A21-4642-B6EE-DF21FD4ABE22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking whore, nobody I see surprised you chose a man that fucked another woman while you were dating lmao. And now you come and beg us to tell you to find a good little cuck? Not gonna happen bitch, I’d pound your sister in your bed if we were dating.

>> No.8545443

He wasn't a Chad at all and I'm not attracted to Chads at all. I only like nice dorky guys. He would cook me dinner when I got home from work and clean the house while I was gone.

He ended up cheating on me with a coworker at his restaurant who was a narutard. I'm starting to think that I should go after Chads.

>> No.8545459

>set me back a "couple of months"
>become successful
>in cryptos, real estate, and business
>oh yeah, also a millionaire
shit larp. dial it back next time.

>> No.8545461

To my surprize there is no comment that says show bobs and vagene

>> No.8545472

Must be because OP has benis

>> No.8545475

My wife is an heiress, she never told me and I didn't find out until about 3 years after we met.
I always just felt it was a nice little bonus perk, and it doesn't really matter so long as we still have fun like we always had.

>> No.8545488

Go after dorks turned chad

>> No.8545505

My routine is still shaky as I'm going through a shitty period myself, which has been a good opportunity to return to mindfulness meditation.

Currently I try to stick to light exercises every day, one or two meditation sessions (x15 times each) and I do some walking around. It's nice to people watch especially if you live in a busier city.

Mindfulness is not only found in your meditation sessions; it should be applied to every moment of your existence. You'll be surprised what a difference it makes.

You mention your emptiness and jealousy, a product of you looking down upon people. This is good. It's your first lesson that the Ego can be a fucking bitch - and it's.

I can assure you that this same Ego is what's driving your feelings towards your ex. Most of the time that's not the love we're mistaking it for - it's the missed opportunity, the possession of the person opposite, the selfish desire.

I know it because I'm feeling the same RN towards an ex that just made a reappearance in my life.

Get 'Mindfulness in Plain English' by Bhante Gunaratana. Meditation books generally suck as they can feel like a horde of cultists screaming in your ears. Lots of gurus and shitty indoctrination like-mantras.

This one is a very simple, light read that will introduce you to some basics. Once you start being mindful, your mental state and outlook towards the look will change. I guarantee it.

>> No.8545513

15 minutes* not times

>> No.8545514

Monogamy only really works for people who have no options. So if absolute loyalty is what you seek you'll probably only find it with a beta male who worships you and who submits completely to you.

Alternative if you want a chad is to be a cool chick who understands that men have needs. I think swinging relationships are the best personally. Allows you to have loyalty whilst also catering to the fact that humans need to have sexually diverse experiences to be content.

You should be proud of being successful however, and you should find someone who is as ambitious if not more ambitious than you. After you've been through a few relationships you realize that for the long-term, it's critical to have a partner who shares your vision for the future and with whom you can work as a team.

As for your wealth, you may want to keep it on the down low until you really get to know someone.

>> No.8545516
File: 34 KB, 340x596, Screen Shot 2018-01-12 at 11.23.06 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao fuck off

>> No.8545517

Nobody cares just fuck off Jesus Christ, this does not belong in /biz/, go back to /soc/ or /adv/ you socwhore

>> No.8545543

Yes if you hang out in the wrong places, being ripped off by a degen is likely, it's not surprising, I've heard stories of girl get fucked bad, but always by the same type of guy, uneducated, chad-like, ...
>I feel like guys like that would prefer not to settle down or just date really hot supermodel type girls
Well just try, you have to maximize your chances.
A lot of men I respect do things like scout (maybe not relevant in your age bracket), sport, basically non-materialistic activities. Hang around those, try to integrate a social circle, or even aim for more intelligence demanding activities.
God speed, and make at least 3 white children

>> No.8545549


You seem angry, anon.

I like writing this shit when there are anons who seemingly struggle with something. Doesn't matter the age or gender, we're all autists and retards here. It's why we're here.

Or maybe what really belongs to /biz/ is stinky linky $1000 EOY thread #88444, huh?

>> No.8545555
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You know that crippling loneliness comes with being massively successful, right?
Fucking all the money in the world couldn't buy me the ability to not stutter in real life, and I see no reason to go outside or try for love.

