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8505506 No.8505506 [Reply] [Original]

I'm currently majoring in Psych with a minor in business. Probably gonna want to go into HR when I graduate. Is the business minor gonna be enough to help me get a job or should I try to work some internships in the next year or two?

>> No.8505552

Human Resources? Are you fucking kidding me?

>> No.8505559

If you're male then don't even bother

>> No.8505561

I’m a fellow psych cuck. Your degree is extremely valuable provided that you a) got good grades b) studied statistics and research methodologies that are useful regardless of discipline and c) are going to be publishing in the next few years. You need to start networking now. Psychologists are being integrated into every business organization because some of the skills you learn are extremely valuable. Do not believe the psych FUD. Most people that graduate from psychology programs are retarded, no doubt. But if you meet the right people and get your name known among the psychological elite (clinicians, psychometricists, program outcome research associates) you’ve basically just received a license to print money. Focus on these things before you persue an HR position.

>> No.8505580


fuck you and fuck HR

>> No.8505588

Jobs will only exist in the short run. Automation will replace almost every job by 2040.

>> No.8505589

HR at my company is a bunch of stacy's and a gay guy.

>> No.8505623

I’m a psychologist in a region where a masters let’s you register as such. I research legal outcomes with regarding hearings that lead to certain types of financial compensation. My work will be leading me to a promise of work as a lawyer and a free law degree in the next few year.

>> No.8505642

I'm doing A and B, probably about to switch from a BA in psych to a BS just to be safe-ish. Sounds like I'd need to go to graduate school to do C, haven't decided if that's what I want to do but I'm keeping my options open

>> No.8505660

This is retarded and false because every high paying sector requires you to be liable should you fuck up. If an institution or corporate body owns a machine or program that fucks up, they become legally responsible. A good example of this is the position of a physician or pharmacist. You’re basically a high paid fall guy.

>> No.8505675

What is insurance?

>> No.8505684

You don’t need to be in graduate school to be paid to do research or to publish. Go to every professor in your department and ask for a position that will lead to your name being on publications. Go to the professors that like you first. Just don’t be autistic, people want to work with people they can eat lunch with every day.

>> No.8505697

t. I don’t understand how insurance works

>> No.8505705


I'll give you a tip. If your college offers Industrial/Organizational psychology classes, take them, especially if you're minoring in buisness.

>> No.8505719

This guy knows what’s up. Most industrial psychologists are Chad as fuck too, in my experience.

>> No.8505751

I considered being an I/o Psychologist as well, seems nice

>> No.8505760

>Should I do internships
In what way could this hurt, you lazy fuck?

>> No.8505776

If I ever start a company I refuse to have an HR department.
If people have a problem they can just come to me.
HR isn't your friend.

>> No.8505788

Automation is coming. Stop denying reality.

>> No.8505794
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In this case, as a business owner, HR would be your friend. I guess you don't have to worry though since you're too retarded to make a company

>> No.8505819

You want to be HR? Says a lot about you, OP.. Mostly that you're a real faggot.

>> No.8505839

yeah try getting a job fresh out of school with no internship or work experience, I'm sure it will go great.

>> No.8505841

I know the arguments for HR retard.
I hate them so much I'm willing to work towards any alternative solution NOT to have an HR department.
Suck my dick.

>> No.8505862

>i dont NEED an HR dept because all they do is make the workplace politically correct!!!
>suck my dick!!!

you sound like an intelligent entrepreneur.

>> No.8505884
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Fine maybe I need them for some things. I'm still going to limit what they can do extremely.

>> No.8505956

Starting my MA in clinical next fall, any tips? I’m grinding hard on the research to get pubs and stand out to these ridiculous PhD programs.

>> No.8506032
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And you sound like a pompous little tit

>> No.8506061

This and you should be hot.

>> No.8507022

My advice to every academic is this: Dont act like an academic. Develop your people skills. Be friendly. You will absolutely dominate academia if people like working with you, because so few academics are actually likable people. This will also help you exit into the private sector when you're bored of attending conferences, writing manuscripts, and arguing with editors. Talk to everyone, in every department. Meet every smart person you can. Not only does this bode well for your career, it is also nice to hang out with smart people. Every university has a few geniuses hanging out in some corner offices. These people are absolute gems and they WILL change your life. Most academics are really lonely and if you work on your soft skills they'll love being around you. Dont be a sociopath, though. Be genuinely interested in people.

