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8436990 No.8436990 [Reply] [Original]

I even schedule my vacation from work so I could stay the post-surgery period at home. Now the market crashed and I´m below initial investment, no way I´m cashing out.

I´m 27 and things are getting pretty bad, white spots can already be seen, especially when under the light. I try to comb over but it´s getting unsustainable. I don´t know how much longer my hair can stand, I honestly don´t think it will hold until EOY.

I really need the crypto market to bull in the next months guys, it´s a race against time now. When do you think we will recover ? It´s happening soon ? Next 2 months tops ? I don´t want to be broke and bald please.

>> No.8437009

Maybe work out and shave your head, don't be a pussy.

>> No.8437020

send pic so we know how bad it is

>> No.8437025

this look won´t work with me

>> No.8437037

lol holy shit

how about you save those 7k and get even more money

>> No.8437093

have you tried finasteride, minoxidil?
vegan diet? headstands?

>> No.8437108

buy a toupee

>> No.8437120

Dude john I didn’t know you posted on Biz!

We talked about taking a trip to Iran to get it done cheap, what happened to that?

>> No.8437234
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when i comb

>> No.8437245
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how bad it really is

>> No.8437253

doesnt look too bad whats the problem?

>> No.8437277

go for the shaved baldy look for a year, if you don't like it you can still gor for the transplant meme when the epic bullrun starts

>> No.8437283


hair is a 1st world problem, be glad you never experiences soviet dental care

>> No.8437309

just go chromedome, it will close doors on some bitties but others will like you more

>> No.8437316

Fuck you spastic window licker, shave it, hit the gym, and stfu.

>> No.8437345

i see however it looks healthy and in good condition. maybe the cropped look is a good one for now. my hair is going thinner too and going white also at least you dont have to deal with that lol

>> No.8437408

Stop fapping and practice detumenscence therapy (deep scalp massage) daily. Your scalp is probably hard as a rock from dht and calcification. You need to loosen it for proper bloodflow

>> No.8437412

When it happened to me, I shaved it all off, and never looked back. Best thing I could of done. My confidence came back, and the girls noticed me more afterwords. To this day, they still can't help but rub thier hands on my head, which opens the door for other things.

>> No.8437435

I really want to do it, it´s worth it
Used finasteride for 3-4 years, started when I was 16. I thinks that´s the reason I´m not completely bald right now, but stopped using due to possible side effects. Minoxidil I tried but too much hassle, my hair looks like straw for the next hours ( and the baldness is even more clear ), and considering I would need to use this twice a day, for the rest of my life if I wanted to maintain my hair, I gave up. >>8437253
did u see the other pic ?

>> No.8437615

I keep seeing the recommendation to stop fapping to every single problem. This shit can´t be real.

>> No.8437636

I hope you lose your hair before the bull returns

>> No.8437666
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>mfw my hair is going to look like this in a few months/years
shit sucks but im just gonna shave that shit off

>> No.8437775

you should go back to finasteride
that's literally the only thing that works and if you didn't have any side effects after 3 years then you shouldn't worry
also watch your diet, it's all about blood pressure and dht

>> No.8438115

It's not a real solution for every problem, I agree that it's over shilled. But fapping increases dht which negatively affects scalp health. It's one part of a very complex problem with hairloss.

>> No.8438211

mine was the same and i just shave it all off now, no intention of getting a transplant because girls didnt look at me when i had hair either so idgaf :<

>> No.8438232

>was heading this way at 18
>hopped on dutasteride
>regrew diffuse thinning crown and stabilized hairline
>now 33 with better hair than almost all of my friends as well as younger bro
Who here /comfy/ on anti-androgens?

>> No.8438270

Go to Budapest to get it done. It costs 1/10th of the price for a legit doctor. A friend of mine had it done bc he had a weird hairline where it grew normally in the front, but from an inch back he was balding. His hair looks great now and it only cost him about 2-3k.

Recovery wasn't bad either. A day or 2 after his surger the anesthetic began to drop down his face which made him all inflated and wonky looking for a few hours. Weirdest thing, I met up with him for a beer, he looked pretty normal and then about an hour later he looked like he was a person that was allergic to bees who had just been stung on his face. Then an hour later he had these fat lips and jaw, then another hour later he was fine.

>> No.8438273

good luck with that erectile dysfunction/ low libido mate (Y)

>> No.8438312
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>> No.8438340
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Does your dingle work, or do you have a hungry bum now?

>> No.8438360

Just be a man and fucking shave it. I didn't mind widow's peak but as soon as I started getting bald spot on crown enough was enough.

>> No.8438393

im getting worried bros
im a baldfag too and im noticing more and more balding threads thats are getting rampant lately all over across boards with threads flling to the brim
what the fuck do they put in the waters
im scared

>> No.8438396

its a decent investment but its only 10k?

>> No.8438424

ROFL dude people can tell you know. Just fuck the combover.

>> No.8438444

Just shave your head for a few months and when you have money you let it grow again and get a transplant

>> No.8438445

I put off looking like my hair is receding by getting expensive haircuts at a salon. They recommended I grow my hair out a tiny bit more, then they cut it/style it in a way that makes it look good. Should give me a couple years to trap a roastie.

