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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 88 KB, 663x875, petro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8442972 No.8442972 [Reply] [Original]

repeat after me:
non burgers: will you join the presale tomorrow? these coins are 60 bucks a piece and there's only a few mil in existence.

Combine that with the fact that trump banned it, you can see this thing will fucking 100x in days in my opinion.

>> No.8442980

>supporting a communist regime so you can get measly gainz
kill yourself parasite

>> No.8442990

are you stupid? venezuela sucks, their gov doesn't handle anything right and I'm saying that while writting from Venezuela. Light cut off, water cut off, no food in supermarket, $5 salary.

the fuck

>> No.8443005

more like
>investing in the first sovereign digital currency distributed by a government
its like you hate innovation AND gains

>> No.8443034

Innovation coming from a country that have electricity problems everyday, cut off light randomly for hours. Are you serious? They doesn't even know what Bitcoin is at all. It's depressing.

>> No.8443054

>giving venezuelans your passport

>> No.8443071

>literally giving money to a dictator

Kill yourself OP

>> No.8443081

yes, i'm all in - .vz failed at everything to do with finance, but this venture will make them and us rich

>> No.8443108

people are literally eating cats in the streets you fucking dolt

>> No.8443111

Their currency has no value anymore, this why they're making a new one using blockchain. yeah they can't pay bills, but the way petro is being minted as a token is actually very ingenious. I read their whitepaper, the way it is tied to their dollar is like a smarter tether. and it will literally revitalize the purchasing power of the bolivar.

>> No.8443123

don't you can't just give the commies money are you crazy????

>> No.8443143
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Exit scam when?

>> No.8443179

>while writting from Venezuela

>> No.8443184
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Your late OP

>> No.8443198

How do you even buy this shit btw?
Do you need to KYC? Cuz fuck that if so.

Also gl getting dumped on by Diosdado Cabello aka the Venezuelan Bogdanoff

>> No.8443234
File: 699 KB, 1440x1779, Screenshot_20180318-212641~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's exclusive currency backed by the world's largest oil reavers. Russia and China are first in line and you still have doubts about this ? Petro coin is made in Russian . Look him up

>> No.8443270

> giving money to a genocide corrupt communist totalitarian regime.
> get rich

This shit is a far worst scam than Espers or Confido (at least they will not use the money to kill innocents).
Not touching that scamcoin with a ten foot pole

>> No.8443277

Thats because Venezuela is a Russian and Chinese puppet state dumbshit.
Makes you think about why Trump banned it

>> No.8443289

inb4 this obvious scam becomes so successful that it saves the venezuelan economy and countries all over the world start creating their own cryptos to save themselves from dealing with a service based economy

>> No.8443300

this is actually what will happen. Leafcoin will follow this, trust me.

>> No.8443307
File: 393 KB, 1000x940, marx pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The coin that saved Venezuela


>> No.8443308

>ou can see this thing will fucking 100x in days in my opinion.
its a stable coin, why should it increase in price for even 5%?

t. read the whitepaper

>> No.8443361

Burger here, already registered to buy, already used a phony Venezuelan name and ID to register, buying anyway, eat shit trump

>> No.8443393

Do i really need to give them my fucking passport if i want to buy? That's the only thing that throws me off

>> No.8443409


>corrupt communist totalitarian regime
Cool guy Maduro actually has his own cryptocurrency

Your non-totalitarian regime bans you from buying things and steals your gains my fucking sides so much freedom

>> No.8443427

Communist country being saved by greedy capitalists
Oh the irony

>> No.8443491

Who cares? I think I hear reddit calling you, faggot.

