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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 1.55 MB, 460x5212, 1513366043176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8487575 No.8487575[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.8487595

wow deep

>> No.8487612

Only way to escape this is via wealth.

>> No.8487628

no, only burgers like you

>> No.8487637

Made me tear up. Who with me?

>> No.8487641

or by just going outside lol

>> No.8487647

yes goy all your troubles will go away if you're rich, keep chasing the gold while your life fades away

>> No.8487651

>99% of /biz/ is like this

>> No.8487659

o wow dis a real one!!

>> No.8487671

ITT: the man behind the TV is unironically Sergey and its the year 2040.

The gains never came and you checked biz everyday for that price increase. Your friends are all married now with families in nice houses and you're still waiting for your big break at the ripe age of 65

>> No.8487674

Nigger if I had 50k a year from passive income or pure wealth I'd be happy and able to pursue my hobbies and dreams.

>> No.8487676

Not me

>> No.8487689


>> No.8487712

>i want to have fun
>listens to some other persons opinion and gives up shortly after and doesnt try exploring anything else

lost me there

>> No.8487717

>blaming the jews for your own decisions
Why are stormfags such faggots?

>> No.8487718

>>thinking Jews are responsible for your lack of intelligence, lack of motivation, and your inability to resist what the media and corporate america tells you you should want while you sit and stare at a TV for hours a day watching bullshit

top fucking kek


>> No.8487739

I couldn't find the original, ignore it if it bothers you

>> No.8487741

yeah, IF, but you dont. By the time you do, you will no longer give a shit

>> No.8487754
File: 466 KB, 460x5212, oy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not posting the unedited version

>> No.8487770

people on /pol/ talk about jews the same way blacks in america talk about whites.

>my superior race would totally be on top if it wasn't for those jews (who are inferior btw) messing everything up

>> No.8487788

Creativity and nature are free

>> No.8487794

Once I'm making 75k+ a year in a low stress job I like I'll be golden, but 50k a year and not working would be nice. I'd actually have an income to do more than just masturbate to anime and play videogames while paying off my mortgage and school denbts

>> No.8487807

And about 99% of those who see this image wrongly think that they are the enlightened 1%

>> No.8487828

do whites rely upon blacks for anything? there you go

>> No.8487893

pretty much this

>> No.8487905

You really have to go back to plebit

>> No.8487919

you'll keep beating it to anime and playing vidya, only in a comfier place with more stuff. Money is not your issue

>> No.8488866

this exactly

>> No.8488936

You really need to kys faggot

>> No.8489113
File: 176 KB, 984x733, christ-chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to church on Sundays
>have a great social life
>excellent relationship with all my family members
>comfy job as software engineer, am never overworked
My only remaining goal is to generate enough passive income, or get enough money so I no longer need to wagecuck

>> No.8489137

>implying op is wrong despite being a plebbitor

>> No.8489621
File: 1.64 MB, 600x3031, 😂👌.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is your fate.

>> No.8489670

>just go outside
I don't want to get shot by niggers
Fuck pretentious faggots, part of the struggle is liberating yourself from the shithole you live in.

>> No.8489689

lol so fucking wrong

>> No.8489743
File: 66 KB, 488x399, jews_ford.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds some somebodies gotta stop these kikes.


>> No.8489749

was listening to this when i came across this thread.... woah



>> No.8489768
File: 128 KB, 635x801, you_gentiles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


found the kikes.

>> No.8489808

>I don't want to get shot by niggers

Yes Goy, believe in the fear, buy some weapons while you are at it. Save your life by killing niggers.

>> No.8489825

You must live in a nice area. Not all of us do.

>> No.8489849

Who the fuck still watches television?

>> No.8489853

>You must live in a nice area.

It maybe nice, but only you can turn that around by making a true change and that change is using bloodshed.

