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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8485247 No.8485247 [Reply] [Original]

I think I must have spent nearly 50 hours by now researching this guy.

He's really Satoshi. Hold BTC at your own risk.

>> No.8486064
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>Wasting 50 hours when you could have watched one < 3 minute video and stopped there.
>The absolute state of delusional cashies.

You guys are actually more obnoxious than stinky linky's. At least they're moderately comedic in their obsession, you morons are just cult-like and it's pathetic.

>> No.8486080

vitalik's response here is honestly embarrassing and shows what a brainlet he is. in the words of nassim taleb, he's a classic intellectual yet idiot https://medium.com/incerto/the-intellectual-yet-idiot-13211e2d0577

>> No.8486113
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>IQ proven to be over 200
>called a brainlet by someone unintelligent enough to join a cult based around a fork of a cryptocurrency ran by known sociopaths

>> No.8486144
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>references signaling theory to sound smart
>presuppose that i know what the other person is attempting to signal
>too autistic to understand what craig was actually signaling
>tfw too smart to win

>> No.8486149

Why research these when you can just watch a 3 min youtube instead?

>> No.8486207
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>> No.8486223

what's the best thing you've found

>> No.8486237

Vitalik's mention of signalling theory is 100% logical though. You call him a brainlet but I guarantee you can't explain why his argument was flawed.

>> No.8486246
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>> No.8486257

Satoshi is most likely John Nash or Alan Greenspan

>> No.8486263

because he assumed craig wanted to signal that he was satoshi you retard

>> No.8486267
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>> No.8486273

these are pretty good for a start


craig actually wrote that medium piece AFAICT (he admitted to it in slack, assuming you believe it was actually him in slack which i do) - here's a link to the slack transcript https://pastebin.com/zU6YZWXK

kek. fucking brainlets everywhere

>> No.8486288

Definitely a member of the team but not the leader

>> No.8486290

trolls are free to join the cult of their choice why then do you care about your forked little brother taking over the kingdom if your darling is so great.

Lightning Network DDoS Sends 20% of Nodes Down

>> No.8486298

important to link the following when posting this image wiki.cacert.org/AssuranceHandbook2?action=show&redirect=CARS#CAcert_Assurer_Reliable_Statement_-_CARS

so that people know what CARS means

incidentally, ian grigg wrote the paper on triple entry accounting and has been involved in financial cryptography since the 90s

>> No.8486315

this is why im all fucking in ETH.

>> No.8486319

I personally think he's satoshi but I can see why a lot of people think differently. I think he's intentionally muddied the waters so he is underestimated and is free to be left alone to work on bitcoin behind the scenes.

>> No.8486347

ah man. instead of banning 3rd world shitholes we should just have to pass a simple 5 question iq test.

>> No.8486348
File: 1.74 MB, 1672x909, Not_Satoshi2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If he was Satoshi why did he need to go back and change his old blog posts to reference crypto?

>> No.8486349

cheers. I think bch will be over 100k in june

>> No.8486350

I wonder if there is anyone left on /biz/ who actually holds over 5 figures in crypto.
It's just a bunch of bots, shills, and dollarionaires yelling at each other.
Of course CW is satoshi. It's been obvious since the day he came forward. Only a person with his personality type could create something like Bitcoin. What did you guys expect? Some soft spoken limp wristed faggot who bends over backwards to everyones demands? please.
BCH is bitcoin
bitcoin was 20k
therefore BCH will be 20k
invest or not, thats your choice.

>> No.8486356

All he has to do is move the satoshi coins and say satoshi supports bitcoin cash and its all over then as FOMO sets in

>> No.8486367
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Dougie Jones?

>> No.8486373

lmao Taleb is a retard

"dude random events happen that you can't predict" wow great insight I'm sure nobody thought of that before

>> No.8486383

Of course CW isn't Satoshi. Anyone who thinks that he is is a fool. Point fucking blank.
If he was actually Satoshi all he would have to do is sign a transaction with one of satoshis known coin addresses to shut everyone up for good, but he won't because he can't.
He's obviously a con artist who is just trying to steal Bitcoins from people.

