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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 41 KB, 300x100, biz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7301 No.7301[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Get in here, /biz/tards.
Game Link:
Dont know anything about stocks? No problem, the game will help you to learn.
Useful links:
Free Charts:


>> No.7330


The fuck is this?

>> No.7368

why was the last thread deleted?

>> No.7413

Its a stock map
Probably the mods thought that Im trying to insult the gods chosen people

>> No.7760

What companies are you looking at?
Post your orders

>> No.7744

So have any of you actually played this?

>> No.8051

Im looking at TSLA, made some moneys irl on it recently

We already have 14 players.

>> No.8154
File: 89 KB, 500x667, 1391903008939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Looking at Tesla, currently have 50 shares of both CLF and TWC

Also, does anyone know any good hemp related stocks?

Gotta make money off of the liberals.

>> No.8216

Will the rankings show up after the markets open for a day?

My first three orders were in biotech:
50 shares of PCYC
315 shares of PFE
300 shares of RTRX

>> No.8266

Yes, and the ranking is based on the total returns

>> No.8489


>> No.8614

can an 18 NEET learn to play this game?

>> No.8650



>> No.8666

Also you can use stop orders in the game and I encourage you to use them( if you don't know what stop orders are watch this http://www.investopedia.com/video/play/stop-loss-orders/))


>> No.8679

created an account and joined.
How do i start?

>> No.8690


Just lurk around the websites and buy stocks you want.

>> No.8799 [DELETED] 

>>866 This. Chose what you want to buy, make some research about it, look at the chart and technical stuff and if you feel good about it buy it, if not, find some other stock.

>> No.8811


>> No.8820 [DELETED] 


>> No.8838

This. Chose what you want to buy, make some research about it, look at the chart and technical stuff and if you feel good about it buy it, if not, find some other stock.

>> No.8849


Buy stocks off of gut feeling, but not hype

>> No.8909

thank you ma niggas, will do.

>> No.8956

oy voy just signed up, not getting that confirmation e-mail

>> No.9004
File: 160 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Diverse enough?

>> No.9009

it took me 5 min or so to get it

>> No.9018

thanks, just got it now

i should be more patient

>> No.9051


oy vey

>> No.9226
File: 23 KB, 573x490, biz1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm starting small tonight (read: didn't feel like doing a lot of research). I'll probably buy a lot more tomorrow.

>> No.9287
File: 22 KB, 589x520, port.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All I plan on buying for today.

>> No.9313

almost 30 players in a few hours

>> No.9397

I really want to play, but I don't know anything about stocks :/ Would I still be able to join?

>> No.9429

Go for it, I don't know anything either and I have 20k invested in various biotech companies. Will see how it turns out tomorrow.

>> No.9432

>google crash coarse in stocks
>learn stocks
>hope for the best.jpg

>> No.9452

>implying anyone on /biz/ knows shit about stocks

Yeah, make an account and invest in whatever companies look cool. You might get lucky and outperform everyone.

>> No.9501


I don't know anything about stocks and bought a ton of stuff.

>> No.9510

>300 shares of Goodyear
>150 of Volkswagen
>90 of Exxon


>> No.9520

Hey guys me again. What do I put for Title, Industry, and Profession when signing up? Does it matter or do I make shit up?

>> No.9524
File: 28 KB, 858x622, 999902747.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We have 30 players now!

>> No.9539

Lel id does not matter, its just demographics they collect

>> No.9543

Doesn't matter.

What made you choose those particular stocks?

>> No.9547

can you short stocks in this game?

>> No.9578


I used Google Finance to look at their trends for the year.

Exxon recently went down, but with the spring travel season coming it's going to bounce back hard.

Goodyear has been on the rise this year, out of the "Big Rubber" companies I see them as being the most successful for a long time.

And I wanted to invest in autos. Ford and GM weren't doing too hot, and Toyota and Daimler were hella expensive, so I went with one I knew would at least stay around $50 for the year.

