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848226 No.848226 [Reply] [Original]

>Talk about oil
>Talk about Fed
>Talk about DWTI/UWTI
>Talk about technicals
>Share insight, troll your fellow oilheads

In honor of the commodity we all love, oil general. Hot topics for now: Will it go lower?™

>> No.848248
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Headed for $12.00/bbl re WTI. OPEC kills shale producers in December with no output change. Bank review of US producer credit in April, 2016, seals the deal. Bottom is in when you see $42.00 oil 5 years out on the CME/Nymex.

>> No.848391

WTI is almost a dollar up. Is it the Chinese data that is driving the price higher?

>> No.848399

Bump this big on Monday is unusual. If it holds and there is a bullish report, things could be turning around.

>> No.848403

20 will be the new normal for crude
screencap this post

>> No.848470
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>My face when I get my exxon dividend.

>> No.848490
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>tfw $0.73 per share

>> No.848494

Royal Dutch Shell is even better.

>> No.848498
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what should I buy into? W&T Offshore Inc. or something else?

>> No.848500

No. Unless you just want the thrill of gambling and don't care about your money, never ever invest in a company with a negative P/E.

>> No.848503

any other suggestions?

also on a sidenote how low can WTI get? 3,50$ currently.

>> No.848565

It's the weakening dollar most likely.

>> No.848593

>Talk about oil
hit rock bottom again due to the chinese speculative bubble finally popping and the winding down of the bull market

>Talk about Fed
so occasionally the fed makes an announcement or releases a report and the market reacts, I haven't been following them recently, I should be more diligent

>Talk about DWTI/UWTI
too risky, if you're forced to hold for the long term you will get cucked

>Talk about technicals
$50 Brent is a strong region of resistance, right now is an ok time to buy something like statoil as a value investor, a lower risk investor might wait until it hits rock bottom

>Share insight, troll your fellow oilheads
what happened to the shills who thought they would run out of oil storage capacity and prices would dip below $40

>> No.848699

Today's rise is a speed bump on the way to 20.

That said I'm fucking astonished what this small rise in oil did to the shale stocks, many rose by 15-20%.

> what happened to the shills who thought they would run out of oil storage capacity and prices would dip below $40

US oil storage peaked at 94% full before it started to go down a bit, around two months ago. That is higher than in 80 years as EIA keeps repeating, and far higher than comfortable. Had it reached 100% shit would have hit the fan.

>> No.848745

If US starts exporting oil Brent is going down 5 and wti up 10 overnight.

>> No.848832

>actually buying common stock for dividends
>having a long position open for exxon
>especially before interest rates are about to start a new cycle

>> No.848840
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>what happened to the shills who thought they would run out of oil storage capacity and prices would dip below $40
Still here. Your buddy Andy Hall the "oil trading god" just dropped $500million betting oil would go up, admitting he didn't "anticipate" the bearishness.

Look out below.

>> No.848942

Why should I be worried?
I'm down $1500, not counting my two dividends. Oil always goes back up. I made a promise that I'm not going to miss the next rise.

>> No.848956

>gold will always go up
>they said at 1800

>> No.848965

Oil is never going to be above 70 dollars. Iran oil supply is going to make sure of that. This is why Obama wanted a trade deal with them. Its a way to bitch slap the Saudis. You also notice the Russians didn't bitch and moan on the deal. Everyone is trying to fuck over the Saudis, and its going to come to the point the missing 28 pages of the 9/11 commission is going to be publicized. This will sent the west into a war rage against Saudi Arabia. Make no mistake, Saudi Arabia will not be a country in twenty years.

>> No.848994

I know poltroll. But here goes.
Those 28 pages were revealed recently. Well, the content anyway.

Never is a long time. It isn't like Iran has never sold any oil before. Also there shit is so old that Exxon and haliburton will have an eps boost for the next decade getting that stuff modern.

>> No.848999

They didn't reveal anything. The details needed for implications are still classified. Certain people in Washington need Saudi Arabia because, well don't ask is pretty much the answer. It was oil and a way to keep an eye on the Strait of Hornmus.

>> No.849060

Also the 30 pages are from a joint committee report on 9/11, not the commission report.

>> No.849371


> It looked like the turnaround
> China fucked everything


>> No.849742

Why the Fed is so hawkish and rushing to raise the interest rate

>> No.849761

china didn't "do" anything. this was coming for over a month, china devalued due to the stock bubble bursting and exports dropping. remember, the CNY is still being controlled by trading bands, china simply raised the exchange rate(less than 2% so far) to compensate for the issues. if CNY were a liquid, freely traded currency then this would have happened on it's own but the managing of the exchange forced them to do it. now that CNY is devalued, concerns about the chinese slowdown are being reflected in a further decline of commodities.

>> No.849763

That would be nice.

>> No.849821
File: 68 KB, 675x450, SAUDI-master675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is why the Saudis want WTI in the $30 price range.

>> No.850084
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I say buy some stock in oil companies.

Cheap oil won't last forever. Too many very rich and powerful people will lose their fortunes if it stays that way. There will be a "big thing" happen to cause the price to go way up again and it won't be an accident.

>> No.850088

the second prices goes up to a certain point is the second the market gets flooded yet again.

>> No.850096
File: 88 KB, 800x600, natural_gas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about natural gas?

Coal's out (thanks for nothing Obama) and gas has overtaken coal as the US's biggest producer of electricity for the first time in history.

Plus winter's coming so demand will go way up for much of the country.