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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 18 KB, 620x413, exit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8459302 No.8459302 [Reply] [Original]

It's over folks, they killed it. Node operators may face prison time. You've been warned. God speed, anons.


>> No.8459363

And what? Do you know how many bankiers are pedos?

>> No.8459368 [DELETED] 

How can I download this files ?

>> No.8459391


>> No.8459439

this COULD be huge to be honest. there's permanent CP on the blockchain, i wonder how they'll crack it down without tearing everything down.

>> No.8459462

How does oyster pearl plan to handle this? Does anyone know?

>> No.8459466

>i wonder how they'll crack it down without tearing everything down.
There is no solution.
Deleting these images would require constant hardforks and scans every single block. It's unfeasible.

>> No.8459499

A few months ago I remember a thread was created where anons tried to crack the code of some wallet sending transactions to himself with some code embedded, of course the amount of fees paid were what made this stand out.
Is this what in OP?

>> No.8459505

Can anyone remember the anon that found a funky wallet that just sended transaction with gas but not anything of value?

>> No.8459519

Hasn't this always been an issue/obvious/reality of DECENTRALIZED network?

Yes, yes it has. So why are you autistic fucks only panicking about this now?

>> No.8459520

>your face when its podesta fucking a kid

>> No.8459521


whenever you use a random number generator you risk generating an illegal number.

nothing will happen, no jury/judge would find a person possessing the blockchain, without extracting the CP, guilty of possessing child pornography, even if a federal agent would want to ruin you. can you imagine the public outrage.

>> No.8459527


>> No.8459548
File: 39 KB, 600x568, 1482874867592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.8459555

yes i need some red candle ;)

>> No.8459558

Because our congressmen are boomers who don't understand technology

>> No.8459569

I dont think there will be any public outrage once news of this gets out, it’ll just reinforce what the normies already see crypto as.. something shady and probably illegal.

>> No.8459570

We all just gonna ignore this underrated comment?

>> No.8459579

Yes. They won't handle it.
Information should be free. Anything will be allowed to be posted

>> No.8459581

How does bitcoin's blockchain store data files? I thought it only holds wallet addresses and the amount of bitcoin each wallet holds. Also why would they allow storing unnecessary data when they're already struggling with block size increases

>> No.8459585

Waiting for this news to spread. My shorts are ready.

>> No.8459593
File: 32 KB, 400x400, 1493124871295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But the only way to save the poor chillens is to delete the bitcoins

>> No.8459594

dream on.
we survived the g20. nothing is stopping 5tril now.

>> No.8459600

I saw it and chuckled

>> No.8459613
File: 104 KB, 1948x1310, 57363456345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Down to $5000 we go

>> No.8459620

The short answer is, you can't. You either control a particular blockchain in a centralized way, or you leave it decentralized and up to the users.

>> No.8459652

Is it 2013 again? The is veryyyy old news.

>> No.8459662

Yeah but if you add in the ability to arbitrarily remove entries from the ledger doesn't that defeat the whole point?

>> No.8459677

I member!
There was a theory that was it.

>> No.8459690
File: 94 KB, 400x466, 1516985721674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shhh we'll be fine.

>> No.8459695

so does this make all the miners and exchanges guilty of possesing child abuse imagery?

>> No.8459702

This is crazy, wtf

It could kill crypto

>> No.8459714

Hey man, I’m just musing on his hypothesis, not actually advocating a shutdown! And you know it’s true. The normies are dumb and wont care to defend crypto.

>> No.8459730

yes, unironically
you can get arrested for simply having a bitcoin wallet installed now
you would probably be able to defend yourself in court and win but you could still get arrested for it

>> No.8459738

Can't tell if this is bait or not

This shit has been around since the beginning of bitcoin and you fuck sticks only care about it now? Gtfo to your safe spaces

>> No.8459759

Fucking kikes

>> No.8459806

Does that not mean it can be traced now? And is't that a good thing?

>> No.8459813
File: 3.23 MB, 237x240, 1513102647630.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry but the only way to fix it is to take it all down and start over with a new coin in order to prevent people from slipping hex strings into transaction memos and shit.

>> No.8459825

why would this event make it any more/less traceable?

>> No.8459843

Yup that shit was spooky as fuck I remember it too

>> No.8459853

No worries, it’s probably a nonevent, the price is still steady at 8850 and on track to break 9k. Probably just more fud.

>> No.8459889
File: 85 KB, 1280x720, 22132das33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow cp has been found on a cd in an appartment .. lets burn the whole village .. thats how you idiots are talking rn just delete the links found lol?

>> No.8459890

found it >>/biz/thread/S7730433

Was on ETH tho https://etherscan.io/address/0xcf398a8363fda31ef003ccbbb9ff66f9533f279f

>> No.8459903
File: 114 KB, 200x296, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We back on schedule for the flippening?

>> No.8459923

they found links to TOR sites; not actual CP lul. this could happen to any coin

>> No.8459936

You can't delete the CP in the blockchain. It's a permanent part of the ledger now. The ledger has to be permanent in order to ensure complete accountability. There's literally no way to fix it without shutting down BTC and starting over.

>> No.8459945
File: 20 KB, 200x296, 122.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8459950

Well poisoning with cp. Never seen that happen before. Who could be behind this.

>> No.8459954

sold my BTC and am now 7-pass wiping all wallet related files on my PC.