>> No.8443525

Trump or capitalism can't win against blockchain. I said it before Latina America has the worlds best natural resources. Best life (Adriana Lima) and lowest crime rate (Bolivia ) buy as much Petro and hodl. WORLD LARGEST OIL RESERVES HAHAHA DUBAI PRINCE WHO ? venezuela also has the best weather .....not oven like UAe

>> No.8443583

Sucks but yes I'm still waiting for pending verification. I'm super anxious to be part of taking down capitalism......sorry but this only hurts those at the top. Everyone or the majority of people are poor we need this to wake up DEEP STATE AND realize they need to speed up quantum computing to destroy blockchain

>> No.8443588

>erc20 token
>60 per piece (of shit)
ty just bought 100k

>> No.8443607

On bittrex lol

>> No.8443634

I think they ask for passport so they know you'll be able to travel to Venezuela once it becomes a crypto hyper-utopia where you get paid to do everything up to walking on a sidewalk. the world we're building towards is amazing.

>> No.8443643

>Best life (Adriana Lima) and lowest crime rate (Bolivia)

>> No.8443661
File: 901 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20180319-133650.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In alettersent to Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin on Monday, Nelson said he was "concerned by recent reports" that Venezuela, as well as Russia, are planning to use cryptocurrencies to get past economic sanctions.

Focusing on Venezuela's president, in particular, he noted that Nicolás Maduro "is responsible for persistent human rights violations, political repression and the jailing of opponents, undermining democratic institutions, corruption, and widespread economic deprivation."

Is he Jewish ?

>> No.8443673

>that nose
Yes he is a kike

>> No.8443690

>muh natural resources
nigga our army is big enough to stomp your venezuelan face and steal your resources. However US doesn't bother with it because we already have Ecuador and Perú for that.

>> No.8443706
File: 845 KB, 1440x1019, Screenshot_20180319-133940~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How I feel

>> No.8443726

First country adopting crypto... This is huge. Who'll be the next?

>> No.8443747

Not gonna give Pablojeets my KYC but gonna get it on IDEX

Fucking lol at burgers who can't praise freedom and hate on muh tyrannical government enough telling people what to do with their money because their government told them it's bad though

Neck yourselves immediately, or failing to find a rope with enough tensile strength, choke on a dozen cheeseburgers you landwhales

>> No.8443748

If you manage to hold 51% of all the Petro Coins you become by law the ruler of Venezuela. That might make it a good buy if you plan on staging a land invasion of any South American countries (i.e. Brazil).

I'm putting it on my "maybe" list for that reason alone (because fuck Brazil).

>> No.8443759

>First country adopting crypto...
Hey, that's cool. Let's read more abo...
whats the fucking point?

>> No.8443761

Totally agree on military might but this all Russia and China. US sanctions will not work from know on blockchain is in control (us the people using a democratic voting system GitHub ) deep state is over and timing is just right. Inequality in the US is at it's worst. Look at major metro areas all full of tents and trash. Sorry but all the glamour means nothing when your borther or sister sleeps in the street

>> No.8443766


The US will be the first country to ban all crypto, mark my words. They are already realizing the threat.

>> No.8443776
File: 15 KB, 256x308, D7026750-35F8-4B38-BA0D-0F7FF6749C08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8443783


>> No.8443808

I've already been there so they already have my passport anyway.
Should I all in?

>> No.8443812

/biz/ would support the destruction of planet earth if it would them good gains

>> No.8443847


> US bans you to buy to provide support to Communist Genocided regimes dude! LOL meh freedom.

jajajaj try again with your stupid logic, Fidel.

Only government backed crypto that I am buying is for you to have free helicopters rides.

>> No.8443867

I'm here to make money and bang bitches

And I'm all out of bitches

In fact I never had any. And I'm pretty broke too

Pls gib monies

>> No.8443868

Swerving sanctions is the point
Yall are gonna buy worthless tokens and get dumped on in exchange for cryptocurrency with actual value like Bitcoin

>> No.8443895
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Nice ! Keep em coming

>> No.8443896

And your plan to make money is buy the mother of all pajeetcoins?

>> No.8443980
File: 75 KB, 720x1280, IMG-20180318-WA0004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Buy Petro and then buy anything you want . Made in Venezuela won't disappoint .

