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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 539 KB, 750x660, A1BEA98F-BFAB-4938-8266-16BDBB4572A7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8534417 No.8534417[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ITT: OP is looking for to raise investment capital for a contemporary pop art tangential jewelry project from 4chan.

Hoping a fresh set of folks will see this today. Will be answering questions on this thread.

I am a goldsmith. I have 15+ projects that need materials and labor covered, ranging from $5-30k in expenses, per project.

Offering 50/50 profit split on any project.
Jewelry generally has a minimum 3x return.
This is a short term 2x, with minimal risk, as the materials investment has a well established value and can easily becomes liquid again, if needed.

Literally would be the funniest shit if I found investment on 4chan.

Being as I don't want anyone to impersonate me later in the thread, my contact is: jewelryproject15@yahoo.com

Want to do (very well executed) ridiculous things with some of the most valued materials on Earth + make a lot of money and contribute to contemporary pop art?

Let's do it.

>inb4: “You’re begging for money”
>Wrong, I’m making a solid offer
>inb4: “You’re a scammer”
>Wrong, your skepticism does not equal my intentions
>inb4: “OP stole the first pic! He’s a liar.”
>Not claiming first pic is my work, it’s my competitions
>inb4: “Why 4chan?”
>For the lolz

>> No.8534480

Happy Saturday everyone!
Too many people are asking me to jump through hoops for “proof” when they *clearly* aren’t interested.
Any validation can be assessed privately.

>Also, full disclosure: I have a few other sources of investment lined up for this project.
>Having multiple options is beneficial.

>> No.8534497


>> No.8534544

Happy to field all questions here. Fully anticipate trolls.
Will (mostly) ignore them.

>> No.8534566 [DELETED] 


>> No.8534643

Bump because OP isn’t an idiot.

>> No.8534694 [DELETED] 

Bump because I’m not an idiot.

>> No.8534810

Bump because I’m not an idiot

>> No.8534867

>getting indignant because people are asking for more validity when you literally want an anonymous community of people to just hand over between 75000 and 450000 dollars

Youre an idiot, probably the dumbest OP ive ever seen on any 4chan board, get off this board and dont ever come back, moron

>> No.8534904

Not at all indignant. More that happy to provid any validation for interested parties.

But there’s no reasonable way to provide proof to someone who’s only trolling in the first place, and I’m not falling into that trap.

>> No.8534945

>still thinks anons are going to give him thousands of dollars just because he samefagged a thread on biz
Im trying to help you here because you lack serious awareness. If this is a project you want to do, find a real way to fund it. You wont convince anyone here, and youre hurting your credibility within your small pool of potential customers (not that you will ever produce a single item to sell)

>> No.8535001

You aren’t making sense, but I appreciate the concern. In fact, outside of real world opportunity, I’ve connected with 3 interested parties using this platform. Additionally, I’m anonymous, my credibility with my customer base isn’t influenced even remotely by this. I think you may be holding some misunderstanding.

>> No.8535049

>acting condescending
>still thinks anons are just going to give him 6 figures worth of cash for him to spend at his discretion for the promise of "future profits"

>> No.8535061

Additionally, I have historically produced and sold gold jewelry, just moving into a new tier. And my background is in marketing, if I had determined that this would be in any way detrimental to the project I wouldn’t have done it.

>> No.8535115

I think you’re reading into my tone.
I’m very flatly countering assumptions you made.

Additionally, on the record, happy to provide any validation, and potentially enter into a contractual obligation with the right party.

And, I’m not looking for all the money in a lump sum. This can be on a project-to-project basis.

>> No.8535134
File: 463 KB, 929x729, SmartSelectImage_2018-03-24-13-16-00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is a short term 2x, with minimal risk, as the materials investment has a well established value and can easily becomes liquid again

>> No.8535159

>youre the one with the problem
>stop being so difficult and just give me money for free to buy gold to resell
>look how good of a deal this is you can pay me little bits at a time

>> No.8535164

That’s accurate information, and a respectable short term return.

I’m comfortable with your skepticism.

>> No.8535179

>look how reasonable I am in the face of skepticism
>so other people looking might still give me money for nothing

>> No.8535193

Literally not trying to court you as an investor. Just setting the record straight, very plainly, to dispell potential assumptions of others on the thread.

>> No.8535212

>look how reasonable I am in the face of skepticism
>so other people looking might still give me money that I can use to make more money and return to them

>> No.8535231

>others in the thread
>implying other people will think this is a legitimate investment opportunity if they see you respond "reasonably" enough times
Oh boy look how calm and punctuated his semtences are, better send some bitcorns over right now!

>> No.8535260

It is a legitimate investment opportunity.
You are conflating your skepticism with my intentions.

I understand, and respect that you’re skeptical but that does not mean that either myself, nor my plan are illegitimate.

>> No.8535328

I love these conversations. But frankly I’d prefer to be defending the integrity of the idea, production pipeline and marketing plan instead. If anyone wants to hit me up privately I’d love to do that.