Congrats on the seat, by the way. Its not easy to get into clinical programs here in Canada (don't know if its a big accomplishment where you are).

the only way you could truly believe that "uuuuh machines will replace x y z job" would be resulting from the fact that you've never actually worked in any industry... almost at all. Automation will not replace people. It will replace some jobs, but you're actually a fucking idiot if you think this is true.


do it.

>> No.8507053

Fucking noobs.. how many times have you been asked for a college transcript prior to hire?? Ill wait....... kys

>> No.8507179

Thanks for the advice, and i appreciate it; they're pretty brutal in the US too. I'm in one lab atm and am working to get into 2 more, so i'm hoping to have a decent amount of pubs in the next couple of years. Definitely going to keep your advice in mind.

>> No.8507191

I know this might sound corny, but work to become the embodiment of the prosocial masculine intelligentsia (Study the real life of Christ I'm not kidding). This is the opposite of becoming a beta or a cuck or whatever. Work out a lot, eat really healthy, and you have to practice what you preach (don't be a psychologist who can help others but not themselves). You have to become very fatherly to be a successful psychotherapist. You are about to be acting as an achetypal facilitator of healing and transformation. You have to understand that the modern psychologist is not a scientist; you are aiming to become a shaman, you are filling a role in the community that used to be occupied by spiritual leaders. Study the history of wise men and male "healing" figures in history, and emulate these people. Be strong in body and soft in heart. Starting reading the classics now. You will be extremely successful as a therapist if you do these things. Your job will change you, and if you are going to be a clinician you have to have an absolutely indomitable spirit going in or it WILL break you.

>> No.8507211

You sound polite an pleasant in the little I can tell about you from the way you write. I think you'll be fine.

>> No.8507294

Going to add something else corny: I work with men who have been ruined by their practice and have retreated back to the academy. It is usually because they have not resolved any boundary issues they have, and some of their clients ego boundaries have engulfed their own at some point in time. Mental illness is partially a metaphysical virus (yeah I know that sounds insane but I think you know what I am saying). You have to really know where the lines are that separate you, your environment, and the people around you. Go see a good psychoanalyst right now (call your nearest one with good reviews), tell them your situation, and ask them to help you resolve any issues you may have that you aren't aware of.

>> No.8507358

Did you read that blog the last psychiatrist before? Any of that resonate with you

>> No.8507522

Basically this. Especially if you're a white male. I'm not memeing or anything, it's just really hostile to non-minorities.

>> No.8507769

I'm so happy you brought this up. I'm a huge TLP junkie. He is one of the premier thinkers of our age and his writing has had a huge impact on my life. I can't believe you actually said this I'm kind of shocked.

>> No.8507933

TLP's blog will survive history too, I have no doubt. I seriously hope Chris B. comes out of hiding and starts publishing as an author under the same pseudonym. Raw genius such as his should not be hidden, and the world suffers when it is hidden. Oddly enough, I think its his own narcissism that prevents him from continuing his authorship. The brighter aspects of Houellbecq, Mcdonald, Lasch, and Dostoevsky's writing have played such a massive role in my life that I now make decisions through that writing. I am barely recognizable to myself anymore, I sort of just use their writing as a heuristic about "what to do". Its been working.

>> No.8508120

I’m too much of a brainlet to understand the source stuff like simulacrom like he suggested. I should re read his stuff on parenting...
I paste his Marc maron snippet here sometimes for anons who sound like they need that advice

>> No.8508324

Oh man, I used to think I was too brainlet for these things too. You get good at reading philosophy and crit writing just like you get good at riding a bike. If you like TLP, I think you'll be surprised at how addictive some of their writing is to read. Most people on 4chan are suffering from the narcissism inherent to unexamined psychological pain that they feel in their discontent with society or "normies". They're right to be mad, and they're right to feel that pain, but they need a solution that isn't shitposting about black people.

>> No.8508357

Thats why I love 4chan lol its a bunch of failure to launch Ubermenschen that end up becoming last men. Maron snipper is GOAT.

>> No.8508946
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How do I short time and money?

>> No.8508992


>do an HR internship at company.
>get a guaranteed job after college.

not hard my dude