>> No.8486407

He wanted to muddy the waters.
He wanted people calling him a scammer.

>> No.8486413

>69D chess

>> No.8486432

He might prove it this weekend at the Satoshi Vision Conference as he's getting tired of fucking around

>> No.8486435

I don't think he's Satoshi but I don't like the argument that he has to move coins to prove it.
I think there are too many legitimate reasons to NOT move those coins to make it any sort of litmus test.

>> No.8486442
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more like the best possible response to a terrible, unforeseen event

>> No.8486469

Anyone can sign a transaction if they have the keys
Argument that whoever can sign tx for Genesis block coins is Satoshi is fundamentally flawed
Any member of the team could have access to those keys at any given time

>> No.8486529

No. He will not be the Bitcoin community's godhead. He will never prove it publicly.
One day, after the tulip trust assets unlock, the BTC genesis block will be market sold, and the proceeds put into BCH. And that will be that.

>> No.8486547

It's Hal Finney /thread

>> No.8486554

this. it's irrelevant to the truth anyhow; if someone signed a satoshi key and proceeded to say we should keep the blocksize at 1mb you'd know satoshi (person or group) had been compromised because there is not a single reason to limit blocksize to 1mb other than to make on chain transactions impossible

>> No.8486560

He doesn't have to prove anything but he can sell over a million btc coins if and when he wants and continue his work on the bitcoin cash chain with patents. I think he knew a takeover would happen from the beginning and planned accordingly.

>> No.8486578

one thing i dont understand though: how are patents supposed to work in this scenario? who do you sue when BTC or ETH rip off your IP? what kind of damages could you collect?

>> No.8486586

He's either Satoshi, or an incredibly driven and successful sociopath.
Either option is a good bet for an investment.

>Only a person with his personality type could create something like Bitcoin. What did you guys expect?
also this

It all fits. CW has links to the gaming industry. Bitcoin was creating by a group from the gaming industry as a response to various US financial blockades.

>> No.8486591
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>supposedly access a Satoshi wallet with one of satoshis keys
>I'm not trying to signal I'm Satoshi tho guyz 4 real

>> No.8486610


I think he's stockpiling patents so he can prevent large companies from building their own cryptos to pull the rug out from under bitcoin, and to force banks and exchanges to deal with bitcoin(cash).

>> No.8486625

hadnt heard this before. source?

no he's been very clear that he wont let alts use his tech
but he also has added elsewhere--I think once, in an interview with Vin Armani--that part of the patent strategy is to prevent governments from creating competitors (eg. FedCoin)

>> No.8486627

thats a very good point patents only work against centralised competitors (which is what we don't want) meanwhile bch is the optimum decentralised option

>> No.8486635

None, patents are mostly bullshit when it comes to open source software. What they DO do, is give ammunition against other for-profit companies. i.e. Blockstream
It's a war chest

>> No.8486654

i mean maybe you would have a case against blockstream if BTC ripped you off since they are in charge of the code. might be without precedent though. he certainly has the funds to pursue though. and a thirst for vengeance, probably.

>> No.8486665

This guy's general point is good, but it's so swamped in opaque writing and specific and poorly explained political bias that he undermines himself.

I liked this line though:
>What we generally call participation in the political process, he calls by two distinct designations: “democracy” when it fits the IYI, and “populism” when the plebeians dare voting in a way that contradicts his preferences.

>> No.8486689

There are different areas of intellect.

One may be exceptionally developed within the mathematical areas of life. Or very well developed with communicative skills. Etc, etc...

Also, nature has proven to show if a species is not balanced, and they have some abnormality that consituties an extreme feature. They are lacking in other areas..