>> No.8535400


>> No.8535497


>> No.8535558
File: 10 KB, 256x256, 1519580429149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quit bumping your own scam thread. 6PkVtM4s and kK3IEOnu are the same person. You did this last night where the first few comments were just you talking to yourself, appearing to have an organic conversation. Don’t fall for it anons!

>> No.8535599

Hey retard! I was the one who outed your samefagging yesterday, I see youre still "owning" it lmao.
Daily reminder this is a FUCKING SCAM

>> No.8535632


Of course I’m bumping my own thread!
That doesn’t mean it’s a scam!

>> No.8535635

btw check those

>> No.8535651


>> No.8535918


>> No.8535973

What kind of investment are you expecting and what kind of profit are we looking at

What's the roi on this? Per dollar invested into you?

>> No.8535997

thirsty scammer

>> No.8536047


Your dumb scam is stupid.

>> No.8536074

Projects I want to hit immediately range from $5-30k in expenses. A 3x margin and a 50/50 profit splits means doubling your money in the near term.

Feel free to email if interested.


No matter how many times you call it a scam, it won't make it a scam.

>> No.8536224 [DELETED] 


>> No.8536445 [DELETED] 


>> No.8536633


>> No.8536981


>> No.8537490


>> No.8537868


>> No.8537994

The desperacy shows its a scam

>> No.8538193

Just keeping a thread alive dog. Fully understand your skepticism but it’s still not a scam.

>> No.8538640

Ima hit it with another bump.

>> No.8538653

scamming is a sin

>> No.8538703

>not a scam
every scammer says that

>> No.8538746


Ok. But also people who aren’t scamming say that.

>> No.8538772

Btw just reread these, this guy is hilarious. I lol’d

>> No.8538922


>> No.8539072

Interesting, i have a few friends in the jewelry industry and would like to know more. Email sent.

>> No.8539126


>> No.8539158

Why does it say Space Jambo?

>> No.8539183

Custom piece designed and produced for a rapper called Spacejam Bo.

>> No.8539197 [DELETED] 

Not my work, somewhat representative of the direction moving forward but not perfectly.

>> No.8539293

>>8539158 #
Not my work, somewhat representative of the direction moving forward but not perfectly.

>> No.8539369

>>8535599 checked
>>8535651 kys you fucking pajeet scammer

>> No.8539395

"dog" as slang is still used in india in the current year

>> No.8539419

Interesting tidbit. I’m in America tho.

>> No.8539432

Idk why but my user ID got reset. Still OP tho.

>> No.8539499

Y’all are ridiculous. I’m not a scammer. There would be such an opportunity cost to receiving investment capital and not executing.

>> No.8539541

To the people who have emailed me to whom I have not yet responded:
I appreciate your time and interest. I will return your emails shortly. There seems to be a connectivity issue affecting my mobile phone, preventing me from sending Yahoo emails.
I have not forgotten about you.

>> No.8539627 [DELETED] 

Beautiful day, I think I’ll bump my thread.

>> No.8539663 [DELETED] 

Beautiful day, I think I’ll bump my thread.

>> No.8539729

To reiterate,
contact email is:

>> No.8539828
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shoo desperate scammer

>> No.8539842 [DELETED] 

Still here answering questions.

>> No.8539863

>Told I’m a scammer 80 times
>Still not a scammer

>> No.8539948

Participate in a legitimately interesting thread.
Not the same fucking 50 threads asking which crypto to buy.

>also bump

>> No.8540036

Still here answering questions.

>> No.8540042

>Doesn't respect dubs
Go fuck yourself, scam or not you are getting nothing.
>easy 2x...
2x is practically nothing, i made more than that when i woke up this morning

>> No.8540066

>Doesn’t respect trolls, dubs or not.
>2x short term is respectable.
>People hodl over 10%

>> No.8540084

And that's exactly what Rakesh would say. We're not paying for your potty training OP

>> No.8540101
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>> No.8540104

>Be white boy in Southern California
>Get called Rakesh
>Begone troll

>> No.8540129

Go pnd more crypto. I don’t care about your unsustainable 1000000x

>> No.8540130

t. Rakesh Ranganathan from New Delhi

>> No.8540144



>> No.8540151
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>> No.8540172

Sage isn’t even a thing anymore!

>> No.8540178
File: 5 KB, 232x218, 1519593570522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It actually is

>> No.8540202

Damn, learn something new.
Only thing I do with sage is sautée it with butter.

>> No.8540212
File: 63 KB, 472x616, nik.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about Nicholas Sage? Is he still a thing?

>> No.8540233

Have you seen Bad Lieutenant tho? Hilarious.

>> No.8540245


>> No.8540265

Nobody is begging you weirdo.
Thanks for the bump though.

>> No.8540275
File: 210 KB, 1024x768, daherb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't think so. I saw the porn with Brittany Andrews though. It was mediocre

>> No.8540297

>Spoiler: Nicholas Cage and Xzibit smoke crack.
Otherwise terrible movie.

>> No.8540325
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>> No.8540363

>Alright kids get your moms credit card.
Legitimately not a scammer though.

