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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 234 KB, 1080x1269, 16464106_893290547474529_2731967429277122560_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8448384 No.8448384 [Reply] [Original]

When did you get into crypto?
What was the initial investment?

>> No.8448398


please tell me this goddess was not tainted by the black

>> No.8448418

It's a 7/10 basic trash whore. You dehumanize yourself when you worship pussy like a pathetic dog.

>> No.8448419

2014, $900

>> No.8448425


>> No.8448440

August, $600

>> No.8448444


this was them relaxing right after the shoot.

>> No.8448445


>> No.8448461
File: 43 KB, 540x589, Kent_Bazemore_girlfriend_Samantha_Serpe_photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She kinda looks like the high elfs from LOTR
and yes shes been taken by a black man with bad teeth

>> No.8448479

t. black anon being extremely obvious

>> No.8448504
File: 42 KB, 480x480, 20184569_1500551393316790_8446471830931243008_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is kinda overweight tho

>> No.8448524


2011, got ~15 bitcoin at 8 dollars each doing online surveys

2013, lose it all on mt gox and forget about bitcoin

2016, back in with all disposable income

>> No.8448529

I really don't understand how women can have sex with black guys, they're ugly as fuck. I only have sex with white guys.

>> No.8448535

I "bought the dip" on january 15th.

Only a couple hundred bucks though. Everything looks so delicious right now.

>> No.8448550


actually now that I think about it I may have btc on my old computer's harddrive that wasn't on Mt.gox

>> No.8448559

Has it ever occurred to you that maybe people have different tastes?

>> No.8448561
File: 8 KB, 260x194, muh jews.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>05/04/17 New trial board added: /bant/ - International/Random
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What's the deal with blondes and thug looking niggers all the time, I mean all of them look like they have the name Stacy or something.

Is anyone else seeing this phenomenon?

>> No.8448577

>black guys
Yeah okay

>> No.8448593
File: 40 KB, 480x480, 18888669_465102733834974_5784244706217033728_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

girl on the left went for the black dude

>> No.8448608

It's really amazing how triggered some people get when they see a mixed race couple.

It's really the ultimate troll even after all these years. You can just post a picture of a white girl and a black guy and dozen of butthurt /pol/tards will come out of the woodwork to voice their anger and disapproval of the sex life of complete strangers.

It works every single time.

>> No.8448614

Whatever an eighth of molly cost
I think 85 bucks

>> No.8448616
File: 40 KB, 592x400, Kent_Bazemore_girlfriend_Samantha_Serpe-592x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hes really good looking and handsome plus she comes from a rich white family

>> No.8448620

Forbidden fruit syndrome. Darwinism in action, showing that mind is just as important as body.

>> No.8448626

>It's a 7/10

In La creatura land perhaps. Here she wouldn't rise above 4.5/10.

>> No.8448629

>your wife texts you this picture

What do?

>> No.8448650
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>> No.8448667

Quit posting coal burners you fucking kike

>> No.8448668
File: 37 KB, 480x480, 15251724_229775444110697_6346260044689965056_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's definitely one of the ugly girls..

>> No.8448709

>Early February this year
>Put in $12k when BTC was hovering around $8-10k
>Holding ETH, LTC, LINK, BTC, VEN, and a tiny amount of shit tier altcoins

No ragrets

>> No.8448711


>> No.8448732

Literal faggots don't get opinions, didn't you hear?

>> No.8448733


>> No.8448761

2013, bought .25 BTC @ $870 USD. Immediately got rekt and forgot about it until around a year ago.

>> No.8448771


She's easily a 8/10 lol. You butthurt incels are just mad she got blacked so you're lowballing her haha. None of you would have a snowballs chance in hell with her. Stay mad

>> No.8448833

Nigger pls

>> No.8448862

what's more disturbing is that you spent 2 hours crawling instagram to find a pretty yet psychologically damaged girl who dates some pavement ape just so you can feel better about your pathetic nigger existence

>> No.8448876
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>> No.8448886
File: 15 KB, 394x297, 130491132907-Donald_Duck_suicide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dabbled starting may 2016. Didnt get in full bore till a year later.

