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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8480885 No.8480885 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.8480897

and you care because?

>> No.8480933

Fucking cunts, loved that sub

>> No.8480941
File: 7 KB, 211x152, IMG_9803.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and u care becuzzz
may e because is the only use case for crypto? Shiiit idk

Anyways, new place to hangout https://voat.co/v/darknetmarkets

>> No.8481274

thanks just bought an unknown amount of xmr

>> No.8481313

lol it's fucking ludicrous that conde nast let that exist for so long in the first place

>> No.8481349

>freedom of speech


>> No.8481456

Dude t wasn't that bad until literally two weeks
I got all my accounts banned
Like, even the ones I didn't use for trolling
Before this, they only banned 1 account, the one you committed the infraction with, me they are banning all accounts with the same IP (assuming you broke some rule ofc)

>> No.8481521

good thing skywire is almost up

>> No.8481573
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Cheers bro, make sure to continue to keep me informed with all the plebbit habbenings, okay

>> No.8481574

the only two times i made a plebit account to reply to the stupidity of some retard the accounts were shadow banned immediately. why bother

>> No.8481588
File: 34 KB, 467x443, dhhhuuu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Browsing leddit

>> No.8481599

what fucking censorship bullshit god damn. How am I going to find good sources now

>> No.8481647

What's that anon?
Kys pajeet, even oldfags moved to plebbit now because having a serious discussion here is impossible

>> No.8481654

It was always bad. The karma system ensures you see the right opinions first, wouldn't want you reading someone's post who has the wrong opinion right goy? This is an extension of that.

>> No.8481689

yes ban everything i like!
>redpilled ideas
>little girls
>my own freedom
>tools to survive the feminist and liberal world
They cant ban be form doing things i like for reals! Suck my dick plebbit!

>> No.8481711

No they didn't you fucking ignoramus. Kill yourself

>> No.8482358


>> No.8482391

Give me one good reason why a private corporation should allow end users to run a criminal enterprise on its social media platform.

Just a single good reason.

>> No.8482456

It went far beyond criminal enterprises, though.
There was a beertrader subreddit where people exchanged regional beers.
And an e-cig sub where companies held give-aways, that is no longer allowed either.

>> No.8483150

The War on Drugs is a failure, and DNM are providing an alternative market to people who would go on to buy drugs anyways. It's arguably safer to buy from a trusted DNM merchant than a sketchy dealer on the street who's likely selling adulterated or misrepresented drugs. Simple discussion of illegal activities should be allowed as long as you are not incriminating yourself or others, and whatever goes on in private messages should stay private.

>> No.8483190

Perfect example of why centralization is good short-term, bad long-term. So easy to censor.

>> No.8484130

thanks just 100x margin shorted monero

>> No.8484177

darknet faggot btfo
u guys can't even buy drugs irl because y'all a bunch of incels

>> No.8484318

Voat is literally the biggest shithole in existence. Better find somewhere else.

>> No.8484330

>unironically posting this in a board in which the topic’s first use case was buying drugs off darknet markets
Retard, you have to go back

>> No.8484442

They banned the shoplifting subreddit.

>> No.8484526

>Paid services involving physical sexual contact
Whores selling their panties can stay though...

>> No.8484621
File: 54 KB, 518x620, 1521417711171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks just market sold an unknown amount of monero

>> No.8484670

If he were still alive this wouldn't be happening
RIP you were too young

>> No.8484731

They are making their company (reddit) going public. They need to attract investors.

>> No.8484813

fucking kikes ruin shit again

>> No.8484835

2 letters: GG

>> No.8484866
File: 35 KB, 493x387, 1521238882975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Personal information
OMFG the hypocrisy

>> No.8485231


>> No.8485277
File: 62 KB, 580x395, 1162060467309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le everybody went to plebbit meme

>> No.8486204


>> No.8486354

why are they doing this? this will hit crypto pretty hard imo

>> No.8486424

hahaa beerfag alcoholics are real pissed
this is great start your own service if you dont like it retards