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8417933 No.8417933 [Reply] [Original]

I just spent last weekend in tijuana, was 1200 usd total spent

Fucked 11 girls
Hotel included
Food included

Why do you fucks not do this? Best pussy for cheap


>> No.8417958

He died of Mexican super AIDS and chlamydia.

>> No.8417982

This is why you continue to jack off to hentai porn, silly neet.

They shower before, everytime. In my room there was a see through shower. Amazing

>> No.8418005

Holy shit that sounds awesome. Is it pretty safe? Did you drive down there?

>> No.8418032
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want a toothpick?

>> No.8418043
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>> No.8418077

How do I short 100x leverage your life?

>> No.8418122

>implying a shower cures aids and chlamydia

>> No.8418153

Yes very safe. I literally only stayed on two streets and blacked out one night. I flew into San Diego, take an uber to the border, crosss, uber to hong kong gentlemans club. 5$ each way

You dont. This js the most fun ive had in years bro. Never going to stupid usa clubs again, spend $100, trying to convince a 7 to comeback to ur place.

Literally 9-10 qts in gentlemans club for $70 max for 30-1 hr of fun, and streetgirls for 20-40$ usd. Had a threeway with two girls that looked like melania rios for $85 total. Dreams man

>> No.8418163

Have friend who lost virginity to tj hooker. Such low self esteem he paid to eat her out..

>> No.8418181

They get tested frequently, it is a high end club full of tourists. These are college girls from south of mexico who make monthly salaries in one night. They are pristine desu. You sound like a virgin too. Just wear a condom and shower after

>> No.8418325

A see through shower baka. You probably still caught the monster, you stupid fuck.

>> No.8418398
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Hong Kong Gentlemen's Club, Tijuana, Baja Mexico.. Fuck with it..

>> No.8418448

Fuck that sounds good, if we ever have another bullrun I will treat myself for holding by flying over there. When is the best time of going there?

>> No.8418478

Spring Break, brother.. Papas & Beer and Titties Galore.

>> No.8418484
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This was the room. Imagine two girls like melania rios showering, and im there fucked up naked. Room was $40 usd a night with vip pass from gentleman club, which cost$50 and lasts a few months. Free drinks

Yes bro, these anons are missing the biggest life hack of all time

>> No.8418511

Literally go whenever. Best girl to dude ratio is at 10 am, or go really late at night for the best deals. It is like a videogame, pornstars grabbing ur ass and begging to fuck you. I got a lap dance for $10 where i came lol. Looked like jynx maze

>> No.8418533


good looks OP

>> No.8418538

Hong Kong? I fuckin love TJ.

>> No.8418556


How much for the donkey show?

>> No.8418565

there is this fat mexican at a pharmacy on the corner of Revolucion that will sell you anything you need to recover. Seriously /biz/ros. That fat fuck has cured me of all kinds of shit.

>> No.8418613

I never thought I'd be talking about HK on a biz board haha

My buddy fucked a chick there with a condom and got the clap still, cant make them too juicy. Apparently it's hit or miss. But you can always get rid of that. Either way, they are the sexiest fucking chicks I've ever seen. To all anons, if you have a chance, definitely go to Hong Kong.

>> No.8418650

have you tried Adelitas?

>> No.8418687
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Yea i stuck to hong kong, when i got real fucked up i went to the street, where i satisfied my fetish for a latina milf in her mid 30s. Fucked her doggy and came on her tits. $30 lmao. Kicked her out right after, got amazing steeet tacos for $3.

Probably going back once a month, literally how women should treat anons

We are worth more than dumb ass stacys tell us.

Pic looks like the milf

>> No.8418703

Im too far away though.

>> No.8418728

>hurr that's why you jack off while I fuck

you seriously trying to brag about having to go to a 3rd world country and buy tranny aids infected prostitutes to lose your virginity?


>> No.8418762

jesus... mexican water is probably worse than mexican super aids

>> No.8418789
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We ate street tacos a block away from a murder scene. Federales were everywhere. Best tacos I ever had.