>> No.8438479

Just go on finasteride my dude. The choice between limp dick or chrome dome is simple.

>> No.8438528

Same fuckin thing happened to me. I didn't cash out enough funds in early January and now I'm looking at cashing some crypto at the bottom to pay for my expenses. I never expected bear market to last this long.

>> No.8438555
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>> No.8438567

Take fin, also get Rogaine and Nizoral shampoo but those are pretty ineffective. Fin is king and works good but may give u bad sides.

>> No.8438588

Plan to go to Thailand for a hair job. I think it's like 5k USD but they do a good job.

>> No.8438635

Better come to Romania..same cost but actually legit. Who knows what you'll stumble upon in Thailand..

>> No.8438654

bro... nothing to sweat about... lmao relax man u good...

>> No.8438675
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> yfw anons cant afford hair transplant because of eternal bear
> yfw below initial investment, but let me cash out and get a real human hair wig at least
> yfw fucking whales are dumping again, fuck it, a synthetic wig will just have to do
> literal bald fag soyboys on suicide watch

>> No.8438715

I heard hair transplant is just BS..like it is way to rare and falls out. In my country it's like 5-7k euros so it would be kind of worth it to not risk the limp-dick effect of pills...if it is legit and simply just dosen't fall after a few months/years..

>> No.8439143

Problem is if you get the transplant and you dont use a dht inhibitor the rest will keep on balding so you have to go for another transplant after a while. And depending on your donor area you might not even have enough to go for another succesfull transplant.

>> No.8439171

I have a hair color i would like to keep (reddish blonde). Will the new hair be that color?

>> No.8439798

The new hair will be neon glow in the dark green

>> No.8440240

I'm pretty sure you're right about my scalp being calcified. It's always a tiny bit itchy and even if I shampoo it, I can still get chunks of what I'm assuming is sebum build up when I touch my scalp.

Does anybody know if caffeine in moderation helps stop the sebum build up?
A bit of caffeine won't hurt my health right?

>> No.8440506


>> No.8440564

You might have seborrhoeic dermatitis, i'd check that if I were you.

>> No.8440567
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It isnt noticeable man

>> No.8440569


Or go with the costanza look. It's not a big deal

>> No.8440581

It's bad, get on minox and finast and dutasteride generics fast to hold what you got until there's an actual cure someday after 2020

>> No.8440608

Headstands for hair loss?? Come on now.

>> No.8440643

i bet OP uses shampoo daily

>> No.8440644

>seborrhoeic dermatitis
The wiki has some symptoms being very similar to what I have, but I don't have any red/yellow skin on my scalp.

>> No.8440654


I had it because my scalp used to itch like fuck where my hair started falling out.

I altered my diet and went no fap and my loss literally stopped and my hair has been slowly (very slowly) growing back.

I narrowed mine down to a histamine intolerance.

Everyone's reason for hair loss is different though. Im still considering a transplant as the regrowth is so slow I still look like I'm going bald if I don't disguise it.

>> No.8440663

forces blood flow to the scalp

>> No.8440664

>But fapping increases dht which negatively affects scalp health

According to...?

>> No.8440742

I've been told by my dermatologist that most dandruff people have is usually SD. Having red skin is just a severe form of SD. I still think it's worth for you to check out, or try nizoral as the keto in it pretty much destroys the fungus that causes SD.

I also didn't have any red/yellow skin, and only light dandruff until I tried going nopoo for a while and that really kickstarted the SD, so now I have dry skin flakes in my eyebrows and shit.

>> No.8440759


>> No.8441126

holy fuck are you me?
I tried nopoo for like 8 months last year (and cold showering for most of that time) and that's when my scalp started to really get like this.

I'll definitely check it out man. Thanks.

>> No.8441204

been balding since forever
shaved my head
women love me since then

>> No.8441353
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> he lost his hair money

>> No.8441503

High cortisol and dht. Im almost 30 and fap few times a week. Get this itchy feeling and am losing hair. Had SD and you may get scars. The SD is on my face too. Eczema or some shit. Probiotics with l. Rhamnosus helped so it might be an intestinal issue like candida. Not getting enough sun and fresh air. Thyroid issues and adrenal fatigue. I use a shampoo brush to massage and you feel your hair follicles breathe. Studies say average testosterone levels in men have decreased over the past 40 years.

>> No.8441632



>> No.8441790

Wait hair transplants are only $7k?

>> No.8441928

dut + ru + minox, now. you're diffuse which means there's a shot you can recover. longer you wait the smaller the window is.

>> No.8442037

Cut out masturbation and if you’re lucky you’ll get some regrowth like me. I was a daily fapper since I was a teen up until 27 and looking back I now know it contributed to my hair thinning in my late teens/early 20s. My hair now is better at 29 than it was at 25 cause I now i only masturbate twice a month max.

>> No.8442065

I also tried fin and dust (the even stronger version). Both work for a couple of months but after that it stops working. I didn’t experience any sexual side effects.

>> No.8442070

>scheduled vacation for hair transplant surgery
>didn't cashout to afford hair transplant surgery
fucking retard

>> No.8442371

What dietary changes did you make?