Just like some autistic kids are very good at math, or have a photographic memory and can draw anything they see. They, at the same time, have horrible, retarded social skills...

Vitalik is no different here...

BTW chainlink is going to be one of the very few altcoins that will still be around in 2019...

Watch and screencap it..

>> No.8486745

>hadnt heard this before. source?
Here's the original Satoshi code:
Now click on the file "uibase.cpp" and search the page for "poker"

There's code for displaying a poker lobby:
It's unfinished, but it's there

>> No.8486770


>> No.8486826
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>> No.8486830

>back-edit your blog to mention cryptocurrency in 2008 constantly
anyone who believes CSW is satoshi is a gullible idiot honestly

>> No.8486836
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i wonder if csw is upset with the government / blockstream. i feel like in his position i would be.. if he is, it's never come through to me. but through the government's ban on banks interacting with the gaming industry, the US government probably forced him into bankruptcy and, possibly, resulted in him getting divorced (speculation whether that's the cause on my part). through blockstream's lack of understanding of bitcoin, it has threatened his baby.

>> No.8486857

>the BTC genesis block will be market sold, and the proceeds put into BCH.
this is what delusional cashies ACTUALLY believe

>> No.8486864

anyone who can't understand the idea that if you were satoshi you would want to tell people you're satoshi with plausible deniability is a retard

signing the keys doesn't 100% prove shit anyway

>> No.8486873

We all know it will be a cold day in hell before any btc fan would think Satoshi was Craig Wright but just saying its not so isn't good enough.

>> No.8486891

>guise he doesn't want to be satoshi that's why he back-edits his blog to pretend to be satoshi
lol anytime strong evidence of his fraud behavior is presented you dick-sucking fanboys just fall back to this "100D chess!!!!!!"

he isn't that smart, have you listened to him speak?

>> No.8486911

he's a genius and i would pay money to hear a debate against vitalik / gmax / any of these other crypto soyboys

>> No.8486920

>he's a genius
He's the idiot's genius.

>> No.8486940

The Craig supporters all seem so cool/collected. The Craig skeptics seem very flustered and emotional.

t. Casual observer

>> No.8486948

The Craig skeptics all seem so cool/collected. The Craig supporters seem very flustered and emotional.

t. Casual observer

>> No.8486969
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>taking the opinion of a pedophile over a highly accomplished scientist with multiple doctorates and a family


>> No.8486971

is that you adam back?

>> No.8486990

I would pay to see him fight gmax

>> No.8487010

craig snatches 150 kg. he'd snap gmax like a twig

>> No.8487045

What kind of female argument is this? Such a pathetic appeal to emotion
>I called this guy a pedophile therefore he can't be knowledgeable about anything

>> No.8487054

Mate you need to reassess your worldview.
Fanatics are always cool and collected because they think their beliefs are the Ultimate Truth.

>> No.8487067

What a waste of 50 hours.

>> No.8487092


that's why I'd pay :^)

>> No.8487097
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Satoshi is dead
Also nobody has the private key

>> No.8487199

Holy fuck, that is the most pretentious blog entry I've ever read. And I should know as I've written quite a few cringers on the now defunct xanga.com

>> No.8487255

When you have to keep proving to everyone you are smart. You ain't smart.

>> No.8487270
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If hes Satoshi hes under indictment

If hes satoshi he holds millions of BTC

Think about what this madman could do

>> No.8487402

Brainlet here. I'm researching CSW, and he seems all-in on BCH and hates on BTC. Is he intentionally spreading FUD? What's going on here?

>> No.8487426

He's spreading facts. Unfortunately those facts are harmful for BTC and beneficial for BCH.

>> No.8487425


BCH is unironically better and CSW is satosho

>> No.8487430 [DELETED] 

ITT: LINK morons who want push the false reality that Nick Szabo is Satoshi, only because he follows link on Twitter now

>> No.8487437

Jesus man where the fuck have you been?