>> No.8448889

Tiny dick virgins S E E T H I N G


U had no shot anyway bottle pisser

>> No.8448893

$4k in 2011, then blew it on asicminer shares in 2013. Got back in with 4k again in march last year. ATH of 340k.

>> No.8448894 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8448903 [DELETED] 

I literally fucked a black girl last night, rich family and high IQ. got her up to my apartment after 2 beers and on the first date. rawdogged. now ghosting her

hows it feel nigger?

>> No.8448910 [DELETED] 

she looks like some fucking tramp with shit skin, maybe similarities attract....

>> No.8448922

damn you mad or nahhh

>> No.8448937

who the hell are you?

>> No.8448982

You’re trying to normalize white genocide.

It’s manipulative and it should be called out. So basically die, in a fire, along with your whole family.

>> No.8449003

No, I didn't. I'm just here laughing at insecure losers like yourself.

>> No.8449013 [DELETED] 

the ape burner

>> No.8449015

Two people fucking is genocide now? k

>> No.8449041

So you suck and fuck black cock?
Thats gross what you do in your private life is your business you weird autistic freak!

>> No.8449064

150k usd in may/june 2017

>> No.8449072 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8449079 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8449087

Now if your sorry ass ever has a kid that will happen to it also you will die in 3 months

>> No.8449104

>i wish i had a 10/10 aryan white instagram girlfriend i could watch get railed by niggers :(

>> No.8449108

First bought 10$ worth of BTC in August, bought 150$ worth throughout January. Sent it all to kucoin and binance to swing trade. Down 50$. Not even mad.

>> No.8449122

At least niglets are already mentally retarded so she's not doing a whole lot of damage dropping hin on his head

>> No.8449137 [DELETED] 
File: 368 KB, 1000x1419, 1517688599496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But this already happens to your children...
Calm down now pooky. Lets relax jail dunt have good tv. You know this first hand.

>> No.8449156

>still projecting

>> No.8449161 [DELETED] 

thats what im saying!

>> No.8449170

i like how they hit her in the head with a 4x4 then started punching her in the face then then started ti freak out they just killed her. all niggers should be hung

>> No.8449200

beastiality is a sin. repent

>> No.8449235


This is horrible.

>> No.8449246 [DELETED] 


>> No.8449247

it's bazemore ffs. he gets a pass. fuck you guys are so fucking autistic

>> No.8449267 [DELETED] 

niggers are horrible. learn it now.

>> No.8449342

really disgusting. all of these white women fucking monkeys should be punished

>> No.8449360

I was interested from the early days, and even tried mining on my shitty Dell 4700 in 2008. I think I gave up without finding any blocks.

I got involved in a few projects that never went anywhere. I was always put off by the immaturity and immorality of the community though. At one point I even tracked down a scammer who stole about 50 BTC, and I forced him to return it.

Then in 2015 someone tipped me .10 BTC for some programming work, which was like $30 at the time. I traded that for about 6 Ethereum and held. Now I trade here and there, but I never put fiat into it.

>> No.8449629
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>> No.8449748

she has brown eyes so who gives a fuck

>> No.8449812
File: 648 KB, 1836x1836, 1518999371332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>really good looking and handsome
kek, even compared to most niggers this dude is fucking goofy looking. You can see the "fuck you, dad" in that roastie whore's eyes.

>> No.8449953

2014. In for about 40k

>> No.8450063

bought $30 dollars worth of doge in 2013, forgot about it until last april. rolled that $700 into DNT, rolled that 5x into WTC, currently at ~$19k

>> No.8450101

>a “you can fuck our white women” pass

Jesus Christ man

>> No.8450126

August 2017. 1500 was initial investment. Have been buying every few months ever since. Have probably put a total of 3500 into it.