>> No.8489865
File: 79 KB, 225x225, 3994_polarr-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn that nigga got slid

>> No.8489901

Argued with my gf for the lols to make her feel bad
About to buy McDonald and candies
Maybe I should really kill myself

>> No.8489903
File: 919 KB, 460x5212, biz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8489919

>sergey's face instead of moneyskelly

you fucked up

>> No.8489989
File: 2.27 MB, 1064x2052, 1514954331343.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8490067

>everyone who doesn't like jews is deemed a white supremacist
Be more retarded I dare you

>> No.8490133

with that logic, nobody is free faggot

>> No.8490161

>you'll keep beating it to anime and playing vidya, only in a comfier place with more stuff
But this is all I want out of life

>> No.8490222

>Muh having a white family

Roasties have absolutely zero loyalty to their hubbies. And children are a huge expense and limit your freedom.

>> No.8490246
File: 79 KB, 1280x720, bcash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds alot like Bcash cult.

>> No.8490284
File: 2.12 MB, 177x210, 1519014615752.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Believe it or not, but this pic triggered me into cancelling my cable subscription and made me play a lot less games. I found a job, made a lot of new friends, found myself an appartment and i just saved my first 10K. Finding a girl is next.

Go outside folks... the pic is real. Don't let them render you into some sort of paralysis.

>> No.8490641

>found a job
completely missed the point of the pic. Good luck wasting your life wagie

>> No.8490665

Continue being a classcuck.

>> No.8490699

How to escape the Jew: /biz/ vs. /out/

>> No.8490715
File: 43 KB, 600x693, 3478374376378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>getting memed into a meme

>> No.8490822

Watch the documentary "The Century of the Self" it's really amazing, everyone should watch it.

>> No.8490839

Quality work there, you've made my day a bit brighter, anon.

>> No.8490880

youtube zeitgeist federal reserve

>> No.8491017

Are you from /leftypol/? classcuck is a /leftypol/ meme. I used to lurk and post on there for awhile

>> No.8491053

whew lad, u'r young

>> No.8491074

is this word association?

>> No.8491120

>he doesn't work on the side to generate extra capital for his own buisness
not gonna make it

>> No.8491947

>he's never had to pay the twenty dollar entrance fee for yosemite

>> No.8492166
File: 51 KB, 720x745, 1519113260523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not so fast there peasant, you need to work and be productive.

50k passive income lmao, every slaves wet dream. Actually most niggers would be happy with about 20k in the west. This faggot is asking only 50k lmao.

Hope this never happens, otherwise all kinds of scummy niggers or retarded neets will roam around all day while others work.

Peasants and other lower classes must be kept in check at all cost.

Scope is to tear down current power structure and end global corruption, not to give peasants basic income or more money. These people need to be put to work (by force if possible)

>> No.8492196

Why does he look like the pedophile from family guy at the end?

>> No.8492267

the great tragedy of the internet is in the young people hitting 20 this year thinking they have the world figured out and believing in their moral duty to inform the ignorant masses
meanwhile, anyone older with two brains cells they can rub together has heard those inane opinions literally thousands of times and know better than to correct them. might as well try to stop the tide of the sea
hence it's mostly the idiots speak up and they all think they're right
not talking about /pol/ btw... you are not a moderate centrist, horseshoe theory was debunked before you were born, every thought you've had was had by someone greater and smarter than you, and you will never amount to anything except reproduce and pass your average genes to another generation who will be similarly average

>> No.8493041


>> No.8493045


>> No.8493173
File: 226 KB, 626x824, roastie2kids.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i want to find a good woman and married
clean your room and man-up

>> No.8493174
File: 73 KB, 888x1024, 562546767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm guessing you are like hurrr I'm better than average person because I know this knowledge, most people stop caring, just like you anon. not step back in line pleb

>> No.8493250

can you retarded "redpilled" fucks not think for yourselves?

>> No.8493298

buy guns, and complain about those filthy kikes, fucking retarded goyim, you will PAY for the privilege of shooting yourselfes up and sparing us the trouble of euthanising your subhuman arses when it's time to round up cash and shutdown usa

>> No.8493317

nice propaganda btw, totally good idea and not some pretentious bullshit

>> No.8493479

>wow this was insightful and hit me hard
>looks up this goebbels guy
>a literal nazi

I honestly dont know what I expected

>> No.8493840

>Finding a girl is next.
Anon, you were doing well until you got to this point.