>> No.8459962
File: 42 KB, 641x729, 1521529046144.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the most retarded comment i've read all week

>> No.8459964

Thanks, just sold 100k.

>> No.8459977

Shut up, retard.

>> No.8459994


yo fagits not the link in the blockchain the stuff where the links are heading to just turn on your brain first maybe?

>> No.8460003
File: 964 KB, 400x293, 1411344310562.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm unironically tethering up right now

>> No.8460009
File: 44 KB, 500x620, 08b42fed633b3067aa6d3df614cc90a8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There's literally no way to fix it

Turn it off and restart it.

This thread is full of idiots.

>> No.8460061

So is there a way that any form of 'content moderation' could be introduced to how a blockchain works without losing every single benefit that blockchain is supposed to offer? Immunability, privacy, etc.

>> No.8460072

Shorts underwater, let's dig out 5 year old news.

>> No.8460077

>tfw "blockchain" was a CIA drug money laundering black op test run double cross honeypot that got too profitable to pull

>> No.8460095

Looks like Tradingview chat doesn't know about this yet. When they find out it's gonna tank.

>> No.8460112

this is the stupidest FUD ive ever seen

>> No.8460121

lol you idiots, this shit has been known since 2012. its fucking nothing

>> No.8460125

Do you english?

>> No.8460132

Regardless of general brainletness, 4chan has always been on the cutting edge of news, due to weaponised autists with nothing better to do. Once the redditors post this news, all hell will break loose?

>> No.8460143

thank you OP i will never use bitcoin ever again

>> No.8460151


>> No.8460163

News was literally posted two hours ago, brainlet, and it’s potentially destructive.

>> No.8460174

yes sell now and fuck off already

>> No.8460180

it destroys nothing you mega retard

>> No.8460184

I’m strongly considering selling now. Once normies get wind of this it will certainly crash

>> No.8460199

eli5 how can you write things into btc blockchain? eg can i put pic of my anus and how?

>> No.8460205

>2 hours ago, bitcoin started mooning
>2 hours ago FUD article appeared
*shorts intensifying*

>> No.8460235

Mooning = 8800.

>> No.8460264

Look, let's not let a few bad apples spoil the bunch. The only humane approach going forward is to start again, but this time with full government oversight under UN jurisdiction. This is, after all, the libertarian dream


>> No.8460291

The bunch is spoiled. That's how the blockchain works. The immutability is necessary in order to maintain the required level of accountability. You literally have to kill BTC and start over. Remove the ability to add special characters to the meta data and shit.

>> No.8460292

Shut up, retard. Pictures are nothing but numbers. Do you understand?

>> No.8460322
File: 94 KB, 1280x1280, shig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it’s potentially destructive.

>> No.8460325

As far as I’m aware the bitcoin blockchain does not support any type of image file. Wasn’t the supposed “cp on blockchain” just
deep web addresses? Is it illegal to know where something illegal resides without accessing it yourself?

>> No.8460334

The point is it doesn't matter if BTC is worth 12k, 9k or 8k if you can orchestrate FUD effectively a x100 short position will net you an insane ROI

>> No.8460391

Why wouldn’t it? An image file is just data, what’s to stop users from storing raw image data and someone can convert it into a jpg?

>> No.8460394

Images are just hex codes. If you have the hex code, it can reconstruct an image in a hex compiler or whatever the fuck it's called.

>> No.8460404
File: 449 KB, 500x387, 1521345036069.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he fomo'd in
>put him to sleep and load the cp fud
>he's awake
>make him think it's the bottom, drop off the volume
>he bought more
>dump it again
>he tethered
>push it sideways
>he's doing research
>print 100mil tether when he goes to sleep, and then pump it
>he's awake
>load a dip
>he bought the dip
>sideways till sleep, then crash it with the exact >same cp fud, get vitalik on the line
>pump ethereum for 2 hours and then wake him up
>load the flippening threads
>he bought
>crash it
>he's trying to kill himself
>activate quantum immortality
>now print 200mil tether
>he thinks we're going up
>we are. let him in
>he's in
>pump it
>he thinks he's about to make it
>now kill him, transfer everything and then find another

>> No.8460415

There is also child porn on the internet.
You have access to the internet.
Are you arrested yet?

>> No.8460436

If I had a copy of everything on the internet on a folder in my computer, yes i’d be arrested pretty quickly.

>> No.8460445

It literally only takes satoshi to delete the files in his block chain file browser

>> No.8460481

>and someone can convert it into a jpg
exactly. it's just raw data in the blockchain.

just like there's raw data for cheese pizza in the digits of Pi. Should we put a worldwide ban on all uses of the digits of Pi as well?

>> No.8460489

Why do you care? If it isnt on pearl oyster, its likely to be literally anywhere else.

Japanese sites are full with cp yet no one gives enough fucks.

>> No.8460507
File: 75 KB, 600x656, d04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There's kiddie porn in Pi

>> No.8460508

Anon, randomly appearing digits and deliberately putting images on a chain are two different things. There is technically a version of you encoded inside pi digits who’s not a brainlet, too, maybe he will understand this.

>> No.8460547

To many ignorant normies. How many times I have to tell you any kind of cp, little girl love in cryptos will make it instantly moon? There are surprising amount of pedos that bought in in 2011 and are actual whales on this market. Truths hurts huh normies?

