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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 144 KB, 845x1522, bezos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8419556 No.8419556 [Reply] [Original]

Fuck Jeff Bezos!

If you support this lunatic, off yourself.

>> No.8419585

>that third panel
Based late stage capitalism

>> No.8419634

You were welcome to start a better website than Amazon at the same time as him, Pay everyone twice as much as him and pay taxes.

>> No.8419637

I’ve said it many times before irl, Bezos is out of control and something needs to be done!

>> No.8419640


>tfw work for Amazon and nobody likes him, not even the GMs

lmao this guy is seen as a dick by everyone, even from people in his own company. This guy has so much wealth he wouldn't be able to spend it all in several lifetimes, and still feels compelled to get more from sheer greed.

>> No.8419654

>you should be satisfied because I say so!

>> No.8419662

What's wrong with making as much money as possible? It's probably just a game to him now, but how is that unethical?

>> No.8419667

>implying the end goal of having money is to have more money

>> No.8419685

hope you're not talking about the subreddit because that is some of the saddest, most delusional collection i've people i've ever seen. And that says something considering I browse biz.

>> No.8419708


Actually I have no problem with him wanting money. It's just that he has such a bad reputation for being a dick that it's hilarious.

>> No.8419763


I've been on there once after it was mentioned here. Basically poorfag sour grapes, the subreddit. They ban people for using "ableist" language like "insane" and "crazy". Fucking lmao

>> No.8419822

Made up, or your work friends don't know shit about money.

He doesn't literally have 150bil in the bank sitting there and he's choosing not to pay workers, it's all in stocks. He can't start dumping shares, it's bad for the company.

stop being a moron. 150bil is the value of his assets, not his cash in the bank;

>> No.8419842
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>leftists will never, ever EVER understand the difference between profit and revenue

>> No.8419907
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>he still thinks life is a zero sum game

>> No.8419930
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>a rising tide lifts all boats

>> No.8419952

who here /amazon intern/ this summer?

>> No.8419972


Not made up. We have an all hands meeting every month and Bezos has been made fun of before by the GM giving the speech. Personally I don't care if he becomes the richest person in all of humanity as long as my Amazon shares keep growing, I've accumulated a lot of them from working at the company for awhile.

>> No.8419982

>only available with fiat

>> No.8420020

he will reinvest in space, good deal for humanity

just bought 100.000 bezos

>> No.8420065
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>mouthbreathing rightwingers are so cucked they are okay with some faggot conning them into paying the wages of the workforce that made him rich
b-but at least the poor have it worse amirite?

hahahaha so fucking cucked man.

>> No.8420091


If you suddenly surpassed Bill Gates in wealth.
What would you do:

>continue being the richest man on the planet?
>pay your workers more and drop down the ladder?

>> No.8420092
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>people shouldn't do things I personally don't approve of

>> No.8420101

I'm a shareholder.

>> No.8420114

based bezos. If you could get away with it you would too. Fucking soviets

>> No.8420120

im billy G but whatever lets you sleep at night.

>> No.8420140

the second one because it makes no difference to me, my family or their families and at the very least it lets me sleep peacefully knowing my workers aren't literally jumping off of buildings

>> No.8420150

>someone did something good some time ago
>we must allow him to assrape everyone till the end of time

>> No.8420159

>Bezos has been made fun of before by the GM giving the speech

Poor him, I wonder if that keeps him up awake or if the $150,000,000,000 helps him sleep

>> No.8420192

So you would willingly give away money.

Okay, do you do this now?
Do you give money to beggars?

If you are no throwing away your money now, for no apparent reason. What makes you think you would do that if you had more of it?

>> No.8420195


Technically neither matters because the amount of wealth he has is enough that he doesn't have to give a fuck about anything.


I'll admit most GMs I've seen are just butthurt they get paid a pittance compared to others (they still make 100k a year but that's really nothing compared to the higher ups).

>> No.8420216

bezos who... how about you destroy the federal reserve before you worry about this amateur

>> No.8420245
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>Okay, do you do this now?
yep, I give away 0.0000001 cents to every beggar I see.
am I not just the most generous guy you know?

>> No.8420263
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>> No.8420280

hes a jew, what did you expect?

>i take it you dont know anything about the jews...

>> No.8420297

Ah that makes sense then.

>> No.8420299


Dude, the banks are scared AF of guys like Bezos. The real redpill is recognizing they’re not worried about crypto liberating “muh unbanked”, it’s Silicon Titans like Amazon and Facebook who will start offering checking accounts and letting you send money through their own platforms.

>> No.8420312
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>govt ruins everything it controls


>> No.8420331

the weak should fear the strong

>> No.8420397

>he thinks that beezos control anything

The investors are the ones who make the rules, if someone dare to say "raise wages because it's the right thing to do" he will get fired in seconds.

No man rules alone.

>> No.8420421

they are not strong if they aren't feared

>> No.8420483

ooga booga
pol and biz seem to hate niggers but they sure seem to love regressing all the same

>> No.8420521


I'm an Amazon investor and shareholder. If some dumb faggot even mentioned in a meeting that we should raise wages because Shaniquya who works 12 hours shifts at the Amazon warehouse for minimum wage needs a $2/hr raise in order to buy her nigglet medications, I would have fired his ass on the spot and made sure that NO ONE else would ever hire him again.

>> No.8420529

Because he makes money from underpaying workers and having the government subsidize him via foodstamps. He also avoids paying taxes on his massive profits through accounting tricks.

>> No.8420579

but he has a nice website and delivers novelty bullshit quickly and cheaply!

>> No.8420590


I have know someone who works at an Amazon warehouse and they make well above minimum wage anyway. I think night shifts start at $15 in some places and they get the exact same medical as us in the IT sector (yes I know that's already hard to believe lmao).
They are actually getting treated very well compared to most other companies, the only thing they complain about is the work being hard on their bodies which is... well expected for a warehouse job. Plus Amazon pays for their education so at least they can move upward (provides cheap CDL too).