Keep in mind I know dick all about stocks and economics

>> No.9585

sell short yes..

>> No.9653

>Keep in mind I know dick all about stocks and economics

Well that makes two of us, I only know about non-economic politics.

>> No.9704


Also just shorted the fuck out of Sony.

Right now I'm following what the big boys do and adding in a few of my own (100 shares of Nintendo, for example)

>> No.9720




>> No.9740

>buying nintendo shares

>> No.9752


I don't need them to be good, I need them to recover slightly then sell them off before E3

>> No.9753

can you mutual fund in here?

>> No.9807

>Not putting it all into bitcoin ETFs

The S&p will be at 1,300 at the end of the year. Bitcoin will be 10,000 a coin You can mark my words

>> No.9810


Nintendo has been doing shit lately

>> No.9811


>> No.9845

In the game, I don't think so. Besides, that would kinda defeat the point.

>> No.9870


Everyone's doing shit, but unlike Sony, Nintendo won't go bankrupt

>> No.9872

How does trading on margin work? Are there margin calls?

>> No.9883

> People who obviously have no idea what they are talking about giving pretentious-sounding "advice"

Sure is reddit in here

>> No.9900

>keep in mind i know dick in stocks

he at least admitted it faggot

>> No.9918

it's taking out a loan to buy stocks.

>> No.9924
File: 612 KB, 667x466, 1376878891001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if this is the first post to use the word reddit on this board.

>> No.9936


Yes. Are there calls in this game? What are the terms of the loans?

>> No.9977


Wouldn't be suprised

>> No.9986

>starts with 100k
>wants to buy on margin
i think you answered your own question

>> No.10014

I would be. 9900 is a lot of posts on a board that probably started with some discussions that turned "political" before they were deleted

>> No.10015

father quit his job. He's 53 yr old and doesn't qualify for food stamps due to the money he has in hold.

85k he's looking to invest.

ideas? i'll read the thread after this post but appointed suggestions = grateful..

>> No.10040

Just saying that if all it took was >HURRR SPRING MEANS TRAVEL SO STOCKS GO UP everyone would be successful traders

>> No.10045

blue chip stocks, just make sure you pick a good company that wont fuck you over.

>> No.10077

you could also try bonds, but the interest rate is so low you wouldn't make anything

>> No.10118


I was just saying Exxon won't stay under $100 for long

>> No.10127


ETFs that track the market

>> No.10191
File: 38 KB, 960x547, 1392355981683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>waiting 9 hours for stock markets to open

if I wanted muh reelisim from a game I'd go play farming simulator

>> No.10226

>Japan stocks still open
>not buying from them

>> No.10242

Oh shit how do I do that kind anon?

>> No.10258

>/biz/ game not real market, sorry anon

>> No.10543

So the point of this game is to see if you actually make any sense so you can try it for real?

>> No.11083

yes, I would say that's pretty much the point

>> No.11599

>Title: CEO/President/Chairman
>Industry: Airlines
>Profession: Doctor/Medical Professional
You guys cannot beat me I am the CEO of an airplane doctor company making somewhere between $150,000 and $199,999 a year!

Real question though: Is this some weird Neopets market where everything is internal to our game or are we just investing in actual stocks with monopoly money?

>> No.11604

The latter.

>> No.13603

Why are we using markwatch when Investopedia's simulator is clearly superior?

>> No.13685

Should I just play or is it recommended to read a guide before I start?

>> No.13702

Start with this.
You have about 3 hours till the market opens anyway, so you have time.

>> No.13719

This should be added to the OP. It would be helpful for people who know nothing about trading.

>> No.13723

Cool, thanks.

>> No.13792

Should I invest in McDonald's?

>> No.13838

Invest in whatever you like.

>> No.13860

I'm gonna short EA, please tell me why stupid /v/irgin me that is a bad idea

>> No.13924

Don't invest with emotions. Personally I have not looked into EA but you should stay away from things that you have feelings to.

>> No.13961

This is just ameripoor stocks?

