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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8534533 No.8534533 [Reply] [Original]

were you able to take any lessons learnt and saw similarities during the dec/jan mega crypto bullrun?

Did you take profit?

Did you FOMO too?

Did you get fucked by capital gains tax for 2017 and potentially not having enough to pay the tax since your 2018 bag is down 90%? Or was this one of the lessons learnt from 2000 dotcom and you were smart enough to set aside some money to pay the capital gains tax?

>> No.8534568

wtf I'm a racemixing destroyer of White children now

>> No.8535167

They killed themselves.

>> No.8535199

I was here for the exact same clone bubble and crash in 13/14 and I still fucked up in exactly the same way, I am ashamed to admit. We don't change.

>> No.8535239

>people who got burnt during the dotcom bust
almost nobody on /biz/ is over 30

>> No.8535329

The racewar will cause lightskinned Asians (or those readily bleached) to team up with whites against all other darkies. Finding a good lightskinned Asian woman is better than some white trash roastie. Of course white and traditional is best.

>> No.8535378

I feel like kms , I have to pay 40% .
Please help me find loopholes guys

>> No.8535423

Only idiots got burned. People who invested in pets.com were burned. Ask how Amazon owners are doing...

Wait till crypto finally deflates, you will see crypto cucks getting 3rd degree burned.

>> No.8535503

If you made over 10k, you really should report it. But if you put less than $1k and never made gains, what's the point?

>> No.8536135

lol and they call linkies delusional.

Tyrone coming for ya girl, you soyboy fag.

>> No.8537163


>> No.8537312

why she taking off clothe?

>> No.8537356
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