>> No.8420598

god I wish i was even 10% bezos

>> No.8420607

Depends... is this more generous than giving .01 to 1 of every 5000 beggars?

>> No.8420627

>says the goy fearing for his government taxes and the jew employer that owns his ass

>> No.8420677

It's weird that people think the extremely rich only care about being even more extremely rich. The extremely rich are actual super autists that accumulate wealth like you would accumulate resources in an RTS. His goal isn't money.

>> No.8420722

Bix nood

>> No.8420736

If you hate it quit

>> No.8420792


If you read my later posts I mention how I don't really care if he's rich or not. I wouldn't quit my job unless I found a much better one, and I have yet to find one. I think you confused my post for hating on him because he seeks more wealth and is greedy (you would have to be greedy to be as wealthy as him, no doubt).

>> No.8420808

>being this fucking retarded

>> No.8420829

great argument you fat idiot

>> No.8420896

does Bezos has his dick sucked on the regular? he's immense wealth doesn't seem enough to offset his immense spazziness and straight up betatude

>> No.8420898

The vast majority of humanity for virtually all of human history earned the adjusted modern equivalent of about $1k per year. You are sadly mistaken if you think those are the people that make capitalists able to give value. Look at all the things created by people looking to profit and observe the effect the creation has had on the productivity, or GDP of humanity. Once you realize that the model t the Apple 1 the prospective drawing and the steam engine are the motors which have driven the increase in human livelihood, to must accept that it is their creators that are making humanity rich, not vice verse. And once you accept that, you must conclude that your whole life and morality are nothing but one gigantic lie. Let go.

>> No.8420911

Alex Jones recently interviewed a supposed Amazon warehouse employee. Do not buy clothes off of Amazon, they repurpose and repair returned goods, often without cleaning them properly.

>> No.8420929

Being greedy is the best quality a man can have.

>> No.8420952

I was greedy and got fucked on crypto.

>> No.8420978

just another asshole. they grow like weeds.

>> No.8420994


However people either have sour grapes or lick his nuts for it. There's no in-between. The people in his own company do one or the other, usually the warehouse workers tend to hate him the most, despite being dependent on Amazon to continue having a living standard that's above minimum wage.

Greed can be good, and it can also destroy a man completely. I personally don't hate him or have much thought about him though, other than him being greedy.

>> No.8421008

nobody is ever satisfied from the acquisition of wealth you fucking brainlet. I see retards on here all the time with this mindset. "Once I get to X million my life will be complete." Nobody has a say in this matter. You are a slave to neurotransmitters in your brain. There is no amount of money that will make you happy. The pleasure arises during anticipation of reward, and incredibly briefly during attainment. Then you habituate. The same mechanisms as a drug addict. That is how the dopaminergic system works and we can literally plot the release on a graph down to the minute.

>> No.8421063


>> No.8421075

what exactly is your point you crab-eating canadian, stop being so jealous of other peoples success and if you think they should spend their money differently then become rich yourself and spend your money in whatever "altruistic" manner you desire. Maybe go build a shelter for niggers or whatever it is people like you want to do

>> No.8421077

yes that is why all the silicone valley iphone devs are coming out 10 years later (now that they have children of their own), saying that they completely destroyed the social fabric for profit.

iphone did not improve anyone's life. You trick yourself into thinking it did because it fits your retarded ideology. If all the apple products disappeared right now, many people's quality of life would diminish. But that is a different argument. You despair over what was lost, not what you never had. Is your quality of life worse because you don't have a robot that wipes your ass for you? No. It's the same with the iphone to anyone who lived 40 years ago. Nobody suffered because it didn't exist.

>> No.8421101

hahaha you stupid projecting fuck. That was my first post in this thread. I didn't even state a position either way. But you reflexively post irrelevant nonsense because your worldview was threatened

>> No.8421133

Anyone claiming otherwise is a resentful loser who can't admit to themselves they are just upset someone else has what they could never attain. These resentful losers unsurprisingly tend to interact mainly with other resentful losers who reassure each other they are right dragging each other down and their whole life becomes a negative feedback loop.

>> No.8421141

Who's Jeff Bezos?
Never heard of him... An author?

>> No.8421152

>nobody is ever satisfied from the acquisition of wealth you fucking brainlet

I don't understand why you're so confident in that when it's objectively false. I would be satisfied with a few million, I'd never need to work again and could live off dividends doing whatever I want. I live pretty frugally and have no desire to do expensive shit so I'd be perfectly content with my life at that point. I could win the lottery and my life would be nearly identical, except I'd do fun things instead of going to work.

>> No.8421164

I remember reading somewhere that ceos are dicks.

But tech CEO really are the biggest dicks in the world.

>> No.8421168


I have quite a bit in crypto and I don't feel that's the case. How can you be resentful for something you've never experienced? Once I experienced true wealth but lost it all, THAT'S when I started to feel something like resentment.

>> No.8421183

you are proving my point you dumb fuck. Because in that scenario, the money is a means to an end rather than an end in itself.

>> No.8421204

>How can you be resentful for something you've never experienced?
Have a quick browse of >>>/r9k/ and you might understand. It isn't logical, its jealousy caused by other peoples positions relative to your own.

>> No.8421240

so you're saying anyone who attempts to make a genuine criticism is just a resentful loser? Holy fuck you are retarded

>> No.8421252

he's just a frontman for the CIA Amazon project, he doesn't really have all that money. He's an actor and the company has never been profitable. It's a big joke, he's a jew from bloodline Gise.

>> No.8421263

Profit is better than “social fabric” whatever that is. The fact that you are posting here using a computer means that you have in fact chosen to live using the benefits provided to you by the capitalists. Therefore you can be their equals in spirit by not looting and earning your honest way in the works or renounce modernity and go live in the woods yourself and see what life is like with no logic and no tools. You will die very quickly the second way and your whole line will disappear as you deserve.