>> No.13990

I just typed random letters in the search bar and invested in whatever the fuck came up.

This is how you invest /biz/raelites

>> No.14006
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>faggots using their real name

>> No.14024

>Implying that's not a pseudonym.
I always use a regular sounding name.
It beats having something like "xxpunkrockemokid69xx"

>> No.14028

>implying shill Goldstein isn't the most superior regular name.

>> No.14059

/pol/ pls.

>> No.14068

Not even /pol/.
Why can't we have a global stock game?

>> No.14081

>advantage for Amerifats
Fuck you

>> No.14157

It's probably just the programmers being lazy. If it was multiple markets they would need to integrate several different exchanges as well account for different opening and closing times. So they probably just picked one.
And LSE and TSE don't have as large a volume as the New York exchanges, so it makes sense to choose New York in terms of playability.

As for the "not even /pol/"
We just got this board, I would love to keep the /pol/-tier comments out. We are meant to be businessmen, we're not meant to care about countries. We're only in it for profits.

>> No.14178

>just joined
oy vey I don't have much time till markets open

>> No.14207

>We just got this board, I would love to keep the /pol/-tier comments out.
>whole board is basically a le happy merchant may may
Good luck with that.

>> No.14285

>Game starts in : 0 days, 1 hour, 5 minutes
[excitement intensifies]

>> No.14288

>tfw when I have absolutely no diversity
What is considered diverse?

>> No.14308
File: 15 KB, 564x258, 2-14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How fucked am I /biz/?

>> No.14310

IBM looks good

>> No.14320


>> No.14323

What's wrong with CSCO?

>> No.14336

Their Q4 reports are bad.

>> No.14344
File: 16 KB, 570x270, 2-14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just changed order

>> No.14371


Fuck diversity, you're in it to win, not play it safe.

>> No.14378


Well, it depends when you want to win. I'd say you need to be risky, but being too risky might hurt you by this time next year.

>> No.14390

hi alsv_

>> No.14417


Let's do this guys.

>mfw you all lose $100,000 in a week.

>> No.14448



>tfw after today we will have the weekend to mull over our failures

>> No.14497

>tfw exam tomorrow
>tfw wasting my time with this instead of studying

>> No.14552


Yeah I have exams on Tuesday, but I'd rather learn how to jew money out people over Physics

>> No.14591

3 minutes

>> No.14606

>just placed my last trade
oh boy oh boy

>> No.14618

>it's begun

>> No.14638

>what the fuck do I do now

>> No.14644

you wait, m8. You can either try to keep beating the market all day, or trade a little at the time.

>> No.14649

Ok, who is /NVDA/ and who is SHORTING /TSLA/ here?

>> No.14680



>Not joining the one we made in /pol/ with almost 900 anons now

>> No.14689

>implying I want to play with /pol/
>implying I want in a 900 game

>> No.14695

Already lost 25$ god dammit

>> No.14703

>implying we didn't start this /econ/ shit over there and bitched to moot the loudest
>implying you could handle the challenge

That's like trading commission Goyim

>> No.14704


That is a terrible idea. Where you would be able to see truth you're not only guided by the same vague utilitarianism and emotional logic that mostly everyone is.

That being said, I have no fucking idea what I'm doing either.

>> No.14709


>> No.14705

>lost 25
I'm down 367, get over it

>> No.14714

>up 1,600$

Top kek

>> No.14711

>implying I wasn't one of the anons who posted /econ/ over there
>implying I didn't get sick of the retarded economics discussions with /pol/

>> No.14712

>all this talk of short selling
>not sure what any of this means
I am so boned

>> No.14725



>> No.14718

>some people have already lost over $2000

cmon guys... it's really not that hard.

I think it's funny that nasdaq is off to a bad start as we play this game. Great to see all the /v/irgins getting burnt.

>> No.14719

he wants the stock to go down, it makes him money

>> No.14723
File: 34 KB, 589x246, dat loss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fuck diversification
>muh high risk

>> No.14732

>tfw it devolved into defending stocks against goldbugs

I know that feel bro...

