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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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842151 No.842151 [Reply] [Original]


Why can't these people just fuck off from /biz/

>> No.842152

just tell me how and I'll leave

>> No.842153

>i can just double my money in a day through day trading, right? Even though I have zero experience and no understanding of markets

>> No.842159

video gameslaves pls go

>> No.842162

>how do i invest in bitcoin

>> No.842175

>Hey, I just inherited 100k000k000! Hows to invest?

>> No.842180

Summer is the strongest on this board as any others I browse.
I wish we had a mod who would actually sticky useful info, and tell kiddies to ditch their useless "get rich quick" mindsets and get learning.
Can I apply for that position?

>> No.842182

Hating Bitcoin is the most forced meme in history. It's a free marketeers wet dream yet you pooh pooh it and call yourself a /biz/nessman. You need to take a long look at yourself.

>> No.842186

The mod is fucking useless. I wonder if it's still the same one from the start. That guy has some kind of agenda.

>> No.842206

In all seriousness, can one apply for a specific board? I really like this board and some of the regulars, I'd be happy to do it.

>> No.842207

lemme guess. your yearly salary is 170k?

>missing the point
>not able to jew
>calling shots in a troll thread

get lost kid

>> No.842209

>How do I make fast money?

You don't. Literally just fuck off.

People who ask this question are impatient morons who will be asking this question for the rest of their lives because they would rather do nothing than actually come up with a plan.

>> No.842211

I mean college degrees are a scam. I'm set next year once I finish up getting certs as well as finishing trade school.

For now though, I need something transient that I can make some good money. Shit, I'll work 80 hours a week, I don't care. Heard bartending is pretty nice.

>> No.842213

>college degrees are a scam

How is an engineering degree a scam? You are instantly catapulted into an income bracket higher than half of the country.

>> No.842220


>> No.842226

Oversaturated market. Start at 50-65k/year roughly and have to work for years to get close to six figures, plus gotta pay off that debt.

Where as I'll be starting at the same point and as long as I get the proper certs, I can easily make the same without the debt

>> No.842233

This should be sticked at the top of the board.
If someone ACTUALLY wants to be better, they should be asking "what can I do to better myself?"

>> No.842238

I absolutely agree, we have too many threads like this.

>> No.842242

Hate to break it to you buddy, but if you are an American engineer you are pretty much screwed. Almost all the new jobs have been going to H1B Visa holders from Asia/India while other jobs get outsourced.

A tradesmen can make more money right off the bat and is more likely to have a stable job. Additionally, knowing a trade and knowing it well is a great way to establish your own business. Not to mention, if you aren't paying off student loans, all the extra money can always be used for investing.

Learn 2 money bro.

STEM =/= Big Payday.

>> No.842247

People who discourage others from college/university usually have an agenda.

>> No.842266

joke on you, last year i made 30k circa only with ads; no job no degree. :)

>> No.842276

seems to me that college are just another business;
self study and become very good at something and you're done.
Friend learned to program over the internet and became really good at it, now he's a indeterminable contract at a company, and funny thing their requiment number one was a degree when he submitted his CV.

>> No.842280

This is /biz/'s equivalent of /fit/'s "HOW DO I GET SHREDDED QUICK/HOW DO I GET TO TYLER DURDIN MODE?"

They need to make a better sticky and insta-delete these threads

>> No.842301

I think the easiest and most helpful step towards creating a sticky would be to post a list and brief summary of what the most common get rich quick schemes are, that way those unaware can easily recognize them when they see them.

>> No.842307

And the answer is actually the same: set goals, do your research, put in the work and dedication, reassess where you are at months down the road.

>> No.842313

I think that and general personal finance advice would be a good start. Most personal finance advice follows pretty similar guidelines. Basic shit like having 2 months income saved, getting a roth, growing your money with stocks while young, how to manage risks etc.

>> No.842320
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>Where as I'll be starting at the same point
>Shit, I'll work 80 hours a week
>shit healthcare
>shit vision
>shit dental
>shit 401k
>shit perks

no you won't
compensation is more than a number

>> No.842322

Same poster, I'll start with what I've become familiar with in the past few couple of years. Keep in mind that I am still a noob, but had I known about these systems before, I would have saved myself a lot of time.

- affiliate/referral marketing, typically in the form of MLM (multi-level marketing):
usually pure hype, and only those at the top make any real returns on investment (monetary + time). Requires constant recruiting because the services and/or products are shit tier.

- financial scams:
defrauding banks, companies, investors. ponzi schemes, pyramid schemes (I need to do more research). Even these take a while and are pretty much guaranteed to fall apart sooner or later.