>> No.8442613

Not that easy c’mon, shaving like that all of a sudden, damn, I´ve never used a short haircut, change will look too drastic. But I WILL shave if things get too bad. Right now I still have a decent amount of hair, you saw in the pic, if I´m in a dark place, I comb, and you don´t look above my head, all is fine. I still believe the bull, I just need bitcoin to be at least 15k during the next 3 months, I´ll still have some hair and will be able to cash out profits.

>> No.8442866

Minoxidil and a 2% keto shampoo, maybe a derma roller every week.

Check into these three and don't use hormone pills, there's a chance you'll grow bitch tits and really fuck yourself up over hair follicles.

>> No.8443050

Got this from /fit/ a while back. website looks like shit but site doesn't try to sell you any product.

Basically over the counter 5% Minoxidil every day. And prescription finasteride every other day. You can get prescription medicine from those "canadian pharmacy" sites.


>> No.8443714

I don't get why this would make you lose your hair...

Following that logic each guy having regularly sex with his gf (not talking about you virgins on here) would go bald..? Guess we'd know about it if that was the case

>> No.8443903

How often should you use chempoo?
like every 3 days? Help now

>> No.8443954

Don't listen to them
Pro tip from my own theoretical conclusion
If you don't fap, your sexual frustration increases after a while
This is fact, unless you are getting laid often which most of these no fap faggots are not
With increased sexual frustration comes increased stress... right?
With increased stress comes more hair loss
>No fappers BTFO

>> No.8443990

I came in my gf about 10 times a week during the period when my hair started falling out

>> No.8444011

When I started having regular sex is when I lost most of my hair

>> No.8444128

when you fap you release a special hormone called DHT which is one of causes of hair loss
the more you fap the more DHT you produce and basically it makes you lose hair
you don't know what you're talking about tripfag
it's stressful only the first 2-3 weeks, once you get over it it's even better than fapping like a degenerate 3 times a day

>> No.8444134

I don't think fapping is the issue

It's the fap marathons where they fap for 30 minutes multiple times a day that does the damage.

A quick fap a few times a week changes nothing.

>> No.8444205

Well i only fap once a day or every 2 days max
Even when on drugs that make me horny, if you fap 5-10 times a day .... i have nothing to say other than kys

Regardless, i've done the no fap challenge. After a week it was still hard, and after 2 weeks i would end up jizzing in my dreams...
Good, then i'm clear

>> No.8444219
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you didn't get me, why would DHT only be produced when masturbating and not with regular intercourse?

You guys are going full 19th century Victorian style on this jeez, oh yeah you might go blind and deaf if you masturbate too much


>> No.8444256

Medfag here I can’t tell if you guys are just joking or are extremely retarded.

>> No.8444410
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>fap for 30 minutes

>> No.8444424

Fucking faggot. Sage

>> No.8444463

Holy shit, it's the chicken and egg problem
keeping your money in crypto will make you lose hair due to stress
but you need crypto to grow your hair back

>> No.8444765
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legit rolling, underrated

>> No.8444789

she looks so sickly and gross, red flags everywhere

>> No.8444972

I don't understand this either unless some other hormone is released during actual sex.

>> No.8444989

My ID says Fag

Fucking keked

>> No.8445009
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some perspective from a 24yo balding crypto investor

holy shit just shave it all and give some time to crypto. how fucking insecure do you have to be to ruin your life over a purely cosmetic operation? when i noticed i was losing my hair I decided to let it grow while i can. Before I had fun with different styles, including totally shaven head. right now i have shoulder level hair but i'll shave everything as soon as it looks like i'm trying to cover baldness, no way i'd let people profile me into assuming i'm the kind of person you are. stop giving a fuck, if you're insecure now you'll be insecure about people noticing you had surgery or whatever. look at trump, maybe he's rich with access to the best medecine, everyone laughs at his mediocre attempts to pretend he has hair.

even if you had made your profit and got the operation you would have lost because you can't buy confidence. also you'd hate yourself watching crypto mooning while you realize hair isn't that important.

>> No.8445271

Or just get a hair system, cheaper and looks good.

>> No.8445311
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>vegan diet? headstands?

>> No.8446195


>> No.8446325

any science to back that up?
lol you guys are BSing OP with some snake oil tricks

Hurr durr
>stop fapping
>sleep more
>eat healthy
>drink more water
>do headstands
>massage your scalp
>use this shampoo
>don't use any shampoo

It's all BS lol, the most trashy unhealthy people I know always have thick ass dense hair, same with homeless bums.
It's all fucking genetics, stop making up some specific conditions, just admit your shitty genes.
Only outside factor could be stress but even that is an exaggeration.
This scalp BS is the best, somehow women don't have that problem, or the hair at the sides of your head.

>> No.8446516

I lost the battle against baldness about age 22 anonfriend, so I gave in and now shave completely daily. Almost 30 now.

Never had more luck with the women and more sex ever than in this period of my life. Teenage years were dry as fuck.

Embrace the skinhead look, it works! I could never go back to having hair even if I had the choice.