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File: 80 KB, 1263x800, Skycoin-Cloud-BB-Vertical-on_white@1x (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8410753 No.8410753 [Reply] [Original]

First off if you never heard of sky coin, here is Crypto Lark doing a basic overview of Skycoin, for which you can see he clearly seems bullish on.


Here is the best interview on Skycoin by its leading figure Synth, who is clearly smart as fuck and very real. No bullshit too cool for you big wig, yet realistic in his outlook on blockchain and fucking smart.


Another good interview:


Now let me shill you sky coin:

Built by original bitcoin and ethereum developers to fix the problems with those platforms but then took a life of its own.

It’s 4 years in the making and a blockchain 3.0

Probably the best technology in blockchain and have done no marketing up till this point

Making a new internet based on p2p mesh networks, unlink Substratum though which is like a vpn mesh network built on top of the current internet, this is actually a completely new network.

Skycoin is like neo and you get coin hours which is like gas, and with that gas you can buy literal bandwidth. Which means no longer buying internet through comcast

Will do decentralized file storage (siacoin), decentralized computing (golem), be a vpn (mysterium), decentralized messenger (obsidian), decentralized Internet (substratum), decentralized social network (steemit), smart contracts (ethereum), decentralized exchange with zero fees, mobile wallets, mobile mining,

>> No.8410756

Has a bunch of white papers, not just one

Quantum resistance

Only on the smallest of smallest exchanges, but synth already said they will be on bigger ones.
Exchanges just are so back logged that it takes time to get on them. However price i held down because of this

No mining for coins, but can mine to provide bandwidth to others for coin hours

New consensus algorithm

Closed loop ecosystem which encourages people to hold skycoin but spend coin hours

Every company using skycoin network gets their own blockchain as opposed to every company using the ethereum blockchain, but there is interoperability for them all to talk to each other

They have a lot of ico’s lined up this year

A lot of FUD around the project, which means people want to accumulate. Here is a medium article about the fud situation they had


Been a few articles saying skycoin will be big in 2018




This is your chance to get in on something big, especially now after this market tanked. The ball is in your court now

>> No.8410776
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>> No.8410798


The desperation of the skycoin fud is laughable. Why do you even try anymore?

>> No.8410844
File: 431 KB, 1320x1838, skyminer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gonna start building my skyminer tomorrow. this thing better make me rich if these fags arent sending stickers anymore

you were probably the one samefagging in those threads last week

>> No.8410880

Frankly speaking, I don't see any point in decentralized storage and why it would be needed for anything but highly illegal content.

>> No.8410883

obvious damage control is obvious. most ppl realise sky is confido 2.0

>> No.8410891


Cheaper prices?

>> No.8410901

It won't be cheaper at all, a VPS is not expensive these days

>> No.8410929

Another sign of desperation. Just make comments with nothing to back them up

>> No.8410931


Decentralizing storage? You mean decentralizing the internet as a whole?

Holy shit you're retarded, there are whole countries where their government suppress civilian access to uncensored material. China, a country filled with over 1 billion people is one of them.

If you are seriously saying you don't see a need for a product that makes internet censorship impossible and cannot see what type of implication this has on the internet of the future then you need to kill yourself or go as far into debt buying the coin you think is good so that you'll become destitute and die cold, alone and shelter-less.


You're such a fucking faggot, holy shit.

>> No.8410954


>Hurr duur confido 2.0

Just because you say something a lot doesn't make it true. We get it, you want to FUD skycoin but their is literally nothing you can come up with so you just have to spam this meme.

>> No.8410981

They literally have nothing anymore, especially after the fud was cleared up by skycoin in their medium post.

This coin is going to be so fucking huge

>> No.8410986


Dude, get a life. You posted the same thing. I'd love to hear your disjointed reasons as to why this has anything to do with the Skycoin project.

>> No.8410987

I am not talking censored internet access, I'm talking about data storage. Renting a fast, accessible and reliable VPS is extremely cheap these days, and you can easily switch from one to another. Storing data on blockchain is redundant and impractical, this will never be in demand (OTHER than for highly illegal content)

>> No.8410998

fucking scamcoin

>> No.8411010


>Your opinion

But seriously, what does that have anything to do with the most important thing AKA skywire?

>> No.8411045

The desperation continues...

>> No.8411056

How is it better than SpaceX internet satellites? They solve the very same problem that Skywire addresses, and actually give you access to the REAL internet, not some peer-to-peer, blockchain-based bullshit which is questionable at best.