>> No.8421295

Off yourself is not a genuine criticism my simian anthropoid internet acquaintance

>> No.8421334

I don't get how people have the energy to build billion dollar companies, I would stop after 10mil networth and retire
t. low energy

>> No.8421362

>"whatever that is"
destruction of social fabric is the reason why we live in a fragmented, polarized society. The iphone, social media, and all the related things are responsible for this, as well as much of the skyrocketing depression/suicide, and "ADHD" that seems to afflict 50% of generation Z.

the rest of what you're saying is just ideological strawman rhetoric. Fuck off

>> No.8421390


>> No.8421417

this. that subreddit is pure cringe.

>> No.8421432

No? Late stage capitalism involves putting communists (like you) in mass graves.

>> No.8421518

the strong face you up front, always...
these tricks are of weak men...
successful men, nonetheless...men i'd like to emulate in the financial sector, i give you that.

but apart from that, pure, UTTER, weakness, personified... make no mistake.

>> No.8421551

Do you have one single fact that links a so called destruction of a so called social fabric to greater unhappiness? Because I have this http://www.columbia.edu/~le93/nuclear.pdf a large peer reviewed objective study that proves nuclear families, those that are private personal chosen and selfish have a much greater success rate in raising happy healthy and successful children than those large extended families who put being in a “social fabric” ahead of their individual needs. Greed is good. Selfishness is good. Instead it is an ever exploding “social fabric” destroying our way of life

>> No.8421658

retard, he is sick

>> No.8421668

and you don't think technology contributes to that at all? How fucking dumb are you? Listen to yourself talk. I only ever meet people this entrenched in ideology on the internet, because most are afraid to look this retarded IRL.

Why is it that the co-founder of facebook, some of the original snapchat devs, and one of the first IOS devs are all coming out saying that they helped destroy culture? They literally designed this shit to waste as much of your time as possible. Crack for the brain. And they market it to children. Yes, that would never have any societal implications.

>> No.8421687

you're one of those people whose opinions idiots write thesis papers on and praise because they think you're so smart, ain'chya?
what the fuck are you even doing on /biz/

>> No.8421704

>destruction of social fabric is the reason why we live in a fragmented, polarized society.
Increased inequality due to a more complex world where the individuals involved have more opportunities to display their differences in ability has led to losers losing harder. If you and Jeff Benzos or whatever other scapegoat for your problems were put on a desert island he at most may make a nicer hut than you. In the modern world if I dropped both of you in a ciry where you didn't know anyone and gave you both 1 milion dollars and had a race to see who could turn it into 2 million dollars he would demolish you in competition.

>> No.8421729
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>become extremely successful
>people hate you because you did something they cant
lul, libtards&commies are funny

>> No.8421735
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>Richest person in the world

You ignorant faggot

>> No.8421755

>They literally designed this shit to waste as much of your time as possible. Crack for the brain. And they market it to children.
Then don't let your kids use it and if it is truely so bad your kids will have an edge over the kids who do.
New threats are new opportunities.

>> No.8421789

the craziest part to me is:

>be richest man in the world
>personally buy the Washington Post, a central source of "truth" for the population
>hire John Podesta and other scumbags to be contributers
>push extreme anti-Trump narrative daily for over a year

>> No.8421801

>Then don't let your kids use it
>making parenting even harder than it is now

>> No.8421822

Probably because Trump knows all the tricks and is going to rip Amazon multiple new assholes after he deals with the swamp.

>> No.8421838

Exactly. I desire parenting to be harder so that I can compete on a higher level. If it is harder the gap between good and bad parents is wider. If you want to make parenting easier you clearly doubt your ability to raise higher quality progeny than your competitors.

>> No.8421846
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>> No.8421853

>evidence from Bangladesh

Ok Rasheed, we get it, you desperately need money to pay your plumbing bills.

Please keep telling us how building Amazon was so fucking difficult it justifies paying starvation wages to a massive amount of people. This all makes total sense.

>> No.8421859

do you have an actual argument in there? I spent 6 months studying this for my degree

This shit has existed for a decade and only now are intelligent studies actually being performed to document any of this. There was hardly any public outcry 5 years ago. But you are the perfect rational agent and know everything. Get fucking real idiot

>> No.8421876

I work for their tech sector and they pay ridiculously well, at least 1.5x other competitors.

>> No.8421907

it means that you live in a sheltered shithouse and can afford to safeguard your kids from every form of harm WHILE making it impossible to do so for those less affluent.

You're just abusing your social status/wealth to have better kids making the gap wider.

>> No.8421914

I knew of the dangers of facebook five years ago because I am so well read on psychology and understood facebook is a skinner box the second I saw people use it. Inferior and lesser read minds didn't. Increased competition allows smart people to do better than silly people.

>> No.8421924

How are the sales on ToysRUS.com doing?

It worked for book sales why not toys cmon

>> No.8421938

>You're just abusing your social status/wealth to have better kids making the gap wider.
Yes, and lions abuse gazelles to have better kids and make the gap wider.

>> No.8421945

Is HQ2 coming to the east coast? I need better pay, work for a unicorn startup that pays shit (IT as well)

>> No.8421961

That is the dumbest most kike ass response I have seen on biz in a long time. You deserve an execution.

>> No.8421970

You're not really the lion if you need to create an environment where this can come into play.

You're just a salty antelope who found a greener patch of pasture sabotaging everyone.

>> No.8422004

>and still feels compelled to get more from sheer greed.
Oh no, somebody stop him from creating more wealth!!!

>> No.8422039

The problem is not that capitalism is bad, it's that businessmen are clinically retarded. Workers need to be paid well not because they have some sort of collective proletariat right or whatever Bernie Sanders has shilled you, but because you get what you pay for; good dedicated workers are rare, so you'll want them to come to your company and keep them working for you and motivated by paying them well. The problem with rich people is not that they exploit others, it's that they're almost always retarded and are not good businessmen. Even those who didn't get govt privileges are like that.

t. ex-libertarian, now a centrist.

>> No.8422065

I'm only a contractor (like 90% of all Amazon employees) so I don't work for them officially, but they are building a shitload of sites on the east coast. I know because my boss is already bragging about the contracts.