If you're not rich on /biz/, you're getting rich.
If you are rich on /biz/, you're hollow. Only good advice to get is from fellow hollows. This board crops up a lot because it comes with the lifestyle, you know?

>> No.8545563

Falling in love is great when you both are strong individually. One person can't be weak. You have to be on the same page even if you're two different people. My parents have been married over 30 years and I know why. It's because they let each other be themselves and don't change one another individually, but together they worked together to have what they have. A long lasting bond.

Something I wish I could have, but I could never fall in love again. I fell in love a few times and last one made me realize it wasn't for me.

Is it love you really desire? Find a woman as equal as you in a career. You don't want a gold digger bitch. Try online dating.

>> No.8545572

I'm sure OP is jewish

>> No.8545579

You seem annoying and oblivious of your lack of fit to the board.

you are definitely jewish.

>> No.8545604

OP here, not jewish, I'm asian.

Also don't be a retard and talk of being oblivious of lack of fit to /biz/ when you don't even know about post IDs. Maybe then you'll realize you aren't even responding to the right person, kek

>> No.8545651

I’d do anything to be in your financial situation don't complain about it just wait you’ll find the right guy. There’s like 3.5 Billion men out there at least 1 will like you just be patient that’s all I can say.

>> No.8545656
File: 46 KB, 620x620, 1521779947059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you will find the love of your life

my goal is to find hottie and elope

>> No.8545662

I am a millionaire myself
Asian, but like you I sit on my computer whole day
I think no matter how rich you are, this is not how you should be spending your twenties. Rotting away in your home
I am going to join MBA this year. But that might not be an option for you
No matter what, make better use of your twenties(dont ask me how)
Plus no matter how much you drink, party, fuck or spend, this itch will never ever go away. So remember this as well that contention is very important

>> No.8545686

kys roastie

>> No.8545693

>I see a lot of other girls my age around me having fun talking about the guys they are seeing and going out on the weekends and having fun, and I get jealous. I'm wondering if I spent my early twenties wrong.
thats what it looks like on the outside but everyone is hollow inside. Material worth or success will not bring you long term happiness
Relationships will never keep you happy either.
Start going to church is my advice and try to develop a relationship with jesus.

>> No.8545711
File: 108 KB, 640x634, DUwVnFtV4AEA_cU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fuck you made me laugh
you pulled me out of a depressive spell, thanks bro

>> No.8545804

Seriously , if you think a guy could make you happy then you can not be more wrong
NEVER love someone so much that he controls your life, if your happiness is with someone else then you are 100% going to get fucked in life

>> No.8545820

what do old rich single women do?

>> No.8545867

Buy male prostitutes and go to the club OP

>> No.8545871
File: 77 KB, 615x819, 109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am what you are looking for OP
Sadly i am semi picky , although i have lowered my standards
I have that dorky side, as well as the Chad with friends and decent looks
If you are in LA hit me up, first let's get a pic though. If you don't wanna show your face, show your figure. Clothes on or off doesn't matter

>> No.8545874

fuck young boys and get kinky about it I guess

or pick up some fucking old lady hobby? shit nobody's the keeper of your life, lady figure yourself out

>> No.8545878

Bro this ain’t a random hookup kek

>> No.8545885

open bob
show the vagene sir

>> No.8545891

Oh you are old
I love m.i.l.f.s

>> No.8545895

Get off this or you’ll be exposed to the dickheads of the internet

>> No.8545902

>I'm asian
East Asian? Was your ex Asian too?

>> No.8545918



>> No.8545924


>> No.8545926

Tryin to get us some pics man come on

OP is Korean i am guessing. Usually not my fav, they are either not fuckable or totally fuckable

>> No.8545934

Totally understandable no cockblocked good sir forgive me

>> No.8545942

Apparently now I can’t spell kek

>> No.8545952

I beat my MEAT

>> No.8545970

Who’s in the photo is that you thought you were a guy ?

>> No.8545981

Even girls 20 times poorer, 100 pounds heavier, and with 3 more kids than you can fill up their dating calendars on a whim in the internet age. Be glad you're not like us that are lucky to get one date that doesn't flake every six months and sift through the damn pile.

