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8424800 No.8424800 [Reply] [Original]

>look up any successful businessman or CEO


>> No.8424869


Pro-tip: when are are a member of (((the tribe))) you get access to contacts, positions, opportunities and capital that are off limits to the goyim.

Women, nigs and SJWs are then told that it is rich white men who have power and money monopolised which allows members of the tribe to dodge any criticism and deflect rage onto you.

>> No.8424954

Jewish people have on average a 15 point higher IQ than retard whites.
>omfg if theyre successful it must be because of some vast conspiracy!!111
This is just like when wypipo thought that Jewish people were responsible for the black plague because they didm't get sick even though it was actually because Jewish people were smart enough to wash their hands and have basic hygiene at the tike.

>> No.8424996
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>Jewish people have on average a 15 point higher IQ than retard whites

>> No.8425105

>unsourced, outdated, unspecific statistic
just what i would expect

>The average IQ score of Ashkenazi Jews has been calculated to be from a range of 110–115, higher than any other ethnic group in the world.

>Taking all five studies into account, it is proposed that the best reading of the IQ of Jews in Britain is 110.

>A Jewish average IQ of 115 is 8 points higher than the generally accepted IQ of their closest rivals—Northeast Asians—and approximately 40% higher than the global average IQ of 79.1 calculated by Richard Lynn and Tatu Vanhanen in IQ and Global Inequity.

>> No.8425140
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>literally provided 8 sources

>> No.8425164

>Jewish people have on average a 15 point higher IQ than retard whites.
So? Why does that matter when they are out numbered like 50:1. That means that even if your average Jew is smarter there are still more high IQ whites due to population size, not that hard to figure out Solomon, we know .

>> No.8425167


If they're so stupid why do you spend so much time whining about their dominance? Something doesn't add up

>> No.8425168

America is 2% jewish and 60% white. 2% is ~6 millon jews and 60% is 200 million whites. EVEN if EVERY jew had an IQ of 125 (which is 95th percentile), that would STILL mean that there has to be at least 10 million whites who would be at the 95th percentile.

How can jews, no matter how high IQ they have, have so much influence when they are only 2% minority? There are MORE smart white people than JEWS in America. That's because there are MORE white people in America, then why are there MORE JEWS who occupy high status and influential jobs?

>> No.8425176

you must have sub 80 IQ. sad!

>> No.8425188

This tbqh

>> No.8425193

That column on the right in his image shows the sources.

>> No.8425203

You realize that Israel is 20% Arab right? Also that it's only around 1/3rd Ashkenazi Jewish. Sephardic Jews on average have the same average IQ as Germans(99)

>> No.8425204

Nice false flag thread leftypol. Really making those poltards look like idiots

>> No.8425211

>There are MORE smart white people than JEWS in America.
holy shit, the absolute state of delusional wypipo

>> No.8425266

Also this

>> No.8425294

>So? Why does that matter when they are out numbered like 50:1.
THAT IS MY EXACT POINT! I have been thinking about this for very long and NO ONE has every mentioned it. Even if the average IQ of Jews would be 125, EVEN THEN they would be outnumbered by smart white people. You see how ridiculous this excuses seems once you dig deeper?

>> No.8425305

someone with an actual IQ of 130 would never think that the pic you posted is quality evidence

>> No.8425358
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It had 8 sources you fucking retard

>> No.8425376


Nice deflection. It's pretty obvious nepotism is how they get such high tier positions, not by intelligence.

>> No.8425377

>I have been thinking about this for very long and NO ONE has every mentioned it
I noticed that too, it's one of the biggest holes in the "it's not nepotism its high IQ" argument. If you just take population size into account and the fact that whites still have tons of high IQ members that would not only match the Jewish population person per person but it would also exceed it because again there are more of us. I've noticed more people using it though since once you put to and to together it only makes sense that nepotism would be the reasonable explanation.

>> No.8425412

I'm not saying there are not smart Jews but the amount of whites around them means there are just more smart whites by default. We know its nepotism Solomon, nobody it buying your bullshit.

>> No.8425435

I believe the truth is somewhere between high iq and EXTREME tribalism. White people are not very tribal. They are actually anti-tribal in a sense. The current state of Europe is proof. If you combine high IQ with extreme tribalism, you get the jews.

>> No.8425474

>If you combine high IQ with extreme tribalism, you get the Jews.
You forgot neurosis and the idea that they it's not their actions they are hated for, it's just random irrational jealous gentiles beating up on them for no reason kek

>> No.8425514

Jews are awesome though

>> No.8425544

Even Jews don't like Jews lmao, they refuse to move to Israel most times because then they would just start Jewing each other.

>> No.8425554


Like I said here:


It is because they are highly tribal in nature, and have close connections to their in group whilst revulsion towards the out group.

