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File: 55 KB, 780x620, 6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8416208 No.8416208 [Reply] [Original]

>Bitcoin is the money of the future and everyone will adopt it sooner or later

10 years of BTC and surely doesn't look like it.

>> No.8416217

At this point It's pretty much guaranteed to be a fad isn't it

>> No.8416254

I just can't believe there are grown men who think this Internet meme money will replace FIAT all over the world.

>> No.8416265

i want to fuck the bunny

>> No.8416293
File: 96 KB, 960x960, OH YEAH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your sick

>> No.8416295

Me too, it reminds me of a hotter, anthropogenic Hillary Clinton.

Still think Nala from the Lion King is hotter.

>> No.8416299

BTC is a fad, doesn't mean crypto is.

You're an absolute brainlet if you think Buttcoins rise and falls is any measure of technological development, it would be the equivalent of using MySpace as a yardstick to measure the internet.

BTC isn't going to be a world currency, it's shit, slow and expensive

>> No.8416316

you would have been saying the same shit back in 2014 faggot

>> No.8416328

We officially reached despair

>> No.8416331

Just imagine how sure the British were 120 years ago about the strength of their empire, now look at the UK today

Fiat money doesn't last. It's mathematically designed to collapse, therefore it will be replaced

>> No.8416335


BTC is pretty much the Myspace or Altavista of cryptos.
"Frist mover advantage" is just a coping method people come up with to deal with losing their money.

>> No.8416340

Let's be real. Crypto might not be a fad but it is extremely overrated and doesn't deserve more than a 100b market cap. It is literally just glorified databases that are only good for very specific cases. The bubble was real and it popped.

>> No.8416354


>Fiat money doesn't last. It's mathematically designed to collapse, therefore it will be replaced

And you brainlets conclude that the replacement simply must be the one you have invested in - Bitcoin.

Nope, not going to be BTC. It will actually be the first major crypto to die out completely. Not the last.

>> No.8416381

I don't know expect it to be BTC either, BTC is completely shit and will die with fiat/alt pairings

>> No.8416383



Satoshi's invention is OVERRATED as fuck, and this is simply because it can be used as a speculative investing tool aka universal lottery. We all want financial freedom and we want to believe this is it.

>b-b-but the tech
There's a ton of great tech out there that has very little relevance in our daily lives, just curiosities in science.

>> No.8416436

Cryptocurrency can help avoid war and taxes, I don't understand how you could simplify this as an overrated piece of technology

>> No.8416574
File: 40 KB, 320x214, 1500368968667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Want to buy a $1 drink with bitcoin
>Get charged $15 transfer fee
Any kind of crypto is never going to be the future.

>> No.8416611
File: 28 KB, 380x250, pepe gun wojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can help you avoid taxes
>Have to pay capital gains on every purchase

>> No.8416642

>Satoshi's invention is OVERRATED as fuck, and this is simply because it can be used as a speculative investing tool aka universal lottery
you are completely clueless about the tech and its uses

>> No.8416664


Absolute brainlet

Did I try to imply that crypto is a magical tool the government ignores?

>> No.8416758

>BTC isn't a crypto!!!
>Literally uses crypto algorithms

>> No.8416832

I didn't say that, I pointed out that BTC can't be used as a blanket term for every cryptocurrency out there, because some of them have extremely small fees and faster transaction speeds

You're literally a brainlet

>> No.8416884

btc will never be used other than darknet since the transaction time and fees are so high

>> No.8416898

>Did I try to imply that crypto is a magical tool the government ignores?

You're supposed to pay capital gains literally every single time you buy something with bitcoin, according to the IRS.

Compared to that, what fucking taxes are you avoiding?

>> No.8417166

>Cryptocurrency can help avoid war and taxes

People always say cryptocurrency could x and y.

>could should would

Let's talk when cryptos have something to show for.
To me, the blockchain is just a long list or logbook that always holds true because every miner has the same logbook.

>> No.8417176
File: 73 KB, 1000x541, 1521096191976(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Bitcoin's only benefit is its first mover advantage. Bitcoin is still using archaic technology and it is slow. It also has a public ledger.

Monero (XMR) is the only crypto which is private and anonymous BY DEFAULT.

It is the only crypto with an actual practical use.

The entire crypto market is filled with vapourwares/shitcoins/scamcoins and coins that are pipe dreams with empty promises.

It is no wonder that Monero (XMR) is being widely accepted in dark markets.


>> No.8417258

>It's 1989. The world wide web is the future and everyone will adopt it sooner or later

10 years later it surely doesn't look like it. It's only a thing for nerds.

Bitcoin follows the WWW adoption pretty closely actually.

>> No.8417420 [DELETED] 


>> No.8417460
File: 260 KB, 1060x548, Schermata 2018-03-17 alle 23.18.47.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will make it my dude


>> No.8417472
File: 550 KB, 888x1025, nanolinks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the only coin that has any chance of seeing adoption.

>> No.8417552

And now tell me where the part comes in where anyone makes money off of crypto. A currency can't be volatile. As soon as crypto gets adopted (if ever) the volatility MUST stop.

>> No.8417673
File: 45 KB, 941x624, adoptioncurve.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why market is volatile.

>> No.8418053

>total control over your capital

This board is more and more retarded, literally noone can take your shekels if you don't want with cryptos, the State can send you in jail and they still won't have your cryptos if you refuse to tell them the private key, they can't tax you through inflation either.
It's the ultimate chad currency.

>10 cents to download a 2MB file on internet
>"internet will never work!"

>> No.8418079



>> No.8418128


How is the IRS going to know you have a certain amount of Bitcoin? Also you are not taxed on purchases you fucking retard, it's on trades back to dollars for gains or other alts.

>> No.8418178

The IRS is counting it as property in regards to tax law, so yeah, it is all of those times, since legally you are exchanging property for something else.

How will they know? Well if you trade out for cash they will see it the moment it hits your accounts. Also, what you're talking is basically tax evasion.

>> No.8418213

I want to fuck that rabbit

>> No.8418271

adoption curves go up exponentially, right?
so this seems like it's all going according to plan...
look up "exponential curve" and you might understand, what i'm getting at...

>> No.8419136
