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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8434586 No.8434586 [Reply] [Original]

Okay, care to give a wagefuck a quick tl;dr on this crypto shit? I’m fucking lost and one of my buddies has been trying to explain this shit to me. He’s telling me about “nodes” and shit and I really don’t get it.

>> No.8434601

dude lmao just use coinbase you nigger
buy some etherum right fucking now and you will not regret it. Download Blockfolio on your normie phone, input whatever savings you got, watch news religiously and most importantly, you have to larp at least 3 times a day on /biz/

do this
and you will become a millionaire just like me! I quit my job today, I've already established a comfy 100$ a day.

>> No.8434623

dont ask biz about crypto we exclusively get our investment advice from a person who goes by the name assblaster

>> No.8434678

Its the Fu1Ur3 ~~~

>> No.8434727
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This will explain how it works:

>> No.8434741

and this is how to trade:

>> No.8434788


>> No.8434808

I should be mad for you shilling your shitposts, but they were pretty funny.

>> No.8434836

agreed anon
subscribed, my fellow /biz/!

>> No.8434892
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Not mine but they're funny.

Remember: Buy high, sell low. React to everything a chart does, pulling your money in and out. Always get your financial advice from /biz/. The riskier it is, the higher percentage of your money you should put in.

>> No.8434936

Dont buy that pedo fuck coin. Ethereum is trash

>> No.8434949

100$ a day
Thats fucking pathetic anon

>> No.8435068

There's this thing you can do OP called catching falling knives. You gotta try it. When the price is going down, that's when you buy.

>> No.8435078

What do you want to know exactly? The technology behind it or how to make money out of it?

>> No.8435661

I’m not even gonna bother asking about money. I’m basically getting that all I’m gonna get is people telling me the exact opposite of what I should do, so I got it already. Buddy’s got like 8 huge graphics cards plugged into a PC with almost nothing else in it, says he’s using it to mine. What?

>> No.8435694

he s suporting a network(he s a node, a server that coöperates with other servers/nodes) and gets reward in w/e CC he's hosting/mining

>> No.8435729

that's funny, don't be angry on the market, extend your portfolio with some next gen crypto like skycoin, read about their vision and you will understand

>> No.8435752

Just do the opposite of whatever /biz/ shills

>> No.8435827

I remember him being a node for some coin (not sure if it's skycoin) I believe the rate was about 12 cents for a coin at the time, I'm gonna have to go back and ask him about it. Is this stuff worth getting into? I know if you're not braindead it's easy to do it relatively unscathed, but whether or not it's worth the effort is up in the air.

>> No.8435880

Mining is where you use processing power to verify cryptocurrency transactions between users on the blockchain. For every transaction you successfully verify, you get some of the currency as a reward. GPUs are excellent for processing the calculations necessary for this.

I've set up a couple of miners and if you want to go down the route, you generally need a decent amount of hardware and software knowledge to make it work. There are a lot of things that can go wrong.