Pic Related, is taco spot

>> No.8418796

Lol I'm going today. Bringing $2000.

Don't tell anyone you stupid faggot.

>> No.8418836
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seriously anons, make a note. this is the place to go. stay safe faggots.

>> No.8418859

Disease riddled whores aren't worth 3 eth

>> No.8418870

Who /erectile dysfunction/ since getting JUSTed here?

>> No.8418878

My sweet 2D girls don't have aids

>> No.8418886


You are completely clueless. Have fun with your sex doll. How can you even say youre life is better than mine?

Everyone knows you dont get pussy or you wouldnt be posting here

Haha dude tj is a massive tourist spot, its probably as clean , if not cleaner than usa water dude

Make sure you convert to pesos. Everything is much cheaper Just keep like 50 in 1$ usd for tips and shit

Anons that knock this experience are truly jelly. This was life changing

>> No.8418892

next time go to ketucky fried buches. it's close to the whores. best fried chicken necks I've ever had. White boii don't know what they're missing in TJ. Keep fappin' to your wall fags.

>> No.8418913

Nah OP, the water is shit. They specifically told us not to drink it.

>> No.8418918

Thanks brah gonna check it out.

>> No.8418940

you're posting on an amish basket weaving forum about how you had to travel to another fucking country and pay to get laid.

It's hard to think that people on here could get anymore pathetic but here you are

>> No.8418949

What cures the hangover?

>> No.8418971

I prefer to creampie 18 year old asian girls for $40 in cambodia or philippines, but whatever floats your boats gents.

>> No.8418979
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I once balled it up with 2kUSD and stayed at the Grand Tijuana Hotel overlooking the country club. Ordered whores to the room no questions asked. Then went to Las Ahumaderas( taco alley ) and had pic related.

>> No.8419000

pedialite and puke

>> No.8419018

>I flew into San Diego, take an uber to the border, crosss, uber to hong kong gentlemans club. 5$ each way
Spotted the lie.

>> No.8419021

Gotta spread the experiences somewhere

>> No.8419047
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>could have fucked tons of prostitutes while in Thailand
>dick said yes
>brain said no, because I'm not vaccinated against Hepatitis B

I think I did the smart thing by playing it safe, but I also regret missing out on what might have been.

>> No.8419062

Spotted the fag who's never crossed. that is literally what you do. Or take Tj taxis everywhere.

>> No.8419094
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Did you fuck pic related like a savage? Have you ever? Will you ever?

Shut the fuck up and cash out ur neetbucks for tijuana, fucking loser

>> No.8419111

All my friends are going down next week for the annual stuntride, I can't make it this year. Gunna miss good tacos, good strippers and good alcohol..

>> No.8419113

Where did you convert pesos? And how many pesos max for the 30mins.

>> No.8419148

>he's still bragging about paying for sex

dude just go out to a fucking club and pump drinks into some bitch you anti-social nerd instead of fucking some tranny invested hooker you had to pay for, you can find girls better looking than that in any club around down.

I hope you didn't go there alone at least, because that'd make you look like a real loser.

>guys in office laughing at some weeb in a suit and fedora walking in with crypto-cash wanting to bang the trannies

>> No.8419162

>he thinks fucking an aztec savage is an accomplishment.
And you will have to live with that for the rest of your life. The good news is that God will forgive you if you accept Jesus.

>> No.8419190

>bragging about your pathetic sex tourism

some day you will grow up, OP. best of luck :^)

>> No.8419202

How can you be sure the girls are clean?

>> No.8419250

spotted the fag who's stuck in prostitution is illegal mindset. Dude, it's so much easier when you do it this way. that is, unless, you're actually looking for companionship. If you just want to fuck, this is the way to do it. google Switz drive thru fucks, Red light district, thai ho's, Japanese makebelive rooms etc, etc.