>> No.8460570

this is unironically true. we have to thank the pedos for the bullruns

>> No.8460571
File: 60 KB, 974x269, fbi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you copying and pasting this shit across threads? You fucking pedo kiddie porn apologist. Enjoy your van ride

>> No.8460576
File: 642 KB, 800x966, __remilia_scarlet_touhou_drawn_by_miyo_ranthath__c774622bc19bd6dc5902be6f080c4d12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really hope it is some loli stuff, desu!

>> No.8460592

What was actually found in the blockchain though? Deep web links or actual raw data of cp?

>> No.8460597

Mathematics are a construct of man. So man deliberately gave cp image data to all men who understand Pi.

You literally have no basis of argument against raw data whether through randomly occurring pattern or not.

>> No.8460603


>> No.8460625


>> No.8460632

arguably both

>> No.8460645

Then sell faggot . Just like it happened to eth. That is the fud that made it out of $300 in the first place.

>> No.8460657

>instructing people to sell kiddie porn

>> No.8460661
File: 125 KB, 962x642, B6F0DAB3-70B0-4A6E-B838-82CD422D7C23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>find CP image
>convert it to hex
>send it to Vitalik’s wallet as ETH data attachment
>Vitalik now possesses CP
>report him to authorities

>> No.8460676

So it would be fine to have a CP jpg file on your PC if you just remove the jpg headers and stuff from the file, then make a program that adds the headers temporarily and opens the image for you? So this file and program are both legal and you need to be caught in the act of watching the image to be guilty of anything?

>> No.8460719
File: 110 KB, 600x900, 1511506743710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The first transaction using BTC was for two "pizzas" (CHILDREN).

>> No.8460740

Does that chinese thing sitting on that ape have its eyes open or closed?

>> No.8460762

Did nobody else see this coming as soon as they learned about how cryptocurrencies worked?

Censorship resistance doesn't go away just because you want to censor something.

>> No.8460782
File: 45 KB, 500x406, 1506181496404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>send it to Vitalik’s wallet as ETH data attachment
>Receive 0.5 eth from him

>> No.8460813

And now you're getting into why possession laws are bullshit to begin with. Punish the acts not the consequences.

Do murderers get charged twice if a friend/family member of the victim commits suicide?

>> No.8460873

wide open.

>> No.8460903

so this settles it, BTC really IS a meme

>> No.8461028

You can’t just delete old transactions. That’s the entire point of blockchains.
Whenever you do that you effectively fork the chain, because your chronology is now different from the chronology that everyone else knows.
It is. Wait until the media grabs hold of this. They don’t give a fuck that it’s 5 years old. If anything now they can say “BITCOIN USED TO TRANSMIT CP FOR YEARS”
You want to turn public sentiment against crypto? This is such a perfect way of doing it. Opinion would 180 overnight. Especially when people grow concerned that they’ll be committing a sex crime just by using it (even if that is not so). Child predators are the absolute bottom of the social barrel. No one likes them, no one sympathises with them. Even in prisons, where everyone is a miscreant, they have no social standing whatsoever.
Don’t just ignore major risks like this. It’s how so many of you keep losing money.

>> No.8461077

What's wrong with that tho

>> No.8461082
File: 47 KB, 407x407, 1515197313892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8461083


>> No.8461091

This. Blockchain is billions of lines of bits. A couple of them form a picture of a kid because someone paid a fuckton of money in fees to put it there. So what?

>> No.8461100

Holy fuck biz, it's ogre. We lost. Report to your nearest McDonalds for assignment

>> No.8461102

damn, how many VEN to supply her chain, ifyaknowwhaddamean

>> No.8461105

U fucking bainlets

Let me explain some shit to you. Nobody cares, I’ll explain why....

Normies look at bitcoin as currency, or stocks. They don’t know wtf Blockchain is, and their little ass brains will never comprehend how cp can be stored in the chain...

Damn you guys are idiots.... enjoy your shorts getting liquidated!!!

>> No.8461127

I can smell your fear.

>> No.8461169
File: 25 KB, 550x419, que.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you guys unironically discussing this? What fucking year is it? Did you guys get into cryptocurrencies in December?

>> No.8461183

This is more likely to lead to the legalization of child porn than it is to banning of crypto desu.

>> No.8461184

most of them did. truth ist eh pedos are the whales, but that's a good thing

>> No.8461186


It should be pretty easy to see who put the code in on git.

>> No.8461204

let's hope so lol

>> No.8461210

What is an incel like you doing on biz exactly?

>> No.8461223


Another buzzword of the month I see

>> No.8461235

I see you're a newfag as well.

>> No.8461260

>You want to turn public sentiment against crypto?
no one cares. the people who arent offended will use crypto anyway. they arent soccer moms and dont care.

>> No.8461273


>> No.8461295
File: 108 KB, 400x381, 1519682610178.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been using 4chan for a decade, and this incel shit has only just started permeating this shithole for the past month or so.

>> No.8461331

Here's a (u) friend

>> No.8461340

Stop this denial, anon. You can’t just plug your ears whenever something unsavory happens.
>only the niche uses won’t care
Tech adoption is kind of important when you base your prices on adoption.

>> No.8461376

>buttcorns are evil cuz muh drug dealers
>buttcorns are evil cuz muh terrrrists
>buttcorns must be kill cuz muh CP!!! Won't someone think of the chillen!!!

>> No.8461382

>Tech adoption is kind of important when you base your prices on adoption.
guess we are gonna have to delete the entire blockchain and do a fork. and then again soon as someone posts another pic. and then every other coin will need to be shut down as well in case someone uses them too. There is no solution to this so just get over it.