>> No.14734

>tfw fucked up my short selling

>> No.14730

Short sell something when you expect the price to go down.

>> No.14747

but its the best investment, investing in equity is just what the zionists want, only buy gold and land.

>> No.14749

its ur mum fagit :^)

i bet you aren't risking with new IPOs too, faggot.

>> No.14758

>Buy gold
So I can trade it for a lot of a inflated currency? Gold is not an investment, its a hedge. I do agree with land. Land, water, and food are the best investments. Producing I mean, not hoarding baked beans

>> No.14753

How good of a strategy is investing in companies that have gone down, but are going up? I.E, getting in low, selling high? It feels like gambling, but I don't see this being more than educated gambling

>> No.14759
File: 58 KB, 741x658, 2-14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not playing it safe

>> No.14767

>only buying


this is gonna be hard for you, innit m8?

>> No.14768

Yeah, If you are lucky you could get a MASSIVE INCREASE OF A WHOPPING 2% by the END OF THE YEAR! WOW!

>> No.14777
File: 14 KB, 571x195, r8h8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

r8 & h8, people.

>> No.14806

Damn it,there are so many stocks and etfs in the US that will take a while.

>> No.14818


>> No.14843

How do I find the company stock name? If I wanted to invest in Oculus VR Inc. or something similar, how do I search them up on the fucking site? This shit isn't exactly intuitive.

>> No.14850

use google

>> No.14847
File: 10 KB, 192x245, 1367890311788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw no clue what to buy stocks in

>> No.14858

Can latefags join now?

>> No.14854

>Oculus VR
That's not a publicly traded company, that's just some neckbeards working out of a basement.

You can just Google: [company] ticker symbol, and that will show you what the company trades as.

>> No.14861

you can in a few months and still make it 'to the top'

>> No.14877

>implying i wont go broke in a day or two

>> No.14881


>internet companies

>> No.14882

Now that I've bought a bunch of shitty stock I'll just wait a few days and hope one of them explodes.

>> No.14889

yes, it's a year-long game and anyone can join at anytime

even on the last day lol

>> No.14891

Holy shit, I suck at this

>> No.14893

on the top right corner of the MW site there is a search box

type the full company name and a list of stock symbols appears

>> No.14894

those are the winrars actually

>> No.14903

>all of /biz/ crashes
>some anon joins 2/13/2015

>> No.14906

Oh jeez went from green to red in a matter of seconds

>> No.14924

i doubt it

the people who join now will (hopefully) have massive gainz by that time, at least gainz that would make it hard for a late joiner to match

>> No.14925

dat cisco

>> No.14936
File: 208 KB, 396x385, 1392248380033.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That feel when I woke up an hour after the market opened

>> No.14939
File: 104 KB, 575x245, oi vey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Started trading two days ago on polse. Don't have any experience in stocks.

AMD was a fucking bonanza.

The market contraction yesterday was fucking sweet as well. Unfortunately I had to work and got at my comp there too late to short sell the fuck out of some stocks, had to settle for 2% yesterday as the market corrected itself.

>> No.14956
File: 26 KB, 579x513, oh jesus fuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god. Do I give Mr. Goldstein all of my stocks now? What exactly am I waiting for besides the big ass green numbers?

>> No.14954

Cisco + Pepsi yesterday was bull as fuck.

>> No.14963

no, wait on it, is only an hour into the day

>> No.14974

Can't wait for WTW to go up.

>> No.14975
File: 13 KB, 577x377, goog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not going all-in on google

It's like you guys don't like profit

>> No.14983

krft is going to rise. I bet it.

>> No.14985

you have 100k to play with

if you want to see the big ass green numbers, you need to buy moar shares bro

>> No.14992

Alright. I'll go see some of the cheaper stocks.

