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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 89 KB, 1200x1021, Warren_Buffett_at_the_2015_SelectUSA_Investment_Summit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8436055 No.8436055 [Reply] [Original]

>Buy low, sell high.
Wtf, how didn't I think of it myself?

>> No.8436189

Because he didnt mention part three, which is rig the game

>> No.8436211

Was he also rigging the game when he was a teen?

>> No.8436264


>> No.8436305

Warren Buffet is not the kind and modest investor of average intellectual ability that he has spent that last 50 years marketing himself as. He is a cold, calculated, mathematical genius that understands the benefits of being well-liked.

>> No.8436320

>mathematical genius
>a literal genius for knowing the basic logic of buy low sell high

>> No.8436329

he didn't have to

he was born in the right time to just throw money at anything and benefit greatly

there's a reason why there's so many boomer billionaires, they got lucky

its like some normiefag buying into eth back in late 2016 for 5$ and thinking he was a fucking genius in retrospective, even tho it was luck

>> No.8436345

If it's that easy why aren't you on the Forbes top 500?

>> No.8436381

It's a lottery, you dim wit.

Anybody can buy low, only to see the price crash even lower. No, this doesn't have to do with intelligence, it's just sheer luck.

>> No.8436390

not everyone here were able to ride post ww2 murican business while europoors lie in ruins
literally could not lose

>> No.8436410

Study companies and asses assets like a stud. Or you can just buy crypto and hope it moons or busts. Young cucks choose crypto.

>> No.8436442

>Buy low, sell high.
Whoa... have you thought about trying to teach this concept around here? I think most of /biz/ is still stuck on the "buy high, sell low" mentality

>> No.8436484
File: 44 KB, 485x443, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. pic related

>> No.8436638

>Buy low, sell high.
heresy, /biz/ tried that many times and it just doens't work, stick to buy high sell low

>> No.8436655

>he doesn't know about "The Lines"

>> No.8436692
File: 67 KB, 593x461, IMG_4838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Buy low, sell high
What a dinosaur, why should I listen to some old boomer instead of buying high and selling low like /biz/ does?