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File: 179 KB, 819x935, 1520715961121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8406774 No.8406774 [Reply] [Original]

Lucky 7,700 was the hard floor.

Mark this post BTC will NOT be lower than that ever again. I've been invested in crypto's since 2012 and I can guarantee it i'd sell my left nut. BTC has hit the hard floor.

We're going back to 20k before summer.

Congrats boys, you can come out of the bunker now.

>> No.8406792

good one, bro

really. thanks for trying to cheer us up.

>> No.8406801
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yo, just sell your bags and rebuy at 1.2k like the rest of us.

>> No.8406804

BTC is going to 1k and total marketcap to 100B.

>> No.8406907

It's not going below 7700...that 200 BTC bid order is just one whale out of many ready to buy. These orders are real and if they don't get filled they will fomo in when it starts rising.

>> No.8406931

fuck thats a big brapper. shits almost african looking but shes white. nice

>> No.8406944

5879 is the floor
Feel free to screencap this and stay poo

>> No.8406980

Literally lol at the people on BitMexican saying to short right now and that we're going to 7.2k If they actually zoomed out beyond their 1m charts they would fucking see that 7700 has been the strongest support for this entire bull and bear run over the past 8 months, from at first being resistance in 2017, and now it's acting as a hard bounce.

This is not going to fall below this.

>> No.8407000

Well, see you at 1k. We're going to have a series of memecharts all the way down as we pop bubble inside bubble inside bubble.

>> No.8407012

who cares if it drops to 7200? it will be over 10k soon anyways.

>> No.8407072
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>Bitcoin will NEVER go below X

>> No.8407219

Damn OP

>> No.8407245

>BTC is going to 1k and total marketcap to 100B.

about 2800 and sideways for five or six years

>> No.8407327


aaand we're at 7643 now, kek

>> No.8407376

>But, I meant 7600! Yeah, that's it!

>> No.8407395

lmao you fools crack me up

>> No.8407429

what happened op?
you've been here since 2012 you must know exactly what will happen right?

>> No.8407450

oh and live stream you chopping off your left nut please, it will be a good kek

>> No.8407457

c u at 5k fag

>> No.8407470

I prefer real, usable shit. Sorry kiddos. Have fun with your made up internet monies.

>> No.8407478

Quite the dingleberry factory

>> No.8407487

congrats on this, seriously

>> No.8407593

The ABSOLUTE state of OP

>> No.8407686
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>> No.8407747

RIP OP's left nut

>> No.8407759
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prove to me you've been investing since 2012, Im desperate

>> No.8407769

i need more braps in this thread please

>> No.8407774

Dont worry anon, "it will never drop below $7500 again"

>> No.8407778
File: 23 KB, 400x400, Test.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're fucking retarded if you think BTC has a Hard bottom. The only hard bottom is 0. Thats a fact. Currency not backed by anything is 100% dependent on people's trust in it, and when people don't trust it anymore it's l;literally worthless.

>> No.8407842



Sub 6k by EOD tomorrow.

>> No.8407896

While i agree that OP is a cock sucking faggot, i don't think $0 is actually achievable.

Look at bitconnect. The shit is basically 100% done but it's still trading at around $1.

>> No.8407922
File: 124 KB, 633x758, I+still+remember+the+days+of+numa+numa+and+fake+_a9658289813eff1e22219ccb88c1265c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw the losses are so great even the brapposters are in shock

>> No.8407940

That's because it's still running off people\s desperation/dillusion. It'll never be registered at 0 on coinmarketcap and other sites like this, but a few months from now there will be absolutely no sales done on Bitconnect and it'll have the real value of 0.

>> No.8408016

>rock solid support at 7500

>> No.8408038
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>> No.8408069
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>> No.8408093

Somebody on here just told me like an hour or two ago that the $150 I had in Bitcoin wasn't enough (the rest of my money is in funds). Then I lost $10. How much did Cryptomacfags lose trying to be part of the crypto revolution? I see you lining up outside the store for a bitPhone.

>> No.8408102


>> No.8408118
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>> No.8408126

Yeah, you'll never make it with 150, especially today. Stop lying to yourself. However, don't sell now, it'll go up to around 11k on Monday, sell then.

>> No.8408167

Only $6500 more to go to it's actual price of $1000. They're letting the air out slowly.

>> No.8408215

Good god, source?

>> No.8408326
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>> No.8408365

Underrated post

>> No.8408386
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>> No.8408409

Looks like OP was right.

>> No.8408455
File: 76 KB, 736x1081, 3c418604c1acdda546248d2a5657a13c--big-bubbles-tonnerre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dunno sauce but it's jada stevens.

>> No.8408515
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>> No.8408563
File: 265 KB, 1080x981, Screenshot_20180206-224346_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, still good to know. Wasn't sure when reverse image searching the gif.

If some other anon knows the actual source itself I'd still be very glad to know. Shit looks really good.

>> No.8408586
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>> No.8408641

>Lucky 7,700 was the hard floor.
It's $7,650 right now

>> No.8408676

>Lucky 7,700 was the hard floor.
7,600 now