>> No.8487505

go back man

>> No.8487596

Oh for fuck sakes you people are so stupid. Satoshi isnt any of these people it's taylor Swift and the only reason that's not public knowledge is that psychopath russel greer

>> No.8487640

That's not nick szabo. you idiot

>> No.8487656

no one here know what ironic means?

>> No.8488144

He's not, mate. He's second in command.

We will never know who "prime creator" Satoshi is. Satoshi is still alive, but if he were to pass, CW would be the batter up.

>Team BCH has had Satoshi's private keys for a long time, huge secret, it's their dead man's switch
>Small bits and pieces of this were leaked on purpose
>Team BCH needed Gavin to help bring credibility to the project
>Gavin wouldn't join unless he saw proof of their secret
>First rule of BCH Gang is don't talk about BCH Gang
>They panic, fake Satoshi volunteers to meet Gavin privately
>The misunderstanding: Gavin thought he met Satoshi, but he really met a person in the gang that has Satoshi's keys
>Silly Gavin makes mistake because a has a raging boner that be met Satoshi and goes public
>Fake Satoshi takes one for the team and makes fool of himself on TV on purpose, letting the enemy think you are weak when you are strong, doesn't matter in the long run
>Team BCH has the keys regardless

Pay attention to upcoming events. BCH gang will move coins from Satoshi's wallet and shock crypto to it's core. Satoshi endorses BCH. Game Over.

>> No.8488295

Do you think #1 is Calvin Ayers? Or another cryptographer?

>> No.8488359
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Bullshit, this is the REAL satoshi.

>> No.8488455

That also means he have more to loose thus more to hide.

>> No.8488471


>> No.8488474

Why would anyone move to BCH just because a bunch of sociopaths market sell vast amounts of BTC? The price would crash short term but anyone with a brain would buy all the coins up and we are left with a blockchain decoupled from the insanity that is the BCH team. BCH would win only by better tech.

>> No.8488497

if you dump enough you can cause a chain death spiral on btc additionally effective if jihan colludes to maximize its effect

>> No.8488525

Honestly bch development looks good and they are working on ico platform and privacy but the community is toxic and Roger ver dirts down the whole reputation because of his retardness.

>> No.8488555

i highly doubt it would kill BTC. It would reduce in value yes but people would buy like mad for two reasons:

1. Limited supply
2. BCH could dump just the same

Again I think BCH would have to be better tech-wise for this to kill BTC. Having the people that hold the same amount of BCH that was just dumped in BTC would not attract many followers either.

>> No.8488561



>> No.8488570
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*breathes in*

>> No.8488596

Craig seems to know Bitcoin inside-out and a few times has demonstrated things Bitcoin can do (or was doing) that most people, including 'Core Experts' had no clue about.

Below vid made me take a deeper look, you can't deny that he's passionate about Bitcoin and scaling it to change the world. Bitcoin Cash is following that, and it's the boat I originally jumped on way back when I first heard of Bitcoin. If BTC wants to remain on top, it needs to start competing - BCH adoption is accelerating, just like Bitcoin did 2009-2014


>> No.8488631

i know who the real satoshi is and its not any of the people you guys think

and i won't fucking tell because i respect the man.

>> No.8488686
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it takes a high IQ to understand CSW, I'm not surprised brainwashed teenagers and noobs and pajeets are swallowing the blockstream propaganda. They are the dumb money that will make me rich.

>> No.8488702

me coughing

>> No.8488709
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I get nervous talking about people who could push prices down to single digits if he felt like making a point

>> No.8488791

>believing a pedophile

>> No.8489997



>> No.8490019


satoshi is a jap last name retard

once again whitey trying to steal other races' inventions

>> No.8490458


moving those coins tanks BCH too though. Moving Satoshi's coins increases the BTC circulating supply dumping the price. If you have the private keys to Satoshi's wallets then not only do you have access to the BTC in the but also the BCH created during the fork. By moving Satoshi's coins (even just the BTC) you increase the circulating supply of both BTC and BCH; crashing both coins and the whole crypto market.