>> No.8546003

am a guy lol
Some pic i found on /b years ago

OP is kill

>> No.8546042

I'm still here you just sound exactly like the kind of loser I hope I never have to cross paths with in real life

>> No.8546058

I think you should reflect on >>8545310
These normies may appear to have something you don't, but I swear to God their lives are nothing like what you see on SM or whatever else. No one would know that i am an insurance peddler that spends 75% of the time at home scheming in pajamas based on my Instagram that looks like some dweeb traveler or nature/meme hiking enthusiast.

In terms of what the normans have and what you don't is this >>8545333 and the majority fuck this up too (I wouldn't be too upset about the vidya part as long as it's not obsessive or takes up less than 8 hrs a week). However, good luck finding someone with a level head like this. As fun as "falling in love" and "romance" are, it's childish, and you'll have to figure out what you're jealous of on the first place (kinda like >>8545191). I'm very lucky to be locking down someone that thinks of marriage as a family building contact and not some kind of disney wish fulfillment.

Also this anon is right. It's not fun needing to worry about finances. Every one of your peers would be envious of your situation. If they took a second to think about their future and if you stopped believing normalfag ideas for a few minutes, you would realize that you're 200% in a better position than they are.

>> No.8546062

roastie larping as richfag

>> No.8546064

Nobody is going to want you because you sound like an annoying stuck up bitch. You'll always hate yourself if you settle for someone less successful than you (women are hardwired to not be able to deal with their men being worth less than them), and everyone more successful than you will either be a cheating chad or someone legitimately mentally ill. You've fucked yourself, good job. Vapid golddigging cunts that never thought a conscious thought in their entire lives are 100 times more fulfilled and happier than you.

Ha ha ha.

>> No.8546103


You sound pretty cool, which makes me think maybe my chances of finding an independently wealthy gf who is also good are non-zero

I only have about $500k, but I am shooting for 8 figures minimum before I call time and start figuring out what kind of life I want. Have you gone through a process like that?

I think that a relationship between two independently wealthy people could potentially be very healthy (assuming that they are not from wealthy backgrounds and are just acculturated to wealth), as you are guaranteed to be there for the right reasons.

Good luck OP, and I guess start hunting crypto-millionaires, cause I think there will be more people out there who are thinking along my lines

>> No.8546127

>Continues with non-biz topic on biz
I get a feeling why your BF abandoned you. i'd do that too given what you've showed here

>> No.8546162

> Focused all my energy on accumulating money and success. Still not happy. Did I fuck up?
Don't be an idiot. You did the best thing.

You have the rest of your life to enjoy, whilst many people will have to work the rest of their life and have no time to enjoy it with their partners and children, instead they will yell at each other because of financial problems.

Now, if you want to find someone genuine, take up some activities and go to local events so you can meet new people, and you will run into someone perfect for you.

PS: Don't let any of the guys know how rich you are until they propose.

>> No.8546169

If you look at the thread, it probably has some of the best advice you'd get on 4chan imho. And we definitely need 3 more link threads, and don't need to talk about BTC predictions either. Rootstock is totally overrated too. No general for possible legal complications or wikis coming along, mm mm no no no!

>> No.8546199

i suggest moving to silicon valley where a $1M net worth in your twenties is the norm. also a ridiculous guy to girl ratio so you can feel free to be picky.

>> No.8546203

abundance of link threads doesn't mean that we need more roastie threads / an-cap kiddy shittery
the thread is non-biz related. fuck off to r9k/adv/soc. if OP doesn't understand it and is persistent in continuing the thread, then this kind of behaviour most likely contributed to OPs lack of relationship success. autistic stubborn obliviousness

>> No.8546205

kys faggot, 90% of biz threads aren't biz related.

>> No.8546220


I feel the same way bout my early 20s, now 27, send me a message it'd be good to talk more.


>> No.8546228

>white knighting
>90% of biz threads aren't biz related
false. this thread is contributing to this problem if it does exist.

OP is most likely fishing for some bf material here in typical roastie manner of invading spaces with their unwanted vaginas. ya'll suckers

>> No.8546229

You have spent your 20s very right, no doubt.
Also, you claim to be Asian. Everything seems to be win-win here

>> No.8546265

How old are you OP?