I actually don't want hq2 here because the housing prices are already ridiculously expensive. I have a really bad feeling they're going to hq in DC.

>> No.8422076

You are almost right but you imply that success is attributed solely to luck and fucking people over. It doesn't matter if that is true or not the result is the same either way so I guess it doesn't matter.

>> No.8422079

this really needs to be said more

>> No.8422095


I have no problem with greed (read my posts).
Greed is good until it destroys you and everyone around you. For now I don't see an issue with Amazon, it's culling the competition pretty well. Bezos is a dick though.

>> No.8422105

Typical response of someone who is an absolute non-entity. Here’s a pro tip. As race realists have proven, criminalizing or punishing the speakers of truth will not change the hard reality of the truth. The only death you can impose by pretending you did not understand exactly what I said is the same one the left imposes every time it tells us diversity is strength. The death of your own mind, which for a man eventually leads to the death of the rest of him.

>> No.8422114

1) Being well read on psychology doesn't make you superior to everyone who understands it. It is statistical fact that there are parents with higher IQ than yours who don't know what a skinner box is

2) Synaptic pruning is a critical phase of child development and can never be re-done. If a child experiences the wrong types of stimulus their life outcomes will be fucked forever. Why should a person suffer because their parent, like 99% of the others were unable to predict the effects of the technology they use? Can you truthfully attribute all the blame to parents and none to the creators of this shit who worked 70 hours per week to circumvent them?

>> No.8422126

no need to keep artificial pittraps for growing children. Let them differentiate on the basis of shit that fucking matters. not things like heroin addiction resistance.

>> No.8422131

*everyone who doesn't understand it

>> No.8422153
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Why do all rich guys like him start becoming more attractive, or at least less ugly, as time passes and they become richer? Just look at Elon Musk, he was an ugly cunt and now he could steal my girlfriend like it was nothing with his looks. I don't get it.

>> No.8422171

If the employees of amazon are starving they are free to go find new jobs at any time they wish. There certainly are a lot more these days and those jobs are paying very well in part because services such as amazon have improved human productivity

>> No.8422178

>This guy has so much wealth he wouldn't be able to spend it all in several lifetimes, and still feels compelled to get more from sheer greed.
This is why he is the richest man in the world and how he got there through the sheer willpower to succeed, we should all learn a thing or two from him.

>> No.8422202

>Why should a person suffer because their parent, like 99% of the others were unable to predict the effects of the technology they use?
Why should people be born in a world with suffering at all? Why should the earth orbit the sun? Why is fire hot?
Some people will suffer, some will thrive. That is how the increased complexity of modern society works.

>> No.8422205

Good clothing, better smile, plastic surgeries, hair implants for Musk (or hair removal for Bezos). Normally they don't go the Kardashian way, they just give a little ups on their looks here and there, and 10 years later they look way better.

>> No.8422224
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exactly we live in a world closer to Zootopia than Lion King. It's the rodents who are the new kings of the jungle. Thanks democracy.

>> No.8422229

because when you're rich you can afford personal groomers and shit.

>> No.8422236

Elon Musk got botox and hair plugs

>> No.8422277
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Imagine having your head so deep inside your ass that you completely miss their point.
It's not about the fact that lucky people and people smart with their money and skills are able to become wealthy. That's perfectly okay and fair and fucking square.

What is not okay is that people like Jeff Bezos abusing the welfare system and paying the people that made them rich so little their small wages have to be subsidized by the government. And the government not having it's own money takes them from it's citizens. ie customer base of Jeff Bezos's company.

And what definitely is not okay is rightwing fucks so obsessed with making sure poor people have a shitty life they're willing to turn a blind eye to the fact that Jeffy abuses their fucking tax money to build his empire, which he later uses to drive his competition (aka businesses owned by the same rightwing fucks that slurp his cock all day) to bankruptcy in order to further build his empire. Repeat ad infinitum.

Le free hand of capitalism at work amirite!

>> No.8422292

nothing but vapid platitudes from you.

Some will always suffer. That doesn't mean you can't work to reduce the suffering. Saying no to technology that was designed to infect a developing brain might be a reasonable start.

>> No.8422308

But equality in your sense is not a virtue and attempts to impose it have led to nothing but human slaughter all throughout history. You are not the equal of a sneak thief a sneak thief is not the equal of a murderer and a murderer is not the equal of the victims mother who labored to make that life exist. If all the slaughter and futility and obvious poor logic resulting from the attempts to practice equality do not deter you from your attempt to live under that morality no words or proofs will either I suppose.

>> No.8422332

What are you fucking on about mate? Looks are one of the easiest things to buy when super rich.

Its not even that hard. 30K for a year of personal trainer or if you are Besos you can afford to hire the guy who helped Chris Evans train for Captain America for 100K. Any odd plastic surgery you need as a male is not bad maybe 100K if you were meticulous MAX. A gut lipo+nose job, put a bit of that fat in your butt.

Of course full dentalwork. That whole thing I described is about 250K max.

A evil motherfucker like Besos probably has dead babies harvested to increase his lifespan to 110 too for another 1 million.

>> No.8422351

And I can easily say: Some will always suffer. That mean work to reduce the suffering is trivial. Saying no to technology that was designed to infect a developing brain might be a reasonable start to give your own children an edge over other children who's parents allowed or even encouraged them to use.
Is their any point continuing this? We are just going back and forward here.

>> No.8422352

I’m in DC, hmm

>> No.8422356


Nice post, here is your free helicopter ride ticket.

>> No.8422385


Actually he is correct on the tax bit, that's basically stealing. If you accept that shit, you're a commie fuck who doesn't care where your tax money goes.

>> No.8422405

As expected from /bixnood/ - Buy High Sell Low, you hate making money. How's your shitcoin doing?

>> No.8422429

I think you might have picked me up wrong because I agree with this post.

>> No.8422440

>work to reduce suffering is trivial
says who?

>give your children an edge
A child doesn't get to choose his parents. When 90% of parents are uneducated about this shit, your life is a gamble. So why do we praise apple when they are the most valuable corporation for doing nothing to improve the world, while simultaneously harming it in multiple ways?