>> No.8493866

>Propaganda is bad, unironically says the guy who buys propaganda about the Jews


>> No.8493918

Sorry OP but I am watching porn on my own free will.
Nobody has forced me to do it. I've been doing it on my own accord since I was 12

>> No.8493933

This so much. You have no idea how tiring it gets, anons. Now I just roll my eyes and keeping doing my thing.

>> No.8494917

Goddammit why the fuck did you have to post something that hits so close to home.

>> No.8494989

I don't get how you draw a line from cereal to morality? It just kind of assumed that, didn't it.

>> No.8495079

I’m a teacher. Study the education system and you will see it is indeed the jews making people stupd.

>> No.8495116

The research is out there. Quit being lazy and look up Kevin MacDonald on youtube.

>> No.8495171

fucking im 16 and this is fucking deep as fuck bros. and that himmler quote? damn. didn't know the soviets were this fucked up

>> No.8495256

That’s a good age to watch "Adolf Hitler: the Greatest Story Never Told".

>> No.8495403

Imagine how fucking pathetic you have to be to blame a lifetime of failures on some Jewish conspiracy and what the TV told you to do.

>> No.8495476

The worst of replies

>> No.8495493

>propaganda about the jews
we will wipe this board of you one day silverstein

>> No.8495503
File: 141 KB, 523x4409, kaiji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not posting the full version

>> No.8495622

^ ^

>> No.8495660
File: 90 KB, 1024x582, sad_vengeful_vegeta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The elites Live, we Die.
Inherited wealth from war profiteering is life, working until you can retire to live is death. Say it with me: NO MORE!
Who gives the illuminati the right to impose such a life of suffering upon the majority of the world's population? Is it god? Well, then that is not MY god. My god is the Eternal Justice which permeates all things.
We WILL change this system! All you have to do is refuse to play the game. This society sees you as nothing more than a consumer. In truth, IT is trying to consume YOU. Quit chasing shadows. You are not a product or a consumer, but the manifestation of the Eternal Consciousness itself. We must tame this timeline and put Humanity back on the track from which it should never have strayed thousands of years ago. Starve the Beast. Fuck Babylon. The time of confusion ends NOW.

>> No.8495894

how old are u? how long do you plan your life to last? are u depressed? d0 u feel dysfunctional? how do u deal with productiveness shaming?

>> No.8495930

not going to work

>> No.8495966

>dude just watch this fucking youtube video that proves 100% that the jews are behind everything
>look this one clip of some random jewish lady saying something vague about immigration to europe is irrefutable evidence that there's a global jewish conspiracy to exterminate the white race
I'll say it again: why are stormfags so fucking dumb?

>> No.8496259

can someone pls post high res screenshots or link to downoload this episode high resolution so i make screenshots myself? xd

I already figured out its 14 episode of Kaiji Ultimate Survivor ~3:11-3:43

>> No.8496322

It's true, it's mostly the fault of stupid boomers who gave up on parenting and the education system, both mass producing uprooted, isolated and goalless individuals.
However if you dig a bit you will rapidly find who is pushing the (((modern values))), systematically shutting down/demonizing the alternatives and playing the social engineers today.

>> No.8496323

Incredible, fuck the kikes I will never fall for there traps

>> No.8496350

Unironically is the Jews

>> No.8496367
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>and you will never amount to anything except reproduce and pass your average genes to another generation who will be similarly average

Next generation will actually be intellectually inferior because of the dysgenic trend fueled by technology and third world birthrate. World IQ is crashing as we speak.
Also nice nihilism faggot, stay demoralized.

>> No.8496393
File: 80 KB, 767x1200, 163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We could all learn a thing or two from Devilman


>> No.8496430

>the great tragedy of the internet is in the young people hitting 20 this year thinking they have the world figured out and believing in their moral duty to inform the ignorant masses

you're literally doing that

>> No.8496438

Untalented, lazy people with a big ego need an external enemy for them to blame their failures on. The original post in the OP is obviously about the pitt falls of capitalism. But considering the pathological /pol/ack needs a simplified enemy with a face instead of understanding the complex system of capitalism, they change their enemy. Only in this way is the world easy to grasp, simplified and more peaceful, less anxious. It's the same with ancient peoples who humanized their fear of nature (e.g. thunder) into gods (e.g. Zeus). Considering the conspiracy is 'global', anyone who disagrees with you is either unaware of the conspiracy ('blue-pilled') or part of the conspiracy (a Jew). It's an interesting phenomenon that recurs throughout history and shows a very fundamental weakness of the human condition.

