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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8526106 No.8526106 [Reply] [Original]

Am I the only who misses biz from one year ago? This place was filled with threads full of info and people actually helped each other. Now there is only pajeets and bots shilling and fudding some shitcoins trying to get rip off your money.
I hope there will be a huge crash which will burn every normie moonboi and then we can start organic growth which is based on fundamentals.

>> No.8526135

The old biz was awesome

>> No.8526140

I'd prefer a dedicated crypto board and just have biz be a slow board about traditional investments and economic policies.

GookMoot spends too much bandwidth datamining everyone though.

>> No.8526151

Yup, this board is filled with crypto cuck.

>> No.8526179
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lol we had all the same bullshit back then

and honestly if people aren't on /biz/ anymore it's because that GENERATION of anons succeeded and has hopefully moved on to financial freedom.

and by the way anons /biz/ 'back then' was not much better. There were fewer normies, but all anons must start somewhere.

Give it time.

>> No.8526195

Old biz was also not that active board and all we did was talk about how to get rich off sucking dicks. You don't really remember that much.

It's also pretty fun to go on stock general and also talk about crypto.

I also don't miss those rate my resume threads or "I inherited 100k what do?" larp threads.

>> No.8526226
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lol so true

People are either lying about having not been there, or were only there for the good times.

Lol if the only 'crash' you remember is the Vitalik death hoax, you are new anons.

>> No.8526243


It really wasnt. It was a bunch of college major and how to be frugal threads. Dunno how you faggots are nostalgic about a board that is only a few years old

>> No.8526336

Economic policies lmao shut up, the point of business is about making money and crypto is the best way actually worth discussing. If you want to theory craft about whatever the fuck drumpf can do you can go to pol.

>> No.8526362


Ironic shitposting is still shitposting

>> No.8526393

We gotta make biz great again.

>> No.8526414

Quality of crypto discussions were a lot higher late 2016/early 2017 than they are now, really felt like it started going downhill late March as all the normalfags FOMOed in.

>> No.8526416

I dont miss it. Id come here maybe once a month and post about a small business I run and Id get garbage responses. People would only flock to stock threads or that thread with the tripfag ihaz whatever to suck his dick.

>> No.8526483

Define "shit post". Literally what is the point of discussing "economic policies" with a bunch of teens + 20 somethings on an anonymous forum? You're not going to gain anything from talking about tax policies. It's literally fucking pointless. Also "investments" are literally the same as crypto with less volatility. There's a stock market general and you don't need a whole board for that. Otherwise if you're talking about starting a business and you're trying to get advice on here then you shouldn't be trying to start one anyway. Or if you're going to talk about how to be frugal just go on fucking reddit, maybe you'll save $100 every few months by cutting out Starbucks. At least talking about crypto has an actual purpose, even if it's full of shit posting you can use the board to find information on plenty of different crypto coins that can potentially make you more money than any other "investment" I know you can afford.

>> No.8526560

Reddit and the normans from social media flocked here during the December bull run. It's going to take me a while before I regain the confidence to interact with people properly on here.
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