>> No.8411095

>not some peer-to-peer, blockchain-based bullshit which is questionable at best.

So in other words it doesn't solve the problem of internet censorship. Whoever owns those satellites owns the web. Not only that but it's going to be at satellites speed which degrades the original signal. Skycoin team knows that and is actually developing a new benchmark for WIFI to be comparable to cable.

Are you faggots even trying?

>> No.8411116

>Skycoin team knows that and is actually developing a new benchmark for WIFI to be comparable to cable.
deluded skycucks actually believe that these fags can come up with technology that qualcomm, broadcom, intel et al, with their billions of dollars in R&D and thousands of engineers, cannot.

>> No.8411176

The problem of internet censorship is only the problem of internet access, not of content storage. When you own your own website space, no one will be able to shut it down (unless it's something CLEARLY illegal, which is not the case for the majority of content). Thus, the whole problem of "decentralized, peer-to-peer storage" is completely made up, it's trying to solve a non-existing problem. Your phrase "whoever owns those satellites owns the web" demonstrates complete, brazen incompetence because you don't even have the slightest idea of how the internet functions. Do you even realize how retrograde and inferior a peer-to-peer internet will be? Forget about web apps, forget about HD streaming, forget about games.. Welcome to the early 90s.

>> No.8411194
File: 58 KB, 800x600, SPACO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even without the mesh net, skycoin is a top 5 coin.

Spaco (SPO) will also be massive and it's even less known than skycoin. They're doing storage and applications for the skywire network and there are rumors that Baidu is interested in using some of their services.

They started their coin sale this week
spo . network / teller / ? ref=wxyzo

>> No.8411208


>MFW a Retarded Turdburglar is unable to source a reason why those companies would be trying to increase the communication speed for their products.
>MFW there is no good reason currently, ISP's certainly have no use for them. They don't even use taxpayer subsidies for their intended use of increasing the range of physical lines. They instead give themselves raises.
>MFW anyone who is outside of physical lines is forced to use satellites and that has been "good enough" so there is no incentive for any of these giant corps to spend millions to make things easier for few consumers affected because they're already maximizing profits.
>MFW ISPs will never change because they have agreed amongst themselves to "stay in their own lane" so that there is little to no competition amongst themselves.
>MFW the internet in its current state has been around for 20 years and we still use cable lines even though the technology has been there and could be improved.
>MFW Skycoin sees the future of the internet, the next logical state is to make it wireless and to make it an ethereal resources that no one person can control.
>MFW Blockchain makes that possible so the only thing now is to improve WIFI and reception speed/range
>MFW this will be the internet standard within 30 years

I have no face. Enjoy being poor.

>> No.8411252


Not with an upgrade on the hardware that transmits the information. They're currently working on making the WIFI standards faster/further.

The whole idea of the "miners" is not an actually miner its a node that transmits the data. In short they act like the ISP which acts as a handler from one stored bit of info to another.

I understand how the internet works, you are clearly showing that you don't understand how skycoin is supposed to work.

>> No.8411301

>They're currently working on making the WIFI standards faster/further.
What's the point if they rely on a satellite connection? The other anon has a point

>The whole idea of the "miners" is not an actually miner its a node that transmits the data. In short they act like the ISP which acts as a handler from one stored bit of info to another.
ISPs use some large, heavy grade equipment to transmit data, I honestly can't see how this thing can compete. What I can see, though, is a ridiculously malfunctioned peer-to-peer internet

As I said, SpaceX internet satellites are the safest bet now.

>> No.8411363

>What's the point if they rely on a satellite connection? The other anon has a point

They won't? They're creating their own type of broadcasting antennae, no satellite.

>ISPs use some large, heavy grade equipment to transmit data, I honestly can't see how this thing can compete. What I can see, though, is a ridiculously malfunctioned peer-to-peer internet

They'll be growing pains, there is no doubt about that. But if you're talking about how would the speed be possible after the hardware upgrades and it's been implemented I could see it being faster than any ISP if they work out the initiative correctly.

Lets say to equal the average ISP it would take 5,000 computers. In a word 8 billion I don't think it's unfair to think that there could be millions of people acting as a node, I legitimately don't see how blockchain couldn't be more effective once fully implemented.

>> No.8411463

i’ve never seen someone shine as bright as you anon
you will make if

>> No.8411475

it* fuck me

>> No.8411488


C'mon dude. The simplest reason for these companies increasing communication speed is that their competition would get BTFO if they could do it in a feasible way.