>> No.8419275

>he thinks buying bitches drinks doesn't count as paying to fuck them

>> No.8419304

at least you can have some dignity left knowing you didn't literally have to hand them fucking money to get them to have sex with your ugly ass

>> No.8419328

Shut the fuck up faggot.

Stay poor bitch.

>> No.8419338

Lol I agree. He thinks getting cUCKED is more dignified

>> No.8419344
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>> No.8419357

That's a Puerto Rican in the Bronx

>inb4 whats the difference

I know

>> No.8419372

Its the same thing moron.

>> No.8419381

I'd honestly rather pay the hooker, at least you know then you're going to fuck them. Don't forget rape charges from the drunken roastie.

>> No.8419384


Max you pay is 1200-1500 pesos. MAX. you can negotiate with them, it helps if you have basic spanish but youll get by if you dont.

convert before you cross theborder, at these exchange shops where they charge tiny premiums. they are all over the place.

No, it doesnt fucking work like that faggot.

Have you been to a club lately? pay 20-50$ cover, 10$ drinks, stuck up bitches everywhere, you get fucked up and go home and eat cuz ur miserable.

O wait, this doesnt apply to you right anon? you get so much pussy right anon?

wake the fuck up from your normie dream, faggot.


Found the virgins. have fun swiping tinder and edging to voyeur porn, slaves to pornhub lol.

They all shower when they get to your room. ur not gonna die and get aids if youre wondering.

STDs are overblown, you have a bigger chance catching something at any club in LA or miami or any college town, where girls ride the cock carousel and never get tested desu.

>source me, went to asu and got clap from a sorority girl


fuck your gay ass dignity. At least my dick is getting sucked while ur buying 7's drinks
and they leave with their friends after a sloppy makeout sesh, faggot.

>> No.8419395
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also high risk of alimony if they know you're wealthy.

>> No.8419409

Anon suggesting date rape. Top. Fucking. Kek.

>> No.8419468

Pretty much, dude is gonna end up in prison whether he actually rapes them or not. All it takes is one chick to regret blowing his chode once.

>> No.8419475

I've thought about getting those HIV prophylactic pills and going down to South America to bareback Columbianas for 2 weeks in the summer. I'm retardedly hypochondriac when it comes to STDs.

>> No.8419490

>Muh momma dun raised me r-right.

Holy shit, springfaggin' is among us.

>> No.8419535

What are the best places/clubs to fuck asian girls in HK?

>> No.8419536
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>> No.8419592
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Probably SoHo. In singapore you dont have just look like westerner and local girls will be jumping on you at nightlife, no whores needed

>> No.8419593

>fucking a drunk adult is rape
The absolute state of /biz/ betas.

>telling her your name

>> No.8419610

Bro use a condom

>> No.8419619

Sounds fun OP. I did something similar in Thailand and it was a blast. I paid this young chick like 30 bucks and she let me fuck her as long as I wanted, she was into it, and even asked me to stick it in her pooper (I obliged of course).

After you experience shit like that, you never want to go back to munting in 1st world countries where bitches watch the clocks like hawks and you're lucky if you get a smile.

>> No.8419648

>My buddy fucked a chick there with a condom and got the clap still
No he didn't. He barebacked that girl for sure

>> No.8419659
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Apparently you've never served in the United States Armed Services.

Also, there's a difference between getting drunk and meeting a drunk chick and fucking her, and going to a bar to solely get a chick fucked up so you can fuck her.

>> No.8419660


Guess I should've known this autistic anti-social board would have to resort to paying tranny hookers instead of going out and getting laid like a real man

>> No.8419678

Pussy is kill. It was a typical 2017 thing. Normies are sick of it. It's not coming back. The end.

>> No.8419688

See, when he told that story I was like... come on, you aint got to lie craig...

>> No.8419691


how is it the same thing? On one hand, the girl usually has to actually choose to fuck you, unless you get her literally blacked her which then yes, it's probably rape

On the other, you have to pay someone to fuck you because you're too ugly and socially awkward to actually talk to a girl

>> No.8419742

At no point in this thread did I say I fucked one of the hookers. But hey at least you tried anon!