>> No.8461399

>playing video games makes you a murderer
>browsing the internet makes you a drug dealer
>driving a car makes you a trafficker
>using the blockchain makes you a pedo

>> No.8461416

Here's a thought: what is the big news today instead of cp on the blockchain?

It's actually all about FACEBOOK (who have their own cp problems without any suggestion of being banned) and how trusting data to centralized organizations is extremely dangerous

>> No.8461591

The difference between facebook and the block chain is you can remove data from facebook. You can’t remove data from the blockchain

>> No.8461620
File: 27 KB, 128x128, pepeaaaaaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if someone uploads an encrypted zip full of cheese pizza to Dropbox or Google Drive? Or hid it inside innocent pictures of sinks?

>> No.8461633

Ah i see the Jews planted this, CP is their favorite weapon

>> No.8461653


>> No.8461671
File: 2 KB, 225x225, images.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey Anon?


Look over here!

>> No.8461688

Yeah that’s the problem. The public won’t just get over it.

>> No.8461721

Prices are booming right now anyway, just like they did when Vitalik said he was a paedophile strangely enough...

>> No.8461727

Theres already a shitload of cp in dropbox.

>> No.8461747

the public will have to accept a fork everytime some troll loads something on the blockchain isnt viable. they will have to just deal with it.

>> No.8461756

>immutable storage
>ability to post arbitrary data
>no cp

Pick two. Only two. I for one will be immortalizing a few pics I got.

>> No.8461766

Because 80% of this board is composed of brainlet newfags these days.
Also it's an absolute non-issue as long as you don't actively share/distribute the input datas.

>> No.8461819

>internet is used to share CP
>the public will ask to shutdown internet

That's how retarded your comment is.

>> No.8461858

You can remove cp from the internet. You can’t remove cp from the blockchain.

This is the problem here that you retards aren’t getting

>> No.8461870

>implying they don’t
They ask to shut down the particular domains on which it is accessed. You can’t do that to blockchains. That would be essentially removing the bad data which results in a fork. That gives them a choice between allowing CP or seeking an alternative. I wouldn’t bet that they’d choose to allow CP.

>> No.8461893

How are you going ot get the cp?
You have easier time getting cp on the regular internet compared ot the blockchain.

>> No.8461911

how do we know its there? im not smart enough to know how but is it obvious and now if someone uses bitcoin the assumption will be "just be careful you dont see the CP"

im not sure i understand. how do you even put pictures on the btc blockchain? if this is the case everyone is going to start uploading their pics so they never lose them.

>> No.8461970
File: 19 KB, 615x548, aggh uuur blughblurgh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You can remove cp from the internet
Exactly, that's why it doesn't exist anymore.

>> No.8461971


>> No.8462021

You can go through transactions and look for image headers if you wanna find juicy stuff. Obviously it helps to know what encoding scheme they're using, but now it's safer and easier to share CP than ever before. This is why I love immutable decentralized storage.

>> No.8462034

If you don’t understand the difference between adding a website with cp and embedding cp into the blockchain, then you don’t understand what the blockchain is and should do some research before saying any more retarded shit about cryptocurrency

>> No.8462041

>You can remove cp from the internet.

You literally can't, once something has been publicly shared on internet the files are forever in the wild and will be reuploaded somewhere else.

You encode the image then send a transaction with the code as extra data.

>> No.8462052

Top lek

>> No.8462064
File: 1010 KB, 1000x1000, 4645637.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remi is Olev

>> No.8462094

Illuminati playing their I win card again

>> No.8462114

The FBI does have the largest collection of pizza in the world.

>> No.8462171

>User A wants to go to CP site
>Can’t anymore because it’s been shit down

>User A wants to mine bitcoin
>Has to download cp embedded in 2010 in order to do so

>> No.8462189
File: 46 KB, 640x400, 1511472330115.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao at all these people desperately spreading CP FUD on BTC. Get fucked you absolute mongrels. Good job for selling at the bottom.

>> No.8462196

>What are torrents
>What is IPFS

>> No.8462262

so where is proofs that its in there
and if so where is proofs that people can view that cp data
seems silly to me

>> No.8462263

Let me explain it to you this way.

Let’s say in order to post on 4chan, you had to download every single image ever posted on 4chan, and none of those images were ever deleted.

That is essentially what you’re doing with the blockchain.

>> No.8462303
File: 30 KB, 290x350, 1507691105893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally can't be viewed by anyone unless you have a team of German PhD researchers reconstructing the bits of data 24/7

>> No.8462304

I know how blockchain work sperglord.
Point is whatever you put in a torrent or IPFS can not be taken down as long as there are nodes that are online.

>> No.8462309

> BTC blocksize is 1MB
> being this retarded to think that you can store CP in a 1MB file
> the absolute /state/ of biz

>> No.8462329

They're not gonna publish the transactions and how to extract the CP if that's what you're asking, but we already khow easy it is to embed arbitrary data so there's no way someone hasn't posted CP.

Viewing it could be as easy as reversing the encoding scheme they used to mask it as an address.

>> No.8462349
File: 127 KB, 1080x1080, 1514745091362.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8462348

Data unrelated to balances can just be pruned

>> No.8462365

Anyone remember this thread?

Is that what's happening with this wallet?

