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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8481923 No.8481923 [Reply] [Original]

/biz. I recently had a job interview.
In the middle of the interview they asked me if they wore to make me another offer working in an office witch I would prefer between that and the job I applied for. What do you think they meant by that?

>> No.8481988

they asked you if you get a job as president or some shit like that then would you quit your job at their shitty firm.

>> No.8482259

No. They asked me that if THEY wore to offer me an office job instead of the one I applied for what would I prefer.

>> No.8482303

The one I applied for is a machine operator so the office job would be quieter and less stresfull I think. So I said I would prefer the office one.

>> No.8482319
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what did he mean by this?

>> No.8482377

*Were. Sorry, not a native speaker

>> No.8482384

fair enough. if thats what you'd want.
but if you dont want to get cornered into an answer just keep it open ended. something to the effect "sure I'd consider it but i would need to know the details. can you make me the offer?" at least then they will actually commit to something and you know that its not a mind fuck.

>> No.8482433

I was thinking that they wanted to know if I'm committed to the shitty operator one.

>> No.8482584

its a possibility thats why you want to keep it open ended. every job has pros and cons. before giving and answer you can probe more and get a sense if they are serious. why would they offer you another job if they are interviewing you for something else? there may be a legitimate reason for their interest. but if you give them a straight answer without more probing you dont understand the full picture. nothing you can do about it now, but for future reference ask more questions.