>> No.8450296

>population on average getting more ethically diverse is genocide now
Maybe he's worried about white culture? But like? There will still be mayonnaise and casual racism 100 years from now, so idk what you're worried about.

>> No.8450353

Diversity only means "fewer white people"

>> No.8450422

fuck is your point

what the hell are you afraid of

>> No.8450436

5k in April 2017

>> No.8450438
File: 472 KB, 400x225, 8EyQ4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh did I upset you?

>> No.8450450


it's a serious question

why do you care

>> No.8450474

dicklet detected. who the fuck cares if some dumb 6/10 roastie wants to fuck an nba player. absolutely beta

>> No.8450490

kys kike

>> No.8450491

>Trying to post a legitimate question to justify cuckposting

I hope you die a violent painful death

>> No.8450509

you're on the wrong site lad

>> No.8450527

>reddit spacing
>ignorance of monopolies
go be retarded somewhere else

>> No.8450540

be more alpha so huwyte wymyn choose you over some nig. you're the one fucking shit up for the white race pussy. unironically neck yourself you khv neet

>> No.8450541
File: 80 KB, 960x540, adolf-hitler-960x540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone finds it disgusting, they just can't voice it anywhere except here. It might not bother you cause you're a filthy kike

>> No.8450555

So since I'm white I can fuck your woman? Cool.

I've been here for almost a decade. This is my home now.

>> No.8450573

Nah I just don't give a fuck who other people are fucking. Would it make you less angry if she was fucking some chav or redneck white guy?

>> No.8450590

Most definitely. She is tainted now

>> No.8450606

>She is tainted now
Who cares? Is she your wife or girlfriend? Why do you care who she's fucking?

>> No.8450608

any white man who gets (((intimidated))) by mixed race couples = beta

white men are superior. the acceptable response is laughter, disgust, pity. white chads like me get this and thus are not threatened because we are the single most desirable beings on the planet and always will be

>> No.8450635

As long as it's not an asian woman, idgaf

>> No.8450651

How do monopolies come into this?

>> No.8450674
File: 59 KB, 324x323, 1517108097536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's an innate response. Just utter disgust. It's a natural feeling, like when you see something beautiful start to rot. Degenerates probably don't feel it, as they can have the sickness inside them as well.

>> No.8450676

>May 21st 2017
came to the front page as usual and saw a post from /biz/ shilling DGB, shoved some money in there because I thought it was neat

>> No.8450695
File: 2.90 MB, 200x170, 1518074493302.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this nigger literally has a gun nearby for eating popsicles and hanging out with his gf. Not even once

>> No.8450723

What about black culture? Will there still be stabbings and ape-like aggression 100 years from now?

>> No.8450732

It's a fact that babies who are 50% Black are ugly af. No one accepts them, not even Black people.

>> No.8450737

So zero logic in your "arguement" just

>i don't like it because it upsets me ;_;

You sound like a huge faggot. Just remember, even if those girls weren't with black guys they still wouldn't touch a loser like you.

>> No.8450763

>it's a fact
>they're ugly
We've already established that beauty is subjective to a large extent. Hence why girls have "types" that they're attracted to.

Like it or not, the gangsta/rapper/thug type is popular with a lot of women.

>> No.8450796


What about asians

>> No.8450801

he posts these thinly veiled bait threads every day and you retards always start arguing

>> No.8450848

On the surface, I laugh at coal burners dismissively. In truth, I always feel deep sorrow for them, because I see the thousand yard view of their life and understand the tragedy of it. So much had to go wrong to get there, and it's not going to get better as they age. I can't help but see the little girl inside, staring out from the glassy eyes of her adult self, trying to understand how things went so wrong. She's essentially forsaken her children's genetic birthright. She's chosen a path that – if it weren't for welfare – would put even the immediate survival of herself and her children in jeopardy. It's a life of suffering and self-loathing that I wouldn't wish on anyone.