Jihan will never allow this.

I am hoping for a little bch pump this weekend though

>> No.8490807

if you don't put them on an order book it doesn't increase supply

you don't have to move the bch to move the btc

>> No.8490916

you don't get to claim someone is Satoshi in order to bolster the price of your shitcoin when they refuse to offer the irrefutable proof that they are

>> No.8491409


it isn't about the movement thought, it is simply about proving someone can.

At this point Satoshi's coins are considered lost to the market. As though the private keys were lost on a destroyed hard drive.

>> No.8491981

Szabo said that BCH was centralised trash though, so either there was some kind of major schism in the Satoshi group, or that eliminates Wright. Szabo was involved for sure.

>> No.8492023

>Szabo was involved for sure.

This is the only thing that I can say with 100% confidence, he was either "Satoshi" or heavily influenced the conceptualization of Bitcoin with "Satoshi". My guess is that Satoshi isn't 1 person.

>> No.8492032

he's no Real McCoy

>> No.8492050

Why else would he name his company Nakamoto Chain (nChain)? Why else would he be the sole recipient of the tulip trust? Yes, of couse he's Satoshi

>> No.8492107

As soon as BCH > BTC it's game over for Blockstream and BTC will bleed to death

>> No.8492115

kys faggot

>> No.8492132

Craig is the original Satoshi. Team Satoshi included also Nick, Hal and of course David

>> No.8492186

>Vitalik's mention of signalling theory is 100% logical though. I guarantee you can't explain why his argument was flawed.
You can't argue Vitalik's argument against Craig isn't 100% logical if you accept his premises. However, his argument is only logical if Craig wanted to prove he was Satoshi. Vitalik only says in the video that the manner in which Craig 'proved' he was Satoshi was ambiguous and tedious therefore since Satoshi could prove his identity easier Craig isn't Satoshi. The reason this is important is because Craig said from the beginning that he didn't want to claim the title of Satoshi and his identity was leaked by others. In fact if you look at all the interviews at the time people like Gavin Andresen and Andrew O'Hagan said Craig was forced out so there are multiple sources claiming Craig didn't claim to be Satoshi voluntarily. I mean on the so-called "fake signature" Craig's first sentences were him saying he wasn't going to ever prove he was Satoshi, so in Craig's hundreds of public recordings he has always tried not to claim the title of Satoshi and never once tried to claim he was Satoshi of his own accord. So if we simply follow the facts on public record concerning Craig Wright then we can agree that Vitalik's argument is valid, however it does not pertain to Craig Wright's case as he did not want to prove he was Satoshi.

>> No.8492203

>>back-edit your blog to mention cryptocurrency in 2008 constantly
>anyone who believes CSW is satoshi is a gullible idiot honestly

You realize that the contracts on which the backdated PGP keys were found as well as the Mt. Gox addresses weren't released by Craig, but instead by the hacker who leaked his documents to Wired! and Gizmodo right? Craig has never claimed ownership of the keys mentioned in the contracts and in all his private proving events he used the key from his 1st and 9th blocks. What makes you think those contracts are valid?

>> No.8492246

satoshi wrote using british slang, like bloody. none of the "candidates" are british. also how autistic it would be if finney is msging himself in a board just to play pretend. why bother? The reason why i dont think SN is CW is because CW is too much of an asshole and SN really never shows this on his posts

>> No.8492266


>> No.8492320

>claim CSW doesn't want to be satoshi
>CSW backedits his own blog to make it look like he was satoshi
lmao the mental gymnastics

the absolute state.