It's probably something wrong with you and that's why he cheated. Noone likes to admit it but they probably couldn't satisfy their partner and that's what drove them away. Are you a shit person on the inside?

>> No.8546266

Project harder fag, get back to YOUR containment boards.

>chads n soibois

>da jews

>Muh 'tism

You're some neck bearded, omegaboy, ex script kiddie at best.

>> No.8546273

I'll talk about biz-related content on r9k? you fucking moron

fuck off the board

>> No.8546281

>fishing for some bf material
Literally the best case scenario for your judgment. A faggot from 4chins is second only to a faggot perusing lolcow.

>> No.8546285

Youre the opposite of my ex. Very good you got your finances right. You sound like you cherish love more than artificial happiness. You should travel. Get more in touch with yourself. You might meet someone along the way.

>> No.8546291

biz is full of rich people. if you don't know this by now, you should go back to plebbit. certain you've strayed from there not long ago.

>> No.8546295
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Personal anecdote time.

When I was around 18 I found this girl who I thought was pretty cool at the time, we started talking (this was just on the Internet) and decided to "date"

We spent a few years together doing the long distance thing and of course my biggest hopes were to actually visit and meet her but of course I had no kind of money.

She told me how she had all this money and we would be able to invest it together/buy a house/etc. and like an idiot I fell for all of that and actually planned my life around it.

Eventually it turned out that she had been lying to me this entire time, this person I was spending hours and hours every day with, there was no money, she never had any intention of coming to see me.

The result? I was 21 now, having wasted 3 years of my life, living alone in a new country with no ability to pay my bills and the expectation that this girl would basically come and help me out.

So we split.

I decided that day to focus on myself and put myself first, got into crypto after failing a few other things and I really hit it big.

Now I have a bunch of money (not rich by any means but WAY better off than before), time, and I can freely spend my life as I wish.

Do I regret my decisions? Not exactly - I was one of those hopeless romantic types that really gave their everything into a relationship, and it left me emotionally out of energy once the whole thing crashed down. I still feel it was a good thing at the time, though I wouldn't do it again given the chance.

I went down that road and now I feel I'm back - of course I've become a bit jaded since. I don't really interact with too many females anymore because I feel like I've experienced enough with just that one. Emotionally and everything else.

So is it worthwhile? In my experience it can be, but I think it's smarter to have all your ducks in a row and your "house in order" before you move on to relationships with others. That was my fatal mistake.

Hope this helps OP.

>> No.8546297

>finance related board
>asks for help with financial and family planning

>Board for any original discussion
>makes a business related post
I don't get it anon, that's perfectly acceptable. Close your laptop.

>> No.8546305

>Doesn't understand diminishing returns
Were you in marketing or something?

>> No.8546350

>Is falling in love a worthwhile investment for a girl?
Yes if you fall in love with me. I've read all your posts and I'm in love.

>> No.8546382

poorfag detected
most multi-millionaire non-jewish men are better than average in other aspects as well

>> No.8546465

>hey guys i'm grill teehee
>87 posts

>> No.8546572

YOU so savage

>> No.8546601

Off topic do you think Bitcoin is a bubble? I wanna know your opinion

>> No.8546607
File: 19 KB, 402x507, 1509223089160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women coin 1000x end of tomorrow.

>> No.8546695

>family planning
nope. read the top of your page right now. the business and finance part. sure you've skipped it.

the family planning board is soc/adv/r9k you stubborn white-knight autist

>> No.8546767

THE ‘perfect woman’ ain’t a woman, can’t even wash dishes or cook me dinner xD jk jk

>> No.8546773

Tits or GTFO

>> No.8546802


Sound just a normal chick op Just be yourself and don't stop acting how you are because you seem super chill. You will find somebody and they will be super lucky to have you and you will be too. Goodluck in life op and try not to spend all your money on useless shit/people like most retards on this board do

>> No.8546858
File: 32 KB, 778x512, 19702444_10156301737858362_8739525874276830747_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

become my sugar mommy

>> No.8547597

I'm sorry to say this, but most men just want a young, good looking woman that isn't retarded. For a man, accomplishments and success are very important since most women look for those traits. For females you pretty much peak at 23 and it all goes downhill from there. However since you're asian you will probably maintain your good looks for a longer period.

