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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8456560 No.8456560 [Reply] [Original]

>get to work this morning tired as shit
>"fuck I hate everything, why did I sleep so late last night"
>zombie mode to office kitchen
>grab some diarrhea coffee to wake up a lil
>go to bathroom for routine morning shit (always more satisfying to have these at work)
>finally time to start the work day
>sit at desk and turn on computer
>check first email
>Manager: due to inclement weather, we highly encourage everyone to work from home today rather than come to the office

/biz/, when did you realize you should kill yourself?

>> No.8456631

this may actually be my favorite retard wojak picture of all time

>> No.8456633

You don't know how good you have it
>work from home 100% of the time
>barely do anything for job, but will randomly have incredibly busy days at random hours once or twice a month
>90% of people i work with are pajeets, always end up having to do their job for them in order to meet deadlines
>incredibly lonely, have to go out of my way to see friends/family just to talk to someone most days
>desperately trying to find a new job where I can actually see other humans, but my resume is 4 years of working remote in a weird work environment which a lot of companies seem to think makes me undesirable

Enjoy what you have anon

>> No.8456646

but also, they should have texted you. not common business practice to check email outside of work hours ( depending on your employment, i guess)

>> No.8456815
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But anon I hate dealing with other people.

I know what you mean though; stay away long enough and you end up missing it. I actually really like my coworkers, I'm just introverted af so I like my alone time. Also, I like that extra hour of sleep I would have gotten.

Im curious anon, what do you do? Sounds like a job in data like me

I am expected to check my email outside of work hours for this job unfortunately. But yes, I would have liked to be texted about something like this

>> No.8456832


there's so much more to a job than just money. maybe i'm a mental midget but working from home brings on an existential crisis sometimes.

>> No.8456958

software engineer, but I work for a small company that's entirely remote. mostly offshore, but the senior guys like me that run projects/teams are in the US

>> No.8457039

That sounds like something you should able to transition from though. You sure you applied to enough places? The demand for software engineers has literally never been higher lol (hence the pajeets)

>> No.8457085

>The demand for software engineers has literally never been higher lol
You could also say that the competition has never been higher. Most places want to hire someone who has already had the same exact job somewhere else. But none of the jobs I am applying to are similar to my job, because my job is pretty unique.

I actually got a reply back from a manager I interviewed with about a month ago. He said that all the feedback was positive for me, but they filled the position with a guy who had had the EXACT same job at a different company down the street.

I'm sure I'll get lucky eventually though. My experience with back-end programming is very good.

>> No.8457424
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Yeah I get that. Nowadays no companies wanna spend money training people on what they do so they always prioritize the people who already know the stuff.

With 4 years experience in software development, I'm sure you'll be alright though. You could do what I do and spend your free time learning/making some new fancy-looking shit you can slap on a resume and talk about. Employers eat that shit up cause it shows you have initiative and are motivated enough to try to learn new things on your own.

I've had like 5 interviews in my life so far, 4 of which I got the job after because I did this (never really stuck around for longer than a couple of years at any of them though, hard to leave when you stay somewhere for a long time).

Don't worry anon, do something productive that you like in your free time. Guaranteed to make you feel better and also help with the job hunt. You're gonna make it out soon enough

>> No.8457439

Threads like these keep me from getting depressed about being unemployed.