>> No.8462370
File: 50 KB, 645x729, 1508571757021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, how could you ever store a pic with less than 1mb?

>> No.8462405

But anyone on that mode can be arrested.

Those people are intentionally doing stuff illegal. Miners aren’t, they’re just mining bitcoin. If there is CP on the blockchain, that would make mining bitcoin illegal

>> No.8462426


>> No.8462433
File: 258 KB, 657x768, Downie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey artist are thse two guys brothers?

>> No.8462456


Cardano would have been able to prevent this without a hard fork, just sayin’.

>> No.8462458

You can store zip files in pictures, you could have images on your hard drive right now that contain CP archive without knowing it.

Back to the point, Electrum wallets and Mining Pools nowadays don't need you to have the whole blockchain on your PC.

>> No.8462490


>> No.8462506

Ya'll BTC users are knowingly distributing CP now.

>> No.8462533

They send an email to IOTA foundation telling them remove this
IOTA foundation, actually just CfB or David, type a few commands to Great Coordinator

content is removed in next snapshot

>> No.8462559

There’s CP on the internet now we have to delete the entire internet hurrrrrrr it’s over durrrrr there’s CP on earth we have to blow up the earth

>> No.8462567


>> No.8462575

The key thing is that they're able to hide it.

>> No.8462581

lol, I remember this exact same FUD from like 2013.
Someone will get easy clicks with this shit, but nothing will happen

>> No.8462586

nobody cares go fud on reddit

>> No.8462589

Have you ever heard of FBI raids you fucking monkey? Any server can be taken offline, but publicly distributed storage can't. Use your infinitesimal brain before typing.

>> No.8462597


people do bad things.... slit your wrists... you are a person

>> No.8462598

Most likely, yeah, but never underestimate the kind of shit that can snowball into a much bigger thing than it would've otherwise.

>> No.8462607

You don't download the whole internet on your computer when you login you moron.

>> No.8462638

That only makes me wanna buy more bitcoins

>> No.8462650


> Every minder now a criminal
> Every BTC holder now an accessory
> Every exchange now a target.

So now they have the means of destroying crypto in one shot. How long before they decide to use it?

>> No.8462675

That's impossible, there will always be running nodes keeping the blockchain alive.

>> No.8462693

Yeah, but degenerats like you don't count.

>> No.8462711


Why, because miners think it will be worth a 30 year prison sentence to make $400 mining?

I think not.

>> No.8462775

Again... if this story is true it is a major problem.

It's not like people are just going to let this stand.

>> No.8462776

You don't need to be a miner to run a node and you can easily hide your location with a VPN or a proxy.

>> No.8462786

stop this fud. they cant shut down anything and even if they could thats not how crime works.

>> No.8462801

What do you mean "if it's true"? Allowing arbitrary data has always been part of the protocol.

>> No.8462810
File: 62 KB, 500x500, 1521420678019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there's cp in bitcoin
>pump it

>> No.8462817

There are small amounts of metadata such as messages with each transaction. Many pieces of this metadata could be put together to provide a file such as an image.

>> No.8462838


I'm not talking about people who WANT these images and figure out a way of getting a copy of them.

I'm talking about what it means for bitcoin as a whole, and what it does to their chance of becoming widespread and legitimate.

The images will have to be removed. If that means destroying the current blockchain, that's what's going to happen, no matter what the consequences are.

This is as close to a fatal flaw to the whole crypto theory that you can find.

No rational person will possess the files or host them knowing that doing so will result in a long criminal penalty. No one.

So, let's put it this way... if this story is found to be true and law enforcement legally requires all copy of the ledger to be erased; what does that do to bitcoin, those who hold it, and the price?

I think we all now the answer to that question.

And while there will be a very small few who would dare to possess the file thinking they will never get caught, this puts a nail in the legitimacy coffin because no one else will.

>> No.8462856

>reddit spacing
>moral outrage
just get out no here wants your fud.

>> No.8462902

Crypto will merely return to its ancap roots due to normalfags like you finding out about this.

>> No.8462909


I don't care if you (or anyone else) wants me. I'm here whether you like it or not.

I just can't understand why people who live and die every day by crypto prices here fail to understand how big this story is.

>> No.8462914

fucking keke
absolute madman
>4chan you never dissapoint

>> No.8462942


Which means that it will be removed from the normal outside (real) market. Which means that the $12k price will never hit again, and it will go back to the prices when it was still in the shadow.

Are people prepared for $2 bitcoin?

>> No.8462945

Because everyone who's not a brainlet already knew this.

>> No.8462963

If the story goes mainstream and every government in the world decides bitcoin is now the worst thing ever, the price might suffer for a year or two, and then it will start gradually growing again. Everyone with two brain cells to rub together knows that whenever governments try to ban something, it doesn't affect the demand of the thing banned, it just increases crime, which is bad for the economy.

>> No.8462968

>not accumulating right now
Its like you guys don't know how much money is in human trafficking and drugs

>> No.8462982

because it isnt a big story. it changes nothing. no one is deleting an entire blockchain everytime someone adds a pic they dont like. no one is doing anything about it.

>> No.8463013 [DELETED] 

It does.

What OP is referring to is some people created specialized tools to insert data into the blockchain. They take input data (<0.1KB), then use an algorithm to turn them into hashes and insert those into normal entry fields of the transaction such as the pay to public-key hash field.