>> No.14994

i suspect that's how players in the /polse/ game made millions--that and cheating lol

>> No.15003

no, AIG

trust me im a pro i read a news article

>> No.15011

People make millions by daytrading and using HFT.

>> No.15012
File: 46 KB, 577x909, port.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mostly sitting on these stocks.

>> No.15015

Where can I buy stocks for Strickland propane?

>> No.15009

Just like real life, fucking poorfag.

>> No.15020

>have to create an account

into the trash

>> No.15022

Do you even foresee the future?

>> No.15054
File: 732 KB, 250x167, tumblr_m9skqxFbps1rxfqqzo1_250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lel, I bought Cisco because of the add on the Evening Standard.

>> No.15069


>> No.15082

but not with 100k

>> No.15085

I've switched between shorting and buying so many times it's not even funny


>> No.15094

it takes like one minute, and brings a lot of fun afterwards

>> No.15096
File: 16 KB, 582x67, 1392392667253.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not buying Pol stock so every time you search pol in google you get stock update + the happenings.

>> No.15097
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>buying Netflix

>> No.15109

uh just sign up with a throwaway email and pick a jew name

>> No.15112


Looks interesting, just bought some.

>> No.15127

Netflix is fun

>> No.15131

Fucking microsoft come on rise bitch.

>> No.15147

In reality I bought it because it looks promising, I've been keeping an eye on the stock thanks to Google Finance showing it to me everyday.

>> No.15169


>> No.15175

What the fuck does all the selling short, limit, stop, market bullshit mean?

>> No.15183


>> No.15184
File: 13 KB, 574x360, HAHAHAHAHA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone who is in this picture is a nerd

>> No.15187

>18 players holding Netflix

>> No.15188
File: 30 KB, 700x340, FfqAgbG[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Microsoft has been hovering around $28 for the past decade. Enjoy your regression toward the mean.

>> No.15203

Almost everything is in investopedia.

>> No.15195

If I wait enough I will surely profit :3

>> No.15197

read a book nigga

>> No.15198

How does someone fail that much?

>> No.15214

And I thought I was bad.

>> No.15227

that's just 3%

this can happen in milliseconds

>> No.15239

>your faces when VFC spikes

>> No.15243
File: 270 KB, 1280x850, teslamodels-autoblog53013[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post the stock you are losing the most money from

17 TSLA bros losing -$200

>> No.15254 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15265
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>losing money

>> No.15277

>dont know shit about economics
>get in first 30th place in 10 minutes
Come on guys

>> No.15290

Now I am in first 20 cum on :3

>> No.15302

>don't know shit about economics
>went from 8th to 28th in about 20 minutes
Don't worry we still have plenty of time to make a stupid decision

>> No.15315

It is like gamble. I shouldnt put any money in this.

>> No.15317

DGAZ, down 17.7% from purchase price

>> No.15343

what price did you buy in at?

>> No.15353
File: 29 KB, 526x704, polse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the last ranking page of the /pol/ game

>> No.15356

I'm in. Let's see what this is all about.

>> No.15385

I wish I never jumped on the AMD bandwagon.

>> No.15381

Why I cant sell my stuff. I dunt understand

>> No.15387

what do you mean?

>> No.15390

where are you stuck. post pics

>> No.15391

I'm down most on my gold miners (GDX), although they're recovering a bit here in 2014. My bonds and interest rate sensitive stocks are about even (which is fine, I hold for the monthly distributions), and equities are way up.

>> No.15401
File: 28 KB, 564x491, whereissalebutton.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was able to sell it before but I cant now.

>> No.15413

fucking lel

>> No.15409

>everything just went to shit

>> No.15410

That's the buy screen.
Go back to your portfolio and click trade.

>> No.15415

It will go up eventually, you have to believe
How much did you invest?

>> No.15416 [DELETED] 


You own 0 shares of Yahoo. Either you already sold it all or you didn't buy in the first place. Check your transactions.

>> No.15419

Ohh thx.