It literally says in the Torah that gentiles are cattle to be used.

This allows for nepotism and looking out for one another, which is amplified due to their small population size.

Europeans and whites are fragmented socially and do not have a strong in group preference. In fact they are actively taught that having an in group preference is MORALLY WRONG and that they are disgusting racists in they think in such a manner, despite the ones brainwashing them to think this doing the EXACT SAME THING.

>> No.8425560

>it's just random irrational jealous gentiles beating up on them for no reason kek
this is unironically true t. past few thousand years of history

also wypipo are EXTREMELY tribal do we not remember any of the horrifically racist acts wypipo committed throughout history or that theres only been 1 non-fully-white president in american history (and 0 jewish ones)
wypipo: more tribal, stupider
jewish people: less tribal (still a little bit out of necessity due to being a persecuted minority), smarter

>> No.8425634

White can be and have been very tribal too in the past. The results have been: Ancient Greece, Rome, British Empire, NAZI Germany etc. What I mean to say is that, because there are MORE smart white people than smart Jews, if you get whites to become tribal, you will get something the Jews collectively could never compete with.

>> No.8425636

Even if Jews are much more nepotistic than whites, given that there are many more whites than Jews, there must be more hyper-nepotistic whites than there are hyper-nepotistic Jews, in absolute numbers.

>> No.8425645

>this is unironically true t. past few thousand years of history
Yeah nobody is forgetting Wiemar or all the blood libel anytime soon Solomon, but stay neurotic, it suit you. Haha a Jew would step over 1000 dying gentiles to get to one uncomfortable Jew to comfort him, thank god you slimy fucks are going to be go extinct to at the rate your population is declining and that even if whites die your not subverting Asia because you can't blend in and they don't have souls either so no "muh holocaust" to play against them:)

>> No.8425651

A good example of kikery is the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Despite making up a tiny proportion of the population of the USSR, literally all of the (((Russian))) oligarchs which plundered state resources for their own gain are kikes with kike associates who were also beneficiaries.

>> No.8425653

>all ages less than 15
>only adults are italians, scoring over 100
Moving the goalposts like a nigger

>> No.8425674

Dragged down by Arabics living in Israel, you fucking retard

>> No.8425676


You just redpilled yourself.

>why do Jews actively promote multiculturalism and cultural Marxism

>> No.8425697


They will try to scuttle away to Israel from their New York penthouses and be confronted with a population made up of Arab looking low IQ mizrahim Jews and literal nigs on bicycles everywhere.

Seriously was in in Israel in 2015 and the amount of Ethiopian and Somali refugees in south Tel Aviv was fucking mindblowing,

>> No.8425705

80% jews, 20% arabs.

>> No.8425706

>You just redpilled yourself.
Hahaha, I just realized when you mentioned it.

>> No.8425709

>there must be more hyper-nepotistic whites than there are hyper-nepotistic Jews, in absolute numbers.
Nope, Nepotism is something Jewish culture emphasizes because of being "persecuted" and needing to stick together. Whites are hyper individualistic, if they had a high in-group preference then white countries like Sweden wouldn't let Muslims and blacks in where Israel is actively kicking out a bunch of blacks asap because of their in group preference.

>> No.8425714

>forgets that people like Disney and Ford hated the Jews

>> No.8425719

>Italy's children scored higher than the adults by 1 point
You were saying?

>> No.8425728

That corresponds to reality, though. In reality the US is controlled probably somewhere between 20-40% by Jews, the rest mostly by whites, just as one would expect given IQ.

>> No.8425745
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Even Hitler was partly Jewish

>> No.8425763

You don't understand what I'm saying. No matter how individualist whites are on average, one can still expect that there would be millions of very nepotistic whites.

>> No.8425767

>different tests
Gee, I don't know

>> No.8425776
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>Seriously was in in Israel in 2015 and the amount of Ethiopian and Somali refugees in south Tel Aviv was fucking mindblowing,
And that's beautiful! Can't wait until the blacks really are the real Jews, they will be if interbreeding keeps up kek

>> No.8425797

I'll explain it for a brainlet
>Italy's children scored higher than israels children

>> No.8425823

It's not a meme.

They do this on purpose by the way. They want every ""successful"" or genius person to be attributed to them for the history books. They are playing the LONG CON here folks. In a thousand years when people look back and see, "wow, another jew? these guys must have been geniuses!"

They did it to Bobby Fischer, the chess grandmaster. IQ probably 150.

He vocally hated Jews, more so than fucking goebells himself... but after he died they FUD'd his life and claimed his dad was another man and actually he was a Jew.

