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8443625 No.8443625 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else have feelings sometimes like they are living in a simulation of some sort

>> No.8443651


>> No.8443660
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Anyone else have feelings sometimes like they are living in a simulation of some sort

>> No.8443667

Yes, it's all of us against you.

>> No.8443696
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Only through self realization and personal revelation can you see the extent of the Matrix Holographic reality we are entrapped in. Everything is about separation and polarities. You ping pong between good and evil and suffering and joy until you realize that it's all an illusion that is controlled.

You are a sovereign infinite that is connected to everything and everyone. I AM WE ARE. Lucky for us the cracks are starting to show in the wall, and many people are peering through to the outside. Soon enough we will push on that wall and it will come down.

>> No.8443707

Yes. But, I believe we are all in this simulation together.

>> No.8443798

Elon. Im sorry the stress of running a huge company ventures i getting to you.
And living the surreal life of the super rich and super entrepuern mega fucking tony stark god.

We arent living in a simulation.
We just look to much at calculators. And mistake what we are looking at is real, and not a derivative of it.

>> No.8443912
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>Elon posting on /biz/
I like to think that if we are in a simulation, that the mad scientists probably introduced a few "anomaly" events, like the 2016 election, and the 2017 crypto boom, just for keks before shutting down the experiment

>> No.8443991

dear god please shut the fuck up you sound like a huge faggot
can you guys believe people who talk like this actually think they sound intelligent

>> No.8444501

Yes. Read about reincarnation cases, children remembering their past lives and verifying it, Hypnosis sessions talking to person's higher self, god or whatever, NDE experiences. I used to be a full blown sceptic, but seeing all these people with different unrelated experiences eventually talking about the same thing made me think if there's something actually going on. Plus if consiousness is a non-local fenomena like some physicists think some of the woo woo mystical bullshit actually makes sense.
Basically life is a giant universe-wide videogame. We choose our starting conditions and what kind of experience we want to get from it, but we still have free will and creativity. So it's like a collective dream of some sort (or maybe not collective, maybe it's all just me). Just an insane theory, so come to your own conclusions

>> No.8444558

Why all my stats dump stats then?

>> No.8445755
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everything that has happend will happen again and only what has happend can happen. we are like ants doing the same shit everyday just on a bigger level. our self awarness is a burden
t. enlightened one

>> No.8446229
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>yfw you realized bitcoin was created by the zionist elite to be the one world currency after the USD crashes and burns during the 2019 monetary crisis, humanity will become dominated by hyperwhales with 1+ trillion USD(2017 inflation adjusted) worth of BTC who will enslave the goyim in massive metal mines to create battery factories after the collapse of the petroleum extraction system but the goyim will be 95% exterminated by 2050 once 100% automation is achieved and then the zionists begin creating the intergalactic human empire but Jesus returns and destroys them all as predicted by revelations

>> No.8446711

>We choose our starting conditions and what kind of experience we want to get from it, but we still have free will and creativity.
This sounds like another theory I heard elsewhere.

That we are all immortals living in a simulation we control in a dream like state.
In our first dream we had the perfect life and did everything we wanted.
In our second dream we changed the parameters and had a slightly different life.
Since we are immortal, there would come a point in our lives when every experience we could possibly want, good, bad, peaceful, horrifying would have been experienced. At that point our immortal selves would be bored.
The only option, is to give up control of the "simulation" and have no control over what happens to us. That would be new and exciting and could possibly explain where our notion of souls come from.

Personally I couldnt give a shit. Just live a good life is the best you can hope for than worrying about being in a simulation.

>> No.8446751

I would watch the fuck out of a show where Jesus flies around BTFO of intergalactic space Jews.

It would be like a western DBZ