>> No.15430

I want to believe as well. I bought 20 stocks since I thought it was pretty cheap but so far it looks like it's been straggling behind most of the stuff I own.

>> No.15428
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>> No.15433
File: 296 KB, 499x281, [Commie] Spice and Wolf [240p].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw all the people losing money.

>> No.15453

Netflix pls

>> No.15455


>buying Gold

Get the fuck out of Gold.

According to a whistleblower they are being taken out by a Wall Street hit-squad covering up the truth of the mysterious lack of gold in the vaults and the Forex scandal cover-up.



>> No.15456


>being cheap with imaginary money

You're jewish to the very core, aren't you anon?

>> No.15471

Relax, it's a 5% holding as a hedge. Did you bother reading the rest of my post?

>> No.15472

I would of went in for 50 but I could of swore there was a limit for how much you could buy at a time.

>> No.15480

I think 3 bonds is better. Easier to watch over. Just dont buy companies that has no chance to recover.Buying microsoft while low is good idea it will eventually rise.

>> No.15494

Christ, and I thought I was bad at reading trends.

>> No.15501
File: 543 KB, 576x433, 1392187181982.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u guys suck lol..

>> No.15522

>ezechiel goldbloom last place

>> No.15528
File: 6 KB, 385x241, stock.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15531

The limit is 261 unless you're buying Leapfrog stocks in which case you can apparently buy 3000.

>> No.15535

Babby retard new to stocks here.

How do I figure out a publically-traded companies' four-letter acronym?

>> No.15543

yahoo finance for example

>> No.15545


>> No.15555

tfw not getting the verification email

>> No.15556
File: 520 KB, 700x393, fug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Microsoft is going down and is going to rise again. Buy when it goes down.

>> No.15561

Why is this verification email taking so long? Oy vei!

>> No.15574

Had the same problem just ask for it again.

>> No.15580


Verification takes a few minutes.


I just bought a few shares of Yahoo, I figure Tumblr is going to make their stock go up.

>> No.15584

been like 20mins for me

>> No.15585
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>> No.15590
File: 4 KB, 578x66, yahoo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.15593

>losing money already


>> No.15610

Gotta spend money to make money.

>> No.15606


Overall Gains : -$382.55

Currently sitting on /pol/ conspiracy hype stuff, since /pol/ is always right.

>> No.15632

Pepsi is shitest company whatsoever.

>> No.15643

>Not investing in a company thtat's gone really low today so that you can sell it tomorrow and make tons of shekels

>> No.15641

>Winter Olympics are on
>"I guess this means people will be interested in snow"
>Invest a shitload in some company because their code is "SNOW"
>End up making loads from it


>> No.15662
File: 2 KB, 159x89, 14-02-2014 17-46-06.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LOL 69th

>> No.15665


>Global Warming turns out to be real

>you lose all your shekels


Yes goyim, give out disinformation

heh heh heh

>> No.15669

>be 11
>fell down to 30`s

>> No.15673
File: 46 KB, 377x500, Shrug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rank 6th

I don't know how because I know jack shit about stocks.

>> No.15682

>Overall Gains $765.22


>> No.15704

>yfw analysts are useless as fuck

>> No.15709

Can we set up automated purchases when the price feels down to certain number>

>> No.15711

Genius! You're secretly Milton Friedman aren't you?

>> No.15714
File: 112 KB, 951x865, jew shrine .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$99,172.60 -0.83% -$827.40 28

77th place because I bought a bunch of shit stocks that I have a feeling will go up

I plan on doing a Jewish Merchant ritual of some sort.

>> No.15720

Yes, that's what a limit order does

>> No.15728


>> No.15721
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>> No.15725

>no ticker symbol of HUE

>> No.15727

How can you find companies within a certain sector?

Let's say I want to find all the publically-traded dildo producers, sorted in alphabetical order. Where would I find this information?

>> No.15736


>> No.15741

Who should I trust more?

>> No.15742

Oh thank you I am waiting for microsoft to go down but I am quite hungery now. I will just set up limit order I guess.