>> No.8419769

HK has a limo bus that will pick you up at the border

>> No.8419770

you a 3rd worlder? using you as a reference, not talking to YOU specifically

fucking autism

>> No.8419775

SoHo.. alright thanks anon.

>> No.8419793

Ok, ok I see you anon, I see you. My bad, respect.

>> No.8419828

No. That isnt how it works. Its about cost benefit

Nobody i mean nobody can land a solid 9/10 20 yo qt within 30 minutes and fuck her brains out And do it again. And again. And again.

I make 6 figures so this is chump change. That entirre weekend of pleasure wouldve been spent seducing a soft 8 in sandiego, you dumb piece of shit.

>> No.8419883

This thread has so much quality autism. So much salt, it's great.

>> No.8419884

Fucking Craig barebacking TJ whores

>> No.8419915

>Nobody i mean nobody can land a solid 9/10 20 yo qt within 30 minutes and fuck her brains out And do it again. And again. And again.

i guess things have changed since i was at college. girls would come to my frat house 3 days a week for this. i never even had to leave my house. but this was long ago.

>> No.8419938

I love going to mexico. go down far south to stay for a week or two at my grandmas vacation house.

One time though i got all fucked up in on xannax, blow and alcohol in ensenada, I ate out a hooker and never felt right since. Seriously have been feeling like shit ever since. I've been tested for STDs, HIV and i've taken a couple parasite cleanses just in case, i still don't feel right and it's been over 1 year.

>> No.8419945

My other buddy, who passed away last year a couple months after our TJ trip, said he used to bareback bitches down there all the time. I always told him he was quite the risk taker, god rest his mexi soul.

>> No.8419968

that's terrifying i hope you're okay anon

>> No.8420015


>since i was in college

So you havent gotten pussy since college. Nice.

Literally anyone going to clubs over tijuana is a retard.

Where can you fuck model bitches within 10 minutes and come back and fuck her friend? All night long? Treated like a god

If that is expensive to your, sorry youre poor

>> No.8420056

You didn't get pics of the hoes?

>> No.8420067

Can't we all just be friends, anon..
Hookers or no hookers?

>> No.8420087
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I ate a Chinese hookers ass hole out in Brooklyn while she blew me in Brooklyn got a hot oil body slide first it felt like a slug was crawling on my back. I felt like I crossed the line after I blew my load.

>> No.8420123

No. I refuse the accept the brainwashed cuckotry of putting fembots on a pedestal that most neets impose on others

In tj, you can treat women like pieces of meat and they love it. It unleashes your true potential as a man.

That drink buying pleb can go fuck himself

>> No.8420167
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I would do the whole stay in another country and fuck prostitutes in brothels/hotels if I was happy with my portfolio/net worth.

There is nothing that would wreck my self esteem more than looking at a whore's dead, souless eyes and feel as if I was spending more on her than I could afford to.

When I finally have enough money to spend literal play money on prostitutes and this sort of shit I will take the plunge.

Unitl them Japanese hentai and 2D women will do.

>> No.8420235
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>>tj water is cleaner than in the US
here’s your (you), you amazing fuckface

>> No.8420257
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> I felt like I crossed the line after I blew my load.
You gotta live life to the fullest, anon.

Oh Senpai, let the savagery continue

>> No.8420267


people on this thread literally getting rustled over not getting laid

you know how retarded, not to mention pathetic, this is right?

>> No.8420275

I'm too paranoid about getting HIV or something to do this

>> No.8420284

My dick only gets bigger everytime I short

>> No.8420437

Do you need to speak any Spanish?

Glad you fucking posted this thread, I realized I've been wasting my life away making and posting shitty memes on 4chan for the last 2 years.

>> No.8420440

In the past I'd see sex tourism threads on /trv/ and /pol/ and shit and just tell myself "lol i'd NEVER do that."