>> No.8425827

Poetic justice, karma is real

>> No.8425852

The Jews share their truth on how to make a dime

Most whites nigs pajeets and gooks only try to scam each other, and thus are inferior by money making nature because of selfishness

>> No.8425894

Kike spotted. Jews used Kabbalah black magic to get to every high position

>> No.8425920

>wypipo are EXTREMELY tribal
Stopped reading there, whites are the only race not practicing any sort of tribalism, white society is individualistic

Stop pretending to be black you’re a kike

>> No.8425946

Kabbalah black magic is what they used to get there buddy

>> No.8425989

>whites are the only race not practicing any sort of tribalism
Not entirely true but I know where you're coming from

>> No.8425997

Individualism is a trick used by the jews to morally subvert whites. I used to be libertarian, until I figured it is just a meme perpetrated by jews.

Moderate tribalism is ideal, not too much and not too little. Whites have no morals anymore. Everything is relative. Them and We doesn't exist anymore.

>> No.8426014


>> No.8426033

White tribalism
>take our land
>take our jobs
>take our money
>take our votes
>breed our women
>don’t be an antisemite
>don’t be a racist
>races don’t exist
>white doesn’t exist

>> No.8426035







>> No.8426067

I think you'll find that the majority of Whites are against all that, but the people don't have a say in the zog cuck policies

>> No.8426094

Probably, we’ve been ruled by the shadowkike so long we don’t know which way is up.

>> No.8426141

>>the country many don’t but even there support for Israel is near universal, despite their long history of attacking our country, bribing our officials, blackmailing our officials, drugging our people, sending niggers for our wives, etc, etc

>> No.8426143
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>> No.8426162
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>> No.8426205

bubba they ran the federal reserve for 100 years to print money for jews and rob everyone else. all they do is buyout successful corps and install jews and claim jews are great. did a jew make disney heelll no, did they buy it and take over? yes. why googole fakebook and all the others got billions in funding while the white guys with better code got fucked? no money. its easy to install jews at the top of every corp in the stock market when you control the money and all the cops get paid in your monolopy money scam

>> No.8426269


Anyone who’s ever really thought about inflation knows, it’s literally theft.
>make 100$ after taxes, give 2 to the Jew

>> No.8426282

Holy shit anon. Now it all makes sense. Suckerberg's code is shit but he got a ton of funding coz he is a jew and fb took off.

>> No.8426298


>> No.8426319

This thread is an outrage, please mods, close it down before people start getting hurt. This is not a good discussion to have. People just blame Jews for their problems. That's it, end of story.

>> No.8426328
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6 million jews you say?

>> No.8426388

do you really think that?

>> No.8426398

well you're just a low iq goy so.... you should go back to europe with the rest of you uncivilized monkeys.

>> No.8426438

>Disney is now owned by and exploited by Jews
how can a business withstand the assault of persistent kikery?

>> No.8426448

not only do jews have higher iqs but they are also natural born merchants, business is their thing. Even the bible highlights their trading abilities.

>> No.8426458

I'm still mad about that. Bobby deserved better.

>> No.8426503

Jews are natural born merchants just like blacks are only 14% of the population but 90% of proffesional athletes, they are natural born athletes. Jews are meant for business.

>> No.8426508

What puzzles me the most is that there have been many instances in history where jews hate and distrust their own kind. Look at Soros, he is practically banned from entering israel and he is hated by most jews. Chomsky is banned too. I have seen jew vs. jew conflict many times. Why is that? Is it yet another trick to fool whites into thinking that jews are NOT tribal?

>> No.8426524

Ford is still majority family owned

>> No.8426531

goyim too competitive to benefit from nepotism.

>> No.8426575

50% of Americans hate Trump, he was even banned from the UK. Does that means whites are tribalistic?

>> No.8426601

No, I already said that whites are anti-tribal.

>> No.8426612

Just to give you an idea how money hungry they are. In order to be considered Jewish your mother has to be one. Now lets look at Trump, his two older sons are married to Jewish women which means the children are now Jewish. Ivanka (even though not accepted by them) converted and her children are Jewish. Trumps youngest daughter is dating a Jewish lawyer and you can look her up on IG and see for yourself. By the time that orange clown is dead all his money will be Jewish money. Now apply that logic to anything that generates money and you'll know just how evil these people are.

>> No.8426631

Leftist jews vs right wing jews
Trump was never banned from the UK. They had a talk about it because of some petition but they decided against it because they didn't want to end up in the position of having the president of their ally banned from the uk

>> No.8426634


Yes they are literally the Borg and morph into their host culture by this matrial lineage scam.

Even if Israel is invaded and conquered by Arabs and the women raped, their rape offspring would still be Jews unless every single female was killed.

>> No.8426637

so why is your example of why Jews are tribalistic something that can be observed by ANY other group of people? How many white people do white people killed during the world wars?What does that got to do with being tribal?