Then the same tool can be used to retrieve the entry fields of a transaction, reverse the algorithm, then piece together the data. For most transactions this will obviously result in junk. But for transactions that were specifically created using such a tool will output the original data.

>> No.8463037

fuck off

>> No.8463045

It doesn't really.

What OP is referring to is some people created specialized tools to insert data into the blockchain. They take input data (<0.1KB), then use an algorithm to turn them into hashes and insert those into normal entry fields of the transaction such as the pay to public-key hash field.

Then the same tool can be used to retrieve the entry fields of a transaction, reverse the algorithm, then piece together the data. For most transactions this will obviously result in junk. But for transactions that were specifically created using such a tool will output the original data.

>> No.8463079


The rise in bitcoin price hasn't been because of utility (almost no one uses it to buy and sell).

It has been for 2 reasons...

1. Speculation that the price would go up.

2. The believe that it would go mainstream and that legitimate businesses and banks would become involved.

#1 is fueled by #2.

Now... a wall street type may have no problem snorting cocaine off a hookers ass in the privacy of his own home; and child abuse isn't anything new for the banker types... but none of them would be willing to publicly get on board in support of such things.

So, the question becomes... can the ledger be rewritten and redistributed without the images?

If so, life may go on. If not, then you will see all of the wall street and normie money vanish. And this will cause a price collapse that will never be fixed.

>> No.8463124

well, I don't think that this has been proved


>> No.8463137

>legitimate businesses and banks would become involved
no only reddit. no one with any sense want the banks getting the grubby hands on btc or any crypto save xrp. they can have that trash.
>So, the question becomes... can the ledger be rewritten and redistributed without the images?
did you even read about waht you invested in? so we delete the whole chain and fork and do a new one. then what? fork again when someone posts a nazi pepe?

>> No.8463166

What's hilarious is I can even create my own tool, choose the genesis block. Then alter my algorithm until it produces a CP image based off of that transaction's normal data.

Then I can release the tool, and claim that Satoshi Nakamoto was a pedo and clearly used my tool to insert CP data.

>> No.8463179

If ever there was motivation for governments or financial companies to spread fud about bitcoin being able to store child porn, it isn't to kill bitcoin, it would be to lower the prices to the point where they can buy in cheaper, because child porn can be stored anywhere. On a computer, on the web, usb, in your fucking drawer or email inbox. It's not a real argument the blockchain, it's just social programming to get retards to panic sell.

>> No.8463349

You don't need to make some retarded tool for this. Just XOR some CP with the genesis block and there you go.

The difference is that you need that XORed data to produce the CP, but in this case the picture itself is already stored in a transaction and only needs to be decoded with a standard encoding scheme.

>> No.8463410

>this could be huge if they deliver
The blockchain? SHUT IT DOWN

>> No.8463458

news flash everyone, decentralization ALSO directly attacks the concept of ownership of intellectual property as well.

Hows that going to play out long term?

>> No.8463585

sick. my binary options trade on crypto is probably way the fuck ITM right now. get fucked scrubs. dont trade actual crypto right now. trade derivatives on it

>> No.8463590

All miners can now be charged with possession if they downloaded the blockchain locally. This is how the party ends.

>> No.8463628

>decentralization ALSO directly attacks the concept of ownership of intellectual property
Bingo. Hence why Google and Facebook and such are going to be the biggest proponents against it. The government doesn't really care since they'll be making money off of it. Big-data centralized entities will get rekt eventually.

>> No.8463668
File: 369 KB, 640x703, 1521483241306.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8463677


>> No.8463759

I'm just laughing my ass off imagining the media's reaction if Trump took a photo like this.

>> No.8463824

They will adapt or die.

>> No.8463826

Cant store porn on Nano.
Just sayin.

>> No.8463888

Even if it uses standard encryption, in order to get an image you 100% need a special tool in order to piece together the multiple P2PKH or P2X outputs in a single transaction.

Or you need to know how the pieces are pieced together and do it yourself.

It's not as simple as, oh let's just copy paste this one field and see what's in it.

>> No.8463935

sounds like a torrent or multiple zip archives...

>> No.8463949

>attack by forking

>> No.8463959

Normies sold long ago

>> No.8464000

You don't necessarily need a tool, it depends on how the data is embedded. If it's done via masking as addresses like people did years ago then it's all in plaintext on all blockchain exploration sites. Still, even if you're hiding it in other fields anyone could write and distribute a script that extracts it.

>> No.8464019

You absolutely can with every currency. The simplest method would be to brute-force addresses (up to N digits) and move your coins to them with a certain order in mind. Then you publish an algorithm to decode the data.

>> No.8464021
File: 141 KB, 717x880, goback.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the faggot kid at school who noone liked

>> No.8464025

incel has been an undercurrent of 4chan culture for a long time, especially /r9k/


>> No.8464044

You fucking moron and every other retard that became "interested" in crypto lately. You are completely missing the point. For once in thousands of years we can take control of what was naturally expected of humans to do. BTC is highly undervalued and everyone who is not a brainlet understands this. Enjoy your next subprime mortgage scandal and inevitably the ultimate tank of this credit-debt driven disgusting economy

>> No.8464123

Haha. Check out this video i made to go along with your post

>> No.8464124
File: 95 KB, 940x940, 8987840-1x1-940x940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Certainly will kill it here in Australia.
>"two charges of using a carriage service to transmit, publish or promote child pornography."
You can get arrested here just for talking about CP in a positive way.
Cops arrested this fella and he's now been judged and convicted over some chat logs where he was fantasising about kids with some other man.