But now as I get older and my virginity is still in tact, I start playing with the idea.. Help me lads. I'm 23, never had sex and every year it gets worse. Interacting with women gets harder and harder because they really can sniff that shit out. I just feel somewhat emasculated, and a little sad that i missed out on enjoying a hot teens body and I'd go to fucking jail if I tried now. Literally cucked out of young pussy. I'll never have it.

I fucking hate myself. I just want to fuck a hooker so I can get it over with and not have a beta virgin label. Am I pathetic? Is it wrong of me to feel this way?

>> No.8420512

Search for a young looking 18yo legal hooker

>> No.8420534

Just basic spanish like "quero tacos" or "quanto dinero" like shit that everyone should know. But alot of guys were young asian business looking dudes who spoke english from sandiego so youre good

Anon do you have 1k$ usd to blow? If so, stop being a bitch and go to tijuana next weekend. Change your life.

>> No.8420552
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>tfw like this but 28yo touchless virgin

>> No.8420585

you will forever think to yourself "fuck, I had to literally pay someone to take my virginity". If you're gonna get a hooker make sure it's not your first time.

I'd suggest finding out the root of why you're a virgin - are you unattractive, fat, bad personality? most things can be fixed if you put in the work.

>> No.8420688

it's more than getting it over with. it changes your view on the world. just like after you learn to drive, you have a different perspective on the world. go have sex, play safe, have some fun. there is no value to male virginity in this world, in fact it is a detriment.

>> No.8420728

The point is I'm trying to avoid the hooker scenario- I'm fighting an internal battle on the ethics of it.

I have the money, but not the will.

You're gonna make it bro (to wizardry)

>you will forever think to yourself "fuck, I had to literally pay someone to take my virginity"

I know and that's what is keeping me from doing it. Unfortunately I'm ugly, and since high school its taken a toll on my psychology. I am very high anxiety. It was so bad that I couldn't bring myself to go to classes and I dropped out of college. Now I'm washed up and living at home.

I've thought about just paying for a BJ or something, so I could at least get comfortable with a sexual experience so I don't spaghetti when I try on real girls.

>> No.8420748

Just telling you the story where I lost a bunch of money in the casino, drove in the hooker district and to cheer me up let myself blow in the backseat of the car of a friend while the other wankers were standing around and looking. Crazy Bastards. She was sweet. Then I threw the condom out of the window and asked them why they had to watch that shit.

>> No.8420760

I'm going to assume that all of the people ITT against fucking hookers must be women, fags or male feminists (basically fags). I haven't fucked a whore in a couple of years now but back when I traveled around a bit more often that was the thing to. If you're in SE Asia, Latin America, certain parts of Europe etc and you aren't at least one whorehouse with the lads something is seriously wrong with you.
Just do it. It literally makes no fucking difference and the longer you wait the more difficult it will get.

>> No.8420771

Go get a massage and a happy ending.

>> No.8420787

That spot is pretty gud essay

>> No.8420831

It's not worth it tbdesu.
Get a motorcycle instead.
If you're at least somewhat interesting, it will help you pick up chicks.

>> No.8420832

You have to boost your confidence up again. Do you have some real good friends who can help you improve your situation, mindset? When you go out telling yourself you're ugly, then it will be hard to get a woman. You can improve yourself, go lifting etc. Won't do much to your face but you will feel better yourself and others will realize that from your behavior.

>> No.8420871

Come on then, link me to this shit and I will spend some of my student loan on it just for the bants.

>> No.8420879

Just do it. Literally yoire gonna feel miserable if you dont. Being a virgin is the worst thing in life, and puts you below being a minority desu. Just go wild dude

Fuck your ethics. We are here for 50 more years if we are lucky. Youre missing lifes greatest pleasures because of some artifically imposed cultural-ethics dillema. Give me a fucking breaj man

Go use your dick for something in TJ

>> No.8420887

>tfw moving to Ukraine
>tfw the women are beautiful
>tfw so many people have AIDS
I'm in a similar mindset to >>8419475 though, so just gonna drink horilka and listen to jazz all the time.

