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File: 11 KB, 468x250, ComputerProgramming.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
841370 No.841370 [Reply] [Original]

with expected future events in account

>> No.841372


>> No.841377


every kid will have to take a programming class, like they do keyboarding.

So it's a 50/50, get in while it's still hard.

>> No.841378

and that is somehow going to allow every kid to be able to really program?

>> No.841381


No, but you're going to have kids that can make angry birds for homework. Yes you will be able to create a miniature world of war craft all by yourself by then, but then there will be more of you.

So it's best you get in while people are still dumb.

>> No.841383

kids have trouble programming "Hello, world!", you think they are going to be able to program something like angry birds? come on m8

>> No.841387

Kids already struggle with basic math and science. A programming course will just add to the headache.

>> No.841390


Okay with how everything looks now with everyone viewing people based on their Instagram followers or whatever bs, you're right.

But then I visit /r9k/, we still have to remember there's an ever growing population of NEETs. Angry ones that want a fembot so bad they might as well use all that hate to make one themselves.

lol wtf am I talking about

>> No.841392
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You understand

>> No.841398

No it all of a sudden collapsed and is worthless now despite no "future events" that would negatively impact it being announced.

Who do you think is going to replace the ever-evolving fields and the people that write software for it?

>> No.841406

There are fuck tons of shit coders. Good coders are still in demand and probably will be for a long time.

There has been a growing problem of shit coders trying to get jobs in droves though. It's hard to get recognized for what you are because of the mass amounts of people faking it.

>> No.841410


This is what I was trying to say :^)

>> No.842013


>> No.842019
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All computer programming jobs will lead to this by 2017

>> No.842061

yeah, it is. as long as you dont shoq up with that haircut and goatee.

>> No.842067

He literally looks like a goat. Do people really think that haircut/facial hair is attractive on that face?

>> No.842095

Northern europe here. Yes. They always need programmers.

>> No.842116

What can I do with a Computer Programming and Analysis diploma. What are my options to transfer into?

Sorry for the retarded question, I'm fucking lost

>> No.842132

How do I enjoy programming?
It makes me want to kill myself.
Alternatively what is a decent paying career related to IT that's still relatively niche but needed?

>> No.842176

Exactly. If you're a very skilled programmer, you will have no trouble getting a decently paid job. However, that means having at least a STEM degree, and preferably something like a PhD in comp sci. And sometimes you will still have shit coders who somehow manage to take your place.

>mfw am a skilled coder who worked for a while with a shit coder and we got paid the same

>> No.842202

Prepare for immediate saturation as the LoL generation suddenly finishes university.

>> No.842205

i can confirm that people who play LoL dont finish anything

>> No.842916

>mfw i am a shit coder who runs a team of good coders
My boss likes me because my team meets deadlines, my team likes me because i deal with normies so they don't have to.

>> No.843153

Why are LoL players such subhuman degenerates?

>> No.843618

>and preferably something like a PhD in comp sci
Why in the world would you waste time and money on a PhD in comp sci when you could be getting hands-on experience instead? The PhD isn't going to teach you how to work in a team, work with other people's code, deal with deadlines and client expectations.

>> No.843627

Agreed. My old boss is now a director at Facebook book and told me to not even wast time going back to school for a masters because i am already in the industry working. not saying a masters would hurt but a PhDs I feel is more academic related.

>> No.844272

kek you are just a good manager then, leave that coding shit behind and make your millions that way

>> No.844294

Coding is a viable career path. Just make sure you get an internship in college. I can't emphasize enough how important your first step is in the tech industry.

>> No.844319
File: 20 KB, 341x263, wage slaves.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wanting to be 'the IT guy'

>> No.844324

>IT guy
This is not the same thing.

>> No.844332
File: 106 KB, 680x583, 1425753802117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


it will be :^)

>> No.844338

your shitty jew memes dont even make sense idiot

>> No.844342
File: 35 KB, 482x480, 1438634176361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Couldn't find the "Theyfoundout.jpg"

Still, he's going to be doing everything IT related even if they only hired him to be a programmer.

>> No.844347

Silly anon, installing adobe and unfucking PCs is what college interns are for.

>> No.844380

You're right. All those programmers who write the low-level, high-performance systems learned it from reading one book and then hands-on experience. Nobody needs to understand the complicated theoretical concepts and the mathematics required to get a PhD.

>> No.844499


>> No.845104

sup guys, should I still bother with CS?

I got a B only because professor curved in my Java class. I having a lot of self doubt cause I just wasn't getting this language and just barely made it through. This shouldve been another easy A

It should be noted I had the highest grade in the class when I did C++. I found it so easy. Scared I won't make it especially compared to some of the guys here that are on another level

>> No.845197


how the fuck do you ace C++ but fail Java? that doesn't even make sense..

>> No.845204

A PhD is useful in the higher levels of software engineering. This is where you need to know pure science and maths with your coding skills.

>> No.845205

Java is a shit language.

>> No.845220


true, but it's most definitely simpler.

>> No.845230

Is Iris Classon really a good example? Women tend to get a lot of hype just for being a woman if she's in a STEM area.

Overall, this was very nice read as I myself could've easily have been a "ghost".

>> No.845240
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> it's most definitely simpler.
Not at all. If you are on the left side, it just seems easier because you are basically copy/pasting functions other people created.

>> No.845294

There will always be demand for programmers because most programming jobs are pretty shitty. Sure you get paid well but it can be soul sucking and very unrewarding.

>> No.845474


whatever they are going to cover in a college course is most definitely easier in Java. also 99% of everything else.

>> No.845477


haha yeah, good one! less competition for us.

>> No.845513

This, Java is filled with shitty programmers. I understand C, Python, and Sql much better than Java. Java forces me to copy and paste which pisses me off because I want to know why this or that happens.
Its not "simpler", its idiot proof by just copying and pasting. This is why C is recommended by experienced software engineers for beginners.

>> No.845579

> programming world of warcraft

Seriously you don't even know how much a tenth of the work is to program a game like that. You need a huge foundation of physics and math to even begin the task, there is a lot more to it than you think. It is a hard game to program.

Same with angry birds, there is some math involved that you would need either a lot of experience with to program correctly or have a great mathematics and physics base to make it work.
Its because there isn't enough supply for the job market.

> Needing a Phd to get a decently paid job in CS
The next part of your post entirely contradicts the first part you said, obviously the unskilled person you had to work with didn't have a Phd.

> League players
> Programming anything
They can't even make good scripts and bots for the game they play. To add on that playing games =/= enjoying programming.

>> No.845677

pls respond

>> No.845800

A job in web or software development.

Or you can transfer to a university and get a bachelors.