>> No.8426647

>not converting to Judaism just for the profits

Never going to make it

>> No.8426665

Same. What a guy

>> No.8426697

They have a 15 point advantage in aggregate IQ, but their verbal abilities are off the charts at 125 or higher. This is what allows them to dominate all media. We are basically livestock in comparison

>> No.8426722

>Kabbalah black magic is what they used to get there buddy
this is probably as close to the truth as this thread is gonna get. you ppl would be surprised at what goes behind closed doors and when all the smart phones are turned off.

>> No.8426808

elaborate pls
do they use qliphoth?

>> No.8426822

yep. dont worry, our children will be forced to copulate with low iq niggers from africa so they will be blissfully ignorant, unlike us

>> No.8426851
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inb4 this thread 404’s....

>> No.8426859
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>> No.8426926


Moloch needs his sacrifices

>> No.8426937

Seriously be quiet about that stuff. You’ll be targeted just for speaking of their plans.

>> No.8426952
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maybe jews just have better parents that raise them to have values that lead to success. get out, pol faggots.

>> No.8427004
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>family life is the key to jewish dominance
>if whites become trannies and black fathers don't stick around and asians ruin their children, then jews automatically have the leg up

>> No.8427060
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Europeans have persecuted jews so many times. Why are you that surprised to know that the jews give priority to helping one another over other tribes?
It's called nepotism. White racists used to do the same thing in the past, while at the same time sabotaging other peoples (including the jewish people). Don't be mad at jews, just because they were able to ascend to the top even though there are so few of them in the world.
NEPOTISM: the practice among those with power or influence of favoring relatives or friends, especially by giving them jobs. Also known as "favoritism".
You are just jealous of jews, because they live in brotherhood with one another. The jews have also greatly helped the other oppressed minorities, by fighting for their civil rights and the rights of women.
You are just mad because your evil has failed and the jews have saved humanity from your barbaric ways. I prefer jews in power than barbarians. I hope we see more of this jewish, native american and black partnership in the future. Jewish nepotism has unironically saved humanity from the euro-devil. U mad bro? Git gud.

>> No.8427121
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Bernie Sanders is considered a traitor to the tribe because he is against Palestinian genocide

>> No.8427154
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>> No.8427261

Jews flock to professions where they can be middle men that skim off profits from the goyim:

Bankers, lawyers, insurance salesmen etc.

Decentralization in the form of automation, cryptocurrencies and smart contracts is one way of reducing their power hegemony.

>> No.8427300

They drag it down a lot son

>> No.8427368

Why are Neo-Nazis low iq, skin headed, monkey looking human trash?

Neo-Nazist have nothing in common with real nazist. Skinheads would be thrown in to the oven like every other decadent, non-contributing scum.

Can someone give me the relation between neo-nazism and nazism? Because I see non. I feel like neo-nazism is just a sub-group of punk rock or something.

>> No.8427392

haha stay mad cuck. you will NEVER defeat the jewish people. god is with them.

>> No.8427399

>Muh institutional racism against whites by jews!

You guys are complaining like niggers.

>> No.8427403
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>go to his hometown temple make sure he checks out with the Rabbi
>Rabbi confirmed? Give him the contacts.

>> No.8427683

At least once the Jews kill all the white they will start killing each other. Jews are hate incarnate and have nothing good in them.

>> No.8427717

lol dirty fucking kike spotted.. i wonder if these jews have any idea how fucking nuts they sound when the spew this kind of bullshit

>> No.8427849

i think this is fucking incredible. their disenfranchising campaign has spread to their own people. talk about justing your own fucking people. jews with their tiny little cocks missing all their forskin are nothing compared to the horse hung black cocks. they cant compete. it will ruin their entire "race" within 25 years. there will only be mixed jews in the future.

>> No.8427891

What's your race you disgusting cuck?

>> No.8428126

There are many ethiopian israelis and other dark skinned israeli tribes. The ashkenazim are a minority of the israeli tribes. Those ethiopian, egyptian and somali israelis are of the same bloodline as any other israeli. they are of the same family (the bloodline of israel). they are not doing harm to their bloodlines by mixing with one another. as a matter of fact, the prophecy predicts that all the tribes of israel will live together in the promised land, when the messiah comes. Those who hate ashkenazi jews and the african tribes of israel are the enemies of god. you cannot win against the chosen people.

>> No.8428326

That's uh, a nice sample size of 10 you've got there, retard.

>> No.8428360

There's not a vast conspiracy, it's just that Jewish culture gives high preference to working with their own kind.

>> No.8428518
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Non Jew here that successfully outjewed two highly successful jews. They get really freaked out and want nothing to do with you if you can achieve this. It isn't hard. Just assume they're up to something and always have a plan B

>> No.8428542



>> No.8428591

They should all live with their own kind too then and fuck off to Israel