>> No.8420910

the chance of a man getting AIDS from straight sex are very small. you should be more worried about other STDs

>> No.8420920

When you go, choose a high class escort who will enjoy it, rather than the 50 dollar hooker who got forced into it from some mafia.

>> No.8420936

I'm only a 19 year old touchless virgin and I can already see this lasting my entire life if I don't do something quick

>> No.8420946


That's a great value.. you pay for those thots with cash or with personality?

>> No.8420951

first lambo
then bambo

>> No.8420954

Enjoy your herpes.

>> No.8420979

Making it rain pesos at the strip club. kek.

>> No.8420989

>he fell into the all slavic countries are great meme
lol have fun with those animals
but you'll probably get pussy, you are right

>> No.8421010

The countries are shit but the women are perfect

>> No.8421012

For dumb anons like you:





Get an uber to the border then cross the border then get an uber to the club. A pharamcy is on the same street. There is a pic in the thread. Get viagra there. Trust me.

Go in the club and walk around. Go up to the girl you like and say hi. They will talk to you. After chit chat just to see if u like her say "quanto" which means how much.

Pay between 1000-1500 pesos in the club. Low ball her and meet in the middle. Everything is negotiable.

Walk to your hotel which is literally 50 yards away. She will lead you out of the club to your room. Pay the bouncer who gives her the robe around 1-2 bucks. Have the staff on ur side.

Brinng her back to your room. She will ask to shower. You get ready or just wait for her. Then either pay half before sex or wait till u cum. Grab her tits to initiate.

Shower and get tacos after. Repeat.

Your welcome

>> No.8421032

once went to tijuana cos I always wanted to have a triple blowjob and didn't wanna die without one... so I spend like $100 bucks on 3 average chalupas. Tijuana is better than Nevada brothels. You spend like $3000 grand less.

>> No.8421057
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Shut the fuck up you princesses. Nothing in this thread had activated my almonds thus far but now you've done it.
>You'll forever think you paid someone to take your virginity
Jesus fucking christ. My first time the chick and i were drunk and high as fuck, i couldnt find a comfortable position because i had no idea what i was doing and my dick wasn't even at full throttle because there was so much alcohol and weed in my blood. It was a disaster.
Do you think i am a sad little soyboy because my first time wasnt perfect? Fuck no. I was the smiliest motherfucker on the block for the rest of the week. When i had a second opportunity with a different chick i at least knew not to get wasted beforehand and how to look for a vagina in the dark.

You neets need to stop overthinking and start doing. If you're a virgin at 23 you're already behind. You have no time to wait for perfect scenarios, you're already playing catch-up so hurry the fuck up and bang a whore if that's what's available, and have a fucking blast while at it too
Godspeed you absolute retards

>> No.8421169

Thank you for the information.

If anyone can write any guides like this for other countries then please share them to help idiots like me.

>> No.8421179


>> No.8421182

>go on craigslist
>get people to rape you
i prefer this option

>> No.8421187

>all slavic countries are great meme
>Ukraine is corrupt as fuck
>petty theft
>police harassment, especially of foreigners
>old as fuck architecture
>no damn air conditioning in the vast majority of places
>chernobyl exists and is still having negative effects on the environment and surrounding areas

Man, if I fell for that meme, I really don't think I'd have picked Ukraine, let alone having visited.
Energy sector jobs are appealing enough for me.

>> No.8421274

That's okay. As long as you don't treat them as humans, you'll be fine.

>> No.8421329

How easy is it to get quality drugs over there, OP? I'd be very interested in having a coked-out threesome with these girls at least once in my lifetime. Maybe some LSD too.