>> No.8492340

Just so you guys know: szabo follows chainlink and sergey on Twitter no linkers btfo link 1000 eoy

>> No.8492347

Ironically that quote was shitting on Bitcoiners
Way to go retard, attacking your ally

>> No.8492359
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>over 200 IQ

lmao theres no proof of that

>> No.8492427

>BCH would win only by better tech.
And that's why it's stupid to buy bcash, because ETH has better tech and greater adoption. Of course, they usually respond to the ETH argument by saying something about cryptokitties without taking into account the multiple scaling solutions being developed for ETH.

>> No.8492454
File: 73 KB, 784x960, 29066316_1356432421169224_4842979005273473024_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this Nigga's autistic as fuck giggling

>> No.8492498



>> No.8492499

4d chess. You're too brainlet to understand

>> No.8492502

it took me about an hour of research to realize that I didn't actually care

>> No.8492546

This is gold

Now he's with... EOS?

>> No.8492625 [DELETED] 

>"patents are bullshit"
>lightning network™
The absolute state of corecucks.

>> No.8492640

>"patents are bullshit"
>lightning network™
BCH is Bitcoin.

>> No.8492676

50 hours and you are still wrong. Get out of crypto before you lose everything Brainlet.

>> No.8492910


>> No.8492940

>CSW backedits his own blog to make it look like he was satoshi
To my knowledge, there has never been any proof Craig back-edited anything. There are files leaked about Craig with inconsistencies but they were not files leaked by Craig. Please post a source of what you are saying Craig backdated that wasn't from the leaked documents whose veracity is uncertain.

>> No.8492989
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>> No.8493009

This, but unironically. He really is Satoshi. Anyone just need to consider what would happen if he truly proved publically that he was Satoshi to start figuring out why muddling things with severe doubt while indicating he can prove it to anyone he wants in private was a good idea.

Remember, his house in AUS was raided and Satoshi name was one of the names on the warrant. Remember, if you own a huge confirmed fortune, the government(s) want their piece.
Remember, kidnappings, family threats, intelligence agencies wanting control of the sword of damocles to bitcoin (Satoshi coins).

>> No.8493043

Oh and remember he got funding for nChain. Indicating he could private prove being Satoshi could help with that.

>> No.8493075

lol wasnt craig went on live TV saying he was a real deal but doesn't want anyone to bother him and he wont be involved in the crypto space anymore.

few years later hes being a scammer and shilling bitcoin cash and is now all of a sudden involved?
He was never the real deal.

>> No.8493141

He sounds like Stephen Hawking (F) without having to use a computer to speak.

Probably because Vitrolic IS a computer.

>> No.8493750

Craig didn't ask to go on live TV. He was leaked to the press who hounded him as well as the ATO. There's an entire book about this called the 'O'hagan Affair' or something like that about this period in Craig's life. But the TV crews came to him, not vice versa. Also watch the GQ interview (https://youtu.be/7YUTq7_vO3A?t=31).). The guy trying to prove he is not Satoshi says you can get the private keys to addresses from their public key signatures on the blockchain. This is retarded, if it were true then you could get any private key off the blockchain just by looking at transactions in old blocks.

>> No.8493978

And he failed to prove it you dingus.
You see the "signed message" he sent from there?
Yeah it's not on the fucking blockchain you dummy.
He edited a screenshot and post that online as his proof of having access to genesis block coins.
Nuff said.

Anybody that claims to be satoshi could very well send a signed message from the old wallets, just read up what vitalik asked him to do and he provided fake evidence.

Fuck this faggot, I'd punch him square in his beaner face if I found him.

In fact! I have no work for a month, if somebody knows his wareabouts and is willing to help pay for some of the cost, I will fly to meet him and beat the shit out of him until he admits he lied.

>> No.8494211

No mention of wei dai


>> No.8495141

Your little brains can't comprehend that he never wanted the public to know that he's Satoshi. Then fuckheads managed to doxx him. What else could he do at that point other than to send mixed messages to cause confusion and uncertainty?

