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File: 13 KB, 400x125, Binance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8516316 No.8516316 [Reply] [Original]

Binance in Malta: Fiat-to-Crypto Option is a Possibility

The Hong Kong based exchange Binance, which also has offices in Tokyo, has the option of establishing itself in Malta and making use of liberal local laws to gain a bank partnership. This means that Binance will rival services like Kraken, BitPanda and LiteBit.eu, by having access to European banking.

It's already pumping...

If you ask me, MOON imminent.

>> No.8516339


>> No.8516408

all in BNB, comfiest hold ever
It's actually the most usefull coin right now out of all the shitcoins out there. Doesn't matter if market go up down or sideways, exchange is needed and people will use BNB. Binance is doing all the right things, it will keep growing

>> No.8516415

hory shit this is actually huge, bought 300

>> No.8516456

Even leddit is buzzing:


>> No.8516464
File: 176 KB, 1009x1251, 1521814817020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look who else is working with the central bank of malta.Cz spoke at jibrels conference.Jibrel announced they were running fiat to jcash pilot schemes.....


>> No.8516522
File: 12 KB, 613x92, bin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We moonin.

>> No.8516540

Already all in. BNB is about to explode dev next week with coin burn around the corner.

>> No.8516591

It held its value against BTC better than all other alts in the bear market.

>> No.8516603

Stop making different threads to pump your worthless shitcoin. Nobody wants a token that has its worth tied to how well a single exchange does. BNB offers nothing except for the fact that binance cuts trading fees in half with it. If binance falters at all (which is quite possible), then your coin is doomed. Why the fuck would I put my money into something like thaf if I can buy, say, XMR or XLM which have promising futures and dominate their market.

>> No.8516613

it's only the beginning

I'm from Europe and let me tell you, Binance in Malta is HUGE deal. Malta Prime Minister welcoming them is even bigger. Binance wants to settle in safe country with friendly laws, taxes, rules. So they are resistant to any fud going around. Weeks ago they showed that they are well prepared for hackers attacks. Now they want to be well prepared for goverments and regulations. This is going to the moon

>> No.8516621

COIN BURN, just wow

>> No.8516643

Now that BNB is dealing at a bit over 8$ per one unit, the March burn will come as pretty benevolent as if is to believe the rumors. The BNB burn will surely occur in March/April, but the rumor that might be a bit disputable is that BNB will be dealing at 50$ after the scheduled burn.

>> No.8516677

Wait are you fucking joking? Fiat to Crypto on Finance??!! Honestly that may in itself cause a full on bullrun

>> No.8516699


It may hit $30, but that would depend on market conditions and BTC price so it's unlikely. It will likely hit $20 though.

It will be $50-100 by the end of 2018, due to the recovered market higher fees, and greater utility.

>> No.8516707

Willing to bet 80% of these replies are all from the same guy or a couple of his friends on discord. Fucking piece of shit gtfo with your guaranteed moon bullshit. You have another thread where you shill your shitcoin already

>> No.8516710

Yeah but if that does happen then you know they'll have to do KYC.

>> No.8516714
File: 54 KB, 539x451, binance_trump.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8516727

no shit my man, it's starting to boil already

>> No.8516732

How many you have? BNB is my largest hold. I have 1k

>> No.8516858
File: 137 KB, 853x620, bogs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

even Bogs approve

>> No.8516885

But, we didn't ask you, Pajeet

>> No.8516905

kys, retard

>> No.8516978

does that mean we will be forced to send our IDs to Binance?

>> No.8517006

>Nobody wants a token that has its worth tied to how well a single exchange does
Are you kidding me, it's literally selling pickaxes in a gold rush

I'm jealous as fuck of people who got a ton of BNB early

>> No.8517031

good move to sell my ICX for BNB now? I got in ICX at 26k sats so I already made good profit.

>> No.8517042

maybe, who knows

>> No.8517055

sure, muricans and gooks still not metabolized the news

>> No.8517300
File: 45 KB, 557x456, malta.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can already see my BNB, lemme zoom in.

>> No.8517320

shhh dont tell them

>> No.8517614
File: 161 KB, 500x313, 0FEB58EC-B43D-40EF-B188-794AEFF33854.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You really are a paranoid little faggot.

>> No.8517687

>be me riding subway home through sketchy part of NYC
>4 thugs get on at the last stop before mine and immediately start eyeballing me and make me generally uncomfortable
>I shift in my seat as one of them edges closer, he opens his jacket so only I am able to see the glock in his waistband
>he mutters under his breath, "you gon give up the wallet homie?"
>fuck my fucking life
>I begin to reach for my back pocket to give the thug my wallet when suddenly there is an explosion of glass from the side window of the subway car
>I cover my eyes from the flying shards as the lights of the car flicker overhead
>I open my eyes slowly and the first thing I see is the thug that was threatening me is now slumped down against the wall and has a 9 inch piece of glass sticking out of his forehead, looks like it penetrated his skull and into his brain
>it's at this moment that I realize there is a new person standing in between me and the thugs, a small Asian looking dude with a huge fucking head wearing a grayish hoodie that says "binance"
>Jesus fucking christ it's fucking CZ what the fuck
>at this moment I notice he has the thug's glock in his hand, which he immediately lifts and fires three perfect shots into the dicks of the remaining thugs, who immediately collapse and begin making animal noises
>for the first time I open my mouth to speak but CZ quickly spins around and puts a finger over my mouth, "shhhing" me as he looks into my eyes
>he speaks very quietly:
>"Funds are safe."

>> No.8517820

and then you woke up to being wet between your legs