>> No.8496546

Woke as fuck. This is the real red pill

>> No.8496549
File: 10 KB, 236x213, BABYPINKWOJAK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how old are u?
Irrelevant, as I am Eternal.
>how long do you plan your life to last?
My Flame is Eternal. No shadow is strong enough to wipe my Light from Eternity.
>are u depressed?
>d0 u feel dysfunctional?
This world is dysfunctional and needs to be changed.
>how do u deal with productiveness shaming?
Humanity will not achieve the next level of enlightenment, as long as humans exist solely to produce useless junk for consumption. This culture creates a need for what is needless, a purpose for what has none. Value is given to that which is irrelevant. In such a system, humans spend their lives working solely for the purpose of working. "Working", "being useful", "consuming" and all of the other concepts of society become both the means and the end of everything. Even the shadows must end, at some point. It is inevitable. Truth will set Humanity free, even if it takes another thousand years. People will look back at this timeline and laugh at how primitive "modern" humans really were in spirit.

>> No.8496818

This has nothing to do with jews. The economic, philosophical and spiritual system of this sick society has existed for thousands of years. We are only living through the near-saturation of it all. The end goal of this society is close to being achieved, but people got so used to the worst aspects of the capitalist system that they will fight to keep the system from changing. The very identity of the majority of people in this world IS their work. They've spent so little time living that they cannot imagine a world in which people exist for anything more than "being productive to the system". So, they will fight to prevent any advancement. The illuminati who control this world WANT to create chaos between everyone, to keep you from seeing the truth about this system. They will manufacture hardships to keep you all in darkness. Like crabs in a bucket, you will keep pulling one another down. In the end, you all end up in a plate to be devoured in the elite's sick little masquerade ball. Quit giving the system your energy. They can't make you feed their Beast.

>> No.8496864

>Trusting (((Zeitkike)))
Wew laddie

>> No.8496877

Kek, Jewed again.

>> No.8496913
File: 227 KB, 1199x464, DTTTaGUU0AAm6as.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jews dominate every societal ill, weild all institutional power, and brag about this in their own media.
>it's not about the Jews.

>> No.8497028

You hopeless neets always think this is the only caliber of women available, sucks to be in the r9k pit of despair.

>> No.8497234

where can i read more along this lines of this philosophy? should i start with Kant?

>> No.8497253


>> No.8497299

Can somebody post the non-racist version?

>> No.8497315

same except replace tv with 4chan

>> No.8497369
File: 148 KB, 612x792, 1521172612173.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gee, I wonder (((who))) could possibly be behind these?

>> No.8497465

Jews are parasites on white people and nations similarly to how blacks are, except far, far worse.

>> No.8497496

>It's the jew's fault 99% of people have no discipline and only live in the moment.
Most people would spend their time doing stupid shit with or without the jews.

>> No.8497507

even with all the wealth in the world... man is foolish to assume he is ever truly free.. that is... until he transcends and is reunited with The All.

>> No.8497528

See here nigger
It is when the Jew glorifies doing this shit

>> No.8497547

Oh, 4chan is blaming the jews for the structural problems of modernity again. Thanks for the enlightenment retard.

>> No.8497573

>Non-racist version
Wow, that's a funny way of spelling Cucked Soygoy slop version

>> No.8497599
File: 187 KB, 1024x866, 1521506305624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oh, a shill is taking kosher cock up the ass for $.20/post again
Keep drinking that soy milk boy

>> No.8497611
File: 192 KB, 843x1024, 1520905050538m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dropping redpills now

>> No.8497630
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>> No.8497643

sorry, this applies only for burgers
also sage

>> No.8497655
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>> No.8497682


just wait til you come across sedevacantism

>> No.8497691
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>> No.8497697

kek, business & finance

>> No.8497742

TV? Let’s be brutally honest here, the Internet is far more of a problem for doing what the comic suggests. I wish the interney never fucking existed tbqh.