>> No.8464132


It's so cute to see people every generation who think they're going to overturn 8000 years of financial history.

Pro tip: your music is nowhere near as nice as the hippies had.

>> No.8464142
File: 248 KB, 1914x745, biz coin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh oh

>> No.8464144

Well I never use r9k, it has just recently started spreading from there then.

>> No.8464175

i know it's fucking depressing my generations idea of music is drum beats and fucking hookers

>> No.8464190

>I hate my generation, I'm such a special snowflake, wish I had been born in a different time xD

>> No.8464198

Do mankind a favor and kys, retard.

>> No.8464205
File: 617 KB, 2040x3160, oy vey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>anyone in possession of the bitcoin blockchain in germany, the UK or america faces charges of possession of child pornography
Oh no

>> No.8464226

found the niggerlover

>> No.8464242

If 99% of the population can't possess the chain then that means the price will either flatline or skyrocket if people will want to own the coins but only some people will be willing to take the risk

>> No.8464259
File: 42 KB, 450x450, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Upvoted, put me in the screencap!

>> No.8464275
File: 123 KB, 704x400, Jean_Schrimpton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Your generation was lost as soon as you allowed yourself to be convinced that a fat ass is somehow beautiful.

>> No.8464279


i dont know if you were around when elliot rodger went on his spree but incel, government enforced sex partners and other such concepts made waves across 4chan after that happened

>> No.8464295
File: 85 KB, 600x517, hackers_bomb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>CHILD PORN found inside of BITCOIN
>could YOUR child be in the bitcoin too???

>> No.8464317


No, it means it will crash.

The only reason the price has gone so high already is because people are speculating (thinking it will have a higher value later).

But if nearly the entire world will be unwilling to accept it for payment, the only real market for the coin will be the black market. But we've already seen that the black market isn't big enough to support this or all the other coins. The price of these coins only increased as they started to go mainstream.

Bottom line... if no one is willing to accept a coin as payment, and if miners are unwilling to verify transactions because doing so puts them at risk of jail, you're left with bits on a USB drive; and that has no value at all.

>> No.8464326

are you the guy that runs the bitcoin meme for chad friends facebook page

>> No.8464369

>People own bitcoin because it’s useful to trade with

If its use is for transactions, why hold it? Why not convert it into less volatile markets like the dollar, and use it solely for transactions?

People only want bitcoin because its fiat value is increasing. There’s no other reason besides your idealists, and those idealists aren’t even using cryptocurrency because it’s such a hassle to trade with in its current form

>> No.8464404

thanks for the clear explanation mr. noseberg

>> No.8464475

kill all paedos

>> No.8464481

but then you can't make skelly jelly funny money

>> No.8464519

Who would run the economy then?

>> No.8464589

>miners are unwilling to verify transactions because doing so puts them at risk of jail
mining the blockchain isnt owning CP. thats not how crime works. being paid in counterfit dollars doesnt make you a criminal either. dumb fuck.

>> No.8464699

Basically anyone who has the bitcoin ledger on their computer is now a sex offender. Wow, I knew they’d do anything they can but this is some scorched earth shit.

>> No.8464717
File: 44 KB, 521x521, taytay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait. Where does one buy pedo coin?

>> No.8464771


>> No.8464819

d-d-do you mean tether?

>> No.8464853


Please kys, you little bitch.

>> No.8465112
File: 584 KB, 320x213, 382.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8465226

people use it as a store of value (yes it is more promising than boomer gold or some jew stocks)
people used to pay with btc, but the governments decided to make it difficult with their "taxable event" BS, so when you want to buy a laptop online and the price of btc has changed between the moment of purchasing your btc and paying for the laptop it's now a clusterfuck with reporting every such transaction to the all mighty IRS

>> No.8465251
File: 1.44 MB, 788x768, nanoark.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't host CP on NANO/XRB

>> No.8465325
File: 860 B, 270x326, test.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8465375
File: 84 KB, 913x1024, 1520992582958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>>could YOUR child be in the bitcoin too???

>> No.8465390

>Still, even if you're hiding it in other fields anyone could write and distribute a script that extracts it.

That's what I meant by a tool. You coding up a script would essentially be the same thing.

You need to:
1) know exactly which address contain the data (or you would need to go through every transaction one-by-one, run the algorithm, then check to see if any valid data was present)
2) extract all the relevant P2PKH or P2X fields (depending on which tool initially created the transaction)
3) know how to piece the data together and which encryption was used in the original tool in order to extract the data.

>> No.8465397

party van is on their way my dude.

>> No.8465490

This is bad. This is really bad.

Either they say that bitcoin is illegal from now on and everyone caught with the blockchain from a certain date will be prosecuted.

Or they go after software that makes decoding these possible which is unlikely if the coding isn't very strong.

Either way as soon as this hit the news bitcoin is going to three digits.

>> No.8465503

wtf is incel

>> No.8465936


>Governments have concerns regarding the
leakage of classified information such as state secrets or information that otherwise
harms national security, e.g., propaganda. Although whistleblowers reveal
nuisances such as corruption, they force all blockchain users to keep a copy of
leaked material. Depending on the jurisdiction, the intentional disclosure or the
mere possession of such content may be illegal.
> While, e.g., the US government usually tends to prosecute intentional theft or disclosure of state secrets [63], in China the mere possession of state secrets can result in longtime prison sentences [49]. Furthermore, China’s definition of state secrets is vague [49] and covers, e.g., “activities for safeguarding state security” [60]. Such vague allegations w.r.t. state secrets have been applied to critical news in the past [18,24].

