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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8419645 No.8419645 [Reply] [Original]

Someone just bought 18 BTC worth of ARK on Bittrex. Why would anyone do that?

>> No.8419658

They're deluded

>> No.8419676

I know it's suicidal, but wtf, it's 18 fucking BTC

>> No.8419690

Insider information

>> No.8419701

Ark is cheap as heck right now and it has a bunch of new stuff coming up. It really wasn't a bad buy.
T.not deluded

>> No.8419702


I feel like ARK is one of those projects that's going to moon out of absolutely nowhere in mid 2019. I'm not an ARK holder because the other outcome is that it doesn't and I think that's more likely.

>> No.8419705

buy low, sell high

>> No.8419753

Not talking about the project, but buying right now it's strange to me, right when BTC is killing every single altcoin

>> No.8419843

>18 BTC

Wew so much

>> No.8419889


"The US based team members at the event were happy about the news. They mentioned that Francois spent time this week at parliament in France to help write the legislation surrounding new ICO's in the country and they were glad the talks continued to be going well. This question would better be answered by Francois himself to understand more details."

>> No.8419950

Ark pays dividends. Maybe they expect the bear market to trade sideways

>> No.8419979

More than you'll ever have, faggot

>> No.8420025

Why is this on the main news sites? Seriously huge

>> No.8420088
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>> No.8420650
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Ark team know things. Pajeets don't understand the networking that goes on behind the scenes.

>> No.8420670
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>> No.8420718
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>They'll learn soon enough

>> No.8420755

That was me, my bad I miss clicked lol rats

>> No.8420774

At my ATH I had 19 btc so fuck off poorfag. 18 BTC isn't any life changing amount, hopefully you realize this whenever you grow up

>> No.8420788

"buy low"

>> No.8420965
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beats me

>> No.8421237

so you feel like its going to moon but think its more likely that it won't

>> No.8421438
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>basing his financial investments on feelings
You can lead a retard to water, but you can't make him spaghetti

>> No.8421489

just sold my trex stash

>> No.8421969

Ark 40$ eoy

>> No.8422134

this will be the next big moon mission in crypto. Thats why.

>> No.8422182


>> No.8422401

when bittrex starts handling usd pairs for a lot of alts, this will be one of the biggest reasons of the market stabilizations. moon missions in shitcoins will basically become a rarity and money will be funneled mostly to good projects.
Ark is going to release, soon their v2. they are working on a network that can solve scalability issues, that is very fast with the best proof of stake of any network. It's also a network that will allow to deploy, easily, new blockchains and projects, but this will have to have a pos system, with delegates running the network, which lends some credibility to the projects, instead of the shitcoins that emerge from erc-20.
Ark also have some kind of relationship with france, a country that has come forward as one who will push forward ico's, which will be the backbone of Ark itself.
Good times to buy Ark.

>> No.8422494

I also like that, anon.