>> No.8421374

>How easy is it to get drugs in the country that handles almost the entire supply line for all drugs entering the US

>> No.8421376

HEY, Degenerate idiots. Stop masturbating. And yes, fucking hookers counts as masturbation as well. One night stands are masturbation as well, same goes for fwb/fuckbudies.
Love and sex go hand in hand, else you are still missing out. And then it is on to the next fix and into the downward spiral you go.
Read a book, preferably Libido Dominandi.
You all think you are free, but you are merely slaves to your desires and your degenerate lifestyle is a result of that.

>> No.8421379

Ukraine is an absolute shithole, corrupt as fuck.

>> No.8421391

Fucking boggles my mind seeing people that are in their 20’s and haven’t gotten pussy yet.

You’ve seen all you need in this thread. Get to Mexico ASAP you fuckers

Get off 4chan or be a fucking virgin forever. There’s some curse going around. If I hadn’t smashed before finding 4chan then I’d probably still be a virgin.

>> No.8421396

how big of a dick did the "Girl" you fuck'd in the ass have?

>> No.8421398

Okay how about you fuck off and let people decide for themselves preacher? (I agree)

>> No.8421404

Nothing wrong with being a virgin. People that say otherwise are just insecure fuckers who need to get laid for ego-boosts.

>> No.8421450

what are you not understanding showering does nothing against stds, if you fucked 11 prostitutes then you at least got herpies.

>> No.8421466

>hong kong gentlemans
That place is based as fuck

>> No.8421470

why does this board love hookers so much?

>> No.8421472

You've been?

>> No.8421480


Found the person whos never had sex with a hooker, lol.

being a virgin is being the lowest specimen on the biological totem pole. Cant change perception, it incarnates into your very being and people smell it a mile away.

get laid asap, by any means necessary that dont involve you going to jail

>> No.8421502
File: 88 KB, 1024x806, E91260D6-C2CA-4849-908E-D1FE823509EB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to the acceptance phase.

>> No.8421598

How do you smell that lol
I an unsure about some but I would never bet on it

>> No.8421652
File: 469 KB, 1399x1600, fox_and_the_pussy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nothing wrong with being a virgin. People that say otherwise are just insecure fuckers who need to get laid for ego-boosts.

>> No.8421660

>it incarnates into your very being
Only if you make a big deal out of it yourself.
The problem is only as big if you make it out be. And no, people don't smell it on you, utter bullshit.
Right near the bottom of that same totempole you can find hookers and the people who pay for them. I consider virgins to be far above both though.
Even people on /biz/ should be smart enough to figure out that fucking a hooker to get rid of your virgin status is a stupid idea.
>but now I know how sex works
Top jej, now you just now how to fuck a hooker. How on earth is that going to help you when you have an actual qt3.14 girlfriend/future wife in bed.

>> No.8421664

How much did it cost you?

>> No.8421691

you can't read?

>> No.8421761

>Found the virgins. have fun swiping tinder and edging to voyeur porn, slaves to pornhub lol.
I dont watch porn at all. I plow my wife with no condom and fill her with cum, and she loves it.

>> No.8421875


>> No.8421997

>I plow my wife with no condom and fill her with cum
> and she loves it.
I approve of this message, and this is something worth striving for.
Non of that pretend bullshit can live up to this.

>> No.8422098


the ABSOLUTE state of /biz/

The crypto wave brought all these fucking normans here, fucking hate this shit mane.

Where did the degens go

>> No.8422146
File: 553 KB, 2000x1238, 2000px-Nevada_in_United_States.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him, but I've been considering going to Nevada to lose mine since it's the only place in the US where hookers are legal. Is this a good idea, or should I go overseas somewhere?

Also, I asked this before a while ago and someone told me that where I'm currently at (Dallas) is the best place in the US for this type of thing, but I'm too retarded to pull of something illegal and when I looked all the ones I could find online looked like they were smuggled in from Thailand or something

>> No.8422177

Dude read the fucking thread. TJ is your best bet, 90% cheaper than nevada

>> No.8422199

Wow op discovered whores...

Have you been to Pattaya tho?