>> No.8422539

Yes. I was trying to debate the person you responded to. Apologies.

>> No.8422585

>i would have


the absolute state of /biz/. all of you are the 17 year olds from /pol/ who think theyre good with business because they resold their cookies at lunch for 2x the price. you will never be in a boardroom, much less be a board member or even shareholder. I get so much pleasure laughing to myself thinking about how serious you autists are screaming about how you could save america if only you were the CEO!!!

>> No.8422586

>A child doesn't get to choose his parents.
No one chooses to be born at all.
>90% of parents are uneducated about this shit, your life is a gamble
90% of people are trash and a desperate gamble is their only hope of producing a strong child
>why do we praise apple when they are the most valuable corporation for doing nothing to improve the world,
If you don't think Apple produce anything of value I have nothing else to say to you. I say this as someone who thinks Apple products are trash.

>> No.8422599

Agreed. In the end both systems are retarded; capitalism ensures the one with best marketing wins, socialism ensures that only politicians win. You lose with both.

>> No.8422648


t. 15 year old romanticizing fascism so that he can cope with the mean bullies at school

>> No.8422676

It is always important to hold one’s manners, especially in a situation such as the one you are in where the fundamental falsehood of your beliefs is being put on display for the world to see. The workers’ needs are not the concern of the businessman. Only their ability. That is the nature of all trades to trade goods nor needs. In business every keystroke on a computer counts but your needs do not. Bezos’s job is to pay his workers enough that they choose to work for him voluntarily and not one cent more. Where they can find better employment he must raise his wages. The effect this has on a state welfare system imposed by leftists and complicit weaklings on the alleged right on their populaces at the point of a gun is of absolutely no concern to bezos or any other businessman. His only job is to make sure as little of his own money goes into that looter’s fraud as possible.

>> No.8422682
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>it's okay that people working full time jobs qualify for food stamps

>> No.8422713

Prime example of a right-wing mouthbreather I was talking about.
Go slurp some more cocks.

>> No.8422737

You could have used that sentence to explain what they've produced. Again, the only way you can win this argument is by applying temporal bias. "We used to have to do things this way, but now we have this." That doesn't mean your life is any better than before. Changes to hedonic setpoint are temporary and everyone more or less reverts to their baseline. Some new computers aren't going to change that.

I'm curious why you're so fixated on greed. Does it make your life better? Or have you just convinced yourself that it does? Because you sound just as emotionally fickle as the rest of us humans. Always trying to "progress" and "get somewhere." But there is nowhere to go. You seem more threatened than anything.

>> No.8422765

Good for him. Fuck taxing.

>> No.8422769

>capitalism ensures the one with best marketing wins
What if hypothetically a company with bad marketing did win? They will never get a large enough economy of scale to lower prices and improve their products.
Apple produce an overpriced product nd convince the world they need it. Company X release a superior product at half the price and without marketing because people already want the product people slowly buy Product X.

>> No.8422811


>> No.8422838

All of these are good.

>> No.8422853


And yet you cannot refute a single point.

>> No.8422861

>the free market is great because I define profiting at the expense of others good

Jesus I'm capitalist but this is quintessential boomer American logic.

>> No.8422931

So it's the state's fault, then.
Allow the state to do "something" about everything which is the state's fault and you get totalitarianism.

>> No.8422948

We are good at business tho. I’d say lots of went from poor to middle class last year and some far beyond. That is something unique and difficult to achieve. Most poor people never get close. What he said is true. If your workers start trying to trade on need and not value you fire them.

T. Somebody much higher than you on the ladder

>> No.8422969

>Changes to hedonic setpoint are temporary and everyone more or less reverts to their baseline.
>Always trying to "progress" and "get somewhere."
You said yourself that people revert to their baseline and have to keep greedily seeking new pleasures.

>> No.8422992

The word profit by definition is not a zero sum concept. A thief does not profit at the expense of a victim even though he grows richer. You must learn to differentiate profit from loot. Profit is new value created not something removed at the expense of another.

>> No.8423018

>The workers’ needs are not the concern of the businessman.
You know that's why so much young individuals are turning to socialism, right? I don't mean to say that Bezos should pay their workers $100k/hour, but you must realize that a happy worker is far more productive, right? Paying a decent wage has nothing to do with capitalism or socialism, it's about entrepreneurial vision.

Marketing is important so others get to know your product, that's true. But I'm talking here about marketing being the *only* thing you have to offer. I'm glad you've cited Apple as an example; it's one of the companies that led me to think that maybe capitalism does not have the needs of the consumer always in their mind.

>because people already want the product people slowly buy Product X.
I don't see that happening. Apple did lose some marketshare in the last 7 years since Jobs' death, but not because people are noticing that their products are just shit in a shiny case, but ironically because of poor marketing (see the recent "what's a computer" ad controversy). Tim Cook is not the evil genius that Steve Jobs was.

Entrepreneurs are not geniuses as they're painted, matter of fact most of them are, as I put before, clinically retarded. They would rather profit an extra $1m more this year than pay their workers a little better and profit an extra $5m next year due to more productivity. To put it in Austrian terms, their temporal preferences are too high, nearly all time.

>> No.8423072
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>Alex Jones

>> No.8423116

Any wage that causes people to choose to work for you is a decent wage. The type of mental decay that turns people to socialists is not a premise worthy of debate except to remind people that all its bases are false and that its only end and means are violence and slaughter. The equality of a morgue

>> No.8423140

So you admit to it? You will always revert to that baseline. There is a ceiling. If you were in a room with Jeff Bezos and didn't know who he was, would he stand out as anything other than an intelligent guy? Does he live on some hedonic plain of bliss? No. He is human and his sensations are more or less the same as yours or mine. So why subjugate the world for that? There are penniless shaolin monks who live more pleasurable lives than he does. Would he have pursued his empire if he knew it would make him miserable? No. He expected it to yield happiness/fulfillment

>> No.8423193

Your entire point revolves around that autistic ancapic notion of "it ain't illegal if there are no cops around" and frankly I've yet to meet an ancap retard that was old enough to be employed for any period of time hence I'm not even going to try an argue with you.