>> No.8450853

Mostly fatties and women who are angry at their parents. Nigger are objectively ugly. Which is why no one likes black chicks, men won't date an ugly person just to piss someone off

>> No.8450897

lol so many jealous virgins, also hey faggots muh small white gene pool equals literal retardation you dopes
have fun with your 1/2 inch apart eyes fucking dunderheads

>> No.8450915

Blacks have very masculine features. That's why the women aren't very attractive.

Some chicks dig the hyper masculine look and it's not just fat or ugly girls. You're just coping buddy. There are literal supermodels and actresses who date and fuck black guys. It's just a matter of taste.

If you get triggered by that then you're incredibly insecure.

>> No.8450937
File: 1.98 MB, 390x205, there.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh, he just thinks that black folks are violent because of increased crime statistics and that that's the end of story

idk what kind of argument i expected, but I'm not going through disproving eugenics and talking about how we crippled an entire demographic's chances at success.... Just like... get a fucking education. If you have to educate yourself, whatever, but use credible sources that aren't pol. Crosscheck shit. Find alternative hypotheses. Don't be simple.

>> No.8450956
File: 46 KB, 1024x683, bigstock-Meditating-47886218-1024x683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't want them to touch me. I want them to find a nice white Chad that can give them the happiness. They will never find it by fucking some ugly ape just to prove some point they don't understand.

>> No.8450983
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>> No.8451044

They aren't just violent/criminal here or there. It's every block. Every town. Every city. Every country. There is not a single place on Earth that they haven't turned to shit once they inhabited it.

>> No.8451060


I’m sorry but your reasoning is poor. I am not going to address the merits of inter-racial couples, but your theory that it is fundamentally wrong/pathetic to be affected by the sexual proclivities of other individuals is baseless because if you met a woman having sexual relations with her father you most certainly WOULD have strong feelings avout it. You might not express them to her but it would trigger and internal reaction.

Now before you launch into a tirade about how facetetious a comparison between interracial sex and incestual sex is, I would simply say that I am not arguing that there are any similarities. Simply stating that it is justifiable to feel strongly about other peoples personal choices as that is fundamental to being a human,

>> No.8451084

>blacks are masculine
yes pro athletes are masculine. any race has incels and chads

>> No.8451114
File: 3.96 MB, 722x8458, blacks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> how we crippled an entire demographic's chances at success

you're definitely "educated"

>> No.8451142

>brown eyes
didn't have much to lose

>> No.8451352

I mean it's pretty hot watching a beautiful blonde girl take a BBC let's be honest.

I get hard just thinking about how that savage brute must destroy her holes every night...

>> No.8451431

>I mean it's pretty hot watching a beautiful blonde girl take a BBC let's be honest.

>> No.8451532

It is though.

Just imagine that violent ape thrusting his BBC into her tight holes and shooting a thick load of nigger cum inside ger

I hope she gets pregnant with a caramel colored baby with a below average IQ and propensity towards violent behaviour. Another white bloodline gets snuffed out.

>> No.8451613
File: 1.14 MB, 1059x1420, cuck of the century.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8452169

tron, then i bought chainlink

>> No.8452224 [DELETED] 

4k initial in 2017 into nearly 7 digits at peak. Then i have lost an unknown amount of monero

>> No.8452236

>he writes cuck spam for free

>> No.8452288

White people have some reeeeeallly deep seated issues about the blacks Jesus
You guys have to let go of the inferiority complex just hit the gym

>> No.8452309

If you don't like race mixing, don't do it yourself. But you have no right to stop consenting adults from doing as they please. Ironically most of the people complaining about this have mixed dna on some level, and are also unlikely to ever reproduce themselves.

>> No.8452453

Interesting read.

>> No.8452667

What the fuck? He should be stabbed to death too.