>> No.8444004

hey mate's i got a lot of venezuelan id's for sale if you wanna buy some petro

>> No.8444095

This thread's starting to stink.
We really need flags

>> No.8444136
File: 568 KB, 1440x1000, Screenshot_20180319-140236~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He predicted Petro coin years ago. Legend lives

>> No.8444151

No one knows where to buy some so yeah I agree

>> No.8444337

I've been been there last year (Caracas)
the good
>delicious food
>welcoming locals
>good looking and cheap prostitutes
the bad
>some police/communists look at you with
threatening eyes for being "estadodense"
>several poor people asking for money
>hot weather
>shots at night

>> No.8444421

Won't disgree but I see south America like north. You can't have it all BUT OVERALL THE COUNTRIes in South America are far better to live in. If crime is an issue go to Uruguay .......cops dont carry guns ? You can't compare over quality of life is far better, north has the money central has CUBA. AND south Is the one continent that has it all. Charles Darwin galapagis.

>> No.8444426

>Delicious food
Can be found anywhere, specially anywhere with more access to food products than Venezuela, which is anywhere.

>> No.8444494

No coiner, but I'm going to buy this and laugh

>> No.8444496

Using Petro to live a life without racism ......people all hate each other in North and central because differences.....blacks are 0 in Mexico.........blacks in the north going through black lives matter.........kids shooting up schools...... venezuela or South America is the place to be.......buy Petro and live a better life.

>> No.8444543


You're all empowering bad actors to some sort of a degree by getting into crypto... especially Bitcoin or legit privacy tokens like Monero.

Plus, North Korea and Iran already engage in cryptojacking and are probably mining off some of your equipment as we speak. You already empower shitty totalitarian regimes, directly or indirectly, along with black market shit like human trafficking.

Please stop this bullshit of "OMG WHY WOULD I FINANCIALLY SUPPORT THIS SHITTY, OPPRESSIVE GOVERNMENT" that I'm reading all over this thread and stop lying to yourselves.

>> No.8444562

Yeah, it's unbelievable I can live like a king in those countries with my actual salary ($63k per year).

Well' I've heard Perú has one of the most exotic and delicious food in America, but haven't been there yet.
Maybe this year I'll go there.

Can Trump and the feds find out if I bought Petro? What are the consequences of buying Petro?

>> No.8444564


>> No.8444613

All the good Venezuelan food is super rare to find now because noone can afford to serve it or just cant find the ingredients

>> No.8444641

Well my argument isn't about morals, but rather about it being a shit investment

>> No.8444646

Cuerda de mamaguevos imbeciles. Get ready to lose all your money kek.

>> No.8444801

Mal parido anda con tu gobierno Yankee. El petro y la revolución bolivariana vive !

>> No.8444831

>crack down on crypto
>jail miners
>jail business owners
>still can't touch their funds
>hmmm what do we do
>let's try letting them out of jail, starting a "crypto" that we fully control, and trying to get people to use that

>> No.8444868

Anyone that knows south american food knows very well you can't beat them . From Argentinian to Brazilian churrascos......cheap life .........and the women ?

>> No.8444889

Maybe but so much money is coming in from China and Russia.

>> No.8444915

Any dumbass that invests in this deserves to lose their money.

>> No.8444927


>> No.8444985

maybe, but I don't give a shit to lose $3k just to see if it's worth it.

>> No.8445080
File: 1.05 MB, 1440x801, Screenshot_20180318-210418~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$3k ? When you invest in Petro you invest in a government whose only objective is to circumvent NATO sanctions. Because Venezuela disagrees with US military they are now enemy of the state . The plan was to watch the country go to ruins and save them at their weakest point. Until Bitcoin arrived

>> No.8445096

I'm a burger and in on the pre sale ain't no orange nigger telling me what i can do

>> No.8445110

I'm going to laugh my ass off watching a bunch of retards invest in a crypto literally started by people who previously banned crypto while still having the expectation that they're not being scammed.