So my advice would be to move to silicon valley and find a man there that is more successful than you. They all love asian women over there anyway.

>> No.8547696

Where can I acquire this kind of wisdom? I want to frame your reply and look at it every morning before I waste my day doing the opposite.

>> No.8547782

It looks like a lot of fun, but hypothetically, I could never trust a girlfriend or wife. I believe that almost everyone cheats. I'd always believe she's cheating.

>> No.8547807

Girls only like guys who are fit and outgoing. Average shy guys don't get dates.

>> No.8547832


Chad isn't slicked back hair and sun glasses
Chad is a state of mind
>elite mentality

>> No.8547964

welp, i heard some women go batshit crazy if they don't have a family somewhere above 30. tho won't necessarily apply to you, but it does look like a potential risk based on this thread.
do you have a picture of where you'll be 15 years from now?

imo use that wealth to find a partner. DON'T flaunt like a male would. guys won't be more attracted because you have money, the ones that will be will literally just want the money.
just try to meet like-minded men, preferably ones who are also successful in a similar area.

the best if you find someone you can do business together with. if you both vastly benefit each other's finance and become dependent on each other, you have very good odds of staying together for life.

>> No.8548042

>He would cook me dinner when I got home from work and clean the house while I was gone.

i really think you need someone who takes as much pride in his work as you do. if he believes his time isn't as valuable as yours that should be a giant red flag. cooking, if he's really good at it, is fine i guess, but cleaning? let a professional cleaner do that in your situation

'chad' will be 1000x worse. there's no way you'll find a chad that satisfies your needs. they put a lot of work into their appearance for whole different reasons, and it will be way more humiliating for you.

>> No.8548056

Not $1MM babe

>> No.8548077

do you have discord?

>> No.8548128

OP if youre still reading this thread the obvious answer is you need to speak to a professional. Get some therapy and talk through this stuff. Do you really think a board full of neet virgins are gonna be able to give you relationship advice? Half of them can't even stomach the fact that you're a woman.

Apart from that its a wise investment because it will make your life more fulfilled. There's literally 3.5 billion dudes out there you could date don't get hung up on one cunt that cheated on you. You're obviously successful already so the world is your oyster. Not sure where youre from but I guarantee there's bachelors galore.

>> No.8548157

>be wamen
>hardwired to want to produce children
>pursue materialism instead

You did this to yourself, struggle through the burden of biology, and arise higher to intellectual and spiritual pursuits, or succumb to nature and find a beta provider. That's what I'd say if you weren't a larping NEET identity confused teenager. Get hit by a bus.

>> No.8548180

Assuming this is real
I would date a girl like you in a minute. I am on the same page as you, self made but not quite millionaire yet, as I’m doing my own company that is an investment to my future, but I have enough passive income to live comfortably and invest without worry.

>> No.8548193

Is there a lot of bullshitters on this page? Not to be naive

>> No.8548258

Lol yes every other thread is a Blockfolio larp thread or a person trying to pump their bags so they can dump them after.

>> No.8548303


if you're a dude you peak at 30
you're doing well

>> No.8548472

I'm kind of like a guy version of you, but who hasn't made it. I'm still in the phase of thinking about vapid cunts I used to date as intense motivation to get get rich. If I were you I would cherish your success, because I'm 100% positive that being lonely and rich beats being lonely and broke.

>> No.8548499

post tits you vapid whore

>> No.8548770

How old are you?
Below 30 there is still hope. Getting rich drastically reduces your chances of getting a mate since you will be looking for somebody equally or more successful which is a very small pool

>> No.8548818

Had you been a man you'd have done the good thing, but as a woman you should've tried to find someone to have a long term relationship with, women in their early-mid twenties can chose to be single or not. Men will never have this privilege. You should enjoy it while it lasts, but keep in mind that the window will close, and if you miss it you'll be fucked.

>> No.8549188

Yes. Your problem now is that your natural hypergamy will not allow you to be happy with a man who is less successful than you. And a man who is more successful than you will select a 10/10 young virgin. You have royally fucked up by falling for the "women should have careers Jew". Thanks for playing. Please warn the next generation on your way out.

