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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 41 KB, 440x586, 21314151323125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
844762 No.844762 [Reply] [Original]

Is it Okay to take your sister to prom if she pays you. I thought this would be the best board to ask as it relates to finance and I'm a poor Paki that pretends to be Mexican since 9/11. But since Trump its really not going well at all I'm at my wits end thinking to do it for the cash.

Pic related. When I took her to Winter Formal. But she didn't pay me that time.

>> No.844766


She has trouble finding a date?

>> No.844767

Did she at least suck your dick or give you a hand?

>> No.844775

I got a boner when we were slow dancing but she gave me a disgusted look.

>> No.844779

>Got a boner when I danced with sister
Jesus, go to /b/. You disgusting subhuman.

>> No.844781

Take her and Fuck her afterwards, post feet pics too.

>> No.844786

Protip, newfags:

The guy in OP's picture used to go by the name "Wipe" here on /biz/. He married the girl in that picture, whose dad is some sort of business mogul (net worth in the tens of millions). Girl's Dad gave Wipe $100,000 to "play with" in the stock market. Girl's Dad also lent him money to start/maintain several businesses, and is mentoring him in the world of business.

Essentially, because he's married to the girl (she's a lawyer or in some other high-paying field) he is handed everything financially. Lent money, given knowledge from decades of hands-on experience, and in case anything of his ever goes tits up he has a $300kpa wife and multi-millionaire father in law to fall back on.

He used to post here and give advice, just like iHazMillions. But his advice was mostly common sense, and he worked for essentially nothing that he has. Yes, he did organize businesses, purchase them, etc. But he did no hard work. He was never stressed about finances, he was never lost and on his own as far as "well what now?" goes.

He got trolled too hard and left. iHaz still posts here occasionally, but he retired (a few months ago) and has unfortunately taken up hobbies that are more important than shitposting on a mongolian cantaloupe photography board.

And that's the story of every tripfag who anyone will ever remember on /biz/.

>> No.844789

I'll pay you $25 to let me take her

>> No.844791

Thought this looked familiar.

I thought we just got way too close to doxing iHaz and he bailed?

>> No.844792

Well spoken, tho I thought I saw iHaz comment on something lately.

>> No.844839
File: 48 KB, 280x678, thenwho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually that was just a cover story he used to get people to invest in his boiler room pump and dump otcbb plays. the only money he has is the money he suckers out of newbs in the pump and dump. it's hillarious you believe that paki bullshit legit money fun investing story. good goy

>> No.844850


more pics please pakinigger.

>> No.844867

op pic is an old tripfag

>> No.844875


>forgetting about me

Serves you right.

>> No.844906

I'll fuck your sister for you, since you're a beta and won't

>> No.844915

Oh man, I completely forgot about that guy, it's been a while.

Anyone remember /sfig/ threads on /pol/ before /biz/ was made?
He used to post a lot on those threads and give advice.

I think him and a few other guys played a stock simulation game online, and started their own finance-dedicated imageboard before /biz/ existed. I think it's gone now.

Good times.

>> No.844935
File: 68 KB, 861x428, 37821987372233.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Millions were made.
Many more were lost.

>> No.844936

Literally never seen you before. So you mostly post in... Forex or Bitcoin threads then?

The only other fucking faggot tripcuck I was thinking about mentioning was Scandinavian-whatever. And that's only because he talks about rental properties and is actually making money doing it.

>started their own finance-dedicated imageboard before /biz/ existed
Oh god I remember that. How long ago was biz launched? I want to say 2013 but I have a healthy fear that it was even earlier than that.

>> No.844949

>How long ago was biz launched
I also thought it was around 2013, but the oldest archived /biz/ post I can find is #80, which was made in Feb 2014, so it's got to be around that time.

>> No.844954

You can actually search my posts. Have you seen the radioshack threads?

>> No.844957

>Is it okay to take your sister to prom-


>> No.845182

Who are you again?

>> No.845183

Quackerson is a useful tripfag. Self appointed oastebin poster for the billions of NEET threads we get

>> No.845184

A thread on this board lasts a day or two so late 2013 would make sense

>> No.845210

A shame I'm not here that often.

>> No.845216
File: 3 KB, 120x90, sutpid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its ok to take you sister to the prom stupid
shes a girl dummy

>> No.845330

Based wipe was the heart and soul of /sfig/ back in the /pol/ days, only butthurt /g/ users disliked him

We need to bring /sfig/ back, it was the GOAT thread

>> No.845337

I was there from the beginning. The threads on pol, the stock sim, the treads on q. Wipe made all those threads on pol every. Single. Day. As far as I'm concerned he's the reason this board exists, along with myself and other Anons who pushed for it. I've been gone for a while, so I didn't know what happened to him... But honestly the dude was alright, his fortunate circumstances don't change that.