>> No.8445125

Ty anon and that's the way capitalism ends. When the majority speak for themselves not the other way around .

>> No.8445146

>can't own petrocoins for being a US citizen
Well, my dream is over.
Too bad I can't own petros without renouncing to my citizenship or being arrested.
Trump and the current goverment are pathetic.

>> No.8445171

You won't get caught, feel free to lose your money.

>> No.8445178

Land of the free my ass. It's getting bad how can people be ok with trump telling you what you can or cannot buy

>> No.8445204



>> No.8445209

Look what he's doing with Harley Davidson. How can you possibly expect Europe or Japan to agree those bikes are good or reliabke. Trump wants every Japanese to buy a Chevy Silverado without any tax on that ass. Really ? And if Japan disagrees then we sanction NEM coin or better yet Mijin.baka

>> No.8445211

How do i buy this fucking shit coin? there is so much money laundry behind it, it's sweet

>> No.8445220

I don't care about losing money by buying Petros, but it's not worth it if feds break into my home and arrest me for it.

>> No.8445243

>wants to invest in petro
>afraid of federal agents
You're not just retarded you're also a pussy.

>> No.8445297

You're not just retarded you're also a pussy.
being retarded and pussy is far better than being jailed.

>> No.8445298

Lol it's not 1984 yet but the earlier you get in the better chance you have of coin price going to $1000 . Russia and China have the chance they always waited for now that they have a way to circumvent sanctions. This won't stop with Venezuela

>> No.8445484
File: 286 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20180319-151531.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Binnance would be huge

>> No.8445658

>can't even responsive mobile properly

>> No.8445677

this is as legit as tether, how can you believe it all pegged to actual oil? Do you will believe a maduro failed state with 500% inflation rate?

>> No.8445846

Is this US propaganda spiel supposed to dissuade me?

>> No.8445926
File: 500 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20180319-155011.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spreading like wildfire. Venezuelan people are rejoicing.

>> No.8445930

If you are not an US citizen, you a free to buy as many Petros as you want.
As for US citizens, you will be arrested if feds find out you bought/sold Petro.
I guess it's time to renounce to my citizenship and go live somewhere in Argentina or Chile.

>> No.8445952

Providing updates to those who don't have a clue how great south america is as a continent

>> No.8445977
File: 63 KB, 1419x1740, Screenshot_20180319-151444~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Explain how the men in Black can arrest and prosecute for buying monero Coín (petro)

>> No.8446041

>can't own petrocoins for being a US citizen

Yeah you can the new law states that you cant use them in a transaction, you can however hold them or invest in a company that holds them.

>> No.8446135

Which will be basically any Chinese owned business since China has a stake in Venezuela improving just ever so slightly.

>> No.8446277

The interest will come from all nations. Anyone who thinks these stupid sanctions will scare them your totally wrong. Mexico is America's new enemy (build a wall ) ....slowly maga will be the only one screaming and shouting why other countries won't help him with sanctions ..........Venezuela is a harmless stupid media is about to make south America isis part 2........SA doesn't have radical extremeist the only problem is money and corruption because of the deep state. Thank you Satoshi

>> No.8446367

>problem is money and corruption because of the deep state
no their problems is they keep electing marxists that dont have a clue on economy, way worse then FED pp

>> No.8446407
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They get elected because it's the US of A best interest. SO maga .gov doesn't care a rats ass Venezuela has the WORLDS LARGEST OIL RESERVES ? riiiiiiight

>> No.8446496
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>> No.8446559

so explain why 70% of parlament was elected and is anti maduro and yet he just ignores his own parlament and jail opositors?

>> No.8446633

Because how many of our aunts and uncles understand what crypto is ? Ask any person from latin America and bitcoin is a scam super Ponzi. Latin America for the most part doesn't understand crytpo so of course they don't agree with him. It's only a select few because of Russias involvement

>> No.8446686

>literal communists littering my free capitalist /biz/


>> No.8446701

that's justin long's dad..makes you think

>> No.8446785
File: 1.76 MB, 3000x4000, IMG_20170924_114316442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitcoin real intention is proper wealth distribution. Buying Petro reinforces this notion. The more people get into crypto the faster banks will collapse

>> No.8446998

Someone is going to make money on this coin. That someone might be you.

