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8530117 No.8530117 [Reply] [Original]

If This reaches $1000 it would have a mcap of -------------$1Trillion-----------

>BTC market cap is $150 Billion

If LINK reaches $100 it would have a mcap of $100 Billion putting it at the 2nd most values coin on earth (150$ million current mcap)


Can you see how crazy you are?

>> No.8530148

Jesus fucking Christ....
>LINK $1000 EOY

>> No.8530155

ANOTHER ChainLink thread?? WOW OP you must really like this coin since you post about it so much :D

>> No.8530162

the only stupid fucking idiot here is you op, ffs.

>> No.8530169

also M$ offers what link offers and EVERYONE will flock to it. regards decentralized meme there is another company that does that and if Link moons to $10 or more expect many others to compete. professional big companies will ALL use M$. only a few Pajeet apps will use LINK (they dont care about security and support)






>> No.8530244

you fuck. Link will be $14.33 eoy cap and strap this

>> No.8530253

>muh mcap


>> No.8530288

muh mcap, muh microsoft, muh trust. muh centralized shit. muh two dev team with neets illegal muh muh muh

>> No.8530302

if there was any chance of this much money being involved, some serious pros would be on the case, creating something superior.
in fact they probably already are.
LINK will NEVER hit anything like $1000. $10 maybe.

>> No.8530312

look cuck im holding until this hits 1000 or 0
so fuck off

>> No.8530315

350b not 1000.

>> No.8530316

muh mcap. muh microsoft. muh trust. muh centralized shit. muh two dev team. muh neets. muh illegal. muh oraclize. muh no refutation. muh argument muh muh muh muh muh durrr HURRR DURRR durrrrrrrrrrr

>> No.8530335

I see what you did there. Upvoted.

>> No.8530344

i HATE chainlink, i hope it dies


>> No.8530351

muh mcap. muh microsoft. muh trust. muh centralized shit. muh two dev team. muh neets. muh illegal. muh oraclize. muh no refutation. muh argument muh muh muh muh muh durrr HURRR DURRR durrrrrrrr

>> No.8530365
File: 54 KB, 480x360, gitbog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they said the same shit with ripple reaching $1 and it still happened

>> No.8530423


>> No.8530433
File: 5 KB, 230x219, downkghkload.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i fuckin trilllion


>> No.8530498

Nice one oldfag

>> No.8530626


>> No.8530745

$8000 2025

>> No.8531512

strapping it now sir

>> No.8531522
File: 91 KB, 625x773, d1517382534690.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>orable soblution

>> No.8531538

350M circulating supply.
30$ would be 10.5 billion.
30$ eoy.

>> No.8531583
File: 8 KB, 225x224, 1517956927923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fact that you do your maths with 1000M supply instead of 350M shows how fucking dumb you are and you have no idea how chainink works

>> No.8531660

Let us pray
>Our Father who art in heaven
>Sergey be thy name
>Thy stinkies come
>Thy link become
>1k EOY

>Give us today our daily thread
>And forgive the weak hands
>As we forgive those who dump bags on us

>And lead us not unto JUSTing
>But deliver us from Jewery
>For thine is the link, the stink, and the big mac forever

>> No.8532572

If ETH succeeds(any smart contract platform) it will have a bigger mcap of any currency coin, that is, the potential market exposure is much greater. If LINK succeeds it will have a higher mcap of any smart contract platform, that is, the market exposure is much greater. The simple fact you can't see a world where BTC is 3 or 4 on CMC sheds light on your IQ being below room temp.

>> No.8532994

ooooh nice ;)