My gripe with Jeff Bezos was explained very clearly. My gripe with people that suck his dick while failing to realize he fucks them in the ass was explained very clearly as well. End of discussion

>> No.8423258

Things done by personal choice are never subjugation. All bezos deals are done by consent. Those who do not understand the difference between the rule of the dollar and subjugation or the rule of the whip should do so with the lash to their back. But in this debate you must choose. The dollar or the whip. There is no other alternative . For the vast majority of history men have chosen the whip and if you have your way that day will return. But tell me who is the true master of their life the subsistence farmer or the American with the tractor? Deep down you know the answer and if you wish to have respect as a human being you must act accordingly

>> No.8423259

>The type of mental decay that turns people to socialists
upper middle class sheltered shit confirmed

>> No.8423270

>Any wage that causes people to choose to work for you is a decent wage
Agreed. So why not be the better man and pay them a little more, so they can give you more profit? Again, it's about entrepreneurial vision I'm talking here. Voluntarily paying your workers good money has absolutely zero to do with e.g government coercion, raising taxes and such.

Do you disagree with my view?

>> No.8423290

>Any wage that causes people to choose to work for you is a decent wage.
>redefining the word decent to align with your ideology
The mental gymnastics are astounding

>> No.8423312

>why not be the better man and pay them a little more
Why can't they be the better man and work a little harder? Why do you expect the more powerful person to be the more benevolent one?

>> No.8423334

I could show you my resume Salary and work address and really hurt your feelings. Bezos is an ancap. Read about his love of Ayn rand and his complaint again st local taxes. I honor him for a few reasons. His service makes my life better and investing in his company makes me money. But more importantly as a high end person I know what goes into great accomplishments and I imagine what went in to making him himself and it makes me want to take my shoes off light incense and kneel. And until you know that feeling you will never achieve any lasting or permanent success.

>> No.8423387

Nope. I carried a lunch card and lived my whole youth in a crime infested southern military town and never met my father. And now I live and work in the middle of manhattan as a late twenties person. I know the morality it takes to rise and I’m giving it away to all the anons here smart enough to accept it because I love the job this place has done protecting free speech.

>> No.8423411

>we are good at business because we know how to trade shit coins
No. Nor are you very unique and you havent achieved greatly.
Some people are so delusional.

>> No.8423418

I don't blame Jeff Bezos even slightly for doing all that, in the same way you don't blame a hacker who takes advantage of a security bug that has been around for decades when he takes down a bank or an electricity grid. You blame the dumbfucks who let the security bug go unfixed despite it being reported for decades.
The dumbfucks being the general public who have allowed the corruption in all levels of society to continue while they get on with their lives
I'm probably going to go buy something off Amazon just to thank Bezos for doing what any sane and intelligent man would.

>> No.8423429

there are people who work 16 hours a day for less than a dollar because western capitalists overthrew local governments to establish plantations/mines/textile mills

>> No.8423431

Imagine being retarded enough to believe in dialectical materialism.

Kill yourself commie scum

>> No.8423459

This is a strawman of rothbard actually

Go back to leftypol

>> No.8423467

>Why can't they be the better man and work a little harder?
Because bosses generally do not care for hard work - or, to put it more correctly and leave the labor theory of value aside, those who generate more value to others. They care about touting their horns for other businessmen, they give promotions to completely unqualified people who know how to use their mouth (sexually or not), they're not the skilled resources allocators you and Rothbard thought they are. I'm tired of seeing stories on this very board about people who did objectively wonderful things for their companies - one anon automated 80% of his company's job and got a lesser raise than the other autist who did absolutely nothing for his company.

I was once like you, anon; I believed that the private sector would be able to solve nearly all of our problems. But then I started working, and I'm yet to be convinced of that view again.

I shall reinforce it again just to be safe: I do not support governmental coercion for workers to have better salaries, I know how this negatively affects the economy for those who are just getting their first jobs.

>> No.8423484

>establish plantations/mines/textile mills
Those were a gift. what other hope do they have of catching up with us?

>> No.8423492

We don't have capitalism though

If we actually had a free market with no central bank wages would price and prices would fall

There would be deflation instead of inflation

Kill yourself

>> No.8423518

Cryptocurrency is a glorious attempt to return money to a state where it is an objective equivalent of work produced. The people who understand that well enough to love it have accomplished something incredible in their lives and will always get a commensurate amount of respect from me. And I am confirmed to be quite a good businessman with a record of turning profits far beyond crypto.

>> No.8423522

How is he assraping anyone?

>> No.8423539

if i continue being rich I can reinvest money towards new technologies that will make a global difference.

If i pay employees more, then I can never get that money back, I will need to continue paying them the inflated wage.
A bonus is fine, as a kind gesture.

>> No.8423549

The average person is so consumed with what is forced on them that they don't even have the time to look and see the level of corruption in all levels of government that allows for crooks to take billions and give nothing in return
And you praise the scum? Do you also praise apple for dodging taxes and using slave labor? How about the supermarket giants that force farmers into selling their produce for as little as possible?

Pull your head out of your ass

>> No.8423556

Leftists are the biggest cumlickers on earth

You religiously support central banking, corporatism and statism because you enjoy being controlled.

>> No.8423560

nope. Central american and south east asian economies were destroyed by repressive regimes funded by western corporations. Not everyone wants to catch us. What does that even mean? Are you racing for immortality?

some things are unjustifiable and you should just know when to stop.

>> No.8423562

> I can reinvest money towards new technologies that will make a global difference.
Through R&D?

>> No.8423568

>I was once like you, anon; I believed that the private sector would be able to solve nearly all of our problems.
I don't believe that so you are projecting a little here.

>> No.8423584

>Do you also praise apple for dodging taxes and
Fuck yeah

>using slave labor?
China isn't slave labor

>How about the supermarket giants that force farmers into selling their produce for as little as possible?