>> No.845413


don't forget about Some Fag aka Sales and Bread

>> No.845460

Yeah, those threads were supreme. Someone really ought to bring them back around.

>> No.845880

I'll start one up on Monday, see you fellas there.

>> No.846491

Looking forward to it m8

>> No.846504

What all of you are talking about? newfag here, btw.

>> No.846508

Nah Pizza Fund Manager. ScandinaviaBrah is the best tripfag on this board

>> No.847115


>> No.847117

The guy was a fraud. Leave to /biz/ for being total retards for believing a con artist. At least IHaz gives legit advise was a professional career. Word on the street is the dad of the wife(ex-wife) hated and blackballed the paki fuck. The ex-wife left him for using the family money and abusing her.

>> No.847144


Wipe was a confirmed fraud for many reasons you can check the skype message proof i posted ages ago in the archive

left out that he also:

>converted to Islam to marry that gross chick
>was butthurt he couldn't even get a entry level Finance job
>blamed "racism" for not getting said job (hes Mexican)
>is so rich yet all he can do is brag about a 900 P&L ratio screen shot


>> No.847148

How do you search the archives for a specific users?

>> No.847189

Where exactly did you get this information?

>> No.847239


Say what you want about Wipe.

He was polite. He was respectful. He was a bro.
If we had daughters, we'd be lucky if they marry a guy like him.

In my mind, /biz/ was created because he contributed to the demand for it.

>> No.847292

>If we had daughters, we'd be lucky if they marry a guy like him.
This being 4chan, I've called dozens of people fags. You're the first one where I actually mean it.

Wipe was a poser. He grossly exaggerated his wealth, his experience, and his acumen. Yes, he was "dedicated" to the /biz/ board and reasonably polite, but that doesn't mean he made any meaningful contributions. On the contrary, given his prolific need to join every thread, I think he spread more misinformation and bad advice than anyone.

>> No.847297

only if you fuck her after the dance

>> No.847522

so what you want about trayvon marton
he was polite, he was skitteful. he was a father.
if he had daughters, he'd be lucky if they married a guy like wipe.

there was already a lot of demand for biz, just all it took to actually get it is traffic being syphoned fromt his site.

>> No.847606

This board needs more ihaz. He wasn't the millionaire we wanted, but he was the millionaire we deserve.

>> No.847615

>"just buy vanguard and you're rich when you're dead"
>not realizing he was just posting from his daddy's office

>> No.847648

And now you know why he probably doesn't post anymore: too many faggots intent on acting out rather than taking free advice.

>PS. he delivered proof of his accounts. The only guy that ever did, truth be told.

>> No.847669

>because his advice is literally worth it's weight
>the weight of fucking pixels

He never showed anything other than his dad's office and his dad's account. He never said anything other than, "Only buy vanguard, you'll be rich by the time you're dead."

>> No.847674

You have asbergerers if that's what you got from his posts. Dude had millions in private equity investments, real estate, plus his Vanguard shit. He was always telling people to diversify as much as possible.

Apparently you're too stupid to keep up. No wonder ihaz left. I'm exhausted dealing with daggers like you in one thread.

>> No.847675

*daggers = faggots

Apparently my phone thinks I should be nicer to you, but I disagree.

>> No.847706
File: 2.00 MB, 279x327, ha.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm a poor Paki that pretends to be Mexican since 9/11. But since Trump its really not going well at all I'm at my wits end
funniest thing I have ever read

>> No.848137


We're back boys.

>> No.848174

dude had his dad being a rich lawyer, putting most of his income in the account, gaining little actual assets. way to buy his fucking lie LOL.

you're a fucking idiot. ihaz was found out to be a fake.

>> No.848350

What board?

>> No.849186
File: 410 KB, 2400x1600, 1419674170476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My lawyer is a real Mexican. He gives me tips on mannerisms.

>> No.849209


He's really Méxican?

Never got that vibe.

>> No.849296

Yeah, but I don't trip. I stay in my containment thread and lurk everywhere else.

>> No.849330


>> No.849345


Isn't this the guy who pretended he was a millionaire or something? I think it was at the inception of /biz/ more than a year ago.

>> No.849372
File: 392 KB, 600x525, 453.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wipe was a fucking moron.
iHaz was a fucking moron.
Tripfags are fucking morons.

>> No.849612
File: 153 KB, 472x630, 1513297210923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Paki Terror cell

>> No.849653

You guys are aware tripfags are worthless sacks of shit no matter what their net value is?

>> No.849718

Everyone except the tripfagger is aware of this.

>> No.849961

does no one see this? im going to laugh so hard if wipe is actually cucking moot

>> No.850116

Are you fucking blind? That looks nothing like wipe.