>> No.8540430

Still here, answering actual questions.

>> No.8540447

>ID change because home now.

>> No.8540464
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>> No.8540477

K. I honestly don't mind bumps.

>> No.8540499
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>> No.8540506

You not taking me seriously ≠ everyone not taking me seriously

>> No.8540513
File: 390 KB, 1000x750, itgoes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it grows in all fields. I ain't bumping your shit

>> No.8540530

Interesting, I thought that comments on threads bumped them, but maybe I was mistaken.

>> No.8540554


>> No.8540587
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>> No.8540603 [DELETED] 


>> No.8540669


>> No.8540841 [DELETED] 


>> No.8540912


>> No.8541042

Still here, answering actual questions.

>> No.8541078

I’m interested. Are you selling jewelry to niggers for their drug money?

>> No.8541085

if i adopt a pajeet child can i house train him on a patch of asphalt in the corner of the room?

>> No.8541148

>The market to start off is definitely mainstream rap musicians. I see a convergence happening with the pop art sphere and would like to position myself as an artist, rather than a traditional jewelry co. as I see as the best way to sidestep price competition.

>Begone troll

>> No.8541220

Stop being haughty. You’re trying to make stupid jewelry for stupid niggers. I was interested until you acted like a faggot. Niggers will overpay for dumb jewelry.

>> No.8541234

My personal assessment is that my approach in marketing myself that way is the best choice. I'd love to speak to you in detail about why if you're interested.

>> No.8541283

You’re also looking for VC on an anonymous imageboard. Your business savvy leaves much to be desired.

If you want to sell jewelry to nigs for their drug money, that is one thing. Post pics of YOUR work. Trying to be an “artist” is gay and will bring you unwanted attention for laundering drug money.

>> No.8541302

Not new to fundraising. Doing this for the lulz.
Into unconventional techniques. Already in talks with three private investors from this thread.

>> No.8541337

Post pics of your work.

>> No.8541338

no you're not. sorry for bumping, everyone.

>> No.8541339

My background is in marketing.
I'm fully confident in the direction.

>> No.8541362

I legitimately am.

>> No.8541385
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>Full disclosure: My current portfolio doesn't artistically represent future art direction.

Counterpart to this ring was sold at Sundance Resort for $4k.

>> No.8541405


>> No.8541522


>> No.8541617

OP still here.
Still answering questions.
Still bumping thread.

>> No.8541698

>One of you richfags wants to fund a pink diamond necklace that spells HENTAI.
>This is the type of shit I'm talking about.

>> No.8541914


>> No.8542326
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>> No.8542347
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>> No.8542350


>> No.8542372
File: 858 KB, 1034x900, 1521936397456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, that worked.

>> No.8542439
File: 1.30 MB, 1062x1500, 1521936479589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idk maybe it didn't.

>> No.8542598

Help me shitpost irl and make a lot of money.

>> No.8542609


>> No.8542625

>ask for investors
>start posting lewd anime when no one bites

what did OP mean by this

>> No.8542647


Sorry, want to make a diamond necklace that says HENTAI.
Forgot that this is supposed to be SFW.
Deleted them.

>> No.8542844


>> No.8542943

can you post some sketches of your future art direction or the work you'd like to do?

>> No.8543012

Will walk through details via email.

Top 3 immediately projects:
>HENTAI necklace (pink and white diamonds)
>THRASHER collab with skate brand (white gold white diamond recreation of their flame logo)
>TAMAGOTCHI (pavé set white diamonds)

>> No.8543023

send me some gold as collateral and i'll invest OP

>> No.8543032

If I had enough gold to cover collateral I wouldn't have to get investment would I?

>> No.8543052

well bitch send me something if you want money

>> No.8543071

Email me. Happy to discuss terms, if serious.

>> No.8543098

if your market to start off is mainstream rap musicians, as you said above, then I think you need some new ideas.

>> No.8543115

It sounds off the wall but it's actually an epic product/market fit and I say that as someone with a marketing background who is involved in both industries.

>> No.8543151

Can provide detailed logic, if interested.

>> No.8543356


>> No.8543384

>Note: /biz/ is NOT a place for ADVERTISING or SOLICITING. Do NOT use it to promote your business, ventures, or anything you may have an interest in. Anything that looks remotely like advertising or soliciting will be removed.

Can't wait until you're fucking banned dude holy shit fuck offffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff

>> No.8543410

Oh shoot, I only saw the one about begging. Sorry guys.

>> No.8543438


so you're saying goldsmiths have no support network that they have to beg 20 year old autistic anime-watching NEETS for funding?

>> No.8543461

>There was a hiccup with some outside funding, didn't want to wait for them.
>Brought it to 4chan for the lulz

>> No.8543643 [DELETED] 

Already this deep in it.
Thread's been active almost 11 hours.

>> No.8543991


>> No.8544244
File: 309 KB, 640x480, 1521885086538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sage in all fields. Potato tier Pajeet scam.

>> No.8544286