>> No.8497835
File: 21 KB, 420x260, 3D0445D8-9AA4-4008-AF64-9939E8D89F98.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that post yesterday got me watching kaiji. what a /biz/ series.

edit: thanks for the upvotes!

>> No.8498365

How about you, and my wife, leave me the fuck alone to trade. And stop being such a bunch of negative ninnies. Fuck you Fuck you Fuck you.

>> No.8498441

>you can accept your life is shit
>or you can dream of a better one

>> No.8498481


>> No.8498901

There are so many layers to being that you are completely ignorant to, if you can't at the very least understand why healthy choices lead to a better outcome continually. And that is one factor of a far greater analysis that includes the targetting of children by big sugar and the epidemic of extended adolescence and nihilism among young men, and just the tastelessness factor as well

>> No.8499166

Most beta post

>> No.8499361
File: 66 KB, 710x532, 94551806-0ACA-4BDD-96E4-92EF2A68EDE1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8499813
File: 79 KB, 451x630, 658896564648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ho lee shit.

>> No.8499999

As expected, someone who does not agree with your dogmatic conspiracy theories is of course a Jew. Do you have any counterarguments which is not a grainy .jpg image or calling me 'blue-pilled' or 'Jewish'?

I'll wait

Actually, I won't. Because you won't have arguments

>> No.8500266
File: 10 KB, 184x184, 1493548346601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm with you brother.
But to be free is also to be rich enough to pursue whatever you want.
Escape the game by beating it.
You cant not play or you will never be free because you have no wealth.

>> No.8500341
File: 649 KB, 263x396, 1519675077482.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cleen ur rom

>> No.8500366
File: 556 KB, 2004x1713, jews_bolshevism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>show how the media is 95%+ dominated by a minority that is 2% of the population
>has no arguments

>> No.8500636

>the author actually explains that there are multiple variables that effect IQ and no evidence that it's genetic

Finally some real science is posted here

>> No.8500779

Today someone gave me some value in /biz/, thanks anon

>> No.8500809

(((Bernays))). I think of this documentary every time I hear/see/read the word 'lifestyle'.

>> No.8500845
File: 14 KB, 250x360, ramana maharshi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This world is dysfunctional and needs to be changed.
Don't you see that everything is perfect?

>> No.8501613
File: 38 KB, 703x499, iq_genetics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry Schlomo, IQ is entirely genetic:


In the largest ever study looking at the genetic basis for intelligence, researchers at the University of Edinburgh and Harvard University discovered hundreds of new genes linked to brain power.

But nobody knew which were the ‘smart genes.’

Now by studying the genetic data from more than 240,000 people, scientists have found 538 genes which are linked to intelligence.

Researchers were even able to predict intelligence just based on a person’s DNA, a breakthrough which could potentially help doctors to diagnose impaired cognitive ability, or allow children to be given an tailor-made education based on their innate abilities.

>> No.8502272

Finally finished this thread.
It's nice to see constructive debates like this from time to time.

Now, drop and give me 20, anon, just to clear your head. You fucking deserve it!

>> No.8502425

anyone who posts in this thread does not belong on /biz/

report all /pol/ threads
report all /pol/ posts

sage your replies

>> No.8502480

The media has always been jewish dominated. It's YOUR choice whether you choose to consume it or not.

>> No.8502548
File: 19 KB, 385x382, 1517853560210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ho do i get out

>> No.8502921

My dude, there are plenty of ways and you surely know some. The thing is no one can help you but yourself.
Sure you know what you have to do, what is right and good for you but you just don't do it.
You'll act once you have one too many and realize you're wasting precious time.
I HOPE I realized it and will be on this path and not fail again, getting sucked back into procrastinating.
Couple of days ago I looked in the mirror and caught a glimpse of an older version of myself. It was horrifying. That's when I realized I need to quit smoking and so I did.

If you don't want to feel like a victim any longer, go learn to fight. It fucking empowers you and literally makes you a strong mofo. I need to resume this as well.


>> No.8503116

I have no hobbies or interests left

>> No.8503349

>he thinks I have friends

Not so fast, anon.