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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8526542 No.8526542 [Reply] [Original]

>Funded by pressure-sold "retirement packages" to old Japanese women
>Hiring and standing behind transsexuals
>Supporting free gibs for africans
Does Stellar or Cardano more closely represent the globalist (((agenda))) and white genocode? It's so close I can't tell. Unironically sold 150,000 ADA at the last minipump and it's probably just going to dump even further based on the principles of their founders. If you're smart you'll unload this piece of shit as soon as it touches .20 again and before it goes all the way to .05.

>> No.8526562


thanks just bought 100k to fund white genocide

>> No.8526582

because we have superior coin like EOS in the market. and we own it.

>> No.8526594

Not much is out yet, think will start getting interesting next months when staking is out, and then all the rest rolls out throughout the remainder of the year. There's no use to shill a coin at this stage, only scams go all out with the marketing before any real product is out. There's no need to talk about it yet, once things start coming out, there will be enough talk about it then.

>> No.8526606

Any sources for this gibberish shit post? I have a few thousand ada and would dump if the tranny/granny thing is true. thx fag.

>> No.8526641
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Its the only coin I consistently hold. Read the whole textbook worth of a website and whitepaper, so if you have questions on design choices, I can perhaps provide the developers opinion. I see a lot of anon's asking why haskell, etc, really its obvious if you read into it.

>> No.8526825

It’s the same FUD every day, I don’t even bother responding anymore. They are pais EOS shills with a grudge against Hoskinson

>> No.8526935
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and kys

>> No.8527120

Ur fudding is just lazy..you can do better than that

>> No.8527122
File: 123 KB, 1024x768, enbies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related is one of their senior programmers. According to him "enbies" means "NB" for "Non-binary".
They have since deleted the tweet.
Here's the post Hoskinson put up defending the tranny: https://hoskinsoncharles.blogspot.kr/2018/03/maelstrom.html?m=1

They have a director of African outreach right on their web site and have talked about their African initiatives. This all in response to Stellar's declaration of gibs.

Cardano is infiltrated by SJW, it's just a fact.

>> No.8527232

Except it's actually true?
So it's not FUD, it's just sharing facts.

>> No.8527239

This is /pol/ now

>> No.8527281

this board has been going downhill with these reactionary retards bringing their culture war in a place where it doesn't belong. They can't see they're as cringy as the SJWs

>> No.8527343
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>> No.8527390

>White genocide

Get over your fucking drama OP. Learn to trade or find another board.

>> No.8527415

If they need to go that far to find something to FUD Cardano, more power to them I guess. Nothing they say matters anyway.

>> No.8527599

Looks as if there hasn't been any activity on the github in almost two weeks/ What do you guys make of that?

>> No.8527639

Why are you doing this? There has been activity every single day, and they even release a freaking report every week to sum up what they've been up to. Try to at least find something real for fuck's sake. In all of the Cardano FUD threads, no one has done that yet. Take it as a challenge, find something instead of making things up.

>> No.8527672

I haven't made commits in two months, but it's because I'm busy jerking off and learning to trade

>> No.8527732
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Nice larp

>> No.8527758 [DELETED] 


>tranny lives matter
>black lives matter
>any SJW cause apart excluding whites
>you go girl!

>white lives matter
>get over yourself

You can't honestly be this stupid can you?

>> No.8527775

>developers lives matter
you're the type of person to sell during vitalik death fud

>> No.8527801

No bullshit, for the same reason I hold XLM and XRP. Yes the team might be aids, but their ambitions are so high and their goals so far Im holding in the slight off chance they actually fulfill their promises. ADA's roadmap is so retarded and out of reach but, in the off chance they do make it and blow up, I at least have a small amount of extra cash.

>> No.8527810

I got it for .04 cents so I can’t really lose money but am I ever gonna make any with this thing?

>> No.8528322


Bags heavy there, chief? Just kidding. I'm not trying to spread FUD. I just noticed that the github didn't reflect their press release,

I like this coin, but do you believe the devs aren't lazy?

>> No.8528448

What press release are you talking about, and what GitHub are you looking at? They're against big press releases, and their GitHub is updated daily. You're either trolling, or so dumb you'll choke on your own spit by the end of the night.

Really, find a fucking flaw. Every single project has tons of issues that can be pointed at. Why are you so lazy that you that you just make stuff up instead. Find real flaws. There must be some, no?

>> No.8528519
File: 1.50 MB, 1722x1212, cardano.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The transsexual, Darryl McAdams, was hired before they transitioned, obviously for their skillset and not their identity.

>> No.8528567

Stop spamming this in every thread and swap your Cardanope for EOS like a genius man.

>> No.8528600
File: 55 KB, 400x400, ZJXo-X8o_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8528620

That spam is magnitudes more intelligent than the drivel posted by OP. The notion that they hired a person because they're transexual is patently false, and there's nothing wrong with Cardano continuing to support their employees. This /pol/ shit is so goddamn tiring, we should care about the merit of people's work and discuss the intricacies of their code and vision but you're all so fucking retarded you just somehow shoehorn in "white genocide" into talk about a fucking blockchain platform.

>> No.8528677

Chill out Charles. You’ll be 1/30th as good as EOS and we all know it. We believe in you. You shall be granted 1/30th of the EOS market cap EOY.

>> No.8528687

his identity anon

>> No.8528995

ZIR anon. Check your pronouns or you'll be fined 500 ADA.