>> No.8549290

You sound like a thirsty beta knight faggot u should kill yourself

>> No.8549359

Women who think they're 'worth it' really aren't.
Women who have constructed a silly 'next stage of my life'-plan will find that there is no prince charming to play the role.

You put career first, you end up with a career. That's how men do it. Men are mentally wired to go from A, B, C, D, and so on, without C being in any way affected by A or B.

Women who do the same find that they can't separate them. Their standards end up incredibly high, and they rationalize that true happiness, now that they're at C, is to find 'an equal,' but no one who is their 'equal' wants a hollow bitch with no social skills and infinite money. Their 'equals' of the opposite gender settle for wife material, regardless of wealth or education.

Your life will be one of loneliness and one night stands. You made it this way.

Carpe diem, baby.

>> No.8549890

look for another rich single man that you like, that's all.

>> No.8549902


see >>8549359

>> No.8549961



>> No.8550044
File: 111 KB, 792x550, asshat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why do they always go for the chads and not nice guys like me

>> No.8550067

>ima gurl looking who recently lost her one true love *wink*wink*, save me fellow wealthy biztards
anyone that responded to this thread got baited

>> No.8550219

OP this guy is kind of on the nugget >>8546064
but I am worth EVERYTHING so you could settle for me.
Relevant Skills:
-Fingering (1,2,2+thumb)
-Cunnilingus (Not so good, but I learn quick)
-Areola-play (best of the best (mouth+hands))
-Dicking (stronk, can go a long time and cum huge)
-Cuddling (i'm bigger than you and muscular, so you can't get away)
-Marriage + Family (sign me up)
-CS Degree (in PhD program currently)

OP please respond

>> No.8550237

There are no generic answers. I don't know whether you believe in astrology but there are forces which are beyond our control that shape our destiny.

So we need to see your specific astrological charts, see who you are as a person and guide you. For some, love may be a good investment for others it's better if they don't waste time into it. Destiny has different things stored for different people. No two people are same. So you need to see what you are really looking for.

If you feel empty, this emptiness can truly be filled only and only with yoga and spirituality.

I suggest you do a program like inner engineering or something else (highly recommend inner engineering) and see if that fills your emptiness. It should.

Love is a temporary solution. You are bound to run into problems at some point. Love can be your side dish but the main course in life has to be your spiritual journey. And yes, money is just a means to get what you want. It can never bring fulfillment. But if you invest into your inner growth, that will stay with you always.

>> No.8550283
File: 11 KB, 386x386, pepenis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP i'm also still 22 so i've got a lot of virility left for you
hit me up

>> No.8550366
File: 46 KB, 485x238, reiblock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure anon that sounds fun :)
I need you to send me some ETH first though, so I know you're not a poorfag

>> No.8550579
File: 202 KB, 600x700, 1512449855859.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fug off you're not OP
probably don't even have a bagina
i'm seriously looking for a QT wife that I can drop some kids in and move to a castle with after my investments grow

>> No.8550663

Just bee yourself. : ^)
That's what you girls say all the time.

>> No.8550701

Including yourself!

>> No.8550938

OP i'm serious.
I'll even say unironically so you know I'm serious.
I'm unironically serious let me know if you want some o dis.

>> No.8551687
File: 41 KB, 680x793, 1510784658881.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8551940

spot on.

>> No.8552030

i'll be your sugar baby, baby
i can also help you pump out some babies, baby

>> No.8552112

try a fluttershy shirt

>> No.8552286
File: 864 KB, 2048x1530, D6ADE612-E5D5-4431-A289-541D0387663A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of online businesses do you run OP?

>> No.8552742


>> No.8552800

Falling in love - investment? What the fuck. KYS retard. No hope for you in life.

>> No.8553313

You fucked up bitch. The reason you will be happy is because you are trying to be a man and it goes against your nature.

Any guy you are remotely interested in will always cheat on you as long as you pretend to be a man. Guys only stay faithful to rare flowers, not resilient cactuses.

It's the reason trannies kill themselves.

The cosmopolitan culture ruined you.
