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8460587 No.8460587[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


Big deal fucking retards, why is everyone so damn ANGRY whenever CP gets mentioned, I don't understand. Is it some massive massive massive taboo larger than murder, torturing and absolute poverty? You make me laugh, just mention CP and everyone flips out.

>> No.8460820
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cp is a victimless crime, and loli hentai is just lines on a piece of paper lmao

just goes to show how many soyboys browses this board and is involved in crypto, but atleast most of them have left during this bear run

>> No.8460845

Whos this artist lad?

>> No.8460846

uhhh... what? you might need to think a little harder about that.

>> No.8460895
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CP = bad
Lolis = life

Even as a moralfag makes me feel better to fap to lolis than 3D

>> No.8460916

Pedos deserve to be flayed. Fuck PedoCoin.

>> No.8460921

Theres something worse than cp and thats being a homo faggot and thats what you are op

>> No.8460936
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go back to fucking TOR or tox chats you fucking degenerates

>> No.8460942

>people here really think the people making child porn just take photos/videos and let them be on their way
They actually rape them you fucking retards. Beating, abuse, and rape all happen to the children. They don't just take pictures and let them be on their way. Jack off to 2D or whatever but just realize real life isn't like your drawings.

>> No.8460950


possessing something that has already been produced is victimless. It's the same thing as having a photo of a murder after the fact, or fucking a skeleton.

>> No.8460953
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Agree op

>> No.8460958

no idea, i just picked it up at some point cuz it made me diamonds

try searching for Suika Ibuki hentai, should find something with enough digging

>> No.8460964
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>there exists people who would enter this car
literally snorted soy through my nose right this instant

>> No.8460968

cute little nubile females with prepubescent, budding breasts are not for fugs!

>> No.8460984
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wouldn't you?

>> No.8460988

sauce you glorious degenerates?

>> No.8461007

We may not give a fuck, but when this shit hits the TV it's gonna have escalated to, "pedophiles now use Bitcoin to share CP" and "owning Bitcoin could be illegal". Get ready for the dump!

>> No.8461009
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would you

>> No.8461016


And in fact, conflating CP with murder is fucking stupid anyway. There is nothing necessarily abusive or bad about a sexy picture of a child. Some children like to be sexy and as long as there is no coercion or abuse involved there is nothing really wrong with it. The main reason children get hurt is because of the insane reaction and hate people have of their own sexual feelings towards children, and how it's impossible to discuss this shit without people getting murderously angry or extremely judgmental.

>> No.8461045
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sure the act of raping a child is bad, but having a picture or a clip of it shouldn't be considered just as bad if not worse if you weren't involved in it

also inb4
>hurrr pedos watching cp creates a market for it

to some minor degree, but its not like there's a massive industry behind it, people wouldn't stop fucking lolis because they caught all the neets that watched their videos, all that would result in is ruining multiple peoples life because they got a fetish and let the actual rapists run free because its easier that way

>> No.8461050
File: 157 KB, 826x1169, __houraisan_kaguya_touhou_drawn_by_chikado__12527cdde05368c67f01c91c0c2cb26a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No sauce, only tease!

>> No.8461059
File: 75 KB, 645x729, d27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>having 1's and 0's of photograph of an event that happened to people you've never met in another continent is rape