>> No.8411499

>They're creating their own type of broadcasting antennae, no satellite.
I can't see how it can cover large, non-adjacent territories. Doesn't sound feasible. If such tech emerged, it would be put to commercial use first.

>I legitimately don't see how blockchain couldn't be more effective once fully implemented.
The point is, there is NO need for blockchain to store content. A blockchain is an immutable ledger where each next chunk of data is cryptographically verified by the previous one, and no chunk can be removed. Regular content doesn't need that, regular content can be simply backed up by the owner and reuploaded whenever necessary. There is no need for everyone to simultaneously store everyone's content, this doesn't provide any value and provides enormous, titanic complications instead.

>> No.8411507


>> No.8411512

Never in the world idealism and self-delusion equaled brightness

>> No.8411607

we all gonna make it. $800 by october

>> No.8411683

>I can't see how it can cover large, non-adjacent territories. Doesn't sound feasible. If such tech emerged, it would be put to commercial use first.

see >>8411208

What initiative do ISP or telecommunication hardware companies have to spend their resources on something that doesn't increase their bottomline?

They would be taking a hell of a risk and they're already maximizing profits. Hell they don't even spend subsidies on their infrastructure already so that proves my point.

>The point is, there is NO need for blockchain to store content.

Because reasons? I just went over why it's necessary. The fuck you talking about? This is a difference in opinion, not a fact.

>> No.8411761

>What initiative do ISP or telecommunication hardware companies have to spend their resources on something that doesn't increase their bottomline?
Just one word: competition. No one cares about those ISPs as long as competitors can beat them. Now consider that there are many countries in the world.

>Because reasons? I just went over why it's necessary. The fuck you talking about? This is a difference in opinion, not a fact.
Because it will waste enormous resources on unnecessary computations and storage of deleted data, which will increase exponentially. Do you realize what blockchain immutability is?

>> No.8412121
File: 296 KB, 716x941, D09F9C89-58F6-4D7A-90CE-6E3DD9304A75.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8412442

Obviously right now the miners are useless but if skywire actually happened it would be huge. Especially in a time where ISPs are getting shittier, censorship is on the rise, the FCC shits on the will of the people in regards to Net Neutrality, etc.

Now if you wan't to argue if Skywire will actually succeed, then thats fair. Getting enough widespread normie adoption and not being ran out of town by the cable companies will be a huge challenge. As is though Sky atleast has a real use case, and has a blockchain unlike thousands of these more overpriced tokens that literally don't even have a blockchain yet.

>> No.8412468
File: 275 KB, 790x595, itsaponzi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

biz is waiting for the main net so they can all mine the premined sky coins for free using a laptop, why the fuck would u buy a coin u can get for free when mainet is live? u can just use a node and transfer ppl data, and make skycoin for free that way! lets see what happens when its live, for now im just accumulating p3d getting dividends daily

>> No.8412478

Your shill sucks. You sound like a goddamned 12 year old. 2/10 will not buy 100K.

>> No.8412508

You can mine any crypto, why does anybody buy it under your theory?

>> No.8412528

So would you pay $10,000 to be part of this experiment. Cause thats roughly what a bitcoin cost when it came out.

>> No.8412692

No I wouldn't and can't because theres a huge waiting list for miners. Not like theyre accepting tons of money. But anyone buying one of their miners is an enthusiast anyway and is more then likely doing it for other reasons beyond just making money. Also, I'm guessing you haven't done to much research into the project because the skyminer isn't 10k. Last I checked it was $600-700 and the refund you the rest in Skycoin. You could immediately cash that out if you wanted.

>> No.8413165
File: 154 KB, 1024x1280, 1520374181539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shit, BTFO. A retard posts a cap of another retard talkimg absolute shite.

>> No.8413210

Skycoin is so great, I heard the original Bitcoin devs started Skycoin to solve Bitcoin's problems. It's got nfinite scalability and zero fees too while decentralizing the internet, how can you not be all in? I know I am.

>> No.8413219

Yeah I know probably the #no1 project right now in crypto

>> No.8413220
File: 42 KB, 645x729, 1521315328365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Inb4 i heard the original bitcoin devs are all onboard.

>> No.8413308

Reminder to invest in Skycoin

>> No.8413320

already did senpai, can't wait to make 1 billion dosh

>> No.8413416

edit: haha upvote