>> No.8495350

>Craig didn't ask to go on live TV.
>but after dropping "subtle" hints on his blog about how hes le satoshi he agrees to go on TV
if he really didn't want to be known as satoshi he would just deny it and he wouldn't go on TV, just like the other dozen or so people who have been accused of being satoshi.

he's stringing you gullible fucks on lmao

>> No.8495390

See >>8486348

>> No.8495402

Version of the page in 2015:

> Once in a while even I have a break from study and writing.

> Tomorrow - back to the DNS paper, my statistics dissertation and work. I have a cryptocurrency paper out soon. Twenty years. Triple entry book keeping. BDO was good for something.

> Tomorrow, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Which piece, well that is still undecided.


Version of the page in 2014:

> Once in a while even I have a break from study and writing.

> Tomorrow - back to the DNS paper, my statistics dissertation and work.

> Tomorrow, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Which piece, well that is still undecided.


You can verify that it is indeed Craig Wright's blog by going to the links yourself.

>> No.8495455

>anti poligamy laws exist so that uberchads like Craig won't end up with 80% of females flocking to their harems.

>> No.8495474

a truly pathetic and cucked post

congrats on this, seriously.

>> No.8495521

>telling the truth
just another buttblasted corecuck

>> No.8495564

you're fantasizing about another man's sex life

you're a cuck by definition my dude

>> No.8495582

>projecting gayness
I described a sociological phenomenon brainlet

>> No.8495588

>i-it's a sociological phenomenon
whatever you say cuckboy

>> No.8495652

>oblivious and stubborn beta projecting his tendencies
don't you have another "women aren't a good long term investment" thread to make?

>> No.8495670

>calling other people beta while you nuthug a man you've never met who would probably scam you if you did actually know him

>> No.8496055

nick was not involved

>> No.8496198
File: 139 KB, 804x799, tuliptrust.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to you brainlets wondering why there hasn't been a public cryptographic signing proof or moving of the coins.. any coin movement or definitive proof of who owns the satoshi keys would be a violation of the Tulip Trust legal terms and CSW's claim to the coins becomes null. You aren't going to see public proof before at least Jan 2020.

>> No.8496452

t. swissfaggot LARPer sucking Taleb's cock all day long

>> No.8496647

> muh proof

It takes pretty fucking basic deductive reasoning and a tiny bit of research to see Craig is most likely Satoshi. It shouldn't require much deductive ability to see why he did what he did when he claimed he was Satoshi either. I dunno how people can be this dumb. I guess people just get an idea in their head from some biased talking head or heaven forbid a forum/blog post and they just accept that fully as the truth and shut their brain off.

>> No.8496784

is this some new gay practice? please tell me how you perform it.

>> No.8496834

>nassim taleb
i too take advice on intelligence from inbred shitskins
now you're going to link me to the ad hominem wikipedia page

>> No.8496895

>can't even spell "lasagna" or "addition"
"i was only pretending to be retarded" is less and less believable when you're acting like a retard all the time

>> No.8496931

>2 + 2 = 5
>uh no, it's 4
>2 + 2 = 5
>dude i told you it's 4
>2 + 2 = 5
>are you even listening? 2 + 2 = 4
>2 + 2 = 5
>jesus christ, fuck off already
>haha wow, as a (((neutral))) observer 4s seem very flustered and emotional. 4s BTFO

>> No.8496977

there are 3 types of people who can't understand CSW==satoshi
1) 4chan autists who hear vitalik (also autistic) say he can't because he faked proof. these type of people don't understand the game theory behind the fake proof and can't think outside their autistically boxed-in brains
2) newfags who got into crypto the last 6 months and only read r/bitcoin (controlled by bots and censorship). some of these redditors are now here spewing the same brainwashing they got on reddit
3) people who were tricked by r/bitcoin into dumping their fork BCH at $300 and are now salty as fuck and spend all their time fudding Bitcoin (Cash), doing ad-hominem attacks and name-calling because its all they have at this point