RIP chinkminer

>> No.8466135

This is fantastic, if it really is you then you have to make more anon

>> No.8466275

None of those things will happen, pajeet

>> No.8466343

/biz/ always takes the bait

>> No.8466401

Correct me if im wrong but why would this not work

>I select a part of a bible
>Create a script which re-creates CP by inserting said part of the bible into it
>bible cointains CP, ban bible

>> No.8466550

Does possession of a blockchain count as "possession of every possible image that could be derived from it"?

Probably not. To get the "file" or "image data" you need the Blockchain PLUS some 3rd party tool, which is not part of the core implementation of the BTC protocol.

If you've never used the tool, then there is no way you could produce the image(s)

>> No.8466827

Because you would have to keep track of which bits were used and store this information whereas this would be like printing your own bible with CP in it.

>> No.8466881


The bits in the blockchain only make a cp image when loaded in such a way it creates an image using the methods of a commonly adopted set of rules of organization.

You could make a set of rules of interpreting the order of bits that when presented with the series of bits made by a series of unicode bits that represent the bible and say, see, we loaded the text of the bible into our image program and the bible contains cp.

you dont need to keep track of which bits, its how the bits are used, and it all comes down to common conventions of formatting.

>> No.8466898


tl;dr our common sense morality and our established law are woefully unadapted to modern technology

>> No.8467000
File: 23 KB, 548x349, 14272123_1870727183155741_119157560_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8467022

are there really this many newfags or are people just pretending to be stupid?
links have been in the blockchain for ages.

>> No.8467390

Incel spotted

>> No.8467482
File: 6 KB, 219x230, WWWW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>put cp on a computer at the library

>> No.8467555

It's not cp
Read the articles properly instead of the click bait parts

>> No.8467769
File: 31 KB, 300x300, witnessed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8467884

>▶>>8464326 >>8466135
>Haha. Check out this video i made to go along with your post
>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KV5QlSgq7lg [Remove]
if you really are him, make more fucking videos.

>> No.8468190

The bits in the blockchain make a cp image because they were written there specifically to do so

>> No.8468608

somebody think about the children!

>> No.8468625
File: 71 KB, 681x760, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everyone should give this document a read

In it the author lays out why this (and any other potential attack) won't matter. This will do nothing to slow bitcoin adoption.

>> No.8469405

Hi cia

>> No.8469431

>mary was 14
>pizzagate goes all the way to the top

ALL the way.

>> No.8469656

>they hide it
>knowledge of this is journeyman-tier woke

>> No.8470210

Bullish as fuck. Remember the ETH Skeleton tweet about how CP isn't hurting anyone? ETH went on his hugest bullrun after that. BTC back above $19k soon

>> No.8470300


Oh for fucks sake. The jews are working overtime with this shit. CP now, funding terrorists. All of their favourite buzzwords.

Just fuck off for once.

>> No.8470484

"Change does not necessarily assure progress, but progress implacably requires change".

If the technology is better, people will use it.

>> No.8470510

>Turns out the CP news were the signal for the elites to start the next bull run pump
wtf i love satanic elites now

>> No.8470695

>tfw trump and Epstein are good friends and they fucked a 13 year old with their jew fuck lawyer dershowitz.

>> No.8470785

Fucking feared this would happen ever since I got into crypto, are we going to be ok or is this the end guys?

>> No.8470934

It's a guarantee that at least 75% of the 1% top wealthy people have fucked underage kids at least once in their life. If you were that powerful, wouldn't you try it as well?

>> No.8471258


>> No.8471373
File: 37 KB, 385x350, 1520995116679.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just like there's raw data for cheese pizza in the digits of Pi

>> No.8471696


>> No.8471740

there is though, unless you can prove that pi repeats
what are you hiding

>> No.8471799





Not ironically saying fuck.

That could be it.

Base64 image address. You can decode an image without having internet at all If you get the full code.

But you'll need a program to decode it. So it's like this guy its using a bunch of numbers alone and people will have to find their way to decode it. They might have a software that does the trick.

>> No.8471834

Seriously assscoin needs to crash.i wan to see ev4y crypto fuck here suffer then I'ma by cheep. I'm happy that do s there. Sorry I'm high don't judge.

>> No.8472741

I think he means could you track who accessed the images, not understanding that everyone has them.

>> No.8473379

the state of the 'masters' of the universe...

>> No.8473692
File: 10 KB, 297x307, 1338256647342.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


top kek

>> No.8473885
File: 897 KB, 224x233, 42f.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8474029


1MB is the entire block which contains numerous transactions. Since it's very difficult to guarantee all transactions make it onto the block, the tools in question only utilize 1 transaction. This limits an "image" to about 90KB.

>> No.8474032

The real question is how you can view it

>> No.8474156
File: 31 KB, 271x335, img.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's an example of an "image". It's a single transaction with minimal BCH sent to 1479 addresses. It's not possible to view the image unless you're using a program/webapp that can piece together those 1479 addresses together, then decode it to form the 33KB image.

>> No.8474265

>ITT: help I'm a shit trader and got an underwater short: the thread

>> No.8474717