Don't be a pussy.

>> No.8447048

>Sitting in my desktop on the 10th floor of my apartment in the north east of Bogota, remembering all the street-shitting venecos i watch beg me money every single day after work hours because the fucks can't afford 1 lunch with 3 minimum wages on their shitty communist-ruined country.

Unless you're one of the faggots who show up clapping in Maduro's speeches in international TV, you are a blind motherfucker, and a retard. There's a reason "communist movements" only exist in western, civilized universities. Because they're retards who don't know what they're saying.

Asame una arepa, sucio veneco comunista hijueputa.

>> No.8447149

Only because your well off doesn't mean the entire world should heed your words. The majority of people suffer becuase of corruption through the US dollar is it any suprise they have THE WORLDS LARGEST OIL RESERVES and suddenly the United States wants to sanction ? Give me a break we have a collapsing economy and here we are going after Venezuela !!!!! As harmless as they are why is .gov spending tax dollars when we so desperately need proper healthcare. Dude I agree captialism was good but the last 20-30 years inequality has grown exponentially and bitcoin as well as Petro coin will dismantle that CORPORATE structure. Don't let the media fool you into thinking this is Iraq part 2

>> No.8447219

What prevents a clapper like myself from actually getting a hold of these coins?

>> No.8447270

shut up. shit countries has responsabilities for themselves even if muh deep state theory is legit

>> No.8447271
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I love supply and demand

>> No.8447288

True but life is not always cruel and unfair. Sure it took time but now blockchain can't be controlled and it's by the people for the people

>> No.8447502

Not saying capitalism is great. Just saying communism is objectively far more unstable and unsustainable than it, at least from what the past 300 years has taught us. Who knows? Maybe the greatest nation in the world in 2300 will be a massive communist state? But it isn't yet.

You, your retarded "revolucion bolivariana" and your hiperinflated currency me pueden chupar la verga.

>> No.8447576

Calm down anon
Not everyone voted for Maduro and not every venezuelean is a communist.
I will invest in Petro and see where it goes. I just hope Trump doesn't invade Venezuela yet

>> No.8447619

I know. That's why I get mad at communists coming from a communist failed state, because thanks to their retarded meme a whole lot of good people from my neighbour country are taking a beating they don't deserve.

>> No.8447752

....and we all get rich in the process?

You say it like it's a bad thing.

>> No.8447773

They run away because they can't fight back. Maduro has their thugs and hitmen in the goverment ready to kill/jail any possible threat.

>> No.8447859

Trump will have to move military to NATO Ally Colombia once the Kremlin is able to secure several based in Venezuela . Russia or china it's going to happen.

>> No.8447884

So where do we get oro Coín .....another Venezuelan gem

>> No.8448162
File: 49 KB, 380x285, Donald-Trump-treasury_AP1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Venezuela is sitting on one of the largest oil reserves in the world. They should be at least as rich as Saudi Arabia. And yet the government is totally corrupt and people are starving, and they can't even get that oil out of the ground. They're issuing the Petro coin for oil that hasn't even been drilled yet. It's a total exit scam to raise money for Maduro. Only they won't exit, they'll keep your cash while you trade increasingly worthless Petro coins.

Also I'd never go against Daddy's wishes.

>> No.8448191
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seems like a scam to me


>> No.8448227
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Fun fact: The Venezulean Bolivar is worth less than one sat (0.00000001 BTC)

>> No.8448261
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>A grandes problemas, ¡grandes soluciones!


>> No.8448281

Go leafs!!!...ohh fuck....yeah...they suck

>> No.8448295

I will never support communists.