- Get trained quick (usually online):
Good example of this would be (learn programming in 6 months (more like become low level code monkey) with my boot camp!

- Lastly, no matter how tempting, don't resort to crime. This is not the movies. The vast majority of criminals are caught eventually, and all that hard work amounts to nothing. An even luckier few get capitalize on that and became security consultants/experts. Even if you forever evade capture, you will be looking behind your back and dealing with bullshit. Any benefits are short term.

The only way to get relatively quickly is to be an entrepreneur doing something innovative, have a unique or exceptional marketable ability/skill, and, or to find a loophole or pattern no one has noticed (once the loophole gets patched and the pattern is learned, you're fucked though). The last method requires you to be on your toes constantly.

>> No.842329

I suppose the lazy as fuck method for guiding noobs would be to link to biz related subreddits. Like in the example you gave, just send them to http://www.reddit.com/r/personalfinance/

>> No.842363

>union benefits are shit

I'll be enjoying that big fat pension m8.

>> No.842795


>> No.842812

most unions dont have pensions anymore

>> No.842819

If you end up as one please make a sticky

Te only regular I know is the one that posts the fortnightly portfolio thread and he has Apple, blackberry and some other tech stocks.

>> No.842825

>If you end up as one please make a sticky
Yes we absolutely need a sticky we have the same 10 questions posted every day

>> No.842828

good read

>> No.842829

>how to get rich
>what should I invest in with $100
>how to stock trade
>what degree to be investment banker
>how do I make money online
>I'm a neet, how do I make money

I excuse the "should I buy stock X, help I'm a noob" because they typically end in discussion that is helpful

>> No.842832

>soooooo my ... died i just inherited ... how do i invest

>> No.842835

My motivation died, I just inherited $0, how should I invest all of that?

>> No.842837

what is the best field to go into these days?

>> No.842838

Gender studies

>> No.842848


So we even have a janitor?

Have a feeling someone breezes through here from time to time and does what they want...

>> No.842849
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>> No.842851


>> No.842854

Sucking dick studies.

>> No.842865
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Rare Pepe Investing

>> No.842912

My turnover is closer to $300,000 yearly. The rest of your post was just the blithering of an idiot kill yourself

>> No.842932

Philosophy of Memetics

>> No.842943

your parents doesnt count

>> No.842950

Don't project your parents onto me. My dad went to Oxford university and is far from well off so I have learned something from that.

>> No.842956

With respect, this is why this board needs a sticky explaining basic principles and a suggested reading list of books and online material.

When perhaps 80% of threads are variants on
>How should I invest
>How to get highest rate of return
>I need a job/short term cash
>Explain cryptocurrencies pls
>How does trading work
>What books should I read
>What degree should I do
then you know there's a need for a FAQ.

>> No.842957

Buy zero blowjobs

>> No.842962


>> No.842966

There have been many attempts, I've been here a year. No mods react, probably because a mod has to validate the sources given on a sticky, and if a mod would be educated enough to validate the articles/tuts/tips he probably wouldn't be here.
this was the outcome of the threads before.

So my guess is that a /biz/ starter general of some sort is probably the most we can get

>> No.843115

>There have been many attempts, I've been here a year. No mods react, probably because a mod has to validate the sources given on a sticky, and if a mod would be educated enough to validate the articles/tuts/tips he probably wouldn't be here.
That's a good point

>> No.844113


>> No.844480

>I make over $150,000 annually, as well as over $50,00 in assets, also a doctor in this and that, own 17 houses and 203043 cars
basically everyone on /biz/ ^

>> No.844484

>He isn't a young prodigy

>> No.844487

>My turnover is closer to $300,000 yearly.
teach me fgt instead of being an internet badass

>> No.845566

speaking of ways to make easy money what does /biz/ think about selling proxy (counterfeit) magic the gathering cards as the real deal on craigslist?

>> No.845570
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Go for it. However, don't come cryin to /biz/ when you get one of these guys on your ass.

>> No.846422

It is possible.

>> No.847205

Is that supposed to be impressive?

>> No.847208

Nah we don't want them. We treat them the same over there.

>> No.847218

Which degree should I get in order to find a job?

>> No.847279

Do a bachelor in Applied Math, then a masters in Quantitative Finance and Actuary Science.

>> No.847296



>> No.847305

I don't know, having a sticky would really go someway to defeating them a bit.

Biz was ruined by them.

>> No.847428

sssh let the man child believe what he wants to believe.... he has already proved he is an idiot with his misconceptions about engineering