>> No.8423591

Profiting off of citizens and paying no taxes in the process

>> No.8423600

I made 425k from crypto last year. It was all circumstantial. Quit jerking yourself off

>> No.8423613

>Central american and south east asian economies were destroyed by repressive regimes funded by western corporations.
Nothing of value was lost. Individuals within those countries who cooperated with the Western corporations (perhaps you will call them traitors) did fine. The only hope those countries have is being amalgamated into the obviously superior Western culture.

>> No.8423619

>Profiting off of citizens
Good thing
Profit is mutually beneficial.

>and paying no taxes in the process
The state deserves almost no money.
This money is better served in the private sector

>> No.8423627

Kill yourself, corporatism loving faggot

>> No.8423647

btw y'all saying that what Bezos did was good: you're exactly why libertarians are not taken seriously. How is getting advantages from government a capitalistic thing?

Not really. Being an ancap means you, among several other things, always favour market solutions to state solutions as they are, according to Rothbard/Hoppe, always coercive and thus unethical. I have come to seen that market solutions and state solutions are all retarded and we are all fucking doomed and we should all KOS (kill ourselves).

>> No.8423655

>thinking in term of ideologies

>> No.8423666

The verdict you pass on your means of achievement is the verdict you pass on your life. If you think the wonderful achievement of earning hundreds of thousands of dollars investing is happenstance and your volition did not create your wealth you either will not remain wealthy for long or your wealth will not buy you one penny’s worth of joy.

>> No.8423698

And not once did I claim to be an ancap. I like everything about our retarded modern capitalism.

>> No.8423710

you are painfully uneducated. Read a book.

do you ever come into this threads welcoming the possibility of having your mind changed? I do. Anyone who doesn't isn't an ideologue. Like you

>> No.8423754

I think you've read too many self help books
Nice trips btw Satan

>> No.8423758
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well ok then


>> No.8423784

>t. rand bootlicker

>> No.8423802

Satan....the mythological creature condemned for the sin of making man moral, rational, and teaching him to enjoy sex. I will wear that badge with pride any day.

>> No.8423831
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>> No.8423861

>The workers’ needs are not the concern of the businessman.

Ancaps are so funny. You say this shit (presumably, you also endorse it), not realizing that it is EXACTLY why this

>at the point of a gun

is necessary. And will continue to be until these businessmen you worship act better. Your ideology is inherently defective, immoral, and short-sighted. The kind of shit that causes heads to roll. Thank god we've moved past it.

>> No.8423864
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>if you are against cocksuckers using your tax money to pay the wages of their employees you must be a leftist
Yet another great example of a right-wing mouthebreather!
Boy /biz/ is sure full of them, wonder why.

>> No.8423870

I'v read a large chunk of the Western canon.
What should I read to realise the equality of SE Asian third world countries to Western society?

>> No.8423939

I think your strawmen have reached double digits. Equality has nothing to do with corporate imperialism

>> No.8423950

All these retards itt would have been the scum bag uaw fucks opposing Henry Ford back in the day

>> No.8424051

Your statement of reality ignores the massive business achievements going on every day. On the day when New Yorkers eat the animals from the Brooklyn zoo like the Venezuelans you will know that you achieved your goal. Funnily enough people on this very board saved Venezuela from a true Maoist purge. Watch for me the day when we won’t be here. Then you will know the sad dead end of your morality.

>> No.8424095

this must be the next best thing when your dick isn't long enough to self-suck

>> No.8424108


I smell redditor

>> No.8424113

It's not that I praise them, I understand what let's them get away with it

>> No.8424157

Because the government gets to set up who qualifies for food stamps. Not the businesses fault.

>> No.8424229


While I disagree with your value judgment, accomplishing enough to say these things is, in fact, a wonderful experience.

>> No.8424277

>On the day when New Yorkers eat the animals from the Brooklyn zoo like the Venezuelans
The absolute delusion, lol. Get some help, you're clearly suffering from some sort of psychosis, what with the revenge fantasies and Greek philosopher speech patterns.

>being so far down the rabbit hole of ancap gooberisms that you actually believe that social safety nets will result in people having to eat zoo animals one day

I need to screencap some of this shit, it's just too good lmao

>Implying the businesses weren't the ones to set this up via campaign contributions and regulatory capture

>> No.8424354
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>people don't deserve decent pay for their work
>just put 'em all on food stamps lol
This is your brain on lolbertarianism

>> No.8424560

But sir it already has happened on multiple occasions. No nation or people has the ability to reverse the laws of causality. Your proposed actions as a cause have a well defined and understood effect. You are just terrified of anyone who would name them.

>revenge fantasies and Greek philosopher speech patterns

You’re goddamn right.

>> No.8424626

So let's give the captured government more power.


>> No.8424666

You should be railing against welfare then.

>> No.8424733

>want to put all the people on food stamps and Medicaid.
>surprised when corporations dump their workers on the programs they support.

>> No.8424809

How is mammon these days? Is he treating you right like he did 2010 years ago? Does he speak to you about which dreams may come?

>> No.8425010


Amazon doesn't hire warehouse workers directly. They hire subcontractors who handle staffing.

>> No.8425199

>I don't mean to say that Bezos should pay their workers $100k/hour, but you must realize that a happy worker is far more productive, right?

How narcissistic can you get that you believe you think you're better than Jeff Bezos at doing a cost/benefit analysis on his employees wages? They're obviously not productive enough to be able to justify a living wage and their area of work limits them in their capacity to ever be. Also show me the statistics that show that these are people who are solely trying to survive on these wages alone, and aren't college students doing something on the side, young people who are mainly looking to learn valuable skills and work ethics or other people in a situation where they don't have to depend on this wage alone.

Nobody mentioned earlier that they're still getting a benefit that Jeff Bezos doesn't; a guarantee of being paid at the end of the month. While Bezos' stock might be devalued by billions of dollars. Not to mention that he took major financial risks to get to the point where he is. If there wouldn't have been a potential reward for taking those risks (or if the rewards would have been lower which is what you're suggesting) why would he have taken it in the first place? Seems like the equivalent of putting a fixed price on lottery tickets of 10k usd while keeping the potential reward the same; why would anyone buy lottery tickets then? The same principle applies.