>> No.8448330
File: 1.00 MB, 2592x1456, 2012-01-21_11-03-03_344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at this day and age capitalism is the worst scam of all time.......live a comfy life while others suffer.......ill take my petro thanks .


>> No.8448339

They're only trying crypto because they drove their economy into the dirt with socialism. They live in a paradise, oil flowing from the ground, and they've squandered it.

>> No.8448380

Big difference between broad use privacy currency and directly funding a government.

They failed to prop up their social systems on oil, resulting in a massive tab for the next generation to deal with and now they're doubling down on selling oil that hasn't even been drilled for.

Selling your children in to debt slavery is such a low blow and it's one of the easiest moral crimes to get away with.

>> No.8448510

if you ever asked yourself if this shit is a scam coin then read this post and ask yourself that again

>> No.8448589

Is /biz being brigaded by Venezuelan Petro shillers?

Anyone can get verified.. you can enter john Smith and a picture of your dog and you will be verified to buy this worthless erc20 "stable-coin" you won't be able to break even with. Your only hope is that there are greater fools out there to buy it off you. I warned you.

>> No.8448602

>25 bil mcap ICO

>> No.8448656

Very bad deal anon. Physical oil is 60 bucks per barrel and institutions got this shitcoin at a 60% discount. It's going to fucking dump, hard. There is no fucking 100x, it cannot never moon higher than the actual price of oil on insured, government regulated and trusted exchanges. By all means buy a few for a larp, I will grab some myself, but you are going to lose money.

>> No.8448723

Actually never underestimated the retardedness of crypto investors, if it does moon over the real oil price seize that opportunity and start lobbing shorts at it.. Institutions will laugh their asses off until one moves and kicks off the stacks on all the way down to $30

>> No.8448768

So much can be done but one thing is for certain. Nado and us sanctions are obsolete . Witnessing the scale balance out

>> No.8448842
File: 1.75 MB, 2268x3052, IMG_20180303_061545127~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's reality. South America is a gem the US always took advantage of the weak.i understand greed but Chevron and Texaco just went overboard ........Brazil is in shits because of corruption. Again t all goes back to pesky dollar.......get rid of that and you fix all problems. This is a shakeup not saying Petro is perfect but the bigger picture here the US finally met it's match , blockchain

>> No.8448859

That's almost entirely separate and if anything puts downward pressure on the price of oil merely because it is supply being uncucked. The only real win we can hope for out of this is a better tether, if you want to speculate then shorting either this shitcoin or physical oil are the only plays I can see standing a chance

>> No.8448884
File: 46 KB, 380x380, 0004142005265_A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That picture should alarm anyone that has a V8 or lambo. Soon when gas rises let's see who is begging who for cheap fuel. WORLDS LARGEST OIL RESERVES. you think UAE has money hahaha wait until Petro hits markets all round the world China and Russia. Sorry NATO we aren't friends anymore

>> No.8448912
File: 1.80 MB, 3464x4618, IMG_20160505_1632055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I totally agree we can only hope for some positive to come out of this but in the end DYOR because not even Bitcoin is guranteed .

>> No.8448939

bit coins have potential upside though, this just does not at $60

>> No.8448986

Where does one purchase this coin?

>> No.8449143
File: 284 KB, 1440x559, Screenshot_20180318-211347~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Major exchanges this week . .......free electricity in Venezeula.......can't wait to moon and buy acres by the beach.......so many angels and dirt cheap

>> No.8449172

With maga ex order who knows ....... Won't be US based that's for sure

>> No.8449385

poor soul, he has no idea his country is bankrupt

>> No.8449831

Here is the official release date . Released today Yw


>> No.8450273


the message is clear word for word "Venezuelan government is working with Russia to have military bases set up to deter US military"

>> No.8450313
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No thx, dont want anything to do with socialists.

>> No.8450508
File: 276 KB, 1440x193, Screenshot_20180319-210724~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

US orders Brazil and Colombia to take action against Venezeula.

>> No.8450750
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Don't worry