>> No.8422258


Latinas are 10x hotter, depends on ur preference i guess.Also easier to speak spanish, and dont have to fly half way around the world.

>> No.8422337

what if I want a white grill

>> No.8422391


If you think she is worth $250-400 for your balls to empty, go right ahead.

I prefer a sick 3 way with two petite 19 year old mexican whores

>> No.8422424

how much for a girl usually?

>> No.8422450

because tj is murder capital.......and the ugliest girls

>> No.8422452

>Latinas are 10x hotter
Only if you are into bestiality maybe

>> No.8422459

Wait is this a meme? I was literally there last weekend doing the exact same fucking thing lmao. Where did you stay?

>> No.8422478

Venezuela miss universe and has free electricity to mine.....if crime is a problem go to peru or Ecuador with miss universe next to you

>> No.8422482

You got a shit room homie, gotta go for the Master at Cascadas with the jacuzzi at minimum.

>> No.8422502

hotel rizo de oro lol. Best time of my life.

street girls $20-50 dollars

Girls in clubs 50-80$.

Everything is negotiable.

>> No.8422512

HAHAHAHAHA we watched the fucking army roll up in two humvees last week to bust some guy, TJ was the funniest shit I've ever experienced

>> No.8422524

I'm trying to follow the advice in >>8420920 so I'm willing to pay extra for someone who wasn't bought when they were 9 years old by the people she's working for

>> No.8422526

Latina are the best.......miss universe.......best models.........all from brazil ...........seriously why ask the question.? its the only place in the world that's not racist but has all races.......south America not central......Salvador is worst than ISIS seriously ? euro women are blue eyed boring high expectations $$$ because it s a developed nation........you want the best females south America buddy hands down

>> No.8422536

for how long though? is it like hh hr etc. in the US or do they do it differently?

>> No.8422547

lol cause there are those of us that don't need to pay for sex

>> No.8422549

Colombia Venezuela Brazil....you cannot argue they have the best of the best you dumbasses.......central and north America should get nuked..........dry as land with no good people......why why why

>> No.8422556


Ukraine is honestly great. Kiev is ridiculously cheap and prices for sex are rock bottom. I paid 20 to have a muscle hunk oil me up, rub his dick all over me, and jack me off. Best handjob of my life.

>> No.8422573

we need asia and Russia to create economies......but for the best women and best life........south america

>> No.8422606

you take the money you make and live south America. so cheap ....free electricity when you become citizen (easy to do ) soiclaist healthcare (Cubans everywhere) best weather the most gorgeous women amazing latin cuisine please tell me whats wrong besides money

>> No.8422616

Do you have to negotiate a bunch of extras?

>> No.8422634

That is actually homosexual.

>> No.8422647

Check out Cascadas next time. I did Cascadas and Rizo de Oro, Cascadas is waaaay better. Same owner and same prices, just way more renovated and nicer inside (doesn't hurt its about 1 meter from HK to the door lol).

>> No.8422704

fish for $1.50 fuck off north and central........south is the best life best women look at miss universe and victorias secret. does it surprise you Adriana lima was the ugliest girl when she was selected or won VS contest

>> No.8422719


>> No.8422759

Don't be retarded. Prices are way better in Texas. Check eccie.net and TER (the erotic review) find independent white girls, they aren't trafficked. Read reviews to find a good one. Have fun. Never tip, you're paying fair price for a service so why tip?

>> No.8422793

don't go to Nevada for this, it's stupid expensive
r/hookers is unironically a great resource for this

>> No.8422806


holy fucking pajeet 3rd worlder lmao get the fuck out of here pablo

why do village people always... type... like this..........?

>> No.8422880


>> No.8422897

I lost my v to a 10 Korean model escort. I don't regret it. I continued to bang escorts and my shyness and utter inability to function around women went away. Now I get laid for free and have a gf.

>> No.8422898

>memorizing all these pornstars with a pseudo alpha demeanor
this is cringe

>> No.8423488

because you can buy them