>> No.8452713

Tits or GTFO

>> No.8452744

>brown eyes
>dyed hair
who gives a fuck

>> No.8452760
File: 172 KB, 634x925, 3FE1483F00000578-4468622-Bottoms_up_Kendall_Jenner_s_new_beau_ASAP_Rocky_brandished_what_-a-97_1493796279371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>uses gif of lana del coalburner

>> No.8452770

t. nu-male

>> No.8452775

>4chan is pol
biz was better before you low iqs came here en-masse

>> No.8452791

>t. angry shitskin
we run this site stay mad

>> No.8452816

a literal gook runs this site, and the former owner was a semimoralfag who gave a negative amount of fucks about ethnonationalism
what the absolute fuck I hope you're baiting

>> No.8452844

this site would've been fucking dead a long time ago without our """racism""". I'm sorry facts offend shitskins like you

>> No.8452852

You don't run anything.

>> No.8452865

>be 17 year old /pol/ tard
>W-w-wwe r-r-run this site!
kill yourself
or at least leave this board alone, you stupid newfag

>> No.8452870
File: 223 KB, 540x871, 4chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hope one day you experience pic related you massive cuck

>> No.8452882

im 30 you fucking shitskin and i've been using this site since 2006 you and >>8452852 are mad because we're waking up and once we do it's over for all you shitskins that are ruining our countries

>> No.8452885

I'M AT 300 NOW
i'm hodlin tho, i'm no shaky handy pussy panty

>> No.8452889
File: 116 KB, 1024x581, 1429385547961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's a literal fucking monkey, how disgusting. I;m going to puke. God fucking niggers are so ugly

>> No.8452894

stay mad incel
also, keep making up your narratives about others being shitskins, you are truly delusional
12 years on 4chan and still a fucking newfag

>> No.8452895

November 2013 BTFOing newfags since forever. Bitcoin is king motherfuckers!

>> No.8452906

>we're waking up... bla bla bla... shitskins... bla bla bla... day of the rope... bla bla bla

Nobody cares you faggot. You've been blabbering on about this shit since 2006 and even before then and you've accomplished nothing.

The far right has been around since 1865 and in over 150 years you retards haven't done shit. Nobody is scared of you. Literally no one. You're a complete joke that everyone just rolls their eyes at. Keep LARPing faggot.

>> No.8452917

just bee urself bru

>> No.8452923


>> No.8452960 [DELETED] 
File: 821 KB, 1200x1866, lynching_of_redmond_roberson_and_addisonedited.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i can't wait until the day of the rope :))) you've pushed all once the pendulum swings to our side you'll see

>> No.8453006

>the virgin response
You are a joke, faggot. You've been on this site for over 12 years, you are 30 years old and you are getting triggered over anything, even bait threads like this. Just kill yourself, there is no need for a newfag like you in this world.

>> No.8453015


>> No.8453019

if anything you sound like you're triggered my nigger

>> No.8453028


>> No.8453067

When was the last time you left your house? I mean surely, there are niggers in this world, but then you'll notice a lot of blacks that are really good people trying to get by. But how can I explain this to someone with no real world experience, basing his arguments on pictures on the internet? You have the intelligence of a typical 17 year old /pol/ tard, and I really doubt you are 30.
>a lot of blacks that are really good people
here, made a greentext for you so you can spew out your shitty response faster

>> No.8453104

€7k in 2016, ath at €700k dec last year and now at goddamn €300k jesus what a fucking rollercoaster

>> No.8453143
File: 73 KB, 811x455, bell curve n (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i lived in south my whole life, there's no such thing as "good" nigger they're all bad and the ones that act human are the ones who can keep their animalistic instincts under control. They are loud, smelly and ugly just like any other subhuman (i.ie. spics, pajeets, gooks)

>inb4 "you're 17 bc racism is bad and I don't like your opinion xD diversity is great!! Israel is out greatest ally!!"

>> No.8453159

I mean there are pretty shitty white people too. Case in point: you.

Anyway, keep LARPing on 4chan. It's good that you have a place like this to vent your frustrations. Not that you'd have the balls to do anything IRL anyway. We both know that you're a pussy.

>> No.8453172

I didn't ask where you lived. I've asked when was the last time you left your house.
And you think you being from the south makes your argument better? Fuck off with your shit on /pol/ degenerate. You see everything as a threat, and make up things as you go along. Where did you get Israel from?

