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File: 326 KB, 765x511, DQmNnxYWkka8g754y3BFjybZAd6EvtdLmwZsdvQjdiLQPqz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8486255 No.8486255 [Reply] [Original]

Hi, I have a question.

Are you retarded faggots really that stupid? This is not a pasta shill, this is coming straight from my soul. I am not a pajeet, my whiteness would blind you in the sun.

Do you idiots understand how math works? If you have $50 dollars in bitcoin, you will NEVER MAKE IT DAY TRADING 1) because you are too stupid 2) even if you were a genius you’d never be able to time the market better than 50% of the time, effectively having the same odds as random chance 3) making 5% ten times in a row is STILL LESS THAN 1000% GAINS.

Your only chance to make it is to go ALL IN on a coin and hit a 10x. Once you do, you can split it and diversify and do it again. I started with 10k in June and now have 1.3MM, and I’ve made probably around 30 trades. You losers who sit in front of charts all day “muh day trading” and end up down 15% after 14 hours make me sick. You’re wasting an opportunity that will never come again.

Deep Brain Chain (DBC) is the next 10-20x. Your only chance is going all in on this coin. I have NEVER been so sure of a moon coin before. It is a function AI/Blockchain technology that is ready for market and has NO competitors. Singularitynet is fucking gay and run by some drugged out faggot who looks like weird al yankovich and won’t be available for months or more, and won’t be working for even longer. DBC’s team is experienced with B2B industries which is what DBC is meant for. This is a coin people will WANT to own. It will hit a 500MM market cap in weeks, which is about 9x from the current price. It will absolutely go higher but since you retards have ADHD that is what you can expect to cash out with in under a month. This is your chance to get into a 20x at basically ground floor. DO NOT WASTE THIS OPPORTUNITY.

>> No.8486738

The development team can't even properly translate a video into english, the language where the majority of the AI market is. This is doomed.

>> No.8486751

>No competition
>Doesn't know about SingularityNETs partnerships and fully functional beta in the summer
>Doesn't know about Synapse Marketplace

>> No.8486817

This was originally written by the twitter shill @lambolydia.
He deleted his account after buying DBC, IOTA and TRON.

>> No.8487500

actually it was written by fist nigger I think

>> No.8487546

I strongly suspect they are the same person. He deleted the LamboLydia account after bad calls. Never trust a namefag.

>> No.8487563

Maybe you're right but I won't gamble, I'm holding my Nano.

>> No.8487667

They were pretty good calls. DBC at 7 cents and tron at 3 cents? Tron went 10x and DBC to 55.

I bought into DBC around 10, they're moving past the test phase, and im anticipating a major partnership this year or two.

Also I think a lot of these twitter shills deleted their twitters after the bitconnect shit. Crypto nick and black side show bob are being charged for aiding a ponzi scheme. It showed there are consequences in real life if you back the wrong coin.

>> No.8487756

They were great calls but some idiots don't seem to understand that even great high risk coin traders that make a lot of great calls can lose you a shitload of money. I definitely haven't wrote off fistnigger.
I bought DBC at 7c and feel stupid for only selling my initial amount of ETH worth at 50c instead of getting out. I think DBC is still a good hold even if it is performing shit.

>> No.8488058


>the language the majority of AI market is.

Sure seems that way when the only language you speak is English. The sun actually revolves around America. I learn something new every day.

>> No.8488125
File: 542 KB, 1066x1600, 1499348489158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DBC marine reporting in, my ass is ready for masternodes and mainet launch

>> No.8488147

5$ end of day, 10$ end of year

>> No.8488182
File: 54 KB, 749x784, 1520519646776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

50$ end of decade..

>> No.8488327

0/10 pajeet shill

>> No.8489356
File: 469 KB, 634x520, 1419777212240.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>DBC Marines are immunized against all dangers: one may call them scoundrels, pajeets, swindlers, chinkcoins, it all runs off them like water off a raincoat. But spread out FUD and you will be astonished at how quickly they recoil, how injured they are, how they suddenly shrink back: “we've been looed out.”

>> No.8489370
File: 1.71 MB, 460x304, 1518926224916.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fire rises marines


>> No.8489409