I do agree that the employees he does have who rely on food stamps is a public subsidy and I'm against that.

>> No.8425256


Actually they do hire directly via amazon dot jobs. Only for newly opening warehouses though.

>> No.8425343
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>t. 19 year old autist who read atlas shrugged last week

>> No.8425534

By allowing corporations to act as they please. Hmmm...

>But sir it already has happened on multiple occasions.

No, safety nets aren't communism no matter how many times you say so.

>> No.8426075

You are unfamiliar with the course of the tragedy. As Aristotle said republic degenerates to democracy and democracy degenerates to tyranny. It isn’t only communism. It’s monarchy. It’s colonialism. It’s religious rule. It’s the French reign of terror ending in napileonic imperialism A prophet begins by professing love for humanity and ends in a sea of blood. Your right you claim to take bezos’s wealth by force because he has becomes your poorer neighbor’s right to take yours because what right have you to a week’s food when he’s hungry. All across the world for thousands of years. But your whole scheme can be destroyed by the one word which I tell you now. NO. When I fight for bezos’s right to his money I am fighting for your right to yours. If you had one bit of sense this would be unnecessary to say. Since you do not I will say it. Bezos’s money is his and his alone. His creation of it had absolutely nothing to do with you and you have no right to a penny of it except by his voluntary consent.

>> No.8426149

Was meant for >>8425534
But you sir >>8425343
Almost understand. A man can make himself more intelligent but the act of artificially training ones mind to work better is not a cognitive defect but the greatest act of your volition. I’m not 19 and i don’t know any 19 year old who would read a1200 page novel and be moved by it when it’s as thick and difficult as Atlas. Where does this accusation of immaturity towards that work come from? Seems pretty sophisticated to me.

>> No.8426358

you need to go back.

>> No.8426432

reminder to sage and hide all leftypol threads

>> No.8426449

>You are unfamiliar with the course of the tragedy.
The countries with more robust social safety nets than ours are doing better than the US by every metric that matters to the average citizen.

>When I fight for bezos’s right to his money I am fighting for your right to yours. If you had one bit of sense this would be unnecessary to say. Since you do not I will say it. Bezos’s money is his and his alone. His creation of it had absolutely nothing to do with you

That's good of you but the thing is, we don't live in an anarcho-capitalist hellscape just yet so in reality, no, his creation of his wealth actually had a lot to do with EVERYONE. Tax-funded infrastructure, tax-funded enforcement of property rights, tax-funded subsidy of the abysmal wages paid to the people making his money for him. He wouldn't be able to amount to anything without the system he apparently abhors, which is of course the folly of anarcho-capitalism.

>> No.8426537

>The countries with more robust social safety nets than ours are doing better than the US by every metric that matters to the average citizen.

Correlation =/= causation. You're probably talking about scandinavian countries. We have a strong work ethic embedded in our culture which makes this possible. Also we have a lower corporate tax rate than the US and a higher tax on individuals which is better. If you look at the economic freedom index we're some of the highest ranked countries in the world. But go vote for Bernie. I'm sure that's gonna turn out just great for you.

>> No.8426890

Leftists need to be purged.

Imagine being dumb enough to think money equals consumer goods and that if the rich gave the poor all their money the poor would be rich too lol

>> No.8426930

Please kill yourself

The richest countries in the world are the most free market.
Look at Switzerland.

It would be amazing if my country had free market policies like Switzerland.

Kill all leftists

>> No.8426959

>1 post by this id

>> No.8426963

If jeff paid them higher wages it would just cause prices to rise.

Wage rates are fucking irrelevant.
The working class consumes 99% of what they produce.
This is what braindead leftists don't understand.

>> No.8427014

>becoming a monopoly with 44% of all internet sales.


>> No.8427019

>We have a strong work ethic embedded in our culture
As does the US. inb4incoherentrantingaboutthosedarnedmillennials

>The richest countries in the world are the most free market.
Preaching to the wrong choir there bud, unlike you I care about things other than money (oh and racial pecking orders, sorry).

>> No.8427190

Who gives a fuck what he thinks

>> No.8427270
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>stop eating biscuits

>> No.8427349

>Heroin addicts have lower life expectancy than non-addicts.
Hmm wow really makes me think.

>> No.8427867

>How narcissistic can you get that you believe you think you're better than Jeff Bezos at doing a cost/benefit analysis on his employees wages
>"oh he's the wealthiest individual in the world, so we must absolutely not question his methods or anything he does; he is absolutely not prone to error like us lower human beings"
You're no different from those younglings who fell for the Bernie Sanders meme. Except instead of politics, you blindly support anyone who's got money. Remember: supporting a free market is not the same as supporting whatever big corporations do. You above all should know that.

>Also show me the statistics that show that these are people who are solely trying to survive on these wages alone
I don't know if it is the specific case of Amazon, but a good part of minimum wage jobs are being taken not by college students, but by workers with actual families and children. Unlike the left I don't think the solution is to force the minimum wage up or take money from Jeff or anything, I think that he should himself evaluate himself if his company would not be more productive if he offered them enough to get his workers off food stamps.

>> No.8428447
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>like you accumulate resources in a RTS

Well, I finally get it now.

Also everyone who uses the phrase "late stage capitalism" unironicaly is officially retarded.

>> No.8428693

>start injecting stem cells and doing chinese baby blood transfusions, human grade somatropin and memes like cryotherapy

>> No.8428724

i dont end a total war campaign until i've captured every province. can i be rich too?

>> No.8428780

He underpays his workers and has an unfair advantage due to the MASSIVE subsidies Amazon receives.

>> No.8428818

no meme FUD is strong enough to stop us from buying AMZN with every spare shekel

>> No.8428951

>Don't let your kids use it
Most schools are transitioning to computer/tablets for school work

>> No.8429327

where else can I buy everything I could want in one convenient place?
fuck ebay and craigslist