>> No.8453243

im a key organizer for altright events and i've personally called niggers out in public they can't and won't do shit because they're skinny little monkeys who fight in packs

>> No.8453250

Wow you sound like a class act. I your parents are proud of you.

>> No.8453254

I leave every morning for a jog and /pol/ isn't degenerate, you are, flithy jew

>> No.8453259

they should be, I'm fighting for the existence of my race .

>> No.8453277

If they're proud of you then they're uneducated trailer trash.

Decent people would be ashamed.

>> No.8453283

why would they be ashamed? because i'm fighting for my race and my country??

>> No.8453284

Saw the pic op posted and instantly knew it would get all racist up in here.
I’m a newfag, November and 4k ath 22k now 9k

>> No.8453290

>why would they be ashamed?
Why don't you ask them?

>> No.8453304
File: 55 KB, 645x773, 7CD9FE25-D4D4-4936-BF74-0526839E78EE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao at your little fucking brain.

Why don’t you do some research and realize races don’t even really fucking exist.

Jokes on you, fucking faggot.

>> No.8453307

they don't care but they do think I'm doing well for myself ever since i found my purpose. realizing that my race is above everything else has given me a purpose

>> No.8453309

>at least I'm not racist xD

>> No.8453315

nice bait phone poster I saw you post on /pol/ earlier

>> No.8453329
File: 39 KB, 320x293, x9cD0ksawRjih-IE7ZBC4GzWh7ULLVL3P7HFDriMItI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related is him if he's white which i doubt

>> No.8453338

So they probably don't know what you do. Or are you honestly telling me that your parents are proud of for "defending you race" by shouting NIGGER at black people in the street?

I mean you're from the south so it's certainly possible that you're from a poor white trash working class family.

>> No.8453349
File: 57 KB, 1056x696, C2459DE5-BE19-4618-A5F3-A6AE07A8FB98.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my purpose

You sound Exactly like my friend who tried to fit in because he was a piece of shit (like yourself) well anywho, he ended up coming out of the closet and now shit adds up to me.

You’re a closet faggot who thinks you have to prove how big and bad you are lol. Those are ALWAYS the biggest pussies. Kill
Yourself you fucking despicable piece of shit.

>I-I found my p-purpose

>> No.8453391


mid-nov 2017 with $2500AUD

>> No.8453394

both of you are probably niggers or shitskins like I said stay mad. 14/88

>> No.8453427

Typical stormtard response

>hurr you're brown

I would actually bet money that I'm whiter than you.

>> No.8453436

Because women want money. Do you think she'd even talk to this nigger if he wasn't rich?

>> No.8453447

Niggers are ugly. If you're "black" then just live with the fact that everyone around you are repulsed by your looks.

>> No.8453471

I think she has good looks (for a white girl) but there's also something very ordinary about her.

I doubt she's got much in the bank herself. She wouldn't be with a nigger if that was the case.

>> No.8453475

im 99.8% western European, you're nothing but a disgusting nigger lover. Niggers are ugly and no one wants them you're a disgrace to our race

>> No.8453481

this, niggers are so fucking hideous

>> No.8453521

Respect mate. I started the same time
with 9k AUD. What’s your portfolio worth now out of curiosity?

>> No.8453686

Jan 8th ATH, 6k. JUSTed diamond hard..

>> No.8454146

You have some serious problems. Thats why can’t have what you really want, you can have money, but that’s not what you really want. I’ve read some shit here, but you, you are the worst. The fact that you posted this, will haunt you for life wenever something goes bad, you will think about this picture, the mistake you made. Whenever you are alone or when you need help, this image will haunt you. I wish you, what you deserve, what that it is, only the futere knows.

>> No.8454222

brown eyes, who cares?

>> No.8454237

April 2017
All in on eth

>> No.8454328
File: 5 KB, 139x234, dcewcew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8454506


I love the smell of babydick internet tough gaiz in the morning.

>> No.8455120

That boat is worth more than all those niggers combined