>> No.15744
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Are you the guy from /mu/?

>> No.15749

>Not using dartboards

>> No.15756
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>> No.15770
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>> No.15766

Analysts are there to tell you how best to give them money.

>> No.15777

Can I see somewhere at which price I bought?

>> No.15785
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>> No.15778
File: 100 KB, 800x800, stacks_image_11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As to my knowledge, there are no publicly traded dildo manufacturers, sorry. You could invest in 3D printer manufactures though as people will likely use those to make their own personalized dildos in the future.


To answer your question as to how to find them, Google is your best bet.

>> No.15780
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>> No.15800

Go to portfolio -> transactions

>> No.15821
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>> No.15824

In the past 15 minutes all of my stocks have gone from positive to negative, and yet my rank has risen. There are no winners when it comes to stocks, are there?

>> No.15838
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>> No.15839

Man, I don't think I'm patient enough for long term gains.

>> No.15840
File: 2 KB, 273x57, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just have to wait it out r-right?

>> No.15842


Only merchants win

>> No.15846

You'd think they'd be jumping up, sheesh.

>> No.15864
File: 96 KB, 588x568, pol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who /pol/ here?

>> No.15867

The winners are the one's that are the first to buy when things start looking good, and the first to sell when they start looking bad.

If you're looking for long term investments you may want to consider looking at companies that manufacture medical technology as it's something people will always need. They tend to be low risk investments so you won't get much short term.

>> No.15891

I just went from rank 9 to 79, lel

Fucking SNOW

>> No.15893
File: 208 KB, 1136x1744, 7PqfYtV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I have some POL stocks


>that feel when -$1,322.96 Overall Gains

Fuck the Pharma industry

Should I commit banker suicide?

>> No.15902

I've made -$26 already.

I can feel the profits. Ah, well, it's been hardly an hour.

>> No.15905
File: 81 KB, 310x253, 1391181476883.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw snow dropped down to 14.18

>> No.15921
File: 98 KB, 1017x1000, 1392173674656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post the worst stock you are currently holding


Pharmacyclics Inc


>> No.15930

Losing and gaining 30-40 bucks every second.

Jesus fuck.

>> No.15955

>still no verification email

>> No.15957

weight watchers

>> No.15949
File: 21 KB, 650x478, m8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rank 84

Fucking kill me already

>> No.15966

That stock is priming for a collapse any second.

>> No.15960



>> No.15963


I'm taking a small loss on JP Morgan Chase and Crocs (shorted too late). It's actually a pretty positive day.

>> No.15986
File: 12 KB, 569x322, FrrAxaG[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What in the fuck? Why are y'all making so many trades?

>> No.15994
File: 108 KB, 573x591, wtw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

top kek

>> No.16010


I'd be sitting on positive gains if I had just read the news first.

>> No.16013

>Nvidia stocks got burnt

How convenient.

>> No.16014

How the fuck do shorts work anyway? I buy a stock for the price in the future. The question is, however, how do I find a buyer? How do I buy into shorts?

>> No.16031

How to get rid of shit stocks without losing too much money?

>> No.16037

Why not?

>> No.16038

Sell before they dip further

>> No.16046

> Nvidia Tegra business collapsed.
It was only a matter of time. I'm surprised the stock shot up, honestly.

>> No.16048

b-but what if they go up again

>> No.16059


At least everything else is kicking ass.

>> No.16060


>> No.16083


Because commission fees. Shekelstein pretty much pissed away $730 on bullshit.

>> No.16159

We're just 3 hours in, don't get too anxious about having shit stocks today because they can rise suddenly tomorrow. Unless you don't have liquid don't sell them yet.

>> No.16233

To anyone complaining about movies not being sent, make sure to ask for another one to be sent.

>> No.16346
File: 4 KB, 570x60, ss (2014-02-14 at 12.52.10).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Netflix pls.

>> No.16414
File: 119 KB